I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 568: How Strong Should I Ask?

Although the Green Dragon Garr is not mainly responsible for the physical examination of the descendants of the dragon clan, he has done a lot of such things. After some examinations, Denas looked at a simple report and exhaled.

What is the Difference Between Contamination and Mutation?

From the appearance point of view, the difference is very big, and from the expression of personal consciousness, the difference is even greater. The polluted existence is involuntary, crazy, or simply dominated by the pollution source, and the changes produced are also full of viciousness. Although it will become stronger because of this, that kind of strength has no future.

Mutations are different. Benign mutations can lead to stronger potential and future. For example, the green dragon of the dragon clan is a benign mutation produced by mixing blood between different dragons.

The physical examination of the green dragon Garr is considered... a mutation, not a case of the blood of the young dragon being polluted. After all, besides the above, another kind of pollution is being diluted by blood power lower than that of the dragon blood.

If it's a stronger bloodline, then it doesn't matter... very realistic.

But the blood of the young white dragon didn't change much, it was also diluted, but there were more parts that didn't exist in normal dragons.

The power of the light system is still the main force, but there is another kind of power of the light system, the other is light, but it looks very violent darkness, and the special life force, which is mixed with the light power of the young dragon Together, very harmonious.

In addition, Dacia Filo can additionally perceive life fluctuations, and at the same time, her eyes can also see blood and life fluctuations, and the green dragon Garr also found a ray of blood containing huge vitality in the heart of the young dragon. Strands of blood do not flow out of the heart as the blood circulates.

Instead, it has been kept there, and the vitality contained in a little blood is close to half of the total vitality of the white young dragon itself.

After this physical examination, all Denas saw were changes in his strengths, which made the patriarch of the dragon clan feel somewhat complicated. How should I put it, the human race is not a higher race in this world, although some It's a powerful existence, but it's more based on the premise that there are enough bases... right?

Zheng Yichen hatched Dacia Filo with his own blood. Dacia Filo had a benign mutation due to the strength and power of the blood when she was hatching. The dragon's bloodline strength could not resist this external change.

Is this human really a human?

Although judging from Gal's report, these benign mutations don't look quite right.

Weakened life perception is okay, the demigods of the life department basically have this kind of perception, and the blood perception is the ability of some evil camp demigods or divine creatures, and certain races, such as vampires, Ghoul kind of thing.

Not to mention that Gal also detected a subtle power related to blood from Dasia Filo, which does not affect her main power, but is just a manifestation of her characteristics.

It is the characteristic of absorbing blood and depriving the life force in the blood to enhance itself. There is an upper limit to the life force stored by normal organisms. After reaching the upper limit, the excess life force will overflow. If there is no special preservation method, forcibly retaining it will cause the individual to be affected. Vitality is negatively affected.

The worst thing is the uncontrolled malignant proliferation of its own cells under the influence of excess vitality, which is similar to or directly cancerous.

But there is a very special strand of blood in Tasia Filo's heart, and that strand of blood will continue to grow, as long as it has more vitality. As a green dragon, Garr is sure of this, and this is something even a green dragon can't. Features that don't exist.

It can be said that after the cub in front of him was born, he got a set of excellent skills because of the supply provided by the current caregiver who helped break the shell.

The essential attributes of the light system related to life force change, life perception, blood perception, super concentrated life force stores blood, it is a pity that Dacia Philo is a white dragon instead of a green dragon, otherwise she can go further in the life system.

It's just that this influence came from Zheng Yichen, which shows that Zheng Yichen's characteristics in this aspect are stronger, otherwise Bai Youlong would not have these changes.

"No problem?" Zheng Yichen asked with a smile, and waved to Dacia Filo, Bai Youlong flew over cheering, and hung it on Zheng Yichen's back again. The weight of this pendant is really not light.

"There is no problem." Denas glanced at Gal, and the report in his hand shattered and disappeared. This kind of inspection is very detailed, and it is the secret of the dragon clan. After all, it is related to certain characteristics of each dragon, which are known by outsiders. , it is easy for the corresponding dragon to be targeted.

These changes of Bai Youlong are all benign changes, so he has no opinion. At the same time, according to these changes, it also proves how good Dacia Filo's caretaker is, and Dacia Filo has also shown it to Zheng Yichen. dependency.

It's not good to directly destroy all this.

"But it's best to let her show the power of the changing light system."

"Ah—?" Dacia Filo looked at Cal suspiciously, then at Zheng Yichen.

She saw Zheng Yichen's outstretched palm lit up with a light. This kind of light is comfortable and warm, with a faint breath of life force, which makes people feel very comfortable. She raised her little claw, and a ray of light was released. .

The breath of vitality emitted by this kind of light is similar to the light emitted by Zheng Yichen, but it has more elemental power. Zheng Yichen's white light is separated from the normal light elemental power, but Dacia Filo is mixed together. .

Under the twitching eyes of Denas, the white light in Zheng Yichen's hand gradually turned into black light. The young dragon screamed, and the white light emerging from the fingertips also turned into black, but not the kind where dark elements gathered .

"Oh~ this terrible power." Denas couldn't help rubbing his forehead. He felt that Zheng Yichen's power was not right from the beginning. After Bai Youlong used it to reverse the black light, he felt this power. problem.

The effect of this thing on the spirit is too great.

"It's best to use this kind of power sparingly." Gal looked at the black backlight and said, this is still a light element, but the inner core has changed, so this black color will appear. Black is not a dark element, which can cause mental abnormalities Negative manifestations.

Dacia Philo just broke her shell not long ago, she is stupid, she can still be used to rebel against black light without any negative emotions, which shows that this kind of power does not need to be driven by the negative emotions of the individual, but it still cannot be ruled out whether it will affect the black light. individual impact.

Of course, this power is already a part of the young dragon itself, and she cannot be prevented from using it completely. If the power is too dangerous and must be sealed, the Dragon Clan scoffs at it. The power is their own, and they don't want to control it. To seal?

That way of facing power is too negative, and if it is dangerous, then improve one's ability to control it better.

"It should be fine when you grow up."

After that, Gal looked at the black light in Zheng Yichen's hand. The black light in his hand was more pure and dark than Dacia Filo's.

After all, Dacia Filo is not a descendant of Zheng Yichen, but only used Zheng Yichen's blood to support the broken dragon. Even if it is affected by Zheng Yichen's blood and has new power characteristics, it is difficult to fully inherit it.

Not being a complete inheritance does not mean that there is no potential. After all, this part of the power is already Dacia Filo's own. As long as she is strong enough, these powers will still show the corresponding strength.

"Is your mental state really okay? Although I haven't checked the body of humans much, I can help you now."

"No, there are better related services at Dusk, and my mental state has always been quite normal..."

When it came to the end, Zheng Yichen hesitated for a moment in his heart, normally it was normal, but Dusk didn't seem to think much about the agent's mental state?

As long as the agents don't do things to destroy the world, uh, the destruction of the world has to be divided into types, such as the one that only exterminates creatures, probably it doesn't matter to Dusk.

Gal nodded, and looked at Dacia Filo lovingly, while Bai Youlong looked at the green-haired man in front of him, and made a behavior that made the corner of the old man's mouth twitch slightly. She seemed to be trying to prove that she would not be affected by her own power. Influence.

Ah Wu swallowed the black ball of light in his claws into his mouth in one gulp, and spewed out a wisp of faint black air.

"...Elder Gal?" Denas called, a little distracted.

"Hey, maybe there is a special inheritance in terms of mental state, but I'm not good at it." Gal coughed lightly, and asked him to check his body. There is no problem. The mental aspect has nothing to do with him. He walked to a cabinet Next to it, some materials were taken out from it, and a life-type item was quickly made.

"This is your little present."

What Green Dragon Gal made was a pendant-like thing. Dacia Filo grabbed it and took a look, and slapped it on a scale on her body. The thing was like a tattoo integrated into the scale.

Through the inheritance memory of the dragon clan, she recognized what it was, a life-type item that could further adjust and protect the life state of the young dragon.

Young dragons with minor blemishes can be eliminated faster with this item, while young dragons without such problems can grow better. At the same time, this thing can also provide a special gift when encountering unexpected situations. protection of.

"This is for you, just drink it." Denas took out a bottle filled with emerald green liquid, and the overall capacity was about one mineral water.

Dacia Filo looked at the bottle, then looked at Zheng Yichen, a little hesitant, and wanted to share some with Zheng Yichen. This thing can also be distinguished through the inheritance memory of the Dragon Clan. More comprehensive than other common drakes.

Can recognize this thing.

This is the spring of life, judging from the color, it is not the fountain of life after flowing into the tributary.

It is the mainstream spring water flowing from the elf tree. This bottle of life spring water can probably build half of the spring of life on the side of the elves.

And a fountain of life is enough for the elves to reclaim a new territory in a barren place.

"Fountain of Life." Gal introduced this thing.

After hearing this, Zheng Yichen waved his hand: "Then you can drink it yourself, I don't really need this kind of thing."

"..." Denas wanted to say something, but Gal glanced at him. The patriarch of the Dragon Clan remained silent. It is not easy to obtain the fountain of life. Of course, there are many related collections on the Dragon Clan. Live long. capricious.

However, it is rare for a young dragon to drink such a large bottle... The key is that Dacia Filo is now following Zheng Yichen, and Zheng Yichen is the agent of the dusk, who often faces danger.

That's why he took out this thing, and this thing is effective for the Dragon Clan, and it is one of the few things that can prevent the Dragon Clan from the disadvantages of rapid growth.

As for the childhood of the Dragon Clan... this is not too important, no matter how fast the Dragon Clan grows up, they still have time to enjoy their childhood.

And with the passage of time, some dragons think that the childhood of young dragons, which can last for hundreds of years, is too long, and even if they have inherited memories to avoid a lot of learning in the early stage, they can't be too willful and keep playing.

No matter what you say, you need to learn some knowledge. Inheriting memory is equivalent to a stand-alone database. There is a lot of knowledge in it, but that knowledge is just like the books in your own study. Make it all your own.

The inherited memory of the dragon clan can make the dragon clan easily become an excellent 'appraiser', but whether it can become an excellent spellcaster or other related professions requires follow-up study.

So some dragons think that it is enough for young dragons to have fun for a hundred years, and then they should start related studies.

It is not too late to enjoy childhood when you have learned it in the future. Play, as long as the times are developing, there will never be fewer ways to play.

"The power of Dacia Filo is related to the life system. I can improve the life sacred artifact in your hand to make it play a greater role."

Zheng Yichen reached out and rubbed his ring, and took out the 'blood cell'. This thing was used to catch fish once, and it was useless after that. It could also play a role in the world of the vower. It's just that the fog of the sworn beast will dissolve the external power.

The scope recovery of this thing will not work.

"Huh?" Looking at the life sacred artifact, Denas's expression became even weirder. He was still a little puzzled after Cal signaled him not to talk about it, but it was the fountain of life! !

Ordinary people can easily live a thousand years with a sip, and they will also have super resilience, will not be disturbed by diseases, and of course there will not be much improvement in strength.

As for this life sanctuary, as long as it doesn't fail, ordinary people won't get old within the effective range of this thing, and it's even hard for them to die.

Of course, this thing can reach this level, and it has something to do with Gal's technology, otherwise, it can't do this level with just a piece of material.

It's just that the breath of life emitted by this thing has the same source as Zheng Yichen... The processing of materials is very important. This process can determine the upper limit of the effect of the material. If the corresponding material itself is not strong enough, the upper limit will not be too high.

The breath of life of this thing has the same source as Zheng Yichen, that is to say, Zheng Yichen withheld this thing from himself?

"Elder Garr, is his vitality stronger than that of a dragon?" Looking at Zheng Yichen who put away the bottle that still had a little life spring water left, the corners of Denas' eyes twitched slightly, and asked in a low voice as he was adjusting his life Gal of the Hallows.

"I should ask how much better than a dragon." Gal said while taking out new materials to process this life sanctuary.

The previous processing was just to use the essence of life provided by Zheng Yichen, and the current improved processing is to make additional enhancements on this basis. Those materials are very precious, but Denas and Garr don't seem to care.

This thing is for Dacia Filo. Even though Dacia Filo is currently raised by Zheng Yichen, she will most likely follow Zheng Yichen to become a Twilight mercenary in the future, but she is still a dragon born in this world and a member of the dragon clan. a member.

"How much stronger?" Denas asked directly. The lifespan of the dragon clan is too long. He is the patriarch of the dragon clan, but in terms of age, Gal is still older.

"According to this thing, maybe the Green Dragon Dragon God can compare with him." Gal gave an extra enchantment to the life sacred artifact in his hand. He had counted the time, and Krakowska wanted it in a hurry Pretend to be a green dragon to seduce that life demigod.

Then he thought of a solution, and that solution was obviously the essence of life that Zheng Yichen took out. This thing has the same source as his life breath, and it is basically certain that Zheng Yichen withheld it from himself.

When Zheng Yichen arrived, Gal didn't realize how weak Zheng Yichen's breath of life was.

Obviously, the deduction of such a large piece of extremely special life force crystallization did not have a great impact on Zheng Yichen, but at this meeting, Gal felt that Zheng Yichen's life breath was a little 'insufficient in energy'.

At least compared to when we first met, it was probably weakened by... more than a third? It's just that Zheng Yichen's vitality is too huge, which affects his accurate perception.

"..." Denas looked back at Zheng Yichen, and there was something wrong with Zheng Yichen's eyes. The eyes probably meant that scientists in the technological world saw a person who could be used as a nuclear power plant.

He came to Zheng Yichen's side and took out a bottle of life spring water, which was much smaller, about 100 milliliters: "You are very powerful, but your identity has always made me care. If there are unavoidable accidents , then please let her live."

"You look at me like the kind of person who drags people to be buried with me?"

Denas shook his head, looked at the white young dragon who kept yawning and wanted to sleep after the cow drank the bottle of life spring water: "I think you will drag a bunch of enemies to be buried with you, of course the best result is to trample on it alive Enemy's grave."

He really has no opinion on Zheng Yichen as Dacia Filo's raiser. This is the privilege of the strong. As a strong Zheng Yichen can make Dacia Filo grow better. The presence?

The potential descendants of the dragon clan are not dedicated to those who exist to help the poor.

There are many ways to help the poor, but it is really unnecessary and impossible to catch up with a junior with great potential.

Since Dacia Filo followed Zheng Yichen, when Zheng Yichen is capable of dealing with all problems, it would be better to spend more time with him to see more of the world through dusk, and to enhance more knowledge.

The dragon clan has a high degree of protection for their offspring, but Ke He knows that if those offspring want to grow up, they will inevitably have to go through enough tempering.

"I'm not that cruel."

"Aha~" Bai Youlong yawned for a long time, and looked at Zheng Yichen with ruby ​​eyes, not so cruel... She was locked in the built-in space, and when she saw the external live broadcast, she saw Zheng Yichen hack There is no dross left for the dead, so how can there be a grave?

Improvement seems to be more time-consuming than new processing. After waiting for a while, Gal completed the improvement of the Life Hallows. This ball is no longer the blood-colored crystal that was dry before, and there are still some lines on the outside. and other inlays.

More like a fine art.

"This thing can exert a stronger effect in the hands of this child. After all, some magic can only be used by dragons." Gal did not hide this point, and the effect of the life sacred weapon has been improved a lot on the original basis.

And this part of the improvement will not be weakened in the hands of other users, it is just the extra strength, so it can only be used by the dragon, and the extra strength is more added when he improves this thing brought in precious materials.

"I also engraved the usage information into this life sacred vessel."

"Thank you." Zheng Yichen nodded, and stuffed the ball into Dacia Filo's arms. Bai Youlong had already fallen into a deep sleep while waiting, and Zheng Yichen could see her body through his specialized thermal vision state.

Bai Youlong's life strength began to increase rapidly while she was asleep, and the heat source on her body became more concentrated. After she woke up, there was another great change.

"This child has great potential. I hope you can go further together."

Gal doesn't doubt Zheng Yichen's potential, let alone the potential of this outstanding fellow. The growth period of a dragon is very long, but the dragon can also speed up if it wants to become stronger. Some combat power is also normal.

And the rest of the growth period can continue to grow, that is, the speed will slow down, but that slowdown is just a normal decay after the dragon grows to the growth period, it is not a disadvantage of overdrawing potential, this type of dragon can use the remaining During the growth period, he honed his own strength more finely.

However, for many dragons, there are also quite a few dragons who normally grind to adulthood, why? Work hard to cultivate the strength that can only be achieved by reaching adulthood hundreds of years in advance, and then other dragons have similar strength after reaching adulthood normally...

So why not enjoy your childhood and formative years? But this is also a misunderstanding of many dragons. Even dragons, their talent potential is not completely balanced. Those with good talent and deep potential will be inferior in strength to those who have reached adulthood ahead of schedule. The strength, and the dragon who worked hard to adulthood is about the same.

However, adulthood is just a new beginning for dragons. No matter how poor the talent of dragons is, it is equivalent to the pinnacle of their side compared to other races.

People who are far less talented than dragons can produce a lot of geniuses, and dragons are not bad, but in terms of numbers, dragons and humans are incomparable.

When going back, Denas, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, went with him, not because he felt that Zheng Yichen needed to be escorted, but because he wanted to go back and continue blocking the evening church, waiting for Krakowska to come back, and immediately held down the fire dragon , took him back to smoke for a few days to relieve his anger.

This is quite... Let's take Dacia Philo to see the excitement.

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