There are many descendants who came here this time. The reason is naturally that after Zheng Yichen's traces were exposed, the big world responded. There are also unique weapons.

A very good world that can be used to solve the enemy Zheng Yichen.

It's just that in the eyes of some descendants, the targeted preparations here are a little bit less after all. Compared with the previous strength, Zheng Yichen has obviously been strengthened now. Nearly 70% of the life suppression on the scene was applied to Zheng Yichen. , but not so much on him.

"This world is very good, but it's more worthwhile to get rid of him." A descendant communicated with other colleagues through secret techniques. Except for the two unlucky ones at the beginning, after they calmed down, Zheng Yichen wanted to It's not so easy to find an opportunity to kill them instantly.

Even if Yueheng present was provoked, he did not act impulsively directly, but he was a person with a serious power and cleanliness addiction in the big world.

"Difficult, his strength has grown faster than expected. Even if our people have developed enough of this world, the Great World has also studied a lot of oath-related power, but that power does not seem to have much influence on him? "

Life suppression is a kind of oath suppression. The power displayed by the power of the oath is not like divine power, but as long as the conditions are special enough, the power displayed will not be inferior to divine power.

Besides, divine power is not the only powerful power, as long as one's power is pure enough, the power is also very strong.

The power of the oath is a power that can go to the extreme if you can avoid penance, but the harsher the conditions of the oath, the more extreme the power of the oath will be.

The big world has studied the launch of this kind of power. They analyzed that if an existence like an agent can use the ultimate oath power, as long as the agent's foundation is not bad, he can directly replace the top powerhouse in the big world... One for one.

However, the power of the oath is directly related to this world itself. It is very troublesome to use this power in other worlds, and the power of the oath is not compatible with other powers. Once you have other powers, you want to have the power of the oath It's hard.

However, there are many ways to avoid this kind of problem in the big world, but the best way is to directly break the boundary of this world, and then annex it into the big world to become a powerful piece of the big world. 'It will be completely integrated into the big world.

It is indeed a pity to miss such a world, but Zheng Yichen has come here, which has shifted the center of this matter.

Just like the Twilight mercenaries would ignore casualties in the local world to deal with the boundary breakers when necessary. If things are done, there will still be people alive in the local world, but if things can’t be done, there will be more dead people in this world. , real enemies will also be enhanced.

The same is true for the Boundary Breaking forces dealing with the agents. They want to poach this world, but they will definitely not be able to succeed if they don't get rid of Zheng Yichen.

As for those tricky dusk mercenaries? Some Twilight mercenaries are indeed not bad, comparable to agents, but those Twilight mercenaries are not real agents, and generally speaking, they will not fight to the death.

As long as they realize that things cannot be done, most of the Twilight mercenaries will choose to retreat, so Twilight mercenaries are not guaranteed to be killed in the big world, especially when dealing with those very powerful Twilight mercenaries, sometimes they choose to kill That is basically the other side's strong sense of justice to the 'level' of the agent.

There is no way out for the proxies to fight to the death, and some mercenaries of Twilight can't see what the big world is doing, and their strong sense of justice makes them fight to the death.

Forget about ordinary twilight mercenaries, those twilight mercenaries who are not inferior to the strength of agents must also be dealt with.

Just like now, after seeing more than ten descendants appearing here, those twilight mercenaries became cautious, including the two twilight mercenaries who led the team before and seemed very strong.

It’s not free from the big world to release the descendants. It’s just that so many came at once, which means that the big world directly paid for it. So many descendants pay attention to this side, which means that these descendants cannot be at the same time. Support other worlds.

When they were fighting, in other worlds, because of the lack of interference from these descendants, the boundary-breaking action of the boundary-breaker might fail.

After all, there are quite a few spirit descendants who can descend in the big world, but after being dispersed in various worlds, the number is stretched.

"They want to deal with the agent... Let's fight hard!" The two strongest Twilight mercenaries present quickly exchanged their opinions. There is no benefit in choosing to evacuate, although after the agent came, what they did would be the icing on the cake , the guaranteed bottom reward is also a reward.

Besides, the fact that the agent will appear here means that Dusk has determined that they cannot solve the problem without the intervention of the agent. More directly, it will be the same with or without them.

That being the case, why not play hard and get a guarantee?

"Clear the field first, he can use some of the power accumulated in the battle to solve this problem first."

As soon as the voice fell, a descendant shot, and a force like an electrostatic field spread out to the surroundings, making everyone present shocked. The total force of these words was not directly lethal, but the people present found that they A kind of power blessed by the body has been removed.

Including the hot-blooded life blessed by the pupil of life.

The demonic thoughts accumulated in the environment due to fighting were also swept away by this power. Zheng Yichen snorted and held a ball of black light in his hand. The black light of fighting spirit.

This mass of materialized black light was directly crushed by him, and the shattered black light fragments scattered, but this power was dispelled by the purifying power that persisted in the air before it touched the Boundary Breakers.

This is prepared.

Zheng Yichen saw that the black light and the way of obtaining the end of the year from the outside world were banned, and he didn't care. After all, this method was only used for assistance. He had been trying to use his own ability to release the seven kills of Moyuan a long time ago.

Even if there is no mana in the outside world, he can still use the mana he generated in the battle to release the Seven Killers of the Demon Abyss.

Burning blood, exploding energy, and strengthening life, instantly raised Zheng Yichen's level of combat power, and those who descended felt a strong sense of oppression.

The moment Zheng Yichen moved, cracks in the glass appeared around him, but the cracks did not break open in the end.

"Huh?" A descendant couldn't help frowning slightly. He set a very secret trap around Zheng Yichen. This kind of trap bypasses Zheng Yichen himself, and it will not be triggered under normal circumstances. It will only explode after using the power to interfere with the space.

When the time comes, the broken space will pull or tear apart the surrounded targets.

When Zheng Yichen attacks and moves, there will be space distortion, which makes his attack and speed become very strong and fast. However, this is also a kind of space-like power, which is enough to trigger the trap, but the space does not crack in the end, just cracks appear .

Those cracks are dangerous, but as long as you don't directly touch or bump into them, you won't be hurt.

It's because the space intensity of this world is too high... Impossible——


Amidst the loud noise, a stream of silver light flew out backwards, and that ray of light quickly adjusted its posture and got rid of the stiffness caused by the huge force. Yue Heng watched the cracks appear on his arm and materialized the moonlight.

Zheng Yichen's power is stronger than last time. Even if the world environment last time is different from this world, there is a more accurate measurement method in the big world, which allows her to make instant comparisons.

The growth rate of this agent is really too fast. If Zheng Yichen didn't die here this time, then in the records of the big world, Zheng Yichen's growth rate can be ranked among the top three known agents.

And this ranking in the big world is not necessarily updated once in decades. Even if some of the top ten agents are dead, the information is recorded, and they will not be re-ranked if they are not as good as the dead.

Yueheng's damaged Moon Armor was repaired, but Zheng Yichen did not pursue him. After he succeeded in one blow, he killed the other descendant at a faster speed. His target was not Yueheng who had a grudge.

Yueheng will be repelled because of intercepting Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen's purpose was very straightforward. He wanted to kill the descendant who was undergoing a large-scale purification first. When he approached the descendant, the traces of the broken oath appeared in his eyes.

The scars of the broken oath that appeared were not obvious because his eyes were filled with black light. Under the influence of the anti-oath force, the suppression of the surrounding environment on him was broken, and Zheng Yichen's speed and strength increased suddenly.

After entering the town, Zheng Yichen felt the restlessness of the power against the oath, obviously this suppression was related to some kind of oath.

He didn't know how the Boundary Breaker came up with this thing, but as long as the anti-oath power works.

After all, the big world behind Boundary Breaker is very good at studying the power of other worlds.

Ka——The protection created in front of the boundary-breaker who purified the environment was shattered with force, and the descendant who had no time to evade was blasted through the body by Zheng Yichen's forceful blow. something hidden in the ground.

The two Twilight mercenaries who were planning to intervene in the battle froze, and immediately changed their minds. They immediately turned around and rushed towards the center of the town. Oathkeepers and Boundary Breakers tried to intercept them.

But part of this part of the combat power was stopped by other Twilight mercenaries, and the rest was directly killed by those two Twilight mercenaries.

They were able to fight other descendants head-on before, and they were not able to stop these oath-sworn and ordinary boundary-breakers at all, and that kind of suppressing power disappeared just after Zheng Yichen smashed the ground from that blow , Now they can display their full strength normally!

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