I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 756: Aboriginal resistance

Through the remaining abnormal spirit, Zheng Yichen found a "mass grave". The pit was full of broken fragments. He just picked up one of them and looked at it with a gloomy expression: "They are human fragments."

Zheng Yichen held another fragment in his hand, which was a finger: "Did they become sacrifices?"

After continuing to browse, he simply asked Lilith to scan the place. Lilith scanned out more detailed information. The fragments on the ground could be assembled into a human shape, but the most important heart was missing.

Not only a few are missing, but all of them.

Through analysis of the fragments, a total of about 14,000 people died here.

"Fourteen thousand people, which is more than we killed. Did they gather all the Devourers?" Looking at this data, Du Gang's expression became even heavier.

Devourers will not kill each other when they are full. Since they do this, it must have an important purpose.

"Did you use them as materials?" Zheng Yichen said as the crystals in his hand turned into powder. He had a ball of Tianzhu energy in his hand, but this Tianzhu energy was softer than the one released by Tianzhu.

"They ran away??" Du Gang frowned, but he was about to have a fit but sighed: "Forget it, there's nothing we can do if they insist on running away."

This can be seen from the fact that those Devourers spread the information about devouring Tianzhu everywhere.

Although they were helpless, they still had to do something step by step to dismantle the Devouring Sky Pillar.

This time he did not encounter any substantial obstacles. After solving this thing, his mood was not much better. It was obviously going to lead to the complete destruction of a devouring force, but he did not completely clear them out. Not having fun.

Moreover, the other party's method of running away with the money made him even more disgusted. He ran away as soon as he ran away, and even made him feel disgusted.

"That's okay. It will take a lot of time for those Devourers to develop after they escape. At least for a few decades, they won't want to cause trouble."

Zheng Yichen comforted.

"I still want to kill them all, next one!" Du just waved the Jingshendian in his hand and went to the next place with the Devouring Sky Pillar. No matter what, not one of these things can be left behind.

But after arriving at this place, Zheng Yichen not only discovered a new mass grave, but it was also blocked by the local army.

When she came here, Lilith reminded her that she could interfere on the network in this world, but there were only so many things that could be done on the network, and she couldn't interfere directly with things like the intranet.

There is also the mobilization of the army. If the execution ability is strong enough, she will not be able to interfere normally, but abnormal interference is possible. She can directly control some local weapons and block those armies.

It's just that they came here to deal with the Devourer, not specifically to spread terror. Zheng Yichen didn't let her do that.

"Local troops, do you want to negotiate with them?" Du Gang held his weapons and looked at the army that had blocked the Devouring Tianzhu. There were no Devourers here.

"Negotiate? Are you arguing with those politicians?" Zheng Yichen immediately shook his head. Devouring Tianzhu was abandoned by Devourer, and the local armed forces came to take over. It is a lie to say that there is no inside story.

Even the people here can be regarded as being used by the Devourer to delay time.

Give those Devourers who are ready to run away enough time, and they can take away more.

"Hahaha, if you don't want to argue, let's just do it." Du Gang laughed twice: "They can't do anything anyway."

As the two of them got closer, someone stood up.

"Wait a minute, this place has been taken over by the army. There are no Devourers here. Things here have nothing to do with you!!"

"At this moment? Are you kidding me? Get out of here, we will leave after we tear down that pillar!" Du Gang stared at the person who spoke angrily, without a good expression at all.

He knows very well that the person who takes over this place will become the new Devourer in the future. After controlling the Devouring Sky Pillar, there are too many benefits to be gained. Even if it is not used to devour other worlds, it can still gain powerful power.

Just the use of Tianzhu energy can put people in this world at the top of their combat power.

Compared with those without the blessing of Tianzhu energy, the combat power of Tianzhu energy can be completely crushed, unless the person being crushed has the combat power of Twilight mercenaries.

The problem is that it is limited to a world with only one kind of power system. Without sufficient communication, it is difficult to make additional breakthroughs.

Twilight mercenaries are different. They can go to any world, have more exchanges on the power system, and obtain more unique ways to even out the gap in combat power.

Therefore, Tianzhu's energy is not absolute in front of the Twilight Mercenaries.

It depends on the amount. If the usage is normal, the Dusk Mercenaries will have ways to deal with it. If the usage is large, the absolute gap will be difficult to make up for in any way.

Therefore, the Twilight Mercenaries cannot curb the development of Tianzhu at the first time, and then there will be no need to fight again.

"In this world, you are the intruders. Tianzhu is the property of this world. You have no right to deal with Tianzhu!" The negotiators who took the initiative refused to give in.

The army behind him and the Tianzhu forts they took over are their confidence!

The influence and benefits brought by Devouring the Sky Pillar are too great. The location of this Sky Pillar is still in his country. After those Devourers gave up, they also spread a large amount of information related to Devouring the Sky Pillar.

There are many ways to use the Devouring Tianzhu. With this method, they can quickly take over the Tianzhu, and then it is time to rise.

once? In the past, the Devourer was a force that was difficult for all countries to match, but now that the Devourer has given up on devouring the Tianzhu, the pattern of the world will change.

Whoever owns the Devouring Sky Pillar is equivalent to acquiring nuclear weapons that can change the world.

After all, this kind of Tianzhu energy can be used in a wide range of applications. Whether it is the enhancement of combat power or the energy changes it brings, it can lead to greater progress, and this is the most important role of this thing.

Break boundaries.

The Devouring Sky Pillar can be used to invade other worlds, which means they can explore more worlds...

There must be a trap deliberately left by the Devourers. Those people will never disclose all the information, but this is not important at the moment. Control the Tianzhu.

There will be plenty of time for research in the future. When those Devourers were domineering, others looked envious and even resentful, but now that they have the opportunity to become a being similar to Devourers, they are unwilling to give up this opportunity.

"No power? The knife in my hand is power!" Du just waved the Jingshen Knife in his hand, and the golden sword energy triggered a gust of wind, causing the people who came to negotiate to flee back in embarrassment.

From the moment they started, it meant that the negotiations had failed.

"They don't know Dusk's information. Those Devourers have hidden a lot of information, and... the other party also behaves a little wrong, too fanatical."

They all just expressed their judgment.

Zheng Yichen nodded: "Their spirits have been affected. Although it is very weak, the influence will quickly amplify."

He only discovered it when he got close. He didn't realize it immediately because the abnormal spirit remaining in the environment was too strong.

That strong residue covered up the slight traces of mental abnormality in these people.

"He's really just cannon fodder."

"Hahaha, why else are there so many Twilight mercenaries with bad tempers?" Du Gang smiled lowly. He was also impatient from the beginning of the negotiation, and he didn't even bother to pretend.

reason? That’s it after experiencing too much.

At the beginning, he would still have some patience to communicate with the aborigines, but later? That’s what happened after that. Explanation?

It’s hard to explain. He has been the agent for more than ten years. He would feel better if he could explain it all at once. However, after explaining it ten times, six or seven times he was regarded as an aggressor.

What about going through the process to accept the investigation, and what about cooperating with the research to gain trust? When he encountered this kind of situation, he was in a bad mood, and he directly killed the authorizer behind the other party.

The labor force is here to save the world and risk their lives, but a bunch of guys who don't know that a disaster is coming are thinking about various businesses, as if the initiative is in their hands.

However, Dusk has never cared about the local humans. As long as the fundamentals of the world are good, even if a massacre has just occurred, Dusk doesn't care, as long as the factors that caused the collapse of the world can be solved.

What a bunch of thugs!

Zheng Yichen looked at Du Gang, who looked puzzled, and smiled cheerfully: "I understand, I have encountered this kind of thing before. Instead of wasting time explaining, violence is the most appropriate way. Anyway, we have No need for native honour.”

"Then teach these unscrupulous people a lesson."

As soon as Du said, a light spot lit up in the distance. The negotiation had ended at the speed of light. What followed was naturally a war surrounding the Devouring Sky Pillar.

Normal people would ask if these people are crazy and can force away the existence of Devourer. Why should they intercept and eliminate it? But the mental state of these people is obviously abnormal.

The violent golden sword energy swept out, and the golden sword energy was defeated by several Tianzhu cannons. The escaped Tianzhu energy filled the environment, and a layer of rough crystals appeared on the ground.

Du Gang frowned slightly, said nothing, and continued to attack. After a few rounds of Tianzhu Cannon, the energy content of the Tianzhu here increased significantly.

They can ignore it, but most of the people in the army are ordinary people. There are some with special powers, but not enough.

"Please ask your artificial intelligence to help find the person who issued the order." Du Gang said to Zheng Yichen.

After this environment is filled with Tianzhu energy, the people here start counting down their lives. Rescue?

That's impossible. Even if they are soldiers executing orders, they use weapons like the Tianzhu Cannon. That kind of weapon will pose a threat to them if it uses Tianzhu energy.

Not to mention anything else, even if he drives the King Kong Body and is hit by a round of frontal fire, the King Kong Body will be directly broken, but he will not give the opponent such a chance, and the Devourer has not been able to control him before, so that He has the ability to take one round of Tianzhu Cannon.

So this assumption is unrealistic.

As for controlling Zheng Yichen, that was even more unrealistic.

He couldn't be merciful, but he could send away more related people later. As Zheng Yichen said, the Devourer left some kind of back-up plan to influence the spirit here.

But if there were no careerist arrangements and the army didn't come here, there would be no situation of being affected.

"I need a little time, you can fight slower." Lilith said. Lilith doesn't care about the benefits of a quick solution. As an artificial intelligence that originated from electronic viruses, her underlying code is viral.

This trait remained even after she evolved, a trait that made her completely indifferent to any living thing outside of her specific existence.

"Okay." Everyone agreed immediately.

Zheng Yichen and Du Gang slowed down their attack speed, which made the commander of his army think that their tactics were effective. In order to deal with the unexpected, they made detailed plans for those Tianzhu cannons.

The purpose is to exert the maximum power, and the Tianzhu Cannon is related to the Devouring Tianzhu, and the energy is almost unlimited. There is no overheating situation with such an energy cannon. As long as there is a user, it can keep attacking——

"Idiot——" Du had just avoided a Tianzhu Cannon, and the powerful energy bombardment triggered an icy cold current.

It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. When they dealt with the Devourers, they had never seen those Devourers use the Tianzhu Cannon like this.

The concentration of Tianzhu energy in the environment is getting higher and higher, but the troops fighting here fail to recover the escaped Tianzhu energy in time.

"BOSS, relevant information has been collected."

"It seems we don't need to take action anymore." Zheng Yichen looked into the distance speechlessly. The Tianzhu Cannon had stopped attacking. The troops who controlled the Tianzhu Cannon and blocked the Devouring Tianzhu had already discovered that something was wrong.

The people who used the Tianzhu Cannon screamed in horror. Their arms and the Tianzhu Cannon were 'fused' and turned into similar crystals, accompanying their struggles.

The crystallized arm broke with a click. It could hold on for a while before breaking away from the Tianzhu Cannon. After leaving the range of the Tianzhu Cannon, it immediately turned into crystals and fell to the ground as the body lost balance and became fragments. .

People further away from the Tianzhu Cannon also felt stiff all over, and their clothes made a crisp sound. When they looked down, their skin also showed the color of white jade.

"Why is this happening?" The army commander's eyes turned white for a while. His eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of glass, and everything he saw was completely white. The stiffness in his body made his thinking more and more sluggish.

The last thing he vaguely saw was his adjutant falling to the ground and breaking into pieces.

"...Cut down the pillars." Du Gang looked at the crystallized army and his expression calmed down. It is true that when the aboriginal people were unwilling to understand and accept some things with their own selfish desires, he, as the agent, was very angry.

But here it is more about the people who carry out the orders.

As for being kind-hearted and soft-hearted, as contemporary practitioners have been practicing for a long time, this kind of mentality has become easy to control, just like the flexible bottom line of human beings.

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