I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 574 Give it a try?

Today, Krakowska still hasn't come back. This is normal. The mercenaries at dusk can solve the problem at different speeds. If it is fast, it can be solved in ten days or even a week. If it is slow, it can be solved in a few months. It may not be able to solve it. Generally, that kind of situation can be considered as... Send!

His equipment has also ushered in a new upgrade. The essence materials removed from the imitation machine are strengthened. The enhancement effect is common to the equipment on his body, and there are also different parts. The difference is based on the type of equipment. Adapted, weapon-type equipment produces similar strengthening effects.

The difference is that in the weapons of the Pojun series, there are additional changes in the energy crystal of the imitation machine. The reason is that there is a built-in miniature star core battery, and the fusion of the energy crystal and the star core battery makes the original star core battery more powerful. Powerful, after all, both are energy sources, it can be said to be the 'heart' of that series of weapons.

Tia told Zheng Yichen that the enhanced weapons and equipment have the power to interfere with reality and resist related effects.

Both the fishing rod and the noise short gun have built-in energy crystals. That kind of thing allows the weapon to have its own energy source, which is an additional improvement on the original basis. This kind of improvement is placed on the user Zheng Yichen, which is equivalent to him. During the battle, the weapon comes with the effect of reducing consumption, and the soul-resting space that comes with the fishing rod will be more stable.

The effect of passive resistance to external abnormalities, such as curses, will be additionally enhanced.

To put it simply, it was originally protected by an iron wall, but now there are more energy lines on the iron wall, which can discharge and generate an additional protective barrier, so the effect has been enhanced.

The same goes for the noise shotgun.

The cat spirit in the cat spirit cloak has also escaped the limitation of requiring a large amount of life energy to manifest itself, and can now be self-sufficient. Although the life energy provided does not matter to Zheng Yichen, it is fine to be self-sufficient due to the drizzle consumption.

More importantly, because of this change, the cat spirit's range of activities can become larger.

The built-in star core energy of the motorcycle has been greatly enhanced like the weapon changes of the Pojun series. The difference is that the star core energy in the motorcycle is a full version, not a miniature model for weapons.

The common part is that these enhanced weapons and equipment can all interfere with the field of reality. Not to mention weapons and equipment, motorcycles have changed a lot.

That kind of change is like a cat spirit. The cat spirit used to be able to appear as an "entity" when fighting, but Lilith has always been in a projection state. The predecessor of the cat spirit is a vengeful spirit, and the spirit body is also a body. Projection is not.

Now it can project an entity similar to a cat spirit by interfering with reality. As Zheng Yichen's important vehicle and warehouse, the motorcycle has many built-in effects, such as protective force field, energy interference and so on.

These are products of science and technology, but after Dusk's enhanced transformation, they ignore the boundaries between technology and magic, and are completely universal. Therefore, these functions of motorcycles can be integrated into the generated reality interference field.

Moreover, the maximum radius of the interference field between equipment is not the same. The noise short gun is probably due to the material, which is the most stretchy, and the maximum radius is 10 meters, which cannot be expanded.

The cat spirit cloak is better, and the maximum radius of the expanded reality interference field is 25 meters, but this is generated under the premise of self-sufficiency. If the wearer's strength is enhanced, it can continue to expand, but there is also a limit.

The weapon of the Pojun series has a radius of 30 meters as the limit and cannot continue to expand. It is fixed and dead. It is the same as the motorcycle. The maximum radius of the motorcycle is 100 meters, but that is also the current limit.

However, the bullets fired by gun weapons in the Pojun series of weapons also have short-term reality interference, but the range is between the same bullet volume and a maximum radius of 1.5 meters. The maximum radius of bullets fired by sniper rifles is 6 meters.

The maximum radius of the actual interference field of the normal deployment of the fishing rod is 50 meters. It seems that there is a big gap compared with the deployment of the motorcycle. The actual interference field of the fishing rod can also be expanded by the power of the user like the cat spirit cloak. .

The expanded range far exceeds that of the cat spirit cloak.

It's just that the actual interference field attached to these equipment is affected by the equipment's own effects, and cannot be "interference adjusted" at will. No matter how much interference is involved, it is within the range of influence of the equipment itself, such as the hellfire that can be released by a fishing rod.

Within the scope of interference, it is very difficult for others to use normal flames. The simple point of this kind of realistic interference is to define the rules of the environment that interferes, and this definition will temporarily suppress the normal flames in the environment. rule.

Interfering with the element of wind, the wind is still the wind, but the definition of the rules for generating wind is adjusted, then it is difficult for the enemy to release the power related to the wind in this environment, unless a new way is found that fits the interfered environment.

But when it comes to the more extreme point, if the factor of wind is eliminated for a short time, it will be difficult to break through the limitation with skills, and you have to speak with strength.

And in that extreme situation, the effect of the fishing rod cannot be achieved, and the reality interference field generated by motorcycles and other equipment will not work.

But it can be seen as a different kind of "forbidden magic field" if the interference field is used well, or a kind of "forbidden magic field that he has the final say on".

Within the expansion range of the display interference field of the motorcycle, the wind is still the wind, but the "rules" for generating the wind will change, and the nature of the wind will also be adjusted. After the intervention, the wind may become heavy.

In short, as much as possible to confuse the rules produced by the wind, for the enemies who use the wind, this is similar to the forbidden magic.

The function of energy interference used to be to disturb the power in the environment through a kind of fluctuation, making it difficult for people using special abilities to communicate with the energy in the environment. Signal interference becomes changing the interface of the network terminal, the connector specification of the network cable, and so on.

Any original method becomes incompatible.

The upgrade this time is very good. Of course, the more important thing is the resistance to reality interference. This is like the resistance to the influence of space power. Chasing and killing the God Adventist who used space power in the big world, he cut the other party without temper, because his equipment has enough resistance in this respect...

After testing the improvement of the new equipment, it was already very late. Zheng Yichen came back to the locker and read the messages from the other two worlds. The wheel of the sky was in charge of the locker. Li has already responded.

A very thick document bag.

Jiang Wei's reply was a memory disk.

First of all, the file bag, Zheng Yichen couldn't help raising his eyebrows after reading it, he thought about something like the Sky Wheel, did he look at the conceptual design drawing on it, and took the Sky Wheel as a ring equipment?

This... seems awesome!

As for the energy crystal of the imitation god machine temporarily named "God Core", it is just a name, and it can be used however you want.

Jiang Wei's reply was much simpler. She told Zheng Yichen what she thought there, and it was nothing more than that the things Zheng Yichen provided were getting better and better. She had a blind date with him...

"Is it so straightforward?" Zheng Yichen couldn't help but clicked his tongue. From this point, we can see the gap between the two worlds. People in the world of Sky Wheel got better materials from Zheng Yichen, so they wanted to make Come out better stuff, no worries about being left behind.

They even started to ask him for funds. Zheng Yichen gave the funds, and they will produce results, which in itself is a kind of self-confidence.

However, Jiang Wei's world was not technologically powerful enough to show such confidence.

Zheng Yichen simply replied to Jiang Wei, telling her not to worry so much, there are not many worlds where he left the locker, and he got a lot of loot every day. Of course, she was under a lot of pressure, so she replied directly according to the 'blind date' process. .

Zheng Yichen was quite concerned about the proposal in the world of the Sky Wheel, using the Sky Wheel as a ring... This really attracted him. With the size of the Sky Wheel, it is not a problem to have tens of millions of people living in it. Place can appear crowded, but that's not a problem.

But such a giant mechanical city can be worn as a ring, which is so cool——

No, in that case, it is equivalent to the kingdom of science and technology, right? Just like the Kingdom of God in this world.

Zheng Yichen found Denas: "Are you interested in developing a special project?"

"Huh? What do you want to do?" Denas gave Zheng Yichen a strange look.

"A collaborator in another world gave me a good plan, and I want to try it." Zheng Yichen simply said something like the Sky Wheel, and Denas thought for a while after listening.

He thought of something similar to Zheng Yichen, but it was not completely related to the kingdom of the true god: "The thing you mentioned is similar to the floating city. It is not difficult for the Dragon Clan to make that kind of thing, but it is not difficult to adjust that with space power." The external specifications of this kind of thing, they want to be a kingdom of God?"

"How about it? Give it a try?"

"Hmph, actually that doesn't mean much to the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan has its own space to use, but it seems pretty good as a strategic weapon."

The size of the Sky Wheel is huge, so it may not be able to be placed in an independent space. As for places like the Floating Void City, all the lords of the Floating Void City have never thought about compressing and adjusting that kind of place with the power of space. There's really no need for research.

reason? The Floating Void City itself can be used as a war fortress. Wouldn't it be enough to just crush the enemy after encountering it?

Even if it is moving, it can also be moved through the teleportation array, but it consumes a lot.

But... Denas was thinking about another thing. The follow-up design of the Sky Wheel involved 'portability', and where is the most valuable part of portability in this world?

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