I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 561 So strong?

A silent roar sounded from the oath beast, and the dark purple mist showed an abnormal tendency to spread. This mist gradually became thinner and changed in nature. Zheng Yichen could feel that the oath beast gave up under the threat of extinction. certain characteristics.

The fog turned into an ordinary fog, and the surrounding environment began to appear strange, and some oath-swearers felt great pressure here.

The swearers who can fight here have all been greatly enhanced, and this enhancement allows them to join forces to briefly fight against the gods who came running from the big world.

After all, it is limited by the world environment, and the power utilization rate of the descendants has also been affected, which will appear very high, but compared with these swearers whose power has been greatly enhanced, the gap will not be too outrageous. The crushing can only use skills and inhuman power to play coefficients, as well as more unique factors, such as divinity or some kind of power close to the rules.

These two kinds of Zheng Yichen are not considered, divinity only has a passive effect on him, and it is enough for him to kill those with the above qualities.

The strength of the descendants is very strong, and it is not too difficult to kill demigods in the magical world, but they do not have divinity, at least most of the descendants do not. Yueheng does have that kind of power, but she has already Exited.

In Zheng Yichen's eyes, the current change of the oath beast seems to be downgraded, from a more powerful and unique oath beast to a normal vision creature, but the effect is obvious, the oath bearer cannot maintain a normal state in the vision environment .

However, the change of the vision has a process. Zheng Yichen can feel the influence of the vision environment on him, and the influence is gradually strengthened. During this strengthening time, Zheng Yichen cut off the remaining large vow chains on the oath beast.

And those small oath chains were reduced along with the body of the oath beast, and also shattered and disappeared along with the reduced body.

In the end, the beast of the oath revealed the nature of the visionary creature.

A mass of piled up meat, this thing has tentacles like white maggots on the surface, and those tentacles are connected to all the piled up 'meat' like nerves, these meat lumps are human and some animal.

Fundamentally, the bloody blade slashed on the huge pile of meat, and the whole piece of meat began to rot. Faced with this thing, Zheng Yichen didn't want to use his abnormal ability to draw blood.

He didn't think the blood of this kind of thing would have any good feedback, especially since the pieces of meat were all in the color of corpses, it would probably be uncomfortable for a week after one bite.

Just like the biological weapons near the imitation machine at that time, more than half of the biological weapons in combat did not have blood.

It's just that Zheng Yichen has gone through the period when he needs to continue to suck blood in battle for battery life.

A large number of pieces of flesh on this anomalous creature decayed and disappeared, and the essential structure was soon revealed. This thing really does not look like a normal living body, its body looks like a nerve mass.

There is no core part, the monster's body is densely packed, large and small, with nerve-like tentacles wriggling, but without the protection of those fleshy pieces, the body of the anomalous creature also began to rot with Zheng Yichen's knife.

The anomalous creature that exposed its body is fragile. After this thing died, the resulting moving anomaly disappeared completely. Zheng Yichen took a long breath, and quickly knocked himself on the head, dispelling the aroused strong force. The impression of nirvana suppressed.

His blackened vision didn't return to normal, and he was also mentally irritable because of the hustle and bustle of the world, and his body...he must be a little tired.

But that kind of extinction does not harm the body... how much? It may be that most of the effects were offset by the power of the positive and negative oath, which made him feel very tired. This kind of fatigue can be recovered directly without consuming vitality.

As for the additional impact, we will have to check it out later.

The soaring power of the oath returned to normal with the demise of the oath beast, and the oaths made completely disappeared. To generate new oath power, it is necessary to make a new oath. The anti-oath power made Zheng Yichen feel a little strange.

This kind of power... has a guarantee.

The power of the oath and the power of anti-oath are not pure power, this thing is simply like a blue bar, when there is such a power, there is such a blue bar, but how high the upper limit of the blue bar is, it belongs to It is determined by the relevant forces.

The power of the oath he obtained through the power of the oath is directly from scratch. There is no upper limit of solidification, as long as it is accumulated all the time, but because there is no upper limit of solidification, it cannot be like internal power. Slowly recover to the corresponding level.

The power of the oath is used up and it will be used up directly. If there is no self-recovery, the blue bar will become zero when it is used up.

The anti-oath power now has an extra part of the anti-oath power with a fixed upper limit. This kind of power is the same as the internal force. As long as the upper limit value is not damaged, it can be recovered even if it is used up.

The power of anti-oath does not need to make an oath, as long as the oath is broken, it can be strengthened, and the way to break the oath is to kill those who make the oath, which is also an important way for the oath monster to become stronger.

The extra anti-oath power is less than one-thousandth of the previous battle, but it is an additional power. This kind of power is extra destructive to the power generated by the oath, and I don’t know how to deal with other "oaths". Does it work.

For example, if someone signs a certain contract, he can try to destroy it with anti-oath power. Even if he can't, this power can also be used as an additional power to strengthen other powers.

What's more... In the future, we should avoid using the power of the positive and negative oaths at the same time to do that kind of deadly bug operation, even if it is not likely to have this kind of strength in other worlds, what if?

Nearly 90% of his life essence was consumed. Those consumptions were not consumed by fighting the spirit descendants, but more were consumed by keeping his body from collapsing. He beat the other party's spirit descendants more than once.

A disturbing roar sounded, and Zheng Yichen recovered from his concluding thoughts. The Beast of the Oath was dead, but there were still many monsters of the Oath left on the scene. That kind of thing is a native species, and because of dealing with the Beast of the Oath, Make those oath monsters that survive become extremely powerful.

Zheng Yichen feels that he is not as strong as some of the oath monsters with the anti-oath power now... He is the main output when dealing with the oath beasts, but the result is not as good as these miscellaneous fish?

Does this count as racial discrimination against the power of the oath? Because he is not a vow monster, so the enhancements he gets are limited?

Burning blood and rekindling the essence of life, Zheng Yichen rushed into the group of oath monsters with a crushing posture under the uneasy gaze of those oath oaths. After a difficult battle, he just needed to replenish his consumption.

These oath monsters are the best choice.

By the way, Zheng Yichen used the power of the oath to make a new oath for himself. The simplified description of this oath is... the extermination of aliens, an oath that takes effect on those creatures that are not human in nature.

It looks sloppy, but Zheng Yichen has thought about it. The oath monsters here are very strong, and they are not human in nature. After cleaning up, they can accumulate a lot of oath power, and then they can hunt in other places to accumulate related oath power .

His current life essence is seriously consumed, and he will need to hunt very hard next. He will not choose humans to attack, so he can only choose other monsters. Fortunately, there are enough monsters in the magic world. Can continue to accumulate some oath power.

Although this kind of power does not have solidification, it will disappear completely after using it, but it can be accumulated as long as it is not used, and if it accumulates too much, it will be able to come to a first-sighted kill when it sees a strong enemy.

"Damn it, what did this substitute eat to grow up?" Seeing the blood-colored air film erupting from Zheng Yichen's body again, facing the oath monsters and starting to kill them, the mercenaries at Dusk chose to wait and see, dealing with those monsters Things don't make any profit.

On the contrary, the risk is not small, those monsters themselves have been greatly strengthened, unlike the oath swearers present, with the death of the oath beast, those oath swearers who were previously strong and able to resist the gods will wither.

Joining forces to resist the God-Sentencers also caused a lot of losses to the Oath-Oath and the Twilight Mercenary, a considerable part of which was related to the Eye of Life and the Ice Crystal. Both the Oath-Oath and the Twilight Mercenary knew that the Once special units are taken out, they only become more passive.

After that god-like machine appeared, the Twilight mercenaries on the scene were all desperate, and some of them chose to leave the field very simply. The reason was not to be a deserter, but a strategic transfer, to preserve themselves as much as possible, and to survive to break the boundary. The forces continue to battle wits and courage.

Fortunately, the agent was strong enough, and the situation improved immediately after the imitation machine was cut off with one arm.

The hand of the oath was 'degenerated' because the large-scale oath chains related to the environment were cut off, and turned into a vision creature. The creature was slashed by Zheng Yichen.

After fighting at high intensity for so long, the agent still has the strength to deal with the remaining oath monsters. The dead oath monsters were all turned into powder because their blood was drained.

This made some Twilight mercenaries playing online games a little stunned. Zheng Yichen’s behavior was like after a round of fighting, the eldest brother’s blood bar was empty but he didn’t die. It was too slow to return to the city, and he had blood-sucking equipment on his body , Go straight into the jungle and play wild.

The wild monster has no skills, but the blood bar is longer. After being attacked by the big brother a few times, the blood bar immediately returned to a healthy level.

The problem is that the health bar can be recovered by playing wild, but what about the blue bar? That's not life.

In any case, with Zheng Yichen here to clean up those dangerous oath monsters, the overall result is good, and the oath-takers are also relieved.

Before Zheng Yichen took action, they were also troubled by those oath monsters. There are thousands of oath takers here. If it was the state of the previous power surge, they would still be sure to deal with these oath monsters.

But with the demise of the beast of the oath, they were immediately beaten back to their original form, and the experience time for superpowers was over.

However, the experience cards of these oath monsters are permanent. When they swarm up, the number of oath oaths present will only make these oath oath monsters a little tired if they do not choose to escape. Oath oath monsters will become stronger after killing oath oathers.

"The agents on your side... are all such good people?"

"Uh, I think this agent is more for recovery now?" The dusk mercenary who was asked said uncertainly, he only felt lucky that he didn't run away at that time and persisted until the end.

It is estimated that the grade point gain after going back this time will not be guaranteed.

"Recovery? Forget it, anyway, I have to thank you this time..." The vower who spoke shook his head with some melancholy. The beast of the vow was solved. It seems that there is a reason for their sincere cooperation, but more It was a strong man from Twilight who turned the tide.

Otherwise, just that huge imitation machine would be enough to make them despair.

Looking at the shredded wreckage of the imitation machine, it will become a unique spectacle in this world in a long, long time, and there will even be a lot of competition around that thing. After all, that thing is a high-end weapon from the invader world. research value.

A round of the moon gradually appeared, and the sky was cloudy, which made the rising moon look dull. After the happy discussion of the pledgers on the scene after the victory, the atmosphere returned to silence, and the dusk gathered together on the other side Mercenaries are completely different.

The mercenaries of Twilight do not belong to this world, and this time they also saw a high-end battle between the agent and the spirit descendant, and collected a lot of information about the big world.

Not only did he have a good understanding of the power and abilities of the god slayers who appeared, but he also learned about the secret weapon developed by the big world, the imitation machine, which is so huge that it is difficult to be normal Transport to an invaded world.

For the rest of the Twilight mercenaries, it is profitable to survive. As for touching the imitation machine... this is not possible for the time being. The twilight mercenaries are divided into two factions. Touching it is tantamount to ignoring the agent whose killing is about to end.

Therefore, some of the Twilight mercenaries blocked the scene spontaneously, and the other part had a very simple idea. Anyway, they may not be able to meet each other in the future, so it is okay to take some things away.

But the opinions of the mercenaries at Dusk were not unified, and those people did not dare to make things too big when the agent was still nearby. Same.

The atmosphere of silence among the pledgers here is that they have seen some battle report information through some network equipment.

Their world was devastated, with countless casualties, and some land was severely damaged by the blasting of destruction weapons. The terrain has undergone drastic changes, and the environment there will become quite unstable for a long time to come.

In less than a day, their world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although it is not an apocalyptic crisis, post-disaster reconstruction must be carried out. Just that kind of loss, don’t even want to recover to what it was a day ago in decades Degree.

Also, the preservation list after the 'cooperation' between some local high-level officials and the big world has been made public.

It seems meaningless to make it public at this time, but for the people of this world, they need a 'trial' to eliminate their inner fear and confusion about the future, and vent their accumulated anger.

However, this trial did not go very smoothly, but it also helped to vent the anger.


More than half of the people on the preservation list were in those destroyed cities. They wanted to get a chance of survival through the preservation list, but they didn't expect that the big world didn't have the idea of ​​preserving those people at all.

Directly ignoring that agreement blows them up.

However, the people on the preservation list are destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, and when they are mentioned, they will be given the derogatory title of 'stupid smart people', or more directly, 'a group of self-righteous idiots'.

I thought that everything would be safe with an agreement, but people didn't regard those who are very influential or even powerful in the local world as human beings at all.

Although those people did not receive the 'judgment' they deserved, this kind of death that was not understood or even treated as a human being by the enemy was very relieved for many people.

Especially after such a self-righteous person hangs up.

It's cool, the post-disaster reconstruction still needs to be carried out, it's nothing more than when the post-disaster reconstruction is carried out, and there is nothing to mention those traitors, cursing as a daily adjustment.

"Those people died well, but our world is too damaged after all." A swearer said with a sigh: "We are not even sure whether the invaders will make a comeback, they seem to attach great importance to our world? "

After speaking, the swearer couldn't help but look at the place where the imitation god machine collapsed. That thing is the most eye-catching thing here.

With the passage of time, the local forces also knew what happened here, and arranged for mobilized troops to come here. However, the pledgers here warned in advance, and those people did not do anything out of line.

If you can't control it, you have to control it, and don't think that since those who came from the dusk can repel the invaders who can destroy their world, they will naturally have the ability to deal with those who will avenge their kindness.

"Maybe it's the importance attached to that agent? The intruders who appeared later were obviously aimed at that agent." Another oath taker hesitated a little.

"It's somewhat immoral to say so, I hope your guess is true." Someone sighed, thinking about the intruder this time, it would be fine if the other party only focused on the agent, so it seemed to be mobilizing the crowd, but if it was more To value their world itself, that is the worst.

During their exchange, the battle in the distance gradually came to an end, and the last oath monster was dealt with by Zheng Yichen, and the battle in this world came to an end.

"The essence of life has recovered almost half...it's okay." Zheng Yichen looked at the battle marks around him. There were quite a few of those oath monsters, and they recovered to less than half after they were all dealt with...

The consumption of this battle is really too great. As his physique strengthens, the quality of life essence increases. If the life essence is seriously consumed in the future, the recovery speed will be slower.

Moreover, this piece of land has become barren and dead because of his devouring.

The fatigue on the body still hasn't disappeared. This is not the aftereffect of the battle, but the residual effect after using 'Nirvana'. This kind of fatigue can be specifically described as... suddenly aging by more than ten years.

Originally a healthy and healthy eighteen-year-old, he suddenly turned into a thirty-something. For a person like him who has a keen sense of himself, the sense of gap is particularly strong.

I touched my face, but fortunately there was no change in appearance, and my physical condition should slowly recover, right? It might work? If not, go to the dusk and ask, the almighty dusk must have an explanation.

After dispelling the black substance covering the weapon, Zheng Yichen glanced at the Army-breaking Saber and the fishing rod in his hand, and there were subtle signs of damage on the surface of the two weapons, like rust.

He wiped it vigorously but failed to remove these traces, and the color on the cat spirit's cloak was also a little dry.


Zheng Yichen shook his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, his field of vision was still in a state of darkness, the closer to the edge of the field of vision, the thicker the black coverage, but now he has not reproduced that strong silence. destroy the impression.

So this kind of darkness really affects vision.

Fortunately, his perception ability is enough, whether it is life perception or thermal vision, it can make up for the gap affected by this vision.

"Boss, is the hunt over? It's over, please come back immediately."

"Oh, I'll go now." Zheng Yichen stretched his body, and there was a series of noises all over his body.

The life essence has recovered less than half, but it is already within a safe range. Damage to weapons and equipment does not affect the use. Apart from poor mental state, he is still very capable of fighting. It does not matter if the internal energy is seriously exhausted. As long as the life is overdrawn, he can Squeeze out new ones.

With the essence of life as a base, you can overdraw at will.

It's just that the energy consumption can't be tossed from other places to make up for the west wall. The worse the energy is, the slower the recovery speed of the mental state will be.

The decline of this thing is too serious. Even if the body is still in good condition, it will seriously affect the combat effectiveness, such as the reduction of reaction ability, the decline of combat awareness, etc., which is very fatal in high-intensity combat.

Lilith is currently near the ruins of the Imitation God Machine. There is a blockade established spontaneously by the twilight mercenaries. After the battle, those twilight mercenaries are not in a hurry to leave.

Even living in this world for ten or eight years, it is no problem to help the local people rebuild. This is a characteristic that Zheng Yichen has always envied, and he also wants to do so.

"Boss, please accept your spoils." After Zheng Yichen returned, Lilith's projection emerged: "According to the information I collected, this thing poses a great threat to you under normal conditions. For details, please refer to Great Evil God."

... so strong? Well, it may be that my state at the time was too high, and I didn't feel much.

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