I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 913 There is still a way

"Fantasy formation...what should I do next?" Yu Qing asked actively while carrying a large box.

Being too concerned about Zhong Yan's affairs made her ignore a lot of important information, but after putting down the big box, Yu Qing also reacted and looked at Zhong Yan guiltily.

"Let's do what we need to do first." Zhong Yan didn't say much about this matter or anything related to the investigation. She was also interested in the fantasy formation Zheng Yichen mentioned.

After all, her soul is broken, how can this thing bring her back again?

Yu Qing opened the box he was carrying, which contained some shining crystals. In a world with high energy levels, there are basically similar things, some are spirit stones, and some are other energy crystals.

The names are different, but what they have in common is that they are full of energy, and if they are more powerful, they can be used as nuclear bombs by taking out a small piece and detonating them.

These are the things Yu Qing brought now.

Although it seems careless to put it in the box, in fact, this box has been professionally processed. No matter how strong the vibrations from the outside are, it can still ensure the internal stability and prevent the energy crystals contained in it from going out of control and exploding.

As stable as TNT.

Zheng Yichen snapped his fingers, and a fantasy formation's projection appeared on the blank ground in front of him. After this projection was pressed into the ground, corresponding traces were immediately left on the ground.

Learn about the high-tech array.

Although there is technology in Zhong Yan's world, many of them are in the emerging stage of development. What Zheng Yichen is doing now makes them a little surprised.

Then there is nothing more. In addition to the amazing performance of technology, they can also do other things, as long as they know the structure of the formation.

In addition, they could complete it with enough delicate energy manipulation. Yu Qing carefully observed the formation on the ground. This thing could save her elders. She was the person who paid the most attention to the fantasy formation.

Although she really wanted to operate it directly, what Yu Qing did was to decompose the high-energy matter in the box, leaving Zheng Yichen to handle the rest by himself.

It seems very sensible to integrate the substances broken down into fine powder into the fantasy formation. The entire formation uses Lilith as the formation eye, so it is much more powerful than the normal fantasy formation.

It can even display more functionality than a normal fantasy formation.

The purpose of using the fantasy formation here is to try to 'search for souls' and search for residual souls that may exist in the environment. Even if Zhong Yan's soul has been broken, Zhong Yan's individual strength... can still be operated.

The reason for Zhong Yan's loss of power was due to her broken soul, which caused her to lose more than 90% of her power.

When she was alive, she could hit a bunch of Yu Qing, but now she couldn't beat them. This was what Zhong Yan described to Zheng Yichen on the road.

Zheng Yichen had his current thoughts because he knew from Yu Qing that Zhong Yan was very powerful, so he thought of bringing up the real Zhong Yan.

This is a powerful aboriginal who can kill two Goddesses by himself. How can such combat power be missed casually?

All in all, because Zhong Yan is powerful enough as an individual, there may still be Zhong Yan's broken soul in this environment.

Zheng Yichen didn't pay much attention to this matter before. After all, he had seen too many broken souls.

There might be something in this environment, but he didn't consciously sense it at that time, even though he had quite a lot of perception abilities.

Now that he came here with an additional purpose, Zheng Yichen discovered many details preserved in the environment.

No matter what, it was because of Zhong Yan's protection that many people could leave their 'whole corpses' here. There was no turmoil here and it was never cleaned.

The environment was indeed filled with scattered soul auras, most of which were useless. However, Zheng Yichen's perception and Lilith's environmental detection were able to find useful parts from this range.

Very broken Zhong Yan...

In other worlds, Zheng Yichen wouldn't have the idea of ​​doing anything when faced with such fragmented soul aura. If he really wanted to do something, it would be to collect soul fragments.

But this is not very necessary, unless the environment is very 'rich' and you can get a lot of soul fragments by just fishing. Otherwise, it is better to find some dangerous prey and kill them, so that you can collect them more. Save effort.

"Using Dream Dust as the base of the formation, let's get started!"

If the fantasy formation didn't have the fantasy dust part, the next thing to do would still be a bit troublesome, but now it's a brand new attempt.

With the consumption of a large amount of high-energy matter, the fantasy formation condensed into substance gathered all the soul auras nearby.

These auras concentrated inside the fantasy formation, forming illusory figures. The figures lost their color at first. Later, with the subsequent filling of high-energy matter, one of those figures began to become clear.

Yu Qing was surprised to see the figure that gradually became clearer.

The outside agent really meant what he said, and that figure was clearly that of Yu Qing.

The fantasy formation that turned the imaginary into reality "reshaped" Zhong Yan's soul based on the scattered soul aura in the environment. This kind of turning imaginary into reality was even less difficult.

Normal transformation of virtuality into reality has no 'material basis' at all, and it begins to transform directly, so things that transform virtuality into reality cannot exist for a long time.

But now, there is such a foundation. After the fantasy formation gathers all the soul auras, it is restored to its original shape. After that, as long as this figure is stabilized, it will be reshaped.

This requires huge energy support, but the high-energy substances brought by Yu Qing are very strong, so there are no restrictions on energy.

"What will happen to the others?" Zhong Yan asked, looking at the remaining shadows.

Among these phantoms, only her own soul is perfect, and the others are still in an illusory phantom state. It is not a soul state, but more like a short-term projection.

"It will dissipate." Zheng Yichen said truthfully: "There is no dream world in this world, and they are not normal souls. There is no way to preserve them even if they enter hell."

Zheng Yichen has never been in contact with the dream world, but through dream dust, he can also understand the dream world. In the world where dream dust originates, if these uncolored shadows are sent to the dream world, they will most likely become Residents of the Dreamland.

It can be regarded as surviving, but this world does not have that unique dream world and cannot be completely formed. Then, after the swaying projection and fantasy formation disappear, they will return to scattered soul breath.

"...Most of them are ordinary people."

"I know, so the next step depends on whether the resources brought by your descendants are enough to 'replace'." Zheng Yichen said calmly: "After all, I don't mind doing good things that can be done casually. If there is not enough resources, I will try to replace them." Send them to hell to see.”

He also wondered whether these beings would be accepted by Hell.

The exchange between Zheng Yichen and Zhong Yan made Yu Qing feel guilty. The high-energy material resources in this box were nearly half of the reserves in the camp.

This ratio is very high. The resources in the camp have the support of the entire world. Far from being that some resources are not easy to carry, she can bring more.

If she had known this was the case, she would have considered removing some of the energy core pillars in the camp.

I hope the resources brought here are enough...

With this in mind, she quietly took a look at the resources in the big box. So far, a quarter of the resources in it had been consumed, and it seemed that she could still hold on.

However, with Zheng Yichen's subsequent investment, when half of the resources were consumed, Yu Qing couldn't stand still: "How about I go back?"

"No need, this is enough." Zheng Yichen gave Yu Qing a definite answer. With the investment of a large amount of energy resources, Zhong Yan's soul has been completely stabilized.

The soul of Zhong Yan cannot be perfected by the gathering of soul aura, but the dreamy dust effect and the ability to turn the void into reality directly make up for the missing parts.

Although that part is a temporary fill-in for the fantasy formation, with the massive investment of resources and the effect of dream dust, this is equivalent to directly replacing certain things in the dream world in the material world in the world where dream dust originates. .

The interior of the fantasy formation with Lilith as the core is actually similar to the dream world. If Lilith can collect more information about the dream world, then she can further adjust the fantasy formation.

With a large amount of high-energy material resources, this replacement is basically completed.

After getting Zheng Yichen's definite answer, Yu Qing looked at Zhong Yanzhihun with burning eyes, and couldn't help but look at Zhong Yan. There were no complicated emotions, but a stronger sense of expectation.

Elder Zhong Yan is divided into two parts, isn't this great?

Zhong Yan, on the other hand, looked calmly at the soul of Zhong Yan in front of him. After becoming a resurrector, she was considered an independent individual, but there was still a certain connection between the soul and her.

Looking at her soul at this moment, she had the feeling of looking into a mirror, and even felt that the lost power began to increase.

Eat her!

Zhong Yan's body surged with strong desire, but this desire was immediately suppressed by her.

"The other souls..." Seeing Zheng Yichen complete the 'replacement' of Zhong Yan's soul, Yu Qing looked at the other phantoms: "The resources are still sufficient, can it be solved?"

"Let me see -" Zheng Yichen said, taking out a piece of ultra-high energy crystal from the box that was missing half of the resources, and threw it into the fantasy formation. As the crystal was consumed, the shadows quickly colored Stabilized.

Then the crystals stopped being consumed.

"...Isn't it too simple??" Yu Qing looked at this scene with wide eyes. She thought that this kind of replacement would have to pay a huge price, even for just any person.

But now she clearly sees what contrast is.

Zhong Yan's soul is equivalent to eating dozens of nuclear power plants, while the shadows of other souls are not even one percent of Zhong Yan's. Such a disparity.

Let Yu Qing continue: "As expected of Your Excellency Zhong Yan."

Zheng Yichen memorized this scene. Although the fantasy formation can replace the dream world, the cost of some replacements does not seem to be as high as the dream world.

It may also be that what they are replacing now is only the soul, not the physical existence, so the price does not seem high. In the world of dreams, bringing creatures from the dream world out means taking the body with them and giving them in the form of resurrection. Brought out.

The situation here is slightly different from the dream world.

"Let's leave here first... By the way, are there any taboos on the souls of this world? I mean, is there a Piao in this world?"

Yu Qing asked in confusion: "...What is Ah Piao?"

"The wandering soul."

Nodding her head clearly, Yu Qing immediately said: "Yes, but you need to prepare in advance to see it. It is difficult for the soul to survive in this world for a long time."

Yu Qing explained the reason to Zheng Yichen in detail. The hell in their world has strong energy, and the soul will be focused on by the hell.

Therefore, after a creature dies, even if the creature was very powerful in life, it still cannot resist the pull of hell after death.

Therefore, there are very few souls active in the human world. Even a powerful being like Zhong Yan can only move in the human world for a short time. The longer the time, the stronger the pull from hell.

Unless a strong isolation is set up in some places to block the connection between hell and the soul.

"That's it...well, let's not go out yet." Zheng Yichen looked at Zhong Yan: "Can you discuss how to deal with each other?"

Zhong Yan nodded, his eyes never leaving Zhong Yan's soul in the fantasy formation.

Zheng Yichen waved his hand, and the soul of Zhong Yan in the fantasy formation opened his eyes.

Zhong Yanzhihun was still a little confused, but after seeing his other self, he immediately realized his situation.

She said: "I shouldn't be here..."

The twisted space environment, another version of herself with a body, a young man with dusk-colored eyes, and her junior Yu Qing, this combination is already an explanation for her current situation.

She did become a resurrector before she died, but the resurrector has nothing to do with the individual soul. However, she now appears here in her soul body, this is the transition point of the abnormal environment.

This is a big problem. She who died here has a very strong memory of death. This is also a problem common to intelligent creatures in this world.

At the moment of death, perception will be greatly enhanced, leaving a profound memory of death. The memory of death will affect the body, making the corpse very easy to 'transform'.

When she died, she clearly felt her soul being torn apart in twisted turmoil.

But now she is in perfect condition.

This is easy to cause problems. The soul body is not that attractive to the resurrected person, far less attractive than the living person. However, it also depends on the situation. For 'Zhong Yan' who has just become a resurrected person for a short time, it belongs to Zhong Yan's soul has a strong attraction.

But for now, Zhong Yan has restrained his soul-eating impulse.

Then Zhong Yanzhihun looked at Zhong Yan who was walking over and said, "You shouldn't make such a decision, it makes no sense."

She can be here, but she will be of no use after leaving here. Let alone helping, she will be dragged away by hell as soon as she leaves the junction.

"It's not my decision, it's the decision of the agent. I'm ready to give up my body. You can come back." Zhong Yan said calmly: "What we have to do next is the same for you and me, but you are better than mine." It’s more effective.”

As a resurrector, she just wanted to bring out the information better, but the time was delayed for too long, and the information she investigated was of little use.

In addition, she doesn't have much power now, so her importance is much less important than Zhong Yan's Soul.

If the real Zhong Yan returns, she will be able to kill some diviners, but now she may not even be able to defeat a few boundarybreakers.

"...Okay." Zhong Yanzhihun agreed immediately after being silent for a while.

Even when the distance is close, she can also feel the weakness of her body. Although the power of the resurrected Zhong Yan is stronger than most people in the native world, this strength is not comparable to that of existences such as Twilight Mercenaries and Boundary Breakers. When you get up, there is a clear difference.

Now that the agent has come to this world, it means that combat power is urgently needed at this moment.

There was also the large box next to it, which contained high-energy crystals, which made Zhong Yanzhihun immediately estimate the cost of his 'resurrection'.

Quite heavy.

But everything has been done, and there is no point in worrying about it. Next, her resurrection should be made more meaningful.

"Is this the result of your discussion? Isn't it too fast?" Zheng Yichen couldn't help but said at the side. He thought these two Zhong Yans could come up with some new plots.

The result is a form of communication that is understood almost instantly.

"I am originally 'Zhong Yan', and I have been a resurrected person for less than half a day. In terms of thinking, I will not have any obvious differences with Zhong Yan. Our current thoughts are the same."

The calmness on the face of Zhong Yan, the resurrected person, if it really lasts for a long time, it will cause a deviation in her personality due to future experiences. Although she exists like this, even if it is a deviation, it will not change much.

But after all, the two lines will not completely overlap due to deviation.

"This is the most appropriate result. You are in urgent need of combat power at this time." Zhong Yanzhihun then said: "The agents are here, which means the real decisive battle is coming."

The resurrected Zhong Yan knew Zheng Yichen's name, but she didn't know that they were both Zhong Yan, but their memories were not the same.

"Let's begin." The resurrected Zhong Yan extended his right hand to Zhong Yan's soul.

"Don't worry, I still have a way." Zheng Yichen stopped the resurrected Zhong Yan: "Seeing that you guys have such a tacit understanding, I think it's unreasonable not to use this method."

When there is no other way, he can only be a witness to the scene in front of him, but now that he has a way to solve it, there is no need to watch.

"As expected of the agent!" Yu Qing, who was a little disappointed, was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Haha, this is much easier than using the fantasy formation." It doesn't really require Lilith's assistance. Zheng Yichen can do it by himself. It is nothing more than obtaining Zhong Yan's life mark through his blood.

It was said that Lilith's assistance was not needed, but Zheng Yichen did not fully implement this. The main reason was that Zhong Yan was now a resurrector and would be the same as a zombie in other worlds.

Zheng Yichen's own abilities were somewhat passive against the blood of the dead.

vampire? Vampires are not considered dead, they are living creatures, while zombies are considered solid corpses, although Zhong Yan looks no different from a zombie now.

There is even a lower body temperature and blood flow, but most of the normal life activities of the living body are eliminated.

Others would die if their hearts were penetrated, but Zhong Yan would not.

However, in this world where the average person has a weak constitution, this kind of immortality is of little significance. Once the defense is broken, with the fragile body, basically there will be no whole body, and there is no point in surviving through the heart.

"It's okay. Although it's a zombie, it's actually a new creature." Zheng Yichen said after getting part of Zhong Yan's blood.

He was ready to eat the bad fruit. As a result, although Zhong Yan's blood was a little 'weak', just like clear soup with little water, it was not dead blood or poisonous blood that would make her uncomfortable.

This is enough, through Zhong Yan's blood, use the Life Ark to obtain the other party's life imprint.

Although this kind of thing must be matched with the target's soul to exert its greatest effect, without a corresponding soul, it is equivalent to creating a clone.

Zheng Yichen, who has the Ark of Life, is like a long-legged cloning machine.

This can be regarded as a manifestation of special power against technology, but it is easier for technology to use cloning technology, but when using non-technological special powers, the requirements are even higher.

"Complete life imprint, matching soul... Do you want to add something else?"

Zheng Yichen had no intention of keeping Zhong Yan's life imprint, so he treated it as a disposable consumable. After all, he was living a good life, so why keep it for a long time?

When he was using the Life Ark to shape his body, he was still flipping through his own 'material library'. Some of those materials came from himself and were regarded as non-deletable materials.

In terms of additions, he can even try to add parts such as snake sloughing and explosive energy, but this is not completely without problems.

This will put more burden on the individual life.

The soul will affect the body, and the body will also affect the soul. When the original body and the original soul are matched, there will be no incompatibility. However, if the original body has additional characteristics that were not available before, it will become a burden.

There will be no problems if the soul is strong, but if the soul is too weak, it will be affected by the new characteristics and be overwhelmed, causing other problems.

Zhong Yan's soul was strong enough, so Zheng Yichen had the idea to add something and shape life so casually. When Zheng Yichen did this, he once again felt like he was less of a human being.

"Please, I don't need anything added, just be normal." Zhong Yanzhihun, who understood Zheng Yichen's approach, said quickly.

The agent in front of her was like a powerful person in some mythical stories. He could not only reshape her body, but also give her new power based on the original one.

It's just that as a senior investigator, she was able to find some relatively obscure information when Zheng Yichen said that. There were slightly unconfirmed parts of what Zheng Yichen said.

At other times, it can be regarded as repayment, and she became a volunteer for the experiment. In extraordinary times, she felt that it was better for her to be normal.

It won't make you stronger, but it won't affect your performance either.

"That's okay." Zheng Yichen stopped worrying about the added parts and just made the original Zhong Yan.

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