I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 41 Too Traditional

"Get rid of me? I think you are more likely to want to kill me." Zheng Yichen glanced at the broken wooden gun on the ground, feeling a little annoyed. If a murder occurred in a small town, would there be great suspicion of foreigners? This...uh, it seems that there is no problem?

Especially where it seems backward in this age.

"No, no, no, we just want to drive you away, and we have absolutely no other ideas." The mayor of the town quickly shook his head and argued, "We will compensate you..."

"There is no need for compensation, I will leave when I understand something."

To make up for Zheng Yichen's disdain, looking at this small town, you can see that there is basically no money here, maybe some gold, silver and jewelry, but the value of that kind of thing... Well, if you have money, take some as travel expenses when you leave.

The mayor hastily agreed. Zheng Yichen mainly understands the specific situation of this world. Although this small town is remote, it still maintains contact with the outside world. It is not isolated from the world. Zheng Yichen has many problems. answered.

After Zheng Yichen asked about things like 'ghouls' and wraiths, the mayor's eyes changed when he looked at him. Was it a kind of... ecstasy? It should be such an emotion.

"Are you a witcher?"

"Ah?" Zheng Yichen blinked his eyes. Is there such a job here? Thinking about the rotten meat I encountered before, it seems that it is not surprising that there is such a profession in this world: "It is, but it is not very professional."

He wasn't lying about this.

"That's great!"

In the eyes of the mayor, Zheng Yichen is no longer an outlander of unknown origin, but an outlander demon hunter of unknown origin. Feng and their different clothes, in his opinion, since he is a witcher, it is normal.

That kind of clothes looked different from what they were wearing, but as combat protective clothing, the protection was obvious.

After the mayor's attitude towards Zheng Yichen became enthusiastic, he almost answered every question, and Zheng Yichen also got a better understanding of the situation in this world.

There are many supernatural events in this world, including vampires, ghosts, ghouls, witches and even demons. Since there are such creatures, there is naturally a church.

After understanding the specific situation, Zheng Yichen nodded. The demon hunters in this world are different from what he thought, and they are not the kind who are often repudiated and reluctant to take medicine. As for those abnormal creatures, they are not very frequent. appeared.

For many people, such abnormal creatures only existed in the stories, but they did exist. The mayor here had seen the scene of monks exorcising evil spirits from the church when he was young.

He had actually seen it, but most people in the town had never seen any abnormal creatures.

After learning enough information, Zheng Yichen basically has a preliminary judgment on this world. The technology of this world is still in the development stage. In addition to abnormal creatures, there are weapons such as muskets, which are the type of flintlock guns. Weapons are more mainly bows and crossbows.

Abnormal creatures don't come across three or five casually, most of them can only be encountered in sparsely populated or special places. The abandoned cemetery where Zheng Yichen first appeared was a sparsely populated place, and there were a lot of corpses there. Abnormal creatures will appear.

Where there are many people, there are very few things like ghouls. Most of them will only hide in the cemetery. They are more ferocious, but as long as there are many people, they can actually be killed.

Zheng Yichen encountered dozens of corpses in that abandoned cemetery. It cannot be called a ghoul, but a zombie... Although that thing is scary, it ignores pain and is not afraid of death, but its bones are weak and its rotten flesh has no defense , muster up the courage, a standard adult can do several times with a stick.

There should be no such thing as magic that can destroy a town at any time in this world.

Vampires, witches and other existences, the mayor said that he had only seen them in some books, and knew very little about them. There were no weapons like muskets in this town, and Zheng Yichen didn't know if there were weapons like bows and crossbows.

In Zheng Yichen's understanding, this world should be a low-magic type, with supernatural power, but for most ordinary people, that kind of power is like an Olympic gold medal on earth, a real existence. But apart from fakes, there are not many people who can get real ones with their own skills.

You can learn about the existence of that thing through various channels, but you may not have the opportunity to meet face-to-face or see that thing in your life. With special powers such as magic, most of them only have an auxiliary role...

The mayor of the small town can say so much, mainly because as the mayor, he has a few books at home, one of which was bought from the church, and it is a rare thing among ordinary people, and it is recorded on it About the many anomalous creatures... oh, here is the information of evil creatures.

It's a popular science book.

Zheng Yichen looked at the book at the mayor's house, and he had to say that the book was quite exquisite. Although it was not a product of modern industrial printing, there were still some thoughtful illustrations on it. Zheng Yichen met at the abandoned cemetery. The only ones are rotting corpses, zombies and things like that.

Ghouls are much stronger than that thing. That thing has surpassed zombies in the food chain. It has a strong body, and three or five strong adults may be injured if they deal with it.

Vampires are a traditional type of vampire in this world. They are afraid of silver and are afraid of silver. They are not like those in many anime works on earth. As a vampire and those traditional vampire weaknesses, they are not very embarrassed to go out.

The illustration of the witch is an ugly old witch. After reading this book, Zheng Yichen, who is a modern person, thinks...it's too traditional.

The traditional ones are like the Renaissance. As a vampire, you are afraid of the sun and dare not bring silver jewelry to go out to buy vegetables, is it plausible? As a witch, isn't she Jiao Didi and even a somewhat natural cute girl, isn't she plausible? ?

More importantly, the above illustrations are uglier than the other. I don’t know if this is true or to further express that they are evil creatures. They are specially painted so ugly. As a time traveler, for words like the Church... When I think of it, I always think of Yue Buqun and Hua Tiegan, uh, it seems a bit inappropriate to think so?

After reading this book, Zheng Yichen thought about the next thing to do. It is also necessary to find some abnormal creatures, otherwise his body will wither after a long time, like growing flowers. Watering, no one came to water him.

In addition, looking for visions is also necessary. He is worried that if the abnormal creatures in this world cannot meet his abnormal needs in the future, he must find visions to contact a more powerful world.

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