Those criminals who were killed were not worthy of death. It was just that the world was so big and there were so many damn people that even Gang couldn't just run around every day. It was even more impossible for him to do everything by himself.

Otherwise, it would seem that the authorities in this world are useless.

Du Gang was more concerned about Zheng Yichen's current personal situation than these people who didn't regret his death.

"Feeling good?" Zheng Yichen shook his fist. The criminals from the ancient capital and Yudu who were killed were all very powerful. Some of them were not individuals but groups, so a lot of people died in this operation.

The accumulation of little things has not made Zheng Yichen's strength any substantial enhancement, and he does not value this. This action is just to obtain the characteristics, just like the characteristics of the ancient people obtained in the ancient realm.

The ancient people did not have any special power, but their individuals had extraordinary performance coefficients. The effect on Zheng Yichen was significantly improved. It is difficult to increase the performance coefficient of individual power.


He tried the diamond body he had learned, and it felt different from before. He could also use the diamond body before, but it was compatible with it. He did not have the physical characteristics of the ancient capital people.

Even if he learns the top-level diamond body, he still can't reach Du Gang... No, the normal limit that other ancient capital people can reach. The reason why he seems so powerful is that his own body is hard enough.

It’s his own level of ‘martial arts’ that he has brought to a higher level.

It's different now, the diamond body is no longer compatible to function.

"Very good." Zheng Yichen rubbed his fingers and could easily produce sparks.

"Your ability is really enviable." Du Gang was sincerely happy for Zheng Yichen. He was envious. He had no other emotions at all. It was true that Zheng Yichen had unique abilities.

But they all rely on Dusk, and Dusk's omnipotence allows them to easily obtain things that humans cannot possess.

It's just that Zheng Yichen has the ability to have sex for free, while others need to spend points, so he used Zheng Yichen's blood as a strengthening material to obtain the explosive power.

When that kind of power is used regularly, his strength can be increased by at least 20%. The air film produced by the explosive energy has additional resistance, further enhancing the defense of the diamond body.

As for the use of the second stage, he can defeat five of his previous selves, ten... well, forget it, ten. Without explosive energy, his attainments in the diamond body will not change. Ten can really wear him down. die.

Not only explosive energy, but other abilities can also be obtained through performance points in the future. However, abilities are just like strengthening equipment. If the materials used are inappropriate, they will become a drag.

It’s not about quantity, it’s about refinement. Those abilities that are particularly suitable for him are worth strengthening. The explosive energy obtained through dusk will immediately improve his strength. If it were replaced by something else, it would only add a little convenience at most, which would basically have no impact on strength. Variety.

"And this -" Zheng Yichen's aura changed and began to become ethereal.

Everyone just showed a look of surprise: "The feathered body... Although you are just getting started, you can use it? How does it feel? Can you use it with the diamond body? No, the point is that there is no conflict with you, right?"

He looked worried.

He had also thought about using the diamond body and the feathered body at the same time. He even thought about using the blood of the Yudu people as a strengthening material, but he gave up the idea after asking the Twilight Sister.

He can only get one of the diamond body and the feathered body. He can carry out that kind of strengthening, but doing so will cause the diamond body to be weakened. Dusk doesn't care about this problem, and it is only responsible for strengthening and bestowing it.

"No, but you can only use one. If you use the feathered body, you can't use the diamond body." Zheng Yichen shook his head.

"That's a pity. I was thinking about it at the beginning, if I could turn on the feathered body while maintaining the diamond body, would it make me stronger?"

The feathered body makes up for the lack of speed of the diamond body, and at the same time comes with high damage ignore and dodge. When the enemy attacks, dodge first. If you can't avoid it, just ignore the damage of the feathered body. Those who can't be ignored will be ignored. Part of it is resisted by the diamond body.

A hundred percent of the force may ultimately fall on the diamond body, but less than ten percent of the force may be reduced, even if it is reduced by half.

However, it does not work both ways.

Now that Zheng Yichen has said so, he doesn't have much hope for the follow-up. He should continue to strengthen his diamond body. Zheng Yichen's situation is considered special. He can master the diamond body and the feathered body at the same time, but he can't use them both at the same time. People regret.

However, the flexibility has been greatly improved. He can switch to different states to deal with different enemies, but this also means that Zheng Yichen has to put in double energy.

As for the Diamond Body, Du Gang was happy to share his experience, allowing Zheng Yichen to quickly reach the peak of the Diamond Body, but there was nothing he could do about the feathered body.

He was really not familiar with this. The most he could do was to find some notes for Zheng Yichen from those strong men who were proficient in the feathered body.

Du just told Zheng Yichen his thoughts.

Zheng Yichen thought for a while and took out a small bottle of water of life. He didn't have much of this in his hands. This bottle of water of life was only five milliliters.

"The water of life, diluted a thousand times, has the effect of prolonging life and maintaining youth for a long time. Ordinary people will not grow old after drinking a little."

"Ha~ good stuff, leave the matter of the feathered body to me." Du Gang grinned and did not refuse what Zheng Yichen brought out.

With the effect of this thing and his identity, the old guys in Yudu who have mastered the feathered body can use their 'experience'.

"Come on, let's go back for dinner." Just as he thought of something, he asked additionally: "Then... when will you carry out the mission?"

He calculated the time, the big adventure in the big world, and then reunited with Zheng Yichen after separation. It had been a month. Zheng Yichen had said that he had just written down the intervals between his missions.

In other words, Zheng Yichen may not have much time left.

"Twenty hours, that's plenty."

"Twilight is really using you like a donkey." Du Gang shook his head. He was not as busy as Zheng Yichen. He was still on vacation from the Dusk mission that happened every two months or so.

But twenty hours was enough. After dinner, he went to find those old guys in Yudu.

"Dad, do you want me to go out?" Du Yu asked slightly nervously.

He is not like this with others, but in front of his father, he is a bit timid. He has been very lenient with him in some things, but there is no room for strictness.

Just after returning with his young colleagues this time, Du Yu felt something unusual. His father must have gone out to kill someone...

His family knows his own affairs, and Du Yu knows that his father is definitely not a bad person, but when it is time to take action, he will leave no room for it.

"Look at you like that! Remember, this is my colleague Chang Qing. Although you may not have many opportunities to meet each other in the future, please remember it and go out."

Du Gang did not keep his son, mainly because Zheng Yichen and Du Yu were not familiar with each other, and they were not from the same world. Keeping him here would only increase the embarrassment.

As for the table full of dishes, it looked like a lot. It wasn’t enough to eat even with the appetite of the two of them.

"Master, I've brought the wine you brought back this time. If it's not enough, call me again." Du Gang's wife walked in with two jars of wine, smiled politely at Zheng Yichen, put the wine down and left. .

Didn't ask too many questions or show much curiosity.

"Arlin is very traditional." Du just put a jar of wine on the table and briefly talked about his wife without saying much: "The wine brewed by the God of Dionysus, the ones I sent to you. You may not have tasted it yet, but drinking alone is boring, so don’t be polite now!”

Zheng Yichen didn't know which world the Dionysus belonged to, but as soon as he opened the wine seal, Zheng Yichen smelled the aroma of wine, which was not comparable to that of ordinary wine.

As Du just said, some people may find ordinary wine bitter and unable to swallow it due to the problem of the audience, but the wine brewed by Dionysus does not have this problem!

This kind of wine will not put any burden on the body. On the contrary, those who drink it must consider whether the body can withstand the benefits. The wine brewed by Dionysus is too tonic for ordinary people.

Ordinary people will not be able to bear it after one drink. This is not because they are drunk, but because their bodies cannot bear it.

If the body can bear it, it means that according to the normal amount of alcohol, there is no problem that the two of them cannot bear it. Therefore, the biggest advantage of this kind of wine is that it allows people like them who are almost impossible to get drunk to experience the feeling of drunkenness. Feel.

After drinking a few bowls, Du just became more excited, munching on the meat and talking about the wine he brought back: "I tell you, just to get these new wines, I have been imprisoned by the God of Dionysus for a long time.

This time you gave me the water of life, and I can go there again another day. The old man, the god of wine, likes some special materials to make wine. When the old man brews new wine, I will send you some more. "

The water of life will not all be used to deal with the feathered body. Du Gang is not ignorant and knows the value of that kind of thing, but he does not intend to keep all the extra parts for himself.

"Then I'm not welcome, this wine is really powerful!" Zheng Yichen said sincerely, not only the mellow taste that makes people remember, but also the fact that this kind of wine really makes you drunk if you dare to drink it.

But it is not like some people who want to show the power of wine and make people drunk for a long time. The intoxication caused by this kind of wine changes more based on the state of mind. When you are in a good mood, you want to get drunk. If you want to rest, you can get drunk and then rest. If you just want to be tipsy, then you are tipsy...

The wine made by the God of Dionysus. Since he is the God of Dionysus, the wine does not need to be specially concentrated to show how powerful it is. The wine he came into contact with made Zheng Yichen feel very good.

At the same time, because he has been exposed to this thing, he probably won't be able to drink normal wine in the future. Drinking that kind of thing is worse than drinking a drink, at least it tastes good.

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