I was deceived by an old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Zheng Yichen felt it, and there was nothing to say. Based on the premise of unequal intelligence, there is really nothing to complain about being messed up like this.

It's better to think about how to get it back. After knowing the truth, Lei Meng's behavior along the way is not right, although it is similar to his daily performance...

There are also some other problems with the Twilight Church. Although this place is special, it does not restrict other people from entering here. There are churches in this world, but the local churches don't seem to pay much attention to this place?

"The Twilight Church is in a state of being accepted. People who know that there are only two attitudes. They like to come here and they don't like to come here, and most people don't like to come here."

"Okay, you are self-willed, so there are so few nuns here?" Zheng Yichen looked at the nuns in the church in twos and threes, which were incomparable to those in the Obscure City.

"We don't need so many people here." Afterwards, Zheng Yichen started to work. Obviously, the nun said that the dusk church is very impressive, but at this time, repairing the floor requires people to move things. Zheng Yichen is the one who moves things, and he has to pass Remove the damaged floor and replace it with a new one.

After working for almost an hour, the floor here was replaced: "Can I get the things stored here?"

"You can take it at any time." The nun brought Zheng Yichen to a locker. Zheng Yichen looked at the things he had stored here, and his head was a little big. At first, he didn't think that the service of the Twilight Church was special, but now he knows it. What a rare service.

You can enjoy cross-world access for a few hundred dollars a month, which is simply too conscientious!

It seems absolutely useless for most people.

The things he stored in the Twilight Church are all daily necessities, including the head of the one-horned mule, snacks, clothes, weapons, etc., but after eating modern snacks after a few months, It made Zheng Yichen's heart agitated... Finally, he didn't have to worry about going to the toilet anymore.

"I'll be back in two months." After eating some snacks, Zheng Yichen said to the nun beside him, "And can this box be processed into other weapons?"

"Yes, but you can't get free services now." The nun said, looking at the black metal box in Zheng Yichen's hand.

"That is to say, spend some money?"

"According to the price of Obscure City, it costs two million."

"...You guys are so special, what do you need money for?" Zheng Yichen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

The nun looked indifferent: "There are normal employees in some places, and they need to be paid wages, as well as other normal expenses, etc. In the future, when your performance improves, you can also get money from here."

Zheng Yichen left the Twilight Church, and he admitted in his heart that the Twilight Church is a very down-to-earth place. As for the point of having nowhere to escape, after he left the Twilight Church, he knew that the nuns were not fooling him. He couldn't see the Twilight Church , but there can be a twilight beam of light, which penetrates the sky and the earth, and is clearly visible in Zheng Yichen's eyes.

"Huh~ okay." He took out a small mirror and looked at his face, his eyeballs turned left and right facing the mirror, and he could see the dusk-like orange in the inadvertent reflection.

As for the changes in his body, he waved his fist, and the sound of piercing through the air became stronger. With a single jump, he could jump more than five meters away. His recovery power was more obvious, and a wound was gently drawn on the back of his hand. , the wound soon stopped bleeding and began a slow recovery.

Low thermal vision has also been significantly enhanced, and the strain on the eyes has also been reduced.

When the sword of hell is in hand, the range of the weapon's life force does not change at all, but under the same consumption, the flames burned by the weapon become more turbulent.

Zheng Yichen estimated that by the current standard, the cost of killing the pursuer team at that time could be reduced to less than one-fifth!

When the one-horned mule's horn is waving, it is surrounded by an obvious spiral airflow. When it is thrown as a throwing object, the spiral airflow directly explodes into a whirlwind around the horn. The flying state of the angle makes it maintain a straight forward attitude instead of spinning.

When the scarlet tongue used as a belt is flicked, it can produce an impact that he can see, and the impact on the spirit is more obvious.

After the 'resources' of this world were balanced, there was a spiritual recovery directly. Zheng Yichen really didn't know what good this approach was.

After all, balance is a 50/50 thing. If the world is weak, it will naturally balance out additional 'resources' from the strong side, and the total amount of resources on the strong side will decrease, right? There is a sense of harming oneself and benefiting others, but since those people did this, it must be profitable.

As for what the picture is, then he has to investigate. Zheng Yichen is not in the mood to investigate now, he just wants to know if Lei Meng is dead, and if he is not dead, how to kill that guy!

Being cheated by a man for several months is unbearable.

There are also those pursuers. Although the mission of the pursuers failed, they seemed a bit unwilling. Zheng Yichen found them wandering nearby after leaving the Twilight Church.

Now that he met him, he was not polite. Zheng Yichen approached those people at a very fast speed. The thermal vision made them nowhere to hide. By the time the pursuers found Zheng Yichen approaching, it was too late.

Now Zheng Yichen is just like Little Superman in every respect, the pursuers looked at Zheng Yichen who was rushing, organized an orderly counterattack, and the crossbow arrows shot towards Zheng Yichen with precision.

The crossbow arrows that threatened him before had no lethality at this time. The speed of the crossbow arrows in his eyes seemed to be slightly slower than before, as if things like reaction speed hadn’t been adjusted too much by the environment. Change.

But he was not satisfied with his own reaction speed. His physical fitness was beyond the charts, and those crossbow bolts could be seen by him, so he could push them away at will, which was completely different from before.

"What's the matter with this guy??" Looking at Zheng Yichen's abnormal speed and the movement of blocking crossbow arrows, the pursuers were shocked. Not long ago, some of them discovered some problems, and some felt that their strength had grown stronger. , able to lift heavier objects.

At first I thought it was a personal change, but later I realized that everyone has changed, it is not unique, the original thoughtful people gave up extra ideas, Zheng Yichen should have changed, but the same change, why this guy More exaggerated?

Run faster than a horse!

"Uh, don't come here!!" Seeing Zheng Yichen who was chasing up, a pursuer couldn't suppress the panic in his heart, and yelled in panic.

For this, Zheng Yichen just took out the unicorn that he carried with him, and threw it out with all his strength. When the unicorn was flying, the whirlwind surrounding it strengthened, piercing through the body of the pursuer with force, and flew forward unabated, frantically The airflow spread to several other pursuers.

The rest of the pursuers scattered and fled in horror. They could see that Zheng Yichen was still within the range of normal people before, but now this guy is no longer human.

Run quickly, the faster you run the better, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that Zheng Yichen didn't continue chasing after them.

Zheng Yichen, who got the horse, embarked on the journey to find Katrina. When he returned to the previous city, it was more than half a month later. He did not take the dangerous road, mainly because the direct There have been changes, and those dark creatures may get some kind of enhancement.

He wasn't that scared, he just felt that it would waste time, so it was better to take the normal path.

I also encountered many dark creatures on the normal road, especially after he was on the road for a week, he could encounter some wandering zombies on the side of the road, not rotting corpses, but zombies with stronger bodies, and some crows also became bigger , will attack people.

However, the abnormal creatures that were not corpses basically became Zheng Yichen's extra rations. The strength of the world increased, and the feedback those abnormal creatures could bring to him also increased a lot.

In more than half a month, the changes in this world, er, the ordinary people have not changed much. Most of the teams that Zheng Yichen encountered on the road are still ordinary people, and the ordinary people after training are not much different from before. difference.

Occasionally there will be some strong people, but there are only a few people who are strong in front of Zheng Yichen.

I don't know what changes will be made by the presence of witches.

The security at the entrance of the city has also become stricter, but Zheng Yichen used to do tasks here before, and the guards knew him. After seeing him and coming back, the guards didn't ask too much, and let him go directly. Zheng Yichen, who was behind the city, hurried to the residence.

He saw the hidden camera at the door at a glance, waved at the camera, and soon the door was opened, and a figure threw himself into Zheng Yichen's arms: "You are finally back, let's get out of here!"

Katrina's voice trembled a little: "There have been people from the church patrolling these days."

"Slow down, let's go back to the house first." Zheng Yichen patted the girl's head and comforted the excited girl. Changes in the world environment will definitely arouse the vigilance of the local forces.

After watching Zheng Yichen come back, Elena, the witch in the forest, also let out a long breath: "You are finally back, if you don't come back, we will find a place to hide."

"Pack up your things, we're leaving now." Zheng Yichen didn't beep, and found the Twilight Church. It doesn't matter whether the house here is kept or not.

"Okay, I'll pack my things right away." Katrina immediately went back to her room to pack up the things that were to be taken away.

Nearly half a month ago, she found that her magic had strengthened, and the same was true for Elena, the witch in the forest. A week ago, people from the church frequently appeared on the street, including knights and monks of the church. She started from a monk I felt the breath of special power on my body.

There were more monks like this two days ago...

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