When the fishing rod wrapped in a black gun penetrated the vampire's chest and pierced the opponent's heart, Zheng Yichen had a subtle feedback feeling like piercing a water polo. The blister burst, and the blood inside gushed out along the wound.

Zheng Yichen took away one-tenth of the blood just like he did with the vampire just now. He felt a little regretful, and he really wanted to take it all away.

Moving his neck, Zheng Yichen looked at other people, some left a vampire, some just hurt those fast-moving monsters, and also suffered some injuries.

These vampires are not so easy to deal with, their speed is too fast, Zheng Yichen was not injured by the strength of his body armor, those demon hunters are different, the armor can reduce their damage, but the sharp claws of the vampires can still Break their armor.

This is the premise that Zheng Yichen is here, Zheng Yichen is not here, if Zheng Yichen is not here, they will face more simultaneous attacks from vampires.

This is not a game. If you are beaten and lose blood, facing so many vampire attacks, you will die if you don't pay attention.

Just now, each of them faced at least three vampires attacking, and this is not all vampires attacking together.

The number of lost vampires in this wave is less than five.

Zheng Yichen took a look at the wound, the wound was as if poisoned, there was a strong burning sensation, and the scratched place was slightly swollen.

The wounded demon hunters encountered more serious problems than Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen's wound was swollen, but their wounds were severely red and swollen. Except for the different degrees of swelling, the same place is that each other's wounds are all in blood flow non-stop state.

"Next!" Lei Meng threw a pill to Zheng Yichen. When the pill was flying, a vampire jumped out suddenly, trying to intercept it, but the vampire who just jumped out was hit directly by a short crossbow arrow. , this crossbow bolt is still connected with a strong rope, and the crossbow bolt has a barb on it.

The vampire who was hit screamed, trying to hide under the cover of trees again, but the crossbow arrows and strong ropes on his body made it impossible to escape.

Lei Meng pulled the rope in his hand with a smirk on his face, and pulled the vampire back. Zheng Yichen looked at the pill in his hand and fell into deep thought. His mother said that he should not eat what others gave him casually...

Zheng Yichen took out the blood coagulation spray from his pocket, sprayed it on the wound on his arm, and the bleeding wound condensed, and the blood coagulation spray of Obscure City is still very powerful.

The other demon hunters crushed the pill in their hands, and applied the ointment filled in the pill to the wound. Although the blood was still flowing, the redness and swelling of the wound eased.

"..." So it wasn't for food.

The battle was still going on, and the wave of vampire attacks did not achieve the desired effect, but damaged several of its kind. The vampire who was shot by Raymond with the crossbow was doomed after being dragged away.

It was directly chopped off by Raymond. The vitality of this thing is not weak, but it still cannot survive without the head.

After that, the attack frequency of those vampires decreased, and there was a humming sound in the forest. At first, this sound was not a problem, but as the sound continued, the whining sound gradually became annoying.

Zheng Yichen himself didn't feel anything, but the most injured demon hunter in the team was different. With red eyes, he rushed towards a demon hunter who was guarding against vampires, grabbed a bag on his body and pulled it hard, The explosion engulfed the two witchers.

The witcher holding the bag would have been killed instantly, and the other witcher had been seriously injured by the close-range blast.

The explosive power of this era is not so powerful, but it is still quite deadly under close-range explosions.

John became furious when he saw this scene. He took off a bag on his waist and threw it directly at his feet. After the thread inside the bag was torn off, the contents inside were activated, not too strong but quite pungent. Nose smoke came out.

The whining sound from the woods was mixed with several uncontrollable coughs.

Holding a short crossbow, Raymond raised his hand towards the top of the tree. The rope tied to the crossbow was immediately tightened. The vampire hidden in the tree was torn off, and Raymond cut his heart open with a knife.

The whining sound completely calmed down.

"Those vampires ran away?" Zheng Yichen glanced at the demon hunters who were dead and seriously injured, and gained a new understanding of the spells of these vampires. Although this spell is a bit ordinary, and there is no special light and shadow effect, it can't stand the effect!

"No, they're just hiding." Raymond shook his head. Those vampires are very cunning. One of them died and one was seriously injured. The vampires already have a great advantage. The rest just need to continue looking for opportunities to influence them. up.

This is also the most difficult part for vampires to solve. They have a unique vision that allows vampires to maintain an upper hand in various environments. Coupled with the influence of vicious spells belonging to vampires, those vampires are sure to lose a certain amount of people. Next, keep eating them.

"When the effect of the smoke bomb is weakened, those vampires will attack again." Speaking of this, Raymond hesitated a little, and took out a bottle: "Everyone, get ready, the next one is a tough battle."

As he said that, he broke the bottle in his hand, and a faint smell of blood spread out. The vampires who had disappeared before rushed out with ferocious expressions as if they had been stimulated by something. They attacked Zheng Yichen and others like crazy up.

There were about twenty of them, and it could be said that all the nearby vampires were drawn out.

Zheng Yichen immediately grabbed the weapon left by the dead demon hunter, which was a long sword. He held the undeployed fishing rod while holding the sword, and fought those crazy vampires. Under the block is the fight between you and me.

Zheng Yichen doesn't know high-end fighting skills. What he can block is what he can block, and what he can't stop is hard resistance. Fortunately, they are gathered together now. The attacks of those vampires are crazy, but there is still cover for each other. .

Vampires have strong resilience and not many fatal weaknesses, but as long as they cut through the opponent's heart, they can stare at the uninjured.

In such a battle, Zheng Yichen felt the burning pain of being caught all over his body. A vampire bit his arm. Zheng Yichen dropped the long sword in his hand, and his arm directly caught the vampire's neck and swung it. The head was ripped off.

His still twitching body was kicked away by him, and the head in his hand hit another vampire's head, and the fishing rod pierced that vampire's heart.

In the short and quick battle, the number of vampires was reduced to less than five, but all the demon hunters present were defeated.

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