I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 907 Are you alive now?

Whether it is feeding or fusion has yet to be confirmed, but if Zheng Yichen was asked to choose, he would definitely choose the wild world. Although there is no energy level there, the strength level is high enough.

A strong body means a sense of security.

Without sufficient energy levels, there is no need to use seals or other miscellaneous means.

Without an existence like Gu Zun who could directly break through the environment, even the most powerful person would still have to fight hand to hand here.

But here, except for the weaker physical strength, it is too strong in other aspects. It is really like the kind of fighting between gods. Although it has abundant energy, it spontaneously forms a passive protection.

But the body here is too fragile. In terms of internal strength, Zheng Yichen himself is not known for his super long blue stripes.

He is the kind of person whose health bar far exceeds the blue bar and can be transformed into a blue bar during battle.

So this kind of world is not too friendly to him - if no vision appears.

"Show me what the world has to offer."

We've come here, so it's obviously not appropriate to turn around and go back. And the problem that needs to be solved this time is right here, so it's not okay to go back.

After arriving here, the map provided by Dusk had some changes. The coordinates were scattered and turned into a big red circle.

What exactly is hidden in this place still needs to be investigated.

As for how to deal with this place, Zheng Yichen already had a rough idea.

Find a balanced area at the junction, where intensity and energy levels coexist and are both high. In that place, he can take advantage of himself without having to manifest visions.

The vision that appears will be stronger, and when the time comes, he will try to tear the junction with his hands.

Apart from anything else, he has the strength he has now and can maintain it. Whether he is in the wild world or this world with extremely high energy intensity, if he maintains this state, he can also try it when he returns to the world of the ancient master. Easily sewed with bare hands.

"Uh...?" Zheng Yichen, who had turned on his thermal vision, rubbed his eyes and curled his lips slightly. He knew that the very useful thermal vision was no longer useful at this time.

After turning on thermal vision, the surrounding environment was filled with high-intensity flowing heat sources. Those heat sources were like floods. In the junction area, the intensity of the heat sources was even higher, making it almost impossible for him to see normally.

Zheng Yichen's eyes and head hurt from watching it, but he also saw some useful information.

This flow of heat source is very aggressive. What Zheng Yichen sees from the distortion here is that the world seems to be eaten. This world is a snack fed to the barbaric world.

The surging 'heat source' flows towards the wild world at high speed, which seems to be beneficial, but the wild world is resisting the influx of this heat source.

There’s a sense of ‘Don’t come over here! 'the meaning of.

Hmm...very problematic.

Zheng Yichen thought about the reason for this, but after thinking about it, he let it go and went to find someone else who could move first.

He did find the body.

However, in this abnormal environment, the corpses also changed. When Zheng Yichen approached a corpse, the corpse that had already rotted and even exposed its bones stood up.

Strong negative energy emerged from the opponent's body, the rotten eyes were replaced by black light, and the rotten body was filled with negative energy.

The harmless corpses of humans and animals turned into dangerous ‘zombie’ in the blink of an eye.

"Is it so powerful?" Feeling the energy intensity surging from this corpse, Zheng Yichen estimated that regardless of the environment, the energy intensity emitted by this corpse was not inferior to that of a demigod.

And before he came closer, this was indeed a corpse with little strength, just like an ordinary person in a world without special powers.

After blowing up the corpse on the spot, Zheng Yichen looked for a new target. Even if he was looking for material, he should find one that looked pleasing to the eye.

This kind of rotten meat that is so rotten that it is hard to see should be buried in the ground.

The place he was in was a village with a lot of corpses, but it was not a war, but other reasons that caused all the people here to be wiped out.

Judging from the architectural traces, this is not a purely ancient environment, but a world similar to modern times.

Zheng Yichen picked up a book that fell on the ground, brushed off the dust on it, opened it and looked at it. It was a literary work in this world, and the content was about love in the ordinary world.

It tells the story of the male and female protagonists fighting for love together in a world without special powers.

Not to mention it's quite interesting, but the content seems a bit off to Zheng Yichen.

It's probably the same as ordinary people using their lifespans of decades to imagine the lives of immortals who can live for tens of thousands of years. Even if the imagined situation is very close to the immortals, after being seen by the immortals, they will still feel that it is a bit deviated from theirs. cognition.

The story Zheng Yichen read was like this.

But thinking about the situation in this world, there is no problem. Zheng Yichen doesn't need to learn any flying method here. He can fly like a brick with his huge internal force.

Just take the inner strength and release it from both feet, and you can reach the sky even if you are strong.

"They died from the pressure of the environment." When Zheng Yichen stuffed the book in his hand into the built-in space, Lilith had almost finished testing the environment.

A simple report appeared in front of Zheng Yichen. In Lilith's test, the environmental pressure directly acted on the creatures here. Even though the creatures here have strong inner strength, they still cannot withstand the pressure.

The intensity level of this world is too low, and the body is too fragile, facing too strong environmental pressure, and the result is sudden death on the spot.

Those who are lucky will die like the corpse from before, while those who are unlucky will be scattered all over the ground.

Zheng Yichen found a corpse that looked very complete. When he walked over, the corpse also shook slightly, and its eyes exuded dark negative power.

This time, Zheng Yichen didn't give the other party much chance to struggle. He strode over directly, put his hand on the corpse's head, and forced the white light into it.

That negative energy was distorted and interfered with by the more intense white light on the spot.

"BOSS, congratulations on getting a zombie." Lilith reminded her like an assistant elf.

"Ah?" Zheng Yichen was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to look at the corpse in front of him, and tapped his fingers on the back of the other person's hand: "If it is a zombie, it is too weak!"

First of all, the physical strength of this corpse has not changed at all. Depending on the environment of this world, if a being like a drought demon comes here, the body will become softer.

Correspondingly, their power will definitely be greatly amplified by the environment.

Chidi’s thousand-mile start no longer exists, so let’s talk less about thousands of miles.


"...Although mages are considered to be very weak, that is set in the game for the sake of balance." Zheng Yichen looked at the corpse in front of him with white eyes glowing and shook his head.

Although the physical strength of a mage like Katrina is relatively low, as a mage, there are many ways to make up for the physical strength, and there are many ways to make up for it without affecting one's own magic practice.

Therefore, although the physical strength of mages is not easy to compare with professional warriors, they are really not squishy!

Not to mention that under the premise that there is a huge gap in strength, the close mage will have a greater chance of winning.

Well, the above situation does not count in some worlds with lower environments.

White light is the light of life, which has more new effects than the negative power spontaneously generated by corpses.

And the light of life, amplified by the environment of this world, caused wonderful changes in the corpse. Lilith's acquisition of a zombie was not reported casually.

This corpse is indeed ‘alive’.

The rotten eyes were regenerated when filled with the light of life, and the damaged skin quickly recovered as before, although the body as a whole looked too pale.

But the body, which had been damaged by environmental pressure, was completely intact.

Zheng Yichen looked at a voucher in his hand. The material used in this thing was not strong enough and there were cracks on it. The recorded information had not disappeared.

Information about the person in front of you.

The other party is a senior investigator named Zhong Yan. She is female and is 170 years old. If one zero is missing, she is a young girl who looks the same both inside and outside.

He was specifically looking for people in this village. Of course, he was looking for those who looked good and whose corpses were well preserved. The corpse in front of him was one of the most completely preserved.

Not only that, the other party also has a rather special identity.

"Universal Superman...cough, Investigator Zhong Yan, I am the agent, wake up quickly -" Zheng Yichen put the voucher back and spoke like a soul-caller.

The corpse affected by the light of life in front of him did not move at all. It seemed that it was not possible. When Zheng Yichen was about to give up, the light of life on the other party's body shrank.

Then there was a violent cough, and the corpse quickly covered its mouth. It didn't spit out anything substantial, but a dirty and heavy breath.

"Really alive!?"

Dasia Filo, who was standing by, had a face full of shock. When she looked at Zheng Yichen, she seemed to have re-recognized her caregiver.

Although Zheng Yichen can create life, even if she dies one day, as long as her soul remains, Zheng Yichen can directly generate an identical body for her through the imprint of life, allowing her to ignore death and be resurrected.

But right now, what Zheng Yichen is using is not the Ark of Life, but just a ray of light of life.

Although the light of life has been adjusted to an extremely high level in this world, can it resurrect people? Or looking at someone who has been dead for a while?

"It should be alive." Zheng Yichen looked at the woman in front of him, and then shook his head: "Half-lived, this is really a zombie."

The kind of existence without a soul.

Zheng Yichen did not feel the breath of the soul from the other party. What can I say about such an existence? Zheng Yichen thought of the lives he created. Without the influence of the soul, those life forms were like missing a constant and stable plug-in.

There will be no problems at the time, but after a while it will become crazy and produce various distortions.

If the corpse that comes to life in front of me has no soul, will a similar problem arise?

Probably not? After all, the other party was not an existence created by himself using the Ark of Life.

"Ahem...thank you for your help." Zhong Yan waved his hand to disperse the turbid air, and looked at his too pale palm with a complicated expression.

"Are you the agent?"

"Oh~ you actually know a being like me?"

Zhong Yan nodded: "I have seen people like you. You all have very attractive eyes. No, your eyes are deeper than that of the agent..."

The dusk color in Zheng Yichen's eyes was exactly the same as those of the dusk maids!

When she saw Zheng Yichen, she thought that Zheng Yichen was one of the Twilight maids who had disguised herself as a man for convenience.

Tasia Philo asked from the side: "Wait, aren't you curious about your own physical condition?"

Normally, shouldn't coming back from the dead be a surprise? Zhong Yan's performance seemed too calm.

Zhong Yan said calmly: "I have seen many people who have come back from the dead. My native world advocates cremation."

Zheng Yichen glanced at the mutilated corpses elsewhere and nodded: "You can tell."

A normal corpse would immediately return as soon as he got close to it. At first Zheng Yichen thought it was caused by the distortion of the environment.

When Zhong Yan said this, he understood that this kind of thing was a characteristic of this world.

For such a problem, if the corpse is not cremated, then it is buried. At some point, the corpse underground will feel so stuffy that it will burst out of the ground.

"But some people don't believe in evil." Zhong Yan moved his body, showing a slightly surprised look.

When she 'woke up' she realized that she was dead, and even her current self might not be her original self, but a 'remnant' of her life.

It's just that her memory has been kept intact, so that's no problem. Of course, if her original body didn't have a broken soul, then if there is a fate in the future, she might still be able to meet her soul body 'self'.

Now she is still Zhong Yan, but compared with the original body, she has branched out. The soul of the original body is still there, that is, the two lines moving forward together after the bifurcation.

If the soul of the original body is completely annihilated, then she is considered to be a continuation of the branch of this line.

Compared to other resurrected beings, her remnants are too complete and her resurrected ones are too perfect. Her body is not stiff, and she does not have an overly strong desire to plunder the living.

The resurrected person is Yin, so many resurrected people will have an extremely strong desire to plunder the living in the early stage to fill and balance themselves. Otherwise, they are really just a corpse that can only move, and they are not really resurrected.

But now she does not need more 'yang energy' to fill and balance her own deficiencies like other resurrected people.

Not only that, there is a huge light of life in her body. This light of life is slowly dissipating, but it has already affected her individual nature.

She is still a resurrector, but she is definitely unique among other resurrectors.

A sun-faced resurrector?

To use an analogy, it is the strange existence of the succubus paladin.

However, as a well-informed investigator, Zhong Yan still quickly accepted his current situation. After all, the person who pulled him up was the agent and belonged to another world.

Is it normal for his nature as a resurrected person to undergo earth-shaking changes?

Zhong Yan, who quickly figured out these things, maintained normal communication with Zheng Yichen from the beginning.

She already knew about the existence of the agent, so she naturally understood what the agent came to do in this world.

When communicating with Zheng Yichen, she erased some traces on her body. These traces were a means for her to stay behind after discovering drastic changes in the environment during her investigation.

It is also a way for her to become a resurrected person stably.

Resurrectors are illegal in this world. After all, they are all dead, and every resurrector will bring considerable disaster.

Among the ten thousand dead, the probability of one resurrection being considered high.

The remaining ones are just corpses filled and driven by the negative power of the negative side. They cannot be said to be resurrected, unless there is some chance in the future, but that is even rarer than directly becoming a resurrected person.

The preparation she made was to see if she could be stimulated to lift up her body before it completely rotted. This was not to survive, but to bring out the investigation information...

The new year has begun, happy New Year's Day

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