Such a special battlefield is too attractive to those strong players who will come later. If you miss it, you will really want to fight wildly everywhere, trying to reproduce the specifications of this kind of war.

die? ? Death really doesn't matter, the important thing is to participate in this war! Enjoy the chaotic fighting and killing! Such a powerful battlefield of TMD, you can't miss it no matter what! !

"Wow--" Dacia Filo, the young dragon in the built-in space, opened her eyes wide, and the white ball stuck between her teeth squirmed slightly as she opened her mouth in astonishment, and fell with a click On top of the crib, wipe the drool evenly.

Dacia Filo saw the chaotic battle outside through the screen synchronized by Lilith. Zheng Yichen and the others could no longer be seen in the chaotic battle, and a group of chaotic creatures detonated by the demonized Shura's fighting spirit and even maddened were completely red. squinted.

All the moving things around are enemies, there is no cooperation, there is no mentality of stealing, cheating, and opportunistic, and some are just killing, killing, killing... The motorcycle has no breath of the living, so that none of the chaotic creatures pay attention to this thing.

In the eyes of the young dragon, this kind of scene is really too cruel!

So much so that young dragons feel bored in it.

The bloody battle is still going on, and there are more and more beings participating in this melee. As time goes by, the intensity of the fighting here has not decreased, but has become more and more intense. Some people who have been in the melting pot of chaos all year round, but resist The strong who live here are stunned.

It is possible for the bloody battle in the Furnace of Chaos to last for ten days and a half months or even longer, but this time the intensity of the accumulated intensity has reached an unprecedented level in just one day. crazy fighting spirit.

They also have a sense of urgency because of this. Judging from the intensity of this battle, the Furnace of Chaos may be reshuffled because of this battle. There is an abnormal force at the center of the battle, which can greatly affect the spirit. state.

Of course, a negative state of mind is not a bad thing here. The most important thing in the furnace of chaos is the willpower... As long as the will to fight is not extinguished, even if you are brutally killed, you will be revived somewhere.

Complete death is considered to be complete death if the will is completely obliterated and burned. It is not the kind of death where the soul enters hell or circulates in the river Styx after death, and there is nothing left.


During the fierce battle, Qi Xiangyun felt that something was broken somewhere in her body. She was panting violently, but she couldn't stop. Once she stopped, it meant failure and death. There were too many creatures participating in the battle here.

They are not afraid of death, the entire bloody battlefield has become a large meat grinder, the weakest part is eliminated immediately, and as time goes by, all the remaining ones are considered the elite of the elite.

The latecomers who did not reach this level were like stones thrown into the ocean after joining the bloody battle. The larger ones made a big splash, while the smaller ones were directly submerged.

The enemies in the bloody battle are crazy but difficult to deal with. Some of them can even predict her action trajectory with their strong fighting instinct. But I had to try my best to improve my flexibility.

Among a group of chaotic furnace powerhouses who rely on fighting instinct to fight in madness, her lightning speed is not so useful. If she wants to exert a suppressive effect, she must better control her speed.

The mental pressure caused her to be affected by the environment of the chaotic furnace, and the effect of the Ice Heart Art was fluctuating violently.

If you are not careful, you will be affected by magic thoughts and fighting intentions. The fighting intentions in the environment are too strong. Instead, the Shura fighting intentions in the blood Shura are merged into a more powerful torrent, incorporating the blood of fighting intentions Being absorbed by the magic power allowed her Blood Shura, who had been slow to progress due to being in a bottleneck period, to break through.

She re-experienced the feeling of rapid progress that she had when she first practiced magic arts, but in exchange for this progress, her will was severely damaged, like a stranger who was tottering in the cold wind.

This is also tempering... Bing Xin Jue's effect on stabilizing the mental state fluctuates violently, but the lower limit is constantly increasing.

No matter what kind of fluctuations are generated, they can't break through the lower limit of "freezing" by the Bingxin Jue. It's just that this kind of mentality is an auxiliary, which is very useful in a normal environment, but in the bloody battlefield in the chaotic furnace, if her will is not enough Toughness, the lower limit maintained by Bing Xin Jue is not enough to keep her mind clear.

Now her eyes are blood red, which does not affect her vision, but this blood color makes her feel strangely excited.

The feeling that something in her body seems to be broken is irrelevant, she doesn't want to give up, but also wants to continue to challenge her limits, because Lin Yaoyao, who seems to be more 'lazy', has not given up yet. Woolen cloth!

She didn't want to be the first one to exit. During the battle, she could sense the other three auras of the same origin, one of which was similar to her, and one was stronger than her.

Stronger than her must be Liu Hongzhao, she is the most powerful among the three, and the last aura of the same source is like a sun, the aura of the same source under the sun is very restless, but the 'sun' remains motionless... …The strong sense of presence gave Qi Xiangyun extra peace of mind.

She's going to give it a go!

"Phew~ then... I'm starting." Feeling that his physical and mental state had reached a limit, Qi Xiangyun completely let go of the magic thoughts he deliberately controlled, and the running Bing Xin Jue converged to maintain his last A wisp of mind, this wisp of mind is buried deep in the magic thoughts like a rooted seed, growing slowly and tenaciously.

Practicing magic skills will inevitably be troubled by evil thoughts. There are many kinds of evil thoughts. If they cannot be solved, problems will arise sooner or later. Even if there is no big problem now, the suppression of Bing Xin Jue makes them appear normal.

But suppression does not completely solve the problem.

And her demonic thoughts have a strong possessive desire for the "sun" in her perception. Coincidentally, Lin Yaoyao and Liu Hongzhao also have them. If the problem is not properly resolved, the relationship between them will one day be broken due to the possessive desire intensified by the influence of the demonic thoughts.

The practice of magic arts is deeply ingrained, and it is difficult and impossible to eliminate it. Eliminating it is tantamount to abolishing martial arts, trying to eliminate magic thoughts through dusk? This can indeed be done, but many enhancements or other medical treatments in Dusk are perfect, but some parts cannot pursue that kind of perfection.

This time the demonic thoughts were completely eliminated, so what about the next time? Removing the magic thoughts is just a 'treatment' at dusk, just like being injured. Being cured this time does not mean that you will not be injured next time, and the same is true for the magic thoughts.

Want to not get hurt? That is not treatment, but strengthening. It is possible to strengthen the indestructible body of King Kong, but there must be strengthening materials.

Therefore, eliminating the evil thoughts at dusk is only a temporary solution. With the magic power in hand, the elimination is only an escape problem. It is necessary to fundamentally eliminate the evil thoughts. The evil thoughts are also a kind of power, and they are currently mainly used to release the Seven Kills of the Devil Abyss. , since it is the power generated from them, it should be controlled and used by them!

"Huh?" Feeling that Qi Xiangyun's aura became frenzied, as if demonized, Liu Hongzhao frowned slightly. After a day-long bloody battle, she was also very tired. With the magic skills of war, they simply can't hold on for so long!

Even so, the circulation is not able to keep up. Although the slow progress of the magic power is greatly increased under the limit, the physical and mental limits become the limit instead, but the limit is used to challenge and break .

The real battle is just beginning at this time!

In the bloody battlefield under the limit, every minute of persistence is equivalent to several days or even ten days of penance on weekdays!

The crazy fighting intent on the battlefield and the intrusion of magic thoughts gave her extra thoughts. The bloody battlefield is so chaotic. As the 'sun' in perception, Brother Changqing is fearless, but they will inevitably be here. There are... casualties?

The bloody wind condensed into a storm, shattering the surrounding enemies, and Liu Hongzhao, whose eyes were bloodshot, looked towards the place where the 'sun' was...

Inevitable - Casualties?



There was a slight sound, and a chaotic creature with a ferocious face broke through the bloody wind. Its sharp claws cut through the clothes on her shoulders, leaving three bloodstains. It was blown into blood foam by the blast wind.

There will be inevitable casualties because of distrust of Brother Changqing!

If Qi Xiangyun is really possessed, then she will never be in her own combat area under the influence of the demonic thoughts, but will only include them in the scope of the enemy under the trend of the demonic thoughts!

But Qi Xiangyun didn't do that, instead, she first developed a mental flaw under the attack of the evil thoughts.

"..." The consciousness of the girl in red is immersed in the demonic thoughts. She can't be as strong as Brother Changqing to directly drive the demonic thoughts, so use the magical thoughts as the soil and the spirit as the seed to let herself absorb the demonic thoughts. The nourishment of thoughts becomes stronger than magic thoughts!

"Why does it seem to be possessed by a demon... Then I will try it too?" Lin Yaoyao felt the madness and tyranny of the two auras. She was a little hesitant, as if she was possessed by a demon. Her own attributes are water and earth, so it is very difficult to control demonic thoughts. There is a bold idea in itself.

She once used her own characteristics to catalyze seeds and some plant toxins, which gave her a bold idea. The special soil quality prepared can cultivate stronger poisons, so can magic thoughts also become soil?

The spirit that grows on the soil called magic thoughts will not be affected by magic thoughts, right? Just like those special poisons, after taking root and germinating on the prepared highly toxic soil, they can try to adapt to a more intense highly toxic soil, while the previous ones were just normal growth for the seeds of that poison Soil only.

Other seeds will only be instantly poisoned and rotted when put on it, and those kinds of seeds may not grow fast enough because the soil quality is not good enough.

She even discussed this bold idea with Liu Hongzhao and Qi Xiangyun!

Fighting till now, she wants to call out the 'sun' that she can perceive. On the premise that Liu Hongzhao and Qi Xiangyun haven't given up, she skipped class early and acted like a baby...

It's even okay to be a maid by Brother Changqing's side all the time, right? Brother Changqing will definitely not refuse.

But... is this okay?

The 'Blood River' beside Lin Yaoyao changed from calm to violent.

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