I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 930 Being frightened

Big world.

Ban Long looked at a peak in the distance that connected the world. Although he didn't speak, the old face remained silent, which still made the people around him subconsciously become cautious.

Ban Long has been like this since he failed to stop the agent last time. The Breaking Boundary Organization used many methods to try to get Ban Long back to normal, but that battle ultimately left the 'root cause' behind.

No matter how he recovers, Ban Long can only maintain this old look.

Of course, in terms of strength, Ban Long is still very strong, but he is no longer at his peak. He has become weaker, which does not mean that others have become stronger, although there will be some new domain lords who emerge every year.

Those with weak strength will be squeezed out, but Ban Long can maintain his position after becoming weaker. In addition to the fact that the opponent is a veteran and has sufficient qualifications, the rest is the guarantee of strength.

Recently, many outstanding domain masters have appeared in the big world, such as Yu Heng who once fought against 'Evergreen'. After the last time the agent broke out of the big world, the other party took the initiative to give up the big domain where he was and only brought him with him. After leaving her team, she chose a remote area...

Then it took less than half a year to regain the large domain she had given up, and even annexed the blank large domain she had chosen before.

This is not easy, because after annexing a new large domain, the positions of other domain lords will be squeezed. It does not affect the size of the territory, but affects the structure of the ring area.

As for Yue Hengyuheng's ability to achieve this level, it was because the large area she chose was special and very suitable for her strength, so she made a great breakthrough in a short period of time.

However, her situation is very rare. If you want to reach her level, you have to work hard and the risks are extremely high.

In addition to Yu Heng, new powerful Territory Lords have appeared in the world in the past six months, and some of their achievements are no worse than Yu Heng. After the Eye of Heaven was restored, those Territory Lords reconnected and completed the statistics.

However, the emergence of these new and powerful domain lords did not affect Ban Long much.

Now, some domain lords have brought back important news. The agent of Changqing has appeared again, and he has appeared in a very important world.

That wild world has long been targeted by the Big World, but the environment there makes many methods of breaking the boundary impossible to use normally, and the Big World wants to better preserve that world.

Therefore, new technologies were used to guide that world to gradually approach the big world, and then pull it over by forcibly breaking the boundary. After other worlds collide, it will either be like the wild world, or it will explode.

The big world, with its sufficient depth, can directly accommodate the world that collides with it.

As for why we value that world, it is naturally because the strength level of the wild world is high enough, and it also has the characteristics of 'giant'.

Just having giant characteristics is not worthy of the big world's attention. The key is that while there are giant characteristics, the creatures there can also support the giant size normally.

It is true that behemoths that are easily more than ten kilometers away can eat larger creatures, but there are even bigger creatures over there, measuring tens or hundreds of kilometers away.

These creatures can still easily support their own weight and vitality, which is not comparable to ordinary giants.

As for another world with a high energy level, it is considered incidental. Although the way of storing energy in that world is special, its excellence does not mean that there is no alternative way.

Anyway, as long as the wild world is solved, all the characteristics of the two worlds can be transferred to the big world.

The new boundary-breaking technology has greatly increased the difficulty for agents to solve problems. According to the calculations of the boundary-breaking organization, this time it should be the agents who form a team to solve the problem.

Unexpectedly, there was only one representative, and he was an old enemy.

There is nothing to say. Rather than letting the world get an important piece of the puzzle, they chose to get it all!

Not only must this agent be killed, but the world must also be taken over. Kill the opponent once first. If the opponent retains the number of times, the Breaking Boundary Organization will use more powerful techniques to deal with Chang Qing in the future.

Completely eliminate the huge threat.

Because the wild world is very close to the big world, there is a lot of room for them to operate.

"Your Excellency Ban Long, the target has been captured."

"Get ready to take action." Ban Long looked at the sky, with a subtle light shining in his eyes. Just now, he had also completed communication with the senior leaders of the Breaking Boundary Organization.

The top management of the organization is also very determined to deal with Chang Qing. This is the first time in many years that he can kill someone in the big world.

The greater threat is that the opponent kills through the world and paralyzes the Eye of Heaven with one knife, which is more destructive than destruction.

During the time when the Eye of Heaven was being repaired, the Breaking Boundary Organization did a lot of research on this power. After all, the trace of the Demonic Abyss that had been wiped out of the earth and still existed until now had not disappeared.

Those are the objects of research. After studying for more than half a year, they have also researched some information. The power that is above destruction and can even 'eliminate' it can really crush the Eye of Heaven. It can even destroy the world.

As long as the agent can contact the world origin of the big world and use that power, he can try to do it.

However, the big world has enough initiative. If it really encounters such a problem, it will take the initiative to resist, but this does not rule out the possibility of the collapse of the big world.

How to address the impact of this force?

They couldn't even solve Ban Long's physical condition, let alone other problems. Even the land that was cut away by Zheng Yichen was still being filled in.

It would take at least a hundred years to completely repair it. During this period, a lot of resources would be consumed. At least a few large areas would have to be filled in... and the power of annihilation contained in the Mark of the Demonic Abyss.

People who want to pass there can only take a detour. The transmission of the Eye of Heaven will be cut off when passing there, turning it into a blind spot for surveillance.

The more they study the battle traces left by Zheng Yichen, the more certain the Boundary Breaking Organization is that the opponent is the targeted agent created by Dusk.

It has been like this less than two years since the agent appeared. If you give the other party twenty years, can that guy directly collapse the entire world?

Even if the other party's identity does that, Dusk will probably deal with it. There is a huge suspicion of killing the donkey, but the agent has no choice when doing things.

If you complete the task at dusk, you can still live for a while, but if you fail to complete it, you will be finished immediately, and there will be no chance of persuasion.

Therefore, regardless of whether this agent is a chess piece specially trained by Dusk to die with the big world, they must obliterate it...

After all, Zheng Yichen is too useful to Huang Wan. In the future, Huang Wan will arrange difficult targets. Moreover, according to the statistics of the Breaking Boundary Organization, this agent is good at many things.

Whether it's technology or magic, the opponent can adapt to that type of world and is a three-level existence with full personal talents.

Even if they fight for technological power, the opponent also has a mobile technological fortress.

It won't be too easy to win such a goal in a low environment, and there are very few opportunities like that.

For low-environment tasks, Dusk may not necessarily arrange agents like Zheng Yichen, and there is not only one agent who can be used, but there are also many agents who are suitable for the technological side.

In this operation, Zheng Yichen will be killed even if he gives up the two worlds he is about to get... According to calculations, Zheng Yichen can only keep it once at most. After killing the opponent here once, he only needs to pay a heavy price in the future. Kill the opponent once and the threat will be over.

As for Dusk’s desire to cultivate new targets?

Even if there are countless worlds, it is not that easy to find a special agent like Zheng Yichen.

In order to ensure that this operation went smoothly enough, the authorization Ban Long received even included operations that exposed some important secrets of the organization.

"Your Excellency Ban Long, please confirm again, do you want to take action?"

"Start." Ban Long nodded, but he was not angry because of this second confirmation. The locking this time has not reached the best time. Not the best time means getting half the result with half the effort, and at the same time, some important information will be exposed. secret.

The operator at the Eye of Heaven obviously asked a second time after receiving a sensitive reminder.

After the second confirmation, subtle changes occurred in the distant mountain peaks that connected the sky and the earth. The bright sky was centered on the mountain peaks, and the darkness quickly spread out to the surroundings, and huge stars emerged.

As the background of these stars appeared, the dark sky gradually became clear, and chaotic and intertwined brilliance shone in from the clear sky.

When the aurora-like colors sweep across the environment, they cause the environment to appear distorted and chaotic like the colors.

It was like the spacecraft closed the sunshade after it approached the sun. The intense colorful chaos made some people around Ban Long unable to bear the pressure, and blood flowed from his eyes.

They then moved their eyes away belatedly, feeling strong fear in their hearts at what they had just seen.

That kind of fear is like ordinary people being thrown into the deep sea, or being abandoned to float in the deep space of the universe. Although there is a layer of life-sustaining protection, this life-sustaining protection is not enough to allow them to escape.

I can only watch the countdown end and wait for death.

They were frightened by this feeling, and there was no weak person who could stand beside Ban Long.

Although what they have to do now is equivalent to operating a huge turret to attack targets in far away areas, they will not be needed for many subsequent things.

This place is purely to fill the scene and deal with accidents, but even so, there are not many people who are qualified to stand here... Just these people, are they still scared?

Some people find it ridiculous, but the impression of completely losing their sense of security is so profound that it is no longer a great terror between life and death.

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