I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 81 You Are Unlucky

The long sword burning with dark green flames fell from the air, and the pursuers who were caught off guard immediately fell into panic under the blow. Zheng Yichen just killed a person and they were not like this, but the flame attached to the sword Explode directly.

The dark green flame was like a necrosis attached to the bone. After being infected, they felt that their lives became the fuel of the flame, and the flame grew rapidly.

After a successful blow, Zheng Yichen ignored the ignited pursuers and waved the weapon in his hand. The flames burning on it swept to the pursuers who were not affected by the explosion flames like a long whip.

In less than two seconds, the pursuers, whose number was reduced by half, all turned into torches.

The dark green flames made the surrounding environment look gloomy. Zheng Yichen breathed out fiercely. This weapon is very powerful, but the blood loss is a bit severe. The large-scale attack in less than two seconds made Zheng Yichen paralyzed. up.

He looked at his hand holding the sword. The palm of his hand was wrinkled. The sword of hell in his hand seemed very active, as if it had swallowed enough life.

He directly put the sword back into the scabbard, touched his pectoralis major muscle, and the feeling was not as good as before.

Tsk, since he came to this world, this is the first time that the symptoms of blight have emerged. Although it is early, this kind of abnormality made him feel a little uncomfortable. This thing means that his own countdown has begun again It's over.

Looking at the corpses on the ground that had been burnt to charred bones in a short period of time with disgust, Zheng Yichen quickly left here. With his current physical condition, he could probably use the same type of attack twice.

After using it twice, unless there are strong enough abnormal creatures around him to kill him, he may turn into a wooden man.

The cost of the Hell Sword's large-scale burst attack is really high, but unfortunately the number of people has been reduced by half, otherwise he will fight some more and wipe out all these pursuers here.

Afterwards, Zheng Yichen's journey became much easier, and the disappeared part of the pursuers did not continue to appear. After Zheng Yichen had a good rest, he came to the place close to the Dusk Church in a relatively intact state, and observed the road with weak thermal vision On both sides, I couldn't help but tsk in my heart, the pursuers who had disappeared had ambushed here in advance.

It's just that they obviously didn't receive the news that the other part of the group was destroyed. The pursuers who were ambushing here... have nothing to fear, Zheng Yichen touched the sword of hell on his body, held back and used this weapon to have a good time A handful of impulses.

Facing the fearless pursuers, Zheng Yichen directly chose to take a detour.


"He found us again, and our people? Why didn't he follow?" The ambushing pursuers saw Zheng Yichen leaving, and suddenly fell silent.

If their people didn't keep up, there was only one possibility. The people who stayed behind to chase Zheng Yichen were finished, which made them feel a little flustered. Among the people left behind was their captain, and it was all wiped out. , How did they intercept Zheng Yichen?

Originally, they wanted to attack him from both sides, but now there is no such opportunity. They still know about the cost of silence. After so many people died, Zheng Yichen still had some ways to find them in advance.

How can I fight this? There was a serious mistake in the plan. The distance between here and the Twilight Church is very close, and Zheng Yichen can quickly reach the Twilight Church regardless of rushing there.

In fact, Zheng Yichen did just that. After a detour, Zheng Yichen rushed to the place where the Twilight Church was at the fastest speed. When he came here, he stood on a high place and looked at it. There was no problem with the direction he ran.

The style of the dusk church he saw from a distance was slightly different from the one he saw in the Obscure City, but the impressive dusk color let him know that it was the place he was looking for!

What is there to hesitate about?

Being able to rest, Zheng Yichen was in very good physical condition and did not stop all the way. Those pursuers rode on horses and looked at Zheng Yichen's figure. Zheng Yichen didn't run as fast as a horse, and he also took a detour. Those roads are not easy to ride a horse If he passed, Zheng Yichen could quickly pass through those places with his hands and legs.

They had to make a bigger circle on horseback, and there was no chance of catching up with the inhuman Zheng Yichen.

"I'm coming to the Twilight Church!!" The voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement, and Zheng Yichen came to the entrance of the Twilight Church. As for those pursuers? It's just a group of defeated dogs. I have already killed many people. If the rest of them stay here with lingering ghosts, they will not be able to live in the future.

Even if he didn't stay here, he would still do it if he had the chance. John, Raymond and the others have been partners with him for several months.

Zheng Yichen couldn't wait to open the door of the Twilight Church, seeing the style inside the church, the last stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Compared with the Twilight Church in the Obscure City, the Twilight Church here is much smaller. There are only a few people who belong to this world here. Those people don't seem to come here to pray, and some people are more like traveling merchants. Take a short break here.

There are also the nuns here, the hair color of autumn maple leaves and orange eyes, such obvious features, Zheng Yichen couldn't wait to walk over: "I have a lot of questions!"

"But you can't ask now." The nun looked at Zheng Yichen calmly. Zheng Yichen froze for a moment, and soon realized the problem. The suppressant he was carrying became heavier.

The rapidly rising weight broke the straps on Zheng Yichen's body. The black metal box hit the floor, creating a depression in the ground. The chains on it shook violently. With this shaking, fine cracks emerged. above.

Zheng Yichen took out the rope on his body, and the moment the thrown rope touched the box, it turned into a fine powder. Now Zheng Yichen didn't dare to touch the box directly. He hesitated for a moment, and the black gun appeared in his hand , Picking the chain of the box, the black gun was not directly destroyed, but the weight of the box exceeded his expectations.

What was originally only about 20 catties, now weighs two tons or more, what did I bring along this journey!

"I don't know anything." Zheng Yichen spread out his hands, expressing his innocence. He really didn't know that this thing had such a problem. If he had known, he would have rushed in so hastily.

"You can't get in if you know what this thing is." The nun calmly stared at the black box on the ground. The first chain on it had been broken, and the substantive ripples spread out in circles, emerging on the floor. Fine cracks came out, and the people in the church at dusk also discovered the abnormality here, and some people had already fled here first.

"Is this my bad luck?"

"Yes, it is impossible for ordinary people to bring this thing in. Only people like you can bring this thing in." The nun's expression was still calm, but she took a few steps back after the scope of the ripples expanded.

"Why?" The corners of Zheng Yichen's mouth twitched slightly, he felt that he was being tricked, no, what the nun said was clearly saying that he was being tricked!

"You are not from this world, so your aura can cover up the aura of this thing."

"This thing won't directly destroy this place, right?" Zheng Yichen wanted to run away. The nun's calmness was probably due to the fact that all the nuns in the Twilight Church were like this. The nuns I met in the Twilight Church in the Obscure City were like this. The same goes for the side.

"No, but this world will become a source of infection." The nun said as she backed away. After the chain on the box was completely broken, the tightly closed box was opened.

A 'glass ball' with cracks on its surface rolled out of the black box. After it fell on the ground, the surrounding environment became like a glass ball, full of cracks. The corners of Zheng Yichen's eyes twitched when he saw it. .

This world is considered a low-magic world, but now that this thing appears, it directly becomes a Shattered Void.

"Infection sounds like a very bad word."

"That's for you to understand, and now you have something to deal with." As soon as the nun's voice fell, the 'glass ball' was completely shattered, and the surrounding environment was also shattered, but after the shattered environment It just splashed out some 'shards' like broken glass.

There was no big black void, and the fragments completely evaporated and disappeared before they hit the ground.

Then the environment returned to normal. The black box was severely deformed and distorted, and the ground was covered with dense cracks. It wasn't for these traces, the abnormal phenomenon just now seemed to have never happened.

The scene that Zheng Yichen expected the entire church to be destroyed or some kind of major disaster did not happen, but he did feel something different when the 'glass ball' shattered, something surged. come over.

That kind of thing is invisible, and when I feel it, it is as if the airflow caused by the difference in air pressure blows to him, and then Zheng Yichen feels that his body becomes active, just like the activation after passing through the vision, the kind that involves The perception of special powers has also been enhanced.

Zheng Yichen waved his hand at the air next to him, and the sound of piercing the air immediately sounded. He felt that his strength had at least doubled, and with this active change still improving, the "environmental adjustment" of this world appeared Change.

"What the hell is that thing??"

"Follow me." The nun gave Zheng Yichen a look that she didn't want to take the opportunity to leave, and then walked in one direction. There were no outsiders in the Dusk Church now, and all the people who stayed here had run away.

Zheng Yichen picked up the twisted metal box on the ground and followed. He has more problems now, and since this box can hold that kind of 'glass ball', there must be something special about it.

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