I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 901 Someone ran out of memory

"BOSS, this is the relevant training manual." Lilith handed the compiled knowledge to Zheng Yichen.

Transforming the divine core does not require such subsequent supplements. According to Dusk, this transformation is equivalent to giving oneself a more special organ.

But there is a part of the transformation divine core that is a destiny weapon, and this part needs subsequent improvement.

In the world of Gu Zun, refining the weapon of destiny is just the beginning, and a lot of resources and energy will need to be invested later.

Zheng Yichen does not need to invest any resources into the weapon, but it is inevitable to consume energy.

This kind of investment can further strengthen the relationship between the natal weapon and him.

After refining the weapon of destiny to a certain extent, this weapon can even be reincarnated with the refiner, or after the refiner is reincarnated, the weapon can find its owner independently.

"I'll watch it first. Just take a rest." Zheng Yichen looked at the training manual compiled by Lilith on his mobile phone, and then paid 4 grade points to Tia.

This part of the performance points is not used to strengthen or anything, but to 'repair' and eliminate the 'flaws' left after Lilith imprinted the fantasy formation.

Although Zheng Yichen's work was perfect when engraving, the dream dust only filled the engraving traces. Even though Lilith's body has activation properties, it still cannot fully integrate that part of the material.

As a machine girl, Lilith cannot practice like a human being, and she is not a magical weapon herself, so she cannot further process that part of the material more efficiently.

In the future, if Zheng Yichen's skill in weapon refining reaches a very high level, he may be able to help with the matter, but that will happen in the future.

He couldn't wait until that time, so he simply let Dusk eliminate these flaws.

4 points is not much, but it can make his machine girl more perfect. Zheng Yichen thinks it is worth it.

Walking towards the locker, he was about to start a new round of investment.

Things like fantasy flowers are special resources. If they want to be effective, they must be used in the original world. They cannot be used as investment items, but things like fantasy dust can be tried.

The properties of this thing are unique, but after Lilith's research in the virtual world, this thing can be used in scientific and technological research. There are many ways to stimulate the properties of dream dust.

Dream dust can be used as a consumable or as a material such as metal.

When used as consumables, they are basically used to salvage things from the dream world. At other times, this thing is a long-lasting material.

Zheng Yichen divided out 10 grams for Lilith to use the core of the virtual world to decompose and absorb, 20 grams to engrave the fantasy formation, and sent 10 grams to Liu Hongzhao and the others.

Now he wants to give Jiang Wei and the others some of the dream dust to see if they can research something.

The distribution ratio is the highest in the world of Sky Wheel. This kind of thing may lead to new breakthroughs in the research of the Sky Wheel world.

The Super Sky Wheel, he has been obsessed with this thing to a degree that has gone beyond what he once thought about the unity of heaven and man.

Harmony between man and nature?

After having the power to manifest visions, he specialized in uniting heaven and man!

The unity of man and nature can be considered to reach the upper limit of the world's single body power, while the manifestation of strange phenomena breaks through the upper limit of the world's environment.

"I hope you can give me a surprise." He said and put the allocated dream dust into the locker.

Zheng Yichen went back. Dusk's efficiency seemed to be very high this time. After he went back, Tia was already waiting. When he came to the garage, Lilith's projection appeared immediately.

Reporting on one's own situation.

The body's performance, which was slightly affected by the engraving, has now been completely restored. Of course, this is either an enhancement or a repair.

The incompatible part between the dream dust and the machine itself has been repaired, so that the dream dust can be completely integrated into the part where the fantasy formation is engraved.

The effect of dream dust will only be expressed through the fantasy formation, and there is no virtual and real conversion that makes the motorcycle as a whole possess dream dust.

"But I can transform reality into reality through a complete fantasy formation, and maintain the fantasy formation for a long time, which can continue to affect my own 'physique' and further complete self-transformation."

"Where's the time?"

"One hundred thousand years."

"Ahem, let's talk about it later." After hearing this number, Zheng Yichen couldn't help but cough twice. This time seemed to be longer than his life, so he didn't have to count on it for the time being.

After returning home, Zheng Yichen spent the next two days focusing on running in the changed fishing rod. Two days later, Dasia Filo also came out.

Seeing Zheng Yichen again, Xiao Bailong looked wilted and yawned: "It's so tortured."

"What's going on?" Zheng Yichen was very interested when he saw Dasia Filo looking like she was about to be scrapped. It was obvious that the transformation of the divine core was improved.

"The burden is too heavy. I didn't feel any burden when I used my body as a carrier. It's different when I use the sacred vessel of life as a transformation object after being illusory."

Tasia Philo looked overwhelmed: "I feel like my soul is going to explode..."

"As long as you can bear it." Zheng Yichen nodded. Lilith reminded Zheng Yichen about this, but he didn't feel it very clearly at the time. He just thought it was just that. As a result, it turned out that Dacia Philo didn't Same.

Obviously, when the illusory transformation product mainly uses the soul to transform the divine core, it will have additional characteristics that the direct transformation divine core does not have.

"Besides, this kind of harvest is also very big, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, they said that my current divine core is no different from the godhead, and it is more flexible than the godhead."

Dacia Philo showed a big smile. Although she was very tired, the income feedback made her very happy. With a divine core that is indistinguishable from the godhead, the effect was much better than expected.

"And there have been some changes within me."

"This should be the reason." Zheng Yichen reached out and touched Dacia Philo's head. When transforming the divine core, his inner world also experienced some changes. Although there was nothing extra, the World Tree became more real. .

Although the previous fishing rod was Zheng Yichen's exclusive weapon, it was not 'one' with him.

Now that the fishing rod has been transformed into a divine core, the two are considered to be one body, and it is normal for the World Tree in the inner world to change.

He has already changed like this, let alone Tasia Philo.

"What's your change?"

"I haven't read it yet." Xiao Bailong scratched his head: "Try it now!"

After speaking, she rubbed her two small hands, spread them out, and a small area of ​​​​God's Domain expanded.

This time there was no out-of-sync when the divine realm was unfolded. The mental images of the inner world and the divine realm were unfolded simultaneously.

The changes in Dacia Philo's divine realm are very obvious, unlike Zheng Yichen's. Unless he has a unique perception of the World Tree, it is difficult to see direct changes.

Not only have the crystals here become purer, but there are also more rivers and plants.

Zheng Yichen reached out and touched a flower. The feeling was different from a normal flower. It was a flower made of life force.

But when you smell it, there is the fragrance of flowers. Not only that, when you look at the flowers, you can also see a vibrant paradise.

The Sacred Artifact of Life brought changes to Dasia Philo's inner world, but the inner world was still dominated by the manifestation of Dasia Philo's own power.

The plants and rivers, as well as the ocean that is like a background in the distance, should be brought by the World Tree. The inner world of the World Tree Tasia Philo brings the 'natural' ecology.

As for the vision of the flowers, it is part of the vision of the ancient master.

There is no such incidental vision in Zheng Yichen's inner world. It is not that Zheng Yichen's inner world is not perfect enough, but that his inner world is too perfect and there is no need for such additional visions to appear.

This part of Dacia Philo's inner world is caused by the life sacred artifact plug-in that was transformed into a divine core.

It should be that Dacia Philo's soul could not fully bear the life sacred weapon that was transformed into the divine core, and there was an instability problem in the inner world.

After confirming that there was no change of priorities, Zheng Yichen signaled to Dasia Filo to remove the divine realm and handed her the method of refining the weapon of destiny: "Study hard, this should speed up the elimination of your burden."

"Huh? This is not magic knowledge."

"You have been exposed to so many worlds, and you still have magic knowledge? Learn more about other things. Have a good rest today and start learning tomorrow."

"...Okay." Dasia Filo couldn't help but sigh a little. If you want to learn unfamiliar knowledge, you have to learn the basics again.

The next day, Tasia Philo woke up and stared blankly at the ceiling. The feeling of fatigue did not disappear, and she realized the seriousness of the problem.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on his chest, and the Sacred Artifact of Life emerged. Looking at this thing, Dacia Philo looked worried. The fatigue caused by the high burden did not disappear because of adequate rest.

Now this transformation product has been completely transformed into the divine core. After being absorbed into the body, it will not be absorbed into the body like a protective ball, but directly integrated into the soul.

This is true even if the sacred weapon of life is not illusory.

This means that her new course cannot be delayed.

Although the fatigue caused by this high burden does not affect combat effectiveness, it does affect mental state.

Correspondingly, her strength has also begun to increase significantly. Today, she can probably beat her yesterday. This is the benefit of transforming the divine core.

The quality of the divine core was too high, and the initial feedback to her was extremely rapid. She was not like her own caregiver. Three days after transforming into the divine core, her strength had not increased at all.

It seems to have transformed into loneliness. Maybe it's because Zheng Yichen has touched the upper limit of the environment in the world of Hazy City?

While Dasia Philo was deep in thought, there was a figure in her room.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Lilith who appeared here wearing a black dress, Dacia Philo rolled her eyes.

"It's time for you to study."

"I haven't had breakfast yet..."

"BOSS has a new mission. We will set off the day after tomorrow."

"Ah!? It's not even a month, right? Is it so late at dusk??" Tasia Filo muttered with resentment after hearing this: "Are they just waiting for us over there? Let us do what we need to do Once the work is done, tasks will be assigned to the caregivers immediately.”

Lilith's expression did not change, and she said with a calm tone unique to others: "Based on previous records, this possibility is very high."

"Hmph... Even a capable person cannot stare at him like this despite his hard work, but there is nothing to be afraid of now. Two days are enough. I am a genius!" Dasia Filo patted her face and pressed down Fatigue due to high workload.

During Lilith's observation, Dasia Philo's vitality began to be abnormally concentrated in the brain...

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