I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 903 Is this a river?

What kind of abnormal world is this? Zheng Yichen looked at the information on the big map. The two rings touched together. Why didn't they explode?

Zheng Yichen looked at the sky, doubting the current state of the world.

"Is this world a ball or a round sky?" Zheng Yichen simply returned to the Land of Twilight, pulling Tia along and asked.

"The sky is round and the earth is round." Tia gave the answer on the spot.

After getting the answer, Zheng Yichen said nothing and drove directly on the road.

Tasia Philo howled to come out in the built-in space.

After releasing Xiao Bailong, Zheng Yichen looked at her listless look and said, "Why are you running out if you don't have a good sleep?"

"You can sleep better if you sleep in the car." Dasia Filo sat on the back seat, holding Zheng Yichen in her hands and rubbing him gently.

Zheng Yichen shook his head and rode on the road. This mission lasted for twenty-four days, less than a month, but Zheng Yichen seemed to have enough... right?

Thinking about what he saw on the big map, Zheng Yichen felt a little guilty. He should take a step at a time. In such a wild environment, it was too difficult to obtain enough information.

Moreover, Zheng Yichen has not seen any remaining Twilight mercenaries from the Twilight Land.

Even if they were destroyed, there should be some Twilight mercenaries remaining here, but there is nothing here, leaving Zheng Yichen to have to find suitable intelligence sources on his own.

A figure dragging a long trail of dust galloped across the wild land.

After taking one look at the figure, some beasts lowered their heads and continued to eat the prey they had just caught, tasting the delicious internal organs of the prey. After the beast left, some birds fell from the sky and pecked at the mostly eaten corpse.

Among the thick clouds in the sky, a black shadow larger than the clouds flew past. Not long after the black shadow flew past, a storm blew over the land.

The pecking birds screamed and flew up. They were very flexible, but some of them were still knocked down by the stones blown up by the storm.

"What a strong wind." Zheng Yichen looked at the sky after being blown by the strong wind. This kind of wind did not have any special power, but its intensity was very high.

The speeding motorcycle deployed a protective force field to withstand the impact of the strong wind. Even without using the vision manifestation function, Lilith could deploy this protection.

This is not protection involving special power, but protection generated by technology, regardless of environmental adjustments.

"BOSS, that creature is very dangerous in this environment." Lilith said, remotely observing the flying creature in the sky.

Nearly ten kilometers of behemoth, this world is a world with extremely high intensity levels. There is no energy level, which means that such a huge creature must rely on its own physical fitness to support its body if it wants to survive.

Not to mention that this thing is still flying. The weight of this creature will not be less than 50 billion tons!

Many mountains don't have this kind of weight.

If this thing were to fall from the sky, the nearby area would suffer a devastating blow.

"My hands are itchy." Zheng Yichen stared at the huge thing in the clouds in the sky. Occasionally, with a sudden glance, he could see the scales and feathers of the huge thing's body.

This creature is undoubtedly an epic creature in this world. If you kill this thing and use its abnormal ability to draw blood, the transformed life essence may not be able to fill the entire built-in space.

Even the quality of your own life essence will be greatly improved as a result.

It's just too... tempting.

"I now customize a hunting plan."

"Hahahaha, you're just kidding. If this thing were a normal creature, generally speaking I wouldn't do anything to it." Zheng Yichen said quickly. This behemoth has already affected the ecology of the environment.

After killing it, it might have a serious impact on the environment of the area: "I'm just curious about how this kind of creature survives."

Just like Zheng Yichen now, he can go without eating for a long time. He has the essence of life. It's okay to go without eating for a few months, but he can't go without eating forever.

Of course, Zheng Yichen did not regard eating as eating by hunting and devouring blood.

So what does this behemoth eat?

"We can follow and have a look."

Zheng Yichen took a look at the remaining time of the mission. It was only twenty-four days, so he could go and have a look. It happened to be where the behemoth was flying and where they were going.

The speed of this huge flying creature that was over ten kilometers was so fast that Zheng Yichen had to speed up to catch up with him. However, the movement on his side was very small compared with the storm caused by this creature.

It didn't attract any attention.

By the way, this world is really big! !

In two hours, in the world of Hazy City, at his current speed, he could circle the planet more than a dozen times.

But in this world, after running for so long, the distance to the target area is less than one-tenth of the way.

It seems that compared to the world in the form of the cosmic environment, this kind of world seems...not that big?

The speed of the flying behemoth began to slow down, but the storm that was stirred up became more intense.

Huge creatures fell from the sky, and the strong storm was like a buffer. If this kind of storm were placed on the planet, it would definitely be an unprecedented destructive storm.

Lilith's protective force field began to tremble in this storm.


The behemoth that fell from the sky grabbed a mountain. Its huge claws directly scratched the rocks, and it grabbed an insect that was several kilometers away from the mountain and was twisting violently.

The ground shook when the insect struggled, but it could not resist this behemoth. Under the bite of the mouth that was not a bird, the huge insect's body made a cracking sound.

Turbulent blood spurted out, and this blood dripped onto the ground, quickly forming large and small puddles.

But compared to the size of the two creatures, the blood flowing out is nothing.

After the insect's defense was broken, the outcome was doomed. The huge flying creature was a predator and very professional. The insect didn't struggle for long before it became soft and prone.

Eventually, the giant bug is swallowed whole by the flying creature with a dinosaur-like head.

A new storm appeared again, and the huge creature that landed on the ground waved the wings that caused the storm. After the storm accumulated to a certain extent, it flew up slightly 'slowly'.

Of course, this slowness is based on the size of the creature, and the actual rising speed is not slow at all.

Zheng Yichen immediately came to the place where the flying creatures were eating and checked the scene.

The blood dripping from the big bug was blown away by the storm, leaving nothing behind.

But Zheng Yichen saw something new from the cracked mountain debris.

It was a hole with a diameter of more than one kilometer, like a hole drilled by earthworms. When I looked inside, a subtle whistling sound came from the hole.

These holes seem to be connected in certain places.

Zheng Yichen suppressed his curiosity and did not go down. Although it was easy to get up from this hole after going down, he was a person who had serious things to do.

"This should be the kind of bug that came out of it." Zheng Yichen scanned the surrounding environment through his phantom eyes.

Finally, some debris was found in the rock crevices of the mountain debris.

Of course, in the eyes of a creature less than two meters tall like Zheng Yichen, these scraps of flesh and blood are just a bunch of big pieces of meat.

The black gun made of black substance was inserted into a piece of flesh and blood. The flesh and blood immediately dried up and then turned into powder.

Zheng Yichen licked his lips and said, "I don't feel anything. Is the dose too small?"

He didn't feel any substantial feedback from it. As for the residual vitality contained in this piece of flesh and blood, it was much more powerful than a lot of beasts of standard size.

After collecting the remaining fragments, Zheng Yichen immediately rode his bike and chased the huge creature that flew away.

Judging from the way the other person is eating, it must be difficult to be hungry in this world, right?

With this thought, Zheng Yichen met a river——

"Is this a river or a sea?" Zheng Yichen looked at this invisible 'river' and looked at the map Tiya gave him. It was a river.

The earth can be thrown into it, and a river with a big splash will be created...

When standing by the river, Zheng Yichen could feel the huge airflow caused by the flow of the river. He couldn't help but take out his fishing rod.

He was not in a hurry to chase the flying behemoth. The reason was that the huge flying creature was now stagnant on a mountain peak dozens of kilometers away with a height of more than 20 kilometers.

There were long water jets gushing out from the edge of the mountain.

Of course, compared with this river, this water column is just a small water line.

Flying giants drink water on the top of the mountain.

After Zheng Yichen further zoomed in on the scenery there through his phantom eyes, he also saw some fish and other creatures in the gushing water column. If those things were placed in this river, would they be equivalent to microorganisms?

When he was studying biology at school, he had been curious about how some creatures survived by eating microorganisms. Now he understood that from a human perspective, those very small creatures survived by eating microorganisms.

People would definitely starve to death if they came to eat them, but for those creatures, microorganisms are more than enough.

Now in this world, Zheng Yichen, compared to the flying giant beast, is the kind of tiny creature that relies on ingesting microorganisms to survive.

When the flying giant drinks water, it doesn't pay attention to the small fish and other creatures spurting out of the water column.

When drinking water, who will carefully look at the microorganisms and bacteria in the water?

"Fill two poles?" Zheng Yichen looked at the fishing rod in his hand that turned from illusory to real, and couldn't help but take a swing.

He wanted to try this kind of legitimate fishing, but the river was too huge. Even though the flow speed was not 'fast' compared to the entire river, this not-so-fast speed was enough to really treat this place as a place. For river creatures.

For Zheng Yichen, the force generated by the fierce friction between the river and the river is so huge that ordinary people can think about the next life after being rubbed against it.

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