I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 554 The door is blocked

There has always been a large amount of souls stored in the soul-suppressing space in the fishing rod, and Zheng Yichen never thought that he would encounter the problem of not enough souls. Before that, he didn't even think that he could use up the souls sealed inside! !

But now he can't wait to use those soul fragments and crystals, but the hellfire drive he released requires a minimum complete soul.

In the dark purple chaotic mist, once the hellfire is completely melted, the souls exposed to the environment will not be able to survive at all, and it will not be possible to talk about recycling.

After a few waves of hellfire, he would have no soul to use.

"What the hell are these??" A swearer opened his eyes wide and looked at the flint-flaming stone men: "The sorcery of the dusk mercenaries?"

"Who knows? Those Twilight mercenaries are not from our world. It's normal to have some particularly powerful methods? Can you still persist?"

"...Physically, I can, but I feel like my mental state is not good enough." The strong swearer took a breath, and the intensity of his blood life was very high, which kept his physical state at a peak, but his mental state changed with time. With the continuous outbreak of fighting, it was somewhat unbearable.

"With these green fire stone men, we can somewhat rest for a while... Rest, that way we can fight longer."

Another swearer said: "There is no point in fighting longer, we have to find a way to get close to the biggest chains of the oath, just now someone saw the area where the chains of the oath were cut off, there was a huge vacancy there.

And the dusk mercenary who participated in the battle didn't seem to be very good. Some of us heard each other's roar from a long distance, like a monster. "

"...won't it really become a covenant monster?" The strong covenanter looked at another place, the fog was very thick, and he could only see a not-so-clear shadow. It was a covenant monster, and he had survived so far. The oath monsters are directly full in terms of survivability.

As they destroyed more and more chains of the oath, the strength they displayed became higher and higher, which made them a little worried that after the oath beasts were really eliminated, how would these oath monsters be resolved?

Because of the oath of annihilation, the beasts of the oath gave them unprecedented strengthening. Without this thing, most of them would return to normal, but the oath monster would not be beaten back to its original form.

"You said, is the oath monster a kind of thing to protect the ecology?" Another oath taker said with some hesitation. They really started to rest, even if it was just a few minutes to relieve their mental pressure.

And those few minutes can make them fight longer.

"How to say?"

"Some of the oath monsters that rushed in have been completely melted, and the remaining ones have been able to resist the influence of the fog. It seems that as the oath chain of the oath beasts is destroyed, they will become stronger and stronger. As long as they If it is not eliminated, it looks like the existence of the Beast of the Oath.

It seems that the oath monster is designed to prevent this situation? "

"You have a lot of ideas. According to what you said, we broke our oath at the last moment and turned into a oath monster. Wouldn't it be possible to destroy this monster faster?"

"In fact, I have already sensed that some companions have chosen to break the oath."

"...What a fucking irony, the oath of salvation is broken at this time to save the world!?"


The loud noise made the entire foggy area tremble, and the swearers present stopped discussing: "What happened?"

"The sky... cracked?" The swearer with the strongest perception on the scene looked at the sky and opened his eyes wide. He keenly caught the abnormal movement of the fog, as if there was a vacuum environment pulling the ever-expanding fog in the environment.


"Did I say the sky is cracked! Literally!!"

Then there were several loud noises, and the entire foggy area began to shrink from the outside world, and at the same time, the area above the foggy area was exposed. A huge crack appeared in the sky, and the edge of the crack could still be seen. Chain of oath.

The faded chain of oath at the tail has traces of broken glass, and the cracks are expanding along those traces——

Then a blood-colored figure swung two bloody weapons at a faster speed, cutting off the chains of the oath fiercely, and a large piece of the chain of oath was broken, eliminating those cracks, and further shrinking the oath beast The body of the oath restored the Beast of the Oath to the size of a town before.

The fog also faded further, revealing more swearers who were fighting inside, and some swearers seemed almost crazy, but gradually recovered after getting out of the fog.

On the other hand, those oath monsters are still crazy attackers, but their attack strength is not enough to break the largest oath chain, and they can only slowly 'gnaw' at a very low efficiency.

And the fog near those large chains of oath became thicker, and the bodies of the oath monsters in those areas could no longer bear the power of the fog and began to melt.

"Which Twilight mercenary...are you working so hard?" Looking at the bloody figure whose cloak was dyed red, a pledger was dumbfounded. Is this their home world or the Twilight mercenary's home world?

Look at the twilight mercenaries in other places. Although those twilight mercenaries didn't try to fish, they didn't seem so desperate...

"Ahem, that's not the Twilight Mercenary, that's the agent." A Twilight Mercenary next to him coughed lightly, and said with the joy of the rest of his life, it wasn't the sudden shrinking of the foggy area, he might really be killed. Melted into it.


"It's too troublesome to explain. You just need to know that in a world crisis, your locals may not die desperately, but the agent will definitely die!"

"Fart your mother, which eye of yours didn't see labor and capital working hard!" the strong vower opened his eyes and roared angrily.

The dusk mercenary who was yelled at didn't care. After a long period of high-pressure battles, everyone's mental state was not very good. He shook his head: "Compared to this matter, you should pay more attention to the changes in the sky. , this world may be coming to an end..."

"Is that breaking the boundary?" A covenanter frowned and asked, looking at the crack he did feel a strong sense of unease, but it didn't look like the world was going to be destroyed.

The dusk mercenary was also a little puzzled. He said: "At least it looks like breaking the boundary. Let's put it this way, breaking the boundary means that the entire sky collapses in a very short period of time. This time will not exceed half a minute, and it will be accompanied by a strong explosion. World-class space tremors, under this kind of tremors, even one percent of the life in the entire world can hardly survive.

Look at the special chains on the oath beast. If its size continues to expand and the number of those chains increases, it should spread to all parts of the world. After the chains are cracked at the end and connected together, the outer layer of this world will Like glass hit by a sledgehammer, it exploded instantly. "

Judging from the growth rate of this oath beast, without the desperate suppression of the local oath makers, and the existence of the agent, it is estimated that it will grow to the level of breaking the boundary in a day or two. However, the growth rate of this thing is increasing!

If you don't suppress it at the beginning, then don't try to suppress it, just wait for death.

"But the world includes the universe, how could it be broken so easily?"

"You just treat it as a person who died after his heart was taken out." Twilight mercenary didn't want to waste time explaining too much on this topic, and the explanation was a bunch of words.

Although the crack didn't continue to expand, it didn't disappear either!

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but looked in another direction. There were three little girls over there. They were the most desperate among the Twilight mercenaries. Judging from the power aura on them, they seemed to have the same origin, and they should be a type of cultivation. the power of.

It's that kind of demonic art with tyrannical breath. They are obviously good-looking, so why did they choose that kind of cultivation method.

Withdrawing his gaze, the Twilight mercenary only felt that this time the incident was full of twists and turns. If he could solve the crisis in this world smoothly, he would be able to brag about it with his peers afterwards, and successfully resolved it under the crisis. You can say it casually, and even feel enjoyable.

But this is all after success.

In the sky, although the shattered traces had stopped expanding, the internal pressure was still very strong, making other preoccupied and stressed people puzzled that no one came out of it...

That crack made the knowledgeable Twilight mercenary, after confirming that it should not be officially breaking the boundary, couldn't help but wonder if the devouring force happened to bump into it at this time.

But it doesn't look like it from the cracks.

The style of Devouring Forces is that thick swirling clouds appear in the sky, and then a huge pillar pokes in from the center of the clouds.

It's not devouring forces, most of them are boundary-breaking forces. As long as people with balanced forces, those things are like hidden treasure chest monsters in the game, which are difficult to encounter, but if you encounter one or two or a team, kill them. It's a big prize. Anyway, while the reward is high, it's also easy to solve.

So here comes the question, what is the purpose of such a wave forcefully created by the boundary-breaking forces? No one came down for a long time. Is it scary to put such a crack on purpose?

Seeing the blood-soaked figure standing in front of that crack, the mercenary at dusk couldn't help muttering, could it be that the big world was cowardly?

"The invasion channel won't last long, what are you hesitating about?" In the big world, looking at the bloody figure blocked at the other end of the crack, a man in black robe looked at his gloomy 'colleague'. a lot of.

After all, although the number of forced intrusions is not small, it is not so frequent. It is okay for people who are free to come and join in the fun. After all, invasion means that the world is bound to be won, and it is still a clear grab that immediately flips the table.

The problem is that this time the situation looks different, they haven't encountered a blocked door yet!

This blocked door is very dangerous!

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