I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 905 Super Strong

Before the fish was finished, Zheng Yichen took Dasia Filo back on the road. He really didn't have time to eat here for ten and a half days, so he just had to eat something interesting.

After ten minutes of not eating, the appetizing feeling of eating disappeared. Obviously, what I ate before was not meaningless.

When you don’t need to eat and your physical condition is good, you won’t feel hungry. When you need to eat, you can eat whatever you want and your appetite will increase.

Part of this fish was also disposed of by Lilith. For new species, Lilith still needs to use the virtual world core to collect them.

But only a part was enough. They moved some distance away. As expected, the flying giant beast that had been observing secretly came over immediately.

Not in the form of flying, it is only a few dozen kilometers, but for that flying giant beast, it is only a few dozen steps.

With the addition of the flying giant beast, the remaining fish were eaten up quickly, with not much bones left.

The flying behemoth looked at Zheng Yichen after eating. For it, it was not that it couldn't eat fish, but it didn't have many fish in it, and it was easy to overturn. But that ant-like two-legged creature could catch fish on the shore. kind.

He has seen two-legged creatures, and those creatures really live in groups like ants. They usually bully and bully certain creatures that are not very big, and that's basically it.

Doesn't it know that such a creature has such ability? There is another strange bipedal creature, which can actually transform into a larger creature. What kind of unique food expansion technique is this?

"Why does it look a little cute?" Tasia Philo, who returned to human form, whispered.

"...Indeed." Zheng Yichen was speechless. He used to think that such a creature was an epic creature in this world, but now it seems that is not the case.

The flying giant beast is very powerful, but it seems to be like the eagle, which is very powerful among flying creatures, but among the beasts, as long as it can hit, there are many creatures that can kill the eagle instantly.

What's more important is the way this eagle looks. He is very interested in fish, but doesn't eat fish often.

Zheng Yichen thought that if he poisoned it... Oh, with the size of this eagle, poisoning would probably be useless.

"Raiser, do you think it is possible for me to continue to grow up in this world? I also want this body shape." Dasia Filo said to Zheng Yichen with some expectation: "In dragon form, it spreads its wings to cover the sky and the sun. The human form is as good as ever, isn’t it great?”

"..." Zheng Yichen thought about the contrast for a moment and nodded: "It is indeed great, but the body shape should be the biological characteristics of this world and will not change due to environmental adjustments."

The creatures in this world should have the genes of giants, so they can grow to that level.

"That's it..." Tasia Filo was a little disappointed: "Can genetics solve it?"

"...Theoretically it's possible, but don't try it rashly." Zheng Yichen nodded and shook his head. His life essence, the Life Ark, was obtained in a similar way.

It's just that the process of obtaining it was too violent. Anyone else would have become a deformed monster.

"If you want to break through the body's size limit, you can strengthen it through dusk. But in this case, wouldn't you be directly out of touch with the dragon clan in your native world?"

Tasia Philo yawned lightly: "It would be great if the human form is not out of touch——"

After a short stay, Zheng Yichen took Dasia Filo back on the road. Next, they would pass through this river that could not be bypassed.

Watching Zheng Yichen leave, the flying giant beast did not follow him...even though the other party showed unique power and could even catch fish on the shore.

On the way, Zheng Yichen seemed quite cautious. After leaving the shore, the river no longer felt so strong, but the flow rate of the river was still devastating to ordinary creatures.

Zheng Yichen stretched out his hand and touched the river. It felt... like he was shot in the face by a weapon like Metal Storm. Anyway, he was an ordinary person, and he was reduced to pieces on the spot.

For Zheng Yichen, the water temperature seemed pretty good.

Looking at the sky, he had been traveling for several hours. The sun in the sky did not appear to be setting, and even its position did not change much.

"How long is a day in this world?" Zheng Yichen brought up the projection screen and looked at the countdown on it. It didn't matter how long a day in this world was. What was important was that the countdown given at dusk was based on the time Zheng Yichen was familiar with.

In this world, it might only take less than a day?

Zheng Yichen somewhat understood why there were no dusk mercenaries in sight.

"Provider, down below!!"

Sitting in the back seat, Dasia Filo, who was originally quiet, suddenly patted Zheng Yichen on the back. Zheng Yichen did not hesitate. A small-scale vision appeared, and their figures disappeared with the distortion of space. In place.

A huge mouth that stretched for more than a hundred kilometers came out, stirring up a large amount of river water.

There are densely packed aquatic creatures churning in the river, including many giant fish that are several kilometers long, and even smaller aquatic creatures.

Zheng Yichen, who appeared two hundred kilometers away, watched this scene with the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

"Is this Kunkun..."

The sound of heavy rain was heard. Of course, in this world, this kind of heavy rain is just the remnant of water splashing in an area.

"We were accidentally injured, don't worry about it." Zheng Yichen stretched out his hand and pinched Dasia Filo's cheek. This time he did not move forward close to the water. He raised the altitude to ten kilometers and continued to move forward.

The deeper you go into the river, the more magical you see.

Compared to the 'Kun Kun', which was even bigger not long ago, it has become a huge island, a turtle creature even bigger than the moon, and fish and shrimp that are ferocious but seemingly not a threat.

The size of that creature is not big, only a dozen or tens of meters, but its attack power is very strong.

Zheng Yichen ate several plates of shrimp.

Tia told Zheng Yichen that this world was similar to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and he somewhat believed it, but the creatures in this world seemed to be more exaggerated in size.

What is missing is special abilities. If there were more special powers in the environment of this world, wouldn't these creatures have to take off on the spot?


In the darkness, Dasia Filo hugged Zheng Yichen tightly, trembling somewhat. It was not that she was timid, but that there was a storm where they were.

The gloomy dark clouds are full of destructive power, a drop of rain can fill the fish pond, and in the pouring rain, thunder bursts from the sky.

The rain was okay, but what put pressure on Dacia Philo was the huge thunder and lightning.

Zheng Yichen had no doubts about the power of that kind of thunder and lightning.

Even the scope of this storm, according to Lilith's calculations, exceeds the area of ​​​​the planet in the world of Jiangxi City.

However, storms of this magnitude only cover a small part of the river.

"I thought I could ignore the thunder and lightning in a powerful world, but I didn't expect there to be masters." Zheng Yichen rubbed his eyes. He had just flashed through a thunder and lightning with a diameter of dozens of kilometers, which was a bit dazzling.

"You don't want to try it, do you?"

"My mind is normal." Zheng Yichen shook his head, forget about this kind of thunder and lightning.

Even if he could withstand it, he had to hold on after eating enough. He had to rely on his body to survive being electrocuted and touch the switch?

If you can't die, can you still feel no pain?

Seeing Dasia Filo's relieved look, Zheng Yichen grinned slightly: "Don't worry, those lightning can't hit us."

Lightning can't hit them, but with this distance, if they were replaced by other agents who lacked long-distance and high-speed movement, it would probably be a drag on them.

For example, for a representative like Du Gang, even if he can fly, after coming to this world, can he turn into a Kuafu on the spot, like chasing the sun, and rush to the target point in a short time?

It's better to hope that Dusk will be merciful and directly move the Dusk Land to near the target point.

"I, I'm a little worried. This world is so exaggerated, and the boundary-breaking factor will be so scary." Dasia Filo was full of worry. She only felt that Dusk was cold. Even if Zheng Yichen became a lot stronger, he couldn't be like this. Make arrangements.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I am also very exaggerated in this world, I will give you a great show."

Zheng Yichen looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said with a smile. He stopped his motorcycle and floated up, and a large-scale vision appeared.

The dark clouds in the sky, centered on Zheng Yichen, began to dissipate rapidly, and a huge hollow appeared in the stormy dark clouds.

Dacia Philo blinked in confusion: "How is this done?"

She didn't feel how much power Zheng Yichen consumed. Although the vision that appeared allowed Zheng Yichen to break through the restrictions of the environment, it was just a breakthrough of restrictions, and there was still some consumption.

Zheng Yichen did not completely eliminate the storm this time, but the hole was already larger than the diameter of a planet.

"Don't forget that I killed a dragon in the big world. The feedback that dragon gave me was the characteristics related to making wind and rain."

Landing on the motorcycle again, Zheng Yichen explained with a chuckle that this characteristic allowed him to avoid using magic such as water when it rained. He only needed to expend a small amount of power to cause violent storms.

Of course, the drier the environment, the higher the difficulty, but conversely, using this power to dispel violent storms does not have many restrictions.

Zheng Yichen has basically never used this power. When fighting the enemy, he does not need to use this power to create an environment that is beneficial to him, which means that he can exert some good effects at this time.

Dasia Filo remembered that there was indeed a dragon in the big world that was killed by Zheng Yichen and Du Gang.

"This power is somewhat like the power controlled by the true God."

"Absolutely." Zheng Yichen nodded. The power of a true god is ultra-low consumption, ultra-high yield and expressive.

A GM can brush up a magical outfit with just a flick of his finger, but players have to work hard to defeat monsters and rely on luck before they can brush out the equipment they want, and then spend energy and money to build it.

That's the difference...

Zheng Yichen is considered a player, but he is a very strong player who can kill the GM along the network cable.

What's more, after the vision appeared, the power of this power was no longer so important.

He was a very strong player before, but now he is a super strong player with high technology.

GM is still human.

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