I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 920 Consider preparations after failure

"Are you humans so good at playing?" Dasia Filo stared at the two Zhong Yan dissatisfied. In her opinion, these two women were bad women who repaid kindness with hatred and helped her caregivers!

Are his caregivers irresponsible? She really has an offspring. With the character of her caregiver, this matter will definitely not be as simple as Zhong Yan said. Zheng Yichen is not responsible for anything.

You already have a piece of meat in your belly, so those words are just words, just like the green dragons at home, each one has an evil purpose!

However, Dacia Philo knew some of the characteristics of the dragon clan. After her caregivers really took care of those big-breasted green dragons, and Zheng Yichen still stood on the side of the dragon clan, then those big-breasted green dragons would really I bought good things from my parents' house to Zheng Yichen.

As for the things that the Dragon Clan will do in the future to disgrace Zheng Yichen, from the perspective of the Dragon Clan, those big-breasted green dragons will probably side with Zheng Yichen as long as their minds are right.

After all, they all involved themselves. While they were loyal to their race, their own race was indifferent. Isn't this a kind of betrayal?

She is a dragon, so she trusts her tribe members more. How long have the two women in front of them known their caregivers? It’s only half a day, and you’re thinking about having a baby?

She who was listening on the sidelines couldn't bear this!

"This is not a play, but a serious consideration of the future." Long-haired Zhong Yan said seriously: "I want to cultivate a descendant who can turn the tide before things get worst."

"Then you place a bet knowing how powerful my caregiver is?" Tasia Philo curled her lips slightly.

Zhong Yan shook his head and said truthfully: "I don't know how powerful he is, but I know enough about Huanghuang. Huanghuang will arrange a representative who is capable of solving the problem.

And now the biggest problem in my native world lies in the junction point, the handover of the two worlds... Since your caregiver will come here, it means that he has the ability to solve this kind of problem. "

Maybe it's not definitely something that can be solved, but there must be that condition... Well, Zhong Yan didn't say this, her plan was very clear, and she had even thought about the follow-up arrangements.

If she was just one person, it would be difficult to arrange some things, but now that she is in two, she can make two preparations.

If she succeeds, she can cultivate a world guardian. If she fails, she can go to the dusk and take the "Ark" to leave. It doesn't matter which world she will be transferred to.

She will raise up future generations. If she can't be the guardian of the world, she will be an avenger facing the forces that break the world.

After all, after the agent's mission fails, the agent will also be dealt with by Dusk.

The future after success must be considered, and the consequences of failure must also be considered.

"If he succeeds, the guardian I trained will not let his hard work go to waste. If he fails, I will take his descendants away through the dusk and cultivate his descendants into adults."

"Ah..." Tasia Philo couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Why are you thinking so comprehensively and so well-founded..."

What this woman said seemed to be for Zheng Yichen's benefit in every aspect, although there was some truth to it.

"As humans live longer, their thoughts become less normal."

Dacia Philo murmured, maintaining the three views of the Dragon Clan. If her world faced such a situation, she thought about it, and the Dragon Clan would probably go even more 'excessive' in this regard.

But as for humans... what about reserve? Well, the young-looking woman in front of me is not a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old at all, but an 'elderly' who is one hundred and seventy years old.

It’s quite normal to let go of that ‘reservation’ when necessary.

"Foster, what do you think?"

"How can I see? I'll go to Dusk later and I'll open a locker for you. You can keep in touch from now on."

"...This is based on the premise of success, but I need to consider the consequences of failure. It doesn't matter if you have never used this method before. I am willing to be the first tester."

The person who spoke was short-haired Zhong Yan, and Zheng Yichen, who was encountering this situation for the first time, was a little bit confused, but he also had his own ideas.

"You are too worried. As an excellent agent, I have a chance to keep it. Even if I fail, I will not be wiped out by Dusk. At that time, if you still have ideas, just tell Sister Dusk to go to Long City and pay the travel expenses. Let her keep my account."

"Okay." Short-haired Zhong Yan agreed very simply. She didn't strive for anything further in this regard, as long as she reached this step.

Although personal emotional issues cannot be considered in this matter, Zheng Yichen seems to be easy to talk to, and at the same time, he is the kind of person who will not be 'morally kidnapped' by a few words in this regard.

Even what she said will eventually come true. If Zheng Yichen really agrees to her proposal and the world is protected, then she will really put all her efforts into cultivating a guardian to prevent Zheng Yichen's efforts in this world from being in vain.

This world is not protected, and she will let her children inherit her 'legacy'. Although this is unfair to the children, in this matter, they made this decision with a purpose.

It's a pity that Zheng Yichen was still very rational and firm when she chose to give it to him for free.

"I'm going to get ready." The two Zhong Yans left Zheng Yichen's room, and Yu Qing, who was waiting at the door, hurried over.

"Your Excellency Zhong Yan, everyone is on standby."

"Well, then go out and prepare for an ambush." ​​Zhong Yan nodded. Zheng Yichen can 'relax' here, but the people here in the frontline camp cannot. All frontline camps must prepare for an ambush in the future. and blockade, waiting for the arrival of the boundary-breaking forces.

During this time, no outsiders are allowed to approach the junction.

From a distance, the junction appears as a huge, twisted ball.

But as you approach the junction, the junction becomes distorted like a concave mirror, so the blockade doesn't need to go around in a circle.

Just block the door.

They will not allow anyone related to the boundary-breaking forces to enter the junction, and will do their best to create an undisturbed operating environment for Zheng Yichen.

Back in their own rooms, the two Zhong Yans looked at each other and skipped the process of looking in the mirror. The long-haired Zhong Yan said, "Maybe I should learn to put on makeup."

"It's too late, you'll learn later."

Short-haired Zhong Yan said that she still had not given up on her recent idea, but Zheng Yichen's attitude was also very firm, so she took Zheng Yichen's attitude as the main one.

Since the agent has a chance to retain, failure is still allowed.

So they just have to fight hard to block it. This is the only thing they can do at the moment.

In the room, Dacia Philo looked at Zheng Yichen with a puffy face: "Were you really not moved just now?"

"This is the first time I have encountered such a thing, can I not be moved?" Zheng Yichen clicked his tongue. Zhong Yan was very good-looking and possessed great power. Under the influence of that power, Zheng Yichen surpassed ordinary people. Even with his sharp eyesight, no dazzling microbial details can be seen.

Based on this alone, she is a great beauty.

"Nonsense, aren't the green big-breasted dragons at home the same?"

"Hahaha, even if this is the case, they are not human, they have different natures."

Zheng Yichen smiled and touched Dasia Filo's head: "Don't think about this, we will go to the junction later."

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