I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 717 There is still an effect without special effects

Now Zheng Yichen can crack it by himself as long as he gets the 'eye'. Lilith even updated some technologies based on the records of the 'robot'.

But this kind of cracking is currently limited to the 'eyes' within the thirteenth generation of phantoms and the tenth generation of demons. If it is updated to a higher algebra, new learning will be required.

After all, Lilith only recorded the information recorded by the engineer, not everything in the other person's mind.

But after she obtained the current technology, after self-study, she no longer needed the assistance of such hackers, and she could update new technologies by herself to target higher algebraic 'eyes'.

But the current ones are enough. The thirteenth generation of the Phantom series has not been launched for more than two years.

The tenth generation of demon spirits has not exceeded ten years. Generally speaking, the number of update generations of the 'eye' is between five and fifteen years.

Different versions will appear during this period, but these versions do not affect the main performance of the eye, but the optimization performance is different.

"This kind of 'eye' is somewhat similar to biological materials... nanotechnology?" Zheng Yichen looked at the unpacked 'eye' in his hand. This kind of thing comes in a box, and the small box has the effect of needle-free injection.

The 'eyes' installed inside are like liquids, some of which look like transparent liquid metal.

"It can be considered a type of nanotechnology, but it's very unique. I detected fluctuations similar to magic props." Lilith analyzed the eye in Zheng Yichen's hand.

After comprehensive comparison, Zheng Yichen decided to try the eyes of the Demon Spirit series and leave the Phantom series alone for now.

The performance of that thing is worse than that of the Demon Series, but it is more supportive. Zheng Yichen said that a hard-core person like himself would use that kind of 'automatic transmission'?

Well, with the assistance of Lilith, in fact, the eyes he uses in the Demon series are basically the same as those in the Phantom series, so why not choose one with better core performance?

"So this thing is actually a magic item?"

"I should say it's a staff."

"Then I'll be changing jobs later." Zheng Yichen stuffed the small box in his hand into the universal tool box inside the motorcycle.

This thing has indeed been cracked and can be used without official registration and certification. However, Zheng Yichen trusts Lilith more than trusting the locals. Now Lilith has obtained the relevant cracking program technology.

After learning and updating, I can crack these 'eyes' again to see if there is anything I missed. It's good if there is nothing. If there is, it's even better. Only after they have been thoroughly cleaned up can I feel confident about using it.

He could endure it for half a day, and by the way, he could also investigate the problem of the central tower around the city.

The engineer was obviously injured at work, but the central tower was trying to seal it. If the other party's hacking skills weren't strong enough, based on the information obtained by Lilith, the engineer would have died long ago.

However, the engineer was not like in some works, because this incident caused the other person's heart to be filled with hatred and anger, and he secretly plotted revenge. On the contrary, the other person lay quite flat.

Among the information Lilith copied, there was no record of the other party's "revenge plan". There was no trace at all. At most, it was just a collection of information and file information that she wanted to report.

Something else? Gone.

It's very Buddhist.

For such a person, Zheng Yichen didn't want to "join" him. A bottle of diluted water of life in exchange for the data and information accumulated by the other person over the years was enough. As for the social part... well, no.

It was probably because the engineer's body had been severely radiated, and his body functions had been severely weakened. It was basically caused by his mental weakness. If his body was not strong enough, he would no longer have such worldly desires.

Switching to the central tower, it is also the largest 'signal tower' in the world. According to the engineer's records, people suspected of being dusk mercenaries have investigated there, but there is a technological version of the 'enchantment' near the central tower.

As long as there is an emergency, a layer of super-strong protection can be built. The outside world cannot observe what is happening inside, and internal information will not be leaked. The only leak was the 'military exercise' some time ago.

That should be a large-scale operation carried out by the mercenaries at dusk, and the fact that he came to this world meant that that operation failed.

The boundary breakers successfully survived a dangerous period, bringing the world into a countdown to boundary breaking.

The mercenaries at dusk have no other choice. Those who can evacuate basically evacuate. Otherwise, in a world that may be broken at any time, they will probably be buried with this world.

As for the guarantee brought by agents...the guarantees brought by agents are not absolutely reliable. Besides, now that agents are here, their income in this world is basically over.

You can only get some normal local products from the aboriginal people, and that kind of thing can be obtained during previous missions.

What can be taken away can be taken away long ago. In the end, there is really no need to stay here and continue to take risks.

"...Central Tower, what if I move the alien's battleship main gun over and bomb it directly?"

Lilith rolled her eyes at Zheng Yichen: "Theoretically, it's feasible. I can provide enough energy."

"It's a pity that I didn't bring them with me this time. I'm not that crazy... Well, forget it." Zheng Yichen shook his head. There were many people in the central tower. One shot might wipe them out, but it would also kill a lot of irrelevant people. people.

What's more, as the area where the core of breaking the boundary is located, there will be no lack of corresponding protection there, so we should use the normal method.

Ten days have passed, and now less than one day has passed. I have a powerful means of transportation, which is very convenient for doing many things.

For half a day, after Zheng Yichen continued to observe the characteristics of this world, Lilith had already taken care of the 'eyes' she had acquired. She indeed found unsolved problems in those 'eyes'.

"BOSS, I can try to write the same type of program. If I can get the method of making an 'eye' and have the corresponding materials, I can make a new 'eye' myself."

Lilith looked at the small box in Zheng Yichen's hand and said, The universal toolbox is so powerful. After a lot of strengthening and upgrading, the universal toolbox she now carries is inferior to the cradle of civilization in its origin in terms of huge specifications.

"I'll find a chance to get this later. How about I try this thing first..." Zheng Yichen said as he pointed the small box at his eyes and implanted it without needles and pain. It's a very simple method, compared to dropping eye drops. All fast.

After all, it is something that applies to everyone. If the method of implantation is not so simple, it will not be universal.

The intensity level of this world is similar to that of Occulent City. There is no problem of "not breaking defense" when using this thing. The advantage of a low-intensity environment is that in a high-intensity environment, this thing can only be used as eye drops.

"Uh, I feel okay." Zheng Yichen rubbed his eyes. The instructions did not require that you not rub your eyes after completing the rapid implantation. The 'eye' can be used with one eye or both eyes.

You can even use the monster series on the left and the phantom series on the right. It won’t affect you anyway. It’s just a matter of simple adaptation in terms of perspective.

——Personal information authentication successful.

Seeing the text message appearing in the field of view, Zheng Yichen nodded. At this time, Lilith said in Zheng Yichen's ear: "BOSS, the shell has been loaded successfully. You can use the 'Eye' on the Internet normally."

"I'll get used to this first."

Zheng Yichen found a place to test this 'eye'. Here, Dasia Filo held another small box, stared at this thing, and looked at Zheng Yichen with some curiosity: "Can I really use it? "

"You didn't think this was fun before, why are you so hesitant now?"

"No, I haven't even played with a mobile phone." Xiao Bailong muttered. After using this thing, the pictures that appeared in her field of vision made her feel novel, but she also needed a tutorial to learn how to use this thing.

Zheng Yichen learned quickly and figured out the function of this thing. This thing is operated by the mind. Well, it is related to one's spiritual power.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t have a combat module, or that kind of ability. Just like a computer, in the hands of a hacker, that thing can become a ‘weapon’. In the hands of ordinary people, a computer is at most a ‘weapon’ for a keyboard warrior.

It is also a computer. Some people can play fancy games, but most people are just ordinary users. For example, air mobile phones, cars and other functions are all services provided by the auxiliary functions of the 'eye'.

The Phantom series is more fixed, while the Demon series has that kind of service but also has a limited console.

Comparing the two, the items generated by the Phantom series are equivalent to buying a complete computer. Well, the kind of complete computer that the merchant does not contain moisture, while the items generated by the Magic series can be purchased as a complete computer or in bulk.

However, the combination optimization of the whole machine is not as good as that of the Phantom series, but if it is used in bulk, it is equivalent to manual DIY. A powerful boss can use manual DIY to make the assembled machine display better performance, and can also pay attention to many details. Make adjustments accordingly.

It's a lot of work.

Attacks similar to magic need to be constructed accordingly. For example, some of the world-viewing competitions Zheng Yichen saw were not random. The operations that looked similar to game skills were actually done by the user. Constructed from one’s own knowledge.

For example, those who throw chemicals to cause explosions, etc. Most people like that are proficient in chemistry-related knowledge, but that kind of online competition is a safe mode and does not have such high restrictions.

Real combat requires more comprehensive knowledge to construct accordingly. It is really similar to magic, but this one is more sci-fi, except that the special attack effects can only be seen in the eye world.

If it is impossible to see the world, it is equivalent to those fairy actors who have lost their special effects.

Of course, if the special effects are lost, they will return to special effects. Those attacks are still effective. The attacks shown in the world, whether they are magic or prop attacks, are essentially a special spiritual manifestation!

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