I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 917 The Price of Enhancement

His inner power is mainly based on the internal power of Blood Shura, and the power possessed by the indigenous people in this world is a kind of energy that is not internal power, mana or magic power.

This inner power seems to have no attributes, but it is diverse, so they can easily use the power of various attributes.

It just requires some power manipulation skills when using it to transform the power released by oneself. Zheng Yichen's transformation is different from theirs.

It is a bit difficult to use direct charging like the native aborigines, and additional processes are required.

The simplest and crudest way is to use the divine realm, which can directly absorb the energy in high-energy crystals.

It's not too difficult. Lilith tried it first, just to slightly optimize this step.

You can start optimizing right away if you don’t want to.

The advantage of optimization is that Zheng Yichen can selectively focus on a certain kind of power, which can be used more efficiently when fighting.

After all, the powers he accumulated have corresponding attributes, rather than unique powers in this world. Based on Zheng Yichen's characteristics, mutual transformation is either impossible, or there will be additional losses after the transformation.

Since lossless conversion is not possible, we should avoid loss as much as possible.

The only thing that can be transformed without loss is his own original inner strength, that is, internal force, energy and spirit. As for the power of hell, the power of death, etc., once transformed, it is best to use it directly. In the past, it was necessary to transform as much as needed.

Now that he can store extra, he needs to plan ahead.

Issues that had not been paid attention to before were taken seriously by Zheng Yichen after he obtained new characteristics. After a series of comparisons, he found that light energy is the best energy to store.

This kind of power can better restore energy and spirit. During the transformation, it only takes one more step to transform into other powers with very slight loss.

In this step, Zheng Yichen is used as a converter.

Although in this world, his physique is very weak and he can't even use explosive energy. Zheng Yichen is very unhappy about this. It is normal to use normal explosive energy during battle.

With the development of explosive energy, normal explosive energy is of low consumption, but the expressive power has not weakened as Zheng Yichen improved.

With the power of explosive energy, Zheng Yichen has a continuous hegemony in battle, similar to a state of immunity from magic.

But the consumption of this thing does not involve any special strength, it is linked to physical fitness, and weak chickens cannot use it to explode.

If you store a large amount of light of life, you can use it as a converter, or even indirectly use it to explode energy. However, it is only limited by the strength of your physique and is of no use.

It would be better to maintain a small-scale vision to directly break through the environmental restrictions, but even if he breaks through the environmental restrictions, the upper limit of his special power has been greatly increased.

Blood Shura's internal strength cannot fill this upper limit at all, although when alive, the upper limit is shared by the body and soul.

Die... He doesn't want to experience what it's like to be a ghost.

Because of the soul's repulsion, methods such as soul out-of-body experiences were useless to Zheng Yichen.

"Let's get started. Let's use the light of life as our main power." As he spoke, he expanded the divine realm that contained the inner heaven and earth.

The surrounding environment was immediately covered. According to the planned fan diagram, the power of the light of life he accumulated would occupy 80% of the 'memory', and the remaining 15% was evenly divided by other types of power.

The last 5% is filled by Blood Shura's internal energy. Although it will take a long time to fill up this part of the memory, he can quickly fill it up by breaking through the environment... no, to recover.

Now that his blue bar has a high upper limit, the recovery speed of his power seems too slow.

He doesn't have a percentage of mana recovery.

"In less than half a day, we have consumed more than half of the resources that could last us two years." In a room, a young man wearing glasses calculated the remaining resources.

Their camp is a frontline investigation camp, with the highest level of support in terms of resources. Those high-energy crystals can be used for two years, and they are still in a high-intensity consumption state. They cannot be used up in ten years under normal consumption.

What now? The loss of half of the day was distressing, but at the same time, he felt that it was a good deal. The world was going to end, and it would be a waste if resources could not be used up.

What's more, the resources consumed are not wasted. Those resources were exchanged for the resurrection of senior Zhong Yan. Let alone the consumption now, even if the consumption is doubled, it is still acceptable.

With so many resources, it is impossible to cultivate a person with combat power comparable to Zhong Yan in a short period of time.

Just looking at the resource usage record, the young man rubbed his forehead. It was normal for senior Zhong Yan to consume a little more in order to restore his strength. The agent... forget it, as long as he could turn the tide, it didn't matter.

The young man looked out the window. Originally there was more than three thousand miles between here and the junction, but as the junction expanded, the distance shrank to more than two thousand miles.

Now that the junction point has changed again, the distance between them will further shrink. It is estimated that when the other side stabilizes, the distance may be less than a thousand miles.

You can see the distorted junction in the distance from here. The young man took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. After putting them back on, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Looking at the junction point from a distance is also a burden, and the distortion of the junction point is even more severe this time. After the junction point stabilizes, the camp will not be safe, right?

The young man is not in a hurry right now. There is still a distance between the junction and this side. If he wants to get close immediately, it will take some time.

Let's wait for Zhong Yan's seniors to come out of seclusion before talking about anything else.

Moreover, what they have to do next is not to solve the problem of the junction, but to deal with the boundary breaker.

"Counting the time, the agent has already come to this world, right?" In a city, several God Advocates were communicating here. This world does not have a boundary-breaking core, so when it comes to activities in this world, they appear to be very passive.

Things like the world-breaking core are like spring water. They may not move, but this thing may not move, but it must be their best guarantee in this world.

It's a pity that this world is an experimental ground for the big world to experiment with new technologies. As a result, they do not have such a "spring water" and can only resist here. In addition, the energy level of this world is very high, and the indigenous people are also particularly strong.

This directly makes their situation more difficult. The technology mastered by Big World is very comprehensive, but this comprehensiveness is not unlimited.

A world with a high environment means that they can develop better and have a higher understanding of power. They will have higher resistance when facing the invasion of the big world.

Therefore, the higher the environment of the world, the more cautious the boundary breakers have to be. Behind them is the big world, but they cannot represent the big world, let alone be like some of the high-end combat power of the big world. Just push it without saying anything.

For various reasons, many of their combat strengths are always exchanged for one, or for one more.

In the face of the local aborigines, even the gods who came to this world, they tried to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible. Once exposed, a group of people would immediately come to surround them.

The crazy behavior of the aboriginal people in this world has been spread in the big world.

After all, many of the divine descendants who came here had self-destructed because of the local strongmen's tricks, causing the penetrating attacks to affect the main body.

This still has the protection of the Breaking Boundary Organization. Without this layer of protection, it would not only be injured but not fatal.

They kept a low profile and had been paying attention to the dusk of this world. After the dusk mercenaries who came here learned about the situation, they basically chose to give up.

If it were something like the World-Breaking Core, they could still try to fight for it, but this time the problem was not the World-Breaking Core, but the collision between worlds.

How to solve this?

So far, they have found no trace of the agent, and cannot use the aboriginal people of this world, so their actions are quite passive.

As for the traces of the agents, they have made a lot of preparations here. As long as the agents appear, they will definitely be found, but they are not.

"It's possible that the agent appears on the other side."

"On the other side, that's not something we can interfere with." The God Advocates here shook their heads. Their main task had been completed.

This is also the result of the new technology in the big world. There is no need to stick to the core of breaking the world. As long as the important step is completed, the breaking of the world can be directly advanced to the final stage.

This form of boundary breaking is more efficient and secretive, and the consumption is greatly reduced.

But there is an important premise, that is, the two worlds must be extreme enough... Only by matching a world with a high energy level and a world with a high intensity level can the ideal effect be achieved.

The normal world is not adapted to this approach.

Both of them are extreme world types and can adapt to this technology, just because both worlds have problems, one is extremely yin and the other is extremely yang. When such worlds come into contact, it will be like thunder and fire. Chai met Agni.

A junction point will appear after contact, instead of a fierce conflict and explosion between the two worlds after the collision. Of course, under normal circumstances, there is not that much attraction between the two worlds.

After all, they have similar properties. They are only repulsive to each other, and they cannot touch each other even if they have the power to guide them.

Only worlds that are extreme enough will attract each other. One side wants to make up for its shortcomings there, and the other side wants this side to make up for its shortcomings.

If they all have this tendency, they will naturally have enough attraction, and there will be no violent collision after contact.

When two extreme worlds come into contact, there is no collision of advantages at all. One side has strength but no energy, and the other side has energy but no strength. When the two extreme worlds come into contact, it is equivalent to using their strengths to instantly crush the weaknesses of the other side.

What conflict could there be? And where both have advantages, there are two tracks, so there will be no conflict.

At this time, the comparison is about the size of both sides. Which world is larger in size? In this kind of interface and fusion, that side will be dominant.

In the process of fusion, the opportunity for boundary-breaking forces comes. Collision and fusion are guided by the big world. Therefore, when the two extreme worlds attract each other, the big world can exert additional guidance. strength.

While the two extreme worlds are getting closer, they are also getting closer to the big world. Moreover, during the process of fusion, the junction point is very fragile. As long as it is close to the big world, the big world can directly break the boundary from the outside.

What's more, for the world itself, this kind of integration is not a good thing in the early days.

It looks like a complementary balance, but in fact, in the process of this balance, the world itself will become fragile, and the original framework of the world will change because of this complementarity.

This and changes take a long time, and as long as it is not stabilized, this fragility will not disappear.

It can be said that this kind of world has become stronger through complementation, but it has also become weaker. It is like a monster entering a violent mode. The intensity has increased, but the damage suffered by the monster has also increased significantly.

Monsters that were originally difficult to kill instantly may be killed instantly in this situation.

Violence is meaningless to the big world. As long as this world is too close to the big world, plus the fragility caused by the change of the world's own framework, even if there is no junction point, the big world can knock down the world's barriers from the outside.

However, with the existence of junction points, it will be easier to break down barriers.

Although the boundary-breaking organizations in the big world have big businesses, they still have to consider costs when doing things.

Why do you have to take extra risks when you can achieve your goals easily and risk-free?

The reason why they are still here is to avoid some accidents. The Twilight Mercenary Organization can also come up with something that will surprise even the Breaking Boundary Organization.

So someone has to be here to watch, lest they don't have any intelligence records after an accident occurs.

Beyond that is the part related to personal interests.

Some boundary breakers want to obtain enough high-energy crystals in this world, and some diviners want to study the power possessed by the indigenous people of this world.

For various reasons, they seemed quite active here some time ago, but being active comes with a price. The angry aborigines are trying their best, and they can't bear it.

After all, the difference in numbers lies here.

The quality of the local aborigines is very high. Even if they rely on targeted methods, it will be difficult for them to easily kill the world's high-end powerhouses.

As a result, they became more and more passive and low-key. When they were not taking action, they had no problem hiding their traces, plus they had enough understanding of the world.

Even if you pass by a strong person in this world, as long as you don't act too deliberately, the other person will not notice that something is wrong.

"Our eyeliners have almost been cleaned up. They were too ruthless." Another diviner looked out the window. They were very interested in the physique of this world. The ultra-high limit of energy storage characteristics, as long as they have special Power, just want to master it.

But this kind of characteristic is not so easy to master. Genetic modification or plundering and other methods will not work. In addition to the body having the corresponding characteristics, the soul must also have it.

Unilateral possession is meaningless.

Some boundary breakers reincarnated in this world have successfully acquired the corresponding characteristics, but those people are very poor in talent in this area.

The reason is also simple. Those people's reincarnations only have the special characteristics of this world. In fact, they are still not aboriginals, unless they are reincarnated several times to wear away the traces of non-aboriginals.

It's just that the hell in this world is too powerful. If you reincarnate a few more times, the traces of non-aboriginal people will be rubbed away, and the true spirit will be almost washed away.

That is something more important than the soul. After it is washed clean, after reincarnation, although the person is still the same person, it is not the same person as before.

Not to mention the memory-related parts.

Therefore, the method of multiple reincarnations is not very realistic. Some boundary breakers even have memory loss when they are reincarnated for the first time, and some of them even integrate into the local world.

Some of their operational secrets will be leaked, which is also related to this type of boundary breaker. They have awakened their memories, but because their memories are incomplete, their minds are also affected.

So much so that they have a greater sense of identification with this world. When faced with choices, some choose to return to the Breaking Organization, while others choose this world.

It's not that this type of situation has never been encountered before, but the probability is very low. The Breaking Organization did not expect that after using reincarnation in this world, there would be such a high probability of such a thing happening.

Among the ten reincarnated boundary breakers, at least three or four have problems. In other worlds, the probability of this is not even one in a thousand.

Exposure is inevitable, but the impact of early exposure will be great. Some of their plans were not launched before they were attacked by local strong men.

The development downlines were removed one after another, and the methods of dealing with them were also quite cruel. The caught judgers were directly made into bombs and thrown to them... Talking about human rights? On this matter, the official attitude in this world is very tough.

Their world is going to end, so how can they talk about human rights with these judgers? The talented and powerful people in the local area are desperate for their lives. Why should these judges give them a chance to survive?

The world environment is high, the level of contact is high, and the local aborigines can judge some situations more accurately. Unlike other worlds, even if the aborigines know about the breaking of the boundary, many of them will not see the coffin. shed tears.

I just feel that the world is so big, how could it be destroyed?

In their understanding, the so-called destruction of the world is still linked to the "exploding star". However, the aboriginal people of this world do not have this misunderstanding, so their behavior style is particularly extreme.

The Twilight mercenaries in this world are also very comfortable, but the World Breakers and God Advocates are uncomfortable. Even before the God Advent system is restored, the World Breaker organization's plan to execute in this world almost fails!

The recovery of the Goddess System allowed them to launch a strong counterattack and complete the last step, but what followed was an even more crazy counterattack from the local area.

If it weren't for the fact that people must be kept here, the boundary breakers gathered here wouldn't want to stay here.

The last time the agent made a big fuss in the big world, it made many domain owners feel a sense of crisis... The higher the environment, the easier it is for existences to be able to 'dictate for eternity'. The 'iron law' that agents must die when entering the big world has been broken. , how can there be no sense of crisis?

They want to get a chance to make a breakthrough in other worlds, instead of wasting time in this world where they can't get any benefits!

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