I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 933 Can’t wait

Worms from outside the world seem to appear out of thin air. As long as the cracks in the world barrier appear long enough, there will be such things. When they appear, they will first appear near the cracks.

That kind of thing does not have any vitality, it has entity, there are not many types, it has special power, it does not have special power, it is a combination of both.

But either way is troublesome.

Worms from outside the world do not eat curses, are mind-controlled, useless in transformation, immune to the influence of space forces, and are infinite in number. They did an experiment once, and the result was completely out of control, and the entire world was occupied by bugs from outside the world.

They didn't even dare to carry out subsequent boundary-breaking and directly annexed that world to the big world.

To annex a world filled with bugs from outside the world is simply to cause trouble for your own world.

Although the bugs from outside the world will lose some characteristics that belong to the outside world, they will also gain new characteristics within the world. For example, they can directly attack the world's barriers!

Obviously, if you want to enter the outside world, you need to pass through the cracks in the barrier, but within the boundary, it is the other way around.

Ignoring the influence of space power, this special 'creature' can only be restricted by hard control.

For example, pure power suppression, physical blockade restrictions, and restrictive magic, spells and other methods will not be useful.

When the world was broken and annexed, a lot of extraterrestrial insects came in. God knows whether those things would bore a lot of holes into the world.

In the Great World, even the Eye of Heaven did not repair the place that was cracked by Zheng Yichen before. The place that was cracked by Zheng Yichen was repaired first, just to avoid an insect infestation.

Insects from outside the world are extraterrestrial creatures. Some researchers from the World Breaking Organization believe that Gu Zun is also an outsider creature. However, at that time, Gu Zun was still in a 'dead' state, and the progress of the research was somewhat stagnant.

But if the ancient master is made into the core of breaking the world, then the subsequent research can be completed immediately.

They accomplished it, but were stopped by Zheng Yichen. This was the most helpless thing.

Fortunately, another 'Nano' Ancient Master has appeared now.

Is one person more important than the world? For the Boundary Breaking Organization, this is really the case.

There are many worlds to choose from, but worlds or individuals with special characteristics are like drawing cards. Rare cards are always scarce, and they are only available for a limited time and are difficult to reproduce.

Once it is truly missed, it is completely gone, just like the ancient master. Although the people in that world have continued the bloodline of the ancient master, they cannot trace it back to the ancient master.

The traces of the ancient master's existence have completely disappeared. The remnants of the ancient immortal mountain are only residues. It is impossible to restore the existence of the ancient master. The fantasy formation is the limit.

Through the analysis of the Eye of Heaven, many of the powers used by Zheng Yichen were analyzed. The Swallowing Sky Pillar was a fake created by the fantasy formation. The World Tree was real, but there were some abnormalities in its performance.

It must be Dusk’s unique ‘technology’.

There is also the Virtual Genesis used by Lilith. After comparison, it is related to the core of the virtual world. There are many examples of Twilight mercenaries seizing the boundary-breaking core used by the boundary-breakers and using it as strengthening materials in Twilight.

Although the Breaking Organization tried to include backdoors in those things, after Dusk's strengthening or secondary production, those backdoors completely ceased to exist and turned into something else entirely.

Even if the effect is exactly the same, and even during the research, it is similar to what their development department produced, and the structure is the same, but the backdoors they prepared cannot be used.

Crack? There is nothing to crack, that is their technology. When there is a confrontation, it is also a head-to-head confrontation performance. It is impossible to go through the back door.

The difference in other aspects is that everything made by Dusk has a "natural" characteristic. With the same structure, there is no trace of "man-made". Even if the design is man-made, the finished product looks like it was formed naturally. The material grows naturally into this structure.

This also leads to the fact that no matter how finely crafted something is, there will still be a slight gap between it and Dusk. Although this gap does not affect the final performance, it is just a performance gap that is infinitely close to zero.

But in the eyes of some people in the development department, this gap is taken very seriously. The creation of the core of the virtual world is infinitely close to 1, but even if it cannot reach this real 1.

On the other hand, the gap is infinitely close to zero, which is also an insurmountable gap.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many special features around Zheng Yichen. The most important thing is still the ancient power that Zheng Yichen uses.

After obtaining certain blood materials, they can indeed be strengthened through dusk, but they have learned and studied this aspect. The lower the level of the materials that can be used to strengthen oneself, the more comprehensive the enhancement will be.

With the same consumption of points, you can get all the advantages and characteristics of blood-colored materials such as ordinary vampires with a small amount of points.

As for the shortcomings, people with normal brains will generally not retain them. Of course, some shortcomings can play a better role at specific times, but this does not affect those Twilight mercenaries with normal brains to eliminate them.

Better blood materials require more points when strengthening them. If you want to reduce consumption, castrate the materials.

In the analysis of the Eye of Heaven, the characteristics of the ancient master obtained by Zheng Yichen should be complete. Even if they are not complete, they have inherited the most important part, and the remaining parts are suitable for Zheng Yichen himself.

If he obtained the corresponding characteristics through the strengthening of dusk, then it is a normal operation, but if Zheng Yichen obtained it through his 'blood-sucking' ability, then his own ability becomes particularly important.

So in terms of value, the value of this agent is higher.

The problem is that the other party is not a weak little girl. If you want to take down this agent, you must pay a high price, and you may not even be able to take down the other party.

The world that was supposed to contain the Agents has now become a factor that restrains them. The battle has gone too far, the world has been broken, and the Agents have failed their mission and been taken away directly by the dusk, so they can't get anything out of it.

We can't take them all, so in the choice, Ban Long is ready to break through the boundary directly. If he can't catch Zheng Yichen, then he is a dangerous element that threatens the world.

It would be better to complete the breakthrough and consume the remaining chance of this major threat.

Looking at the junction being sewn up by the chain, a stream of light flew out from the world barrier again and quickly arrived at the junction along the anchor.

The big world is too close to that world, and there is no need for the true body to descend. It can achieve an almost real arrival through the Eye of Heaven, just like the fantasy formation turning virtual reality into reality, but their method has an additional conversion process.

The result is the same. This is more advanced than projection. Projection can only exert a certain strength, but this kind of advent can exert strength beyond itself.

The descending body can be strengthened through the correction of the Eye of Heaven.

Even if the descending body is seriously injured, some of it will be fed back to the main body. However, compared with the advantages, this kind of problem is not a small side effect.

The intensity shown by Zheng Yichen exceeded Ban Long's imagination. The Eye of Heaven had already analyzed that explosive energy, and even creatures with the same ability can be found in the big world.

However, the abilities are the same, but the abilities displayed by different individuals are completely different.

Compared with the quality of what Zheng Yichen used, compared with the comparison creature, that creature was just rubbish.

In a low environment, this gap will not be too obvious. After all, the environment determines the upper limit. You can be extraordinary, but it is impossible to be extraordinary. In a high environment, the gap will become larger and larger.

Normal explosive energy comes with resistance, which is nothing in the big world. There is no absolute invincibility. Facing a certain protective method, attacks or other forces cannot have an effect. It is nothing more than the research of that method. The improvement is not enough, or the quality of the driving force is not enough.

It is not the best way to deal with the agent in a low environment, but judging from the combat power he showed, if he failed to defeat the opponent this time, there will really be no good opportunities in the future.

A low environment is useless. The manifestation of visions breaks through the environment. What role can a low environment play? The best battlefield is still on the Big World side, after all, this is their home field.

The chances of winning Zheng Yichen elsewhere are too slim, as they are capped in high environments.

In a high environment, the existence that can really cap it off is usually the ‘Dao of Heaven’.

The capping of low environment and the capping of high environment are completely different concepts.

"You're still here!?" Zheng Yichen, who had resumed his work at Seamless Heaven, flicked the chain in his hand, and the swung chain hung on the giant beast that appeared, and bloody arrogance burst out from him again.

Looking at Zheng Yichen rushing over, the giant beast's body underwent new changes and became more solid, resisting Zheng Yichen's attack head-on.

oops? Seeing that his attack was blocked, Zheng Yichen didn't make any pause. The Seven Kills of the Demonic Abyss blessed on the weapon exploded, and the torrent of the Demonic Abyss swallowed up the giant beast.

White lines burst out from the torrent of the Demon Abyss, and they were densely cut towards Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen crushed the Demon Abyss and swept the fishing rod towards the cutting marks.

After the weapon touched Chezhi, he felt an ultra-high-density attack feedback.

But these cuts lasted less than half a second before completely collapsing.

The figure of the giant beast flew out from the explosion of the Demonic Abyss. The scales on its body were damaged but were not blown up to ashes on the spot like last time.

Ban Long stared at Zheng Yichen with his fierce eyes, raised his claws, and a light wheel appeared, and the surrounding space was stirred. The flying light wheel did not fly towards Zheng Yichen, but flew towards Zheng Yichen. Toward the World Tree.

Zheng Yichen's figure disappeared with slight distortion. The size of the light wheel was not worth mentioning compared with the World Tree, but the place where the light wheel was flying made Zheng Yichen have to pay attention.

That place is the ‘foundation’ for the manifestation of the World Tree. If it is cut off, it will affect the external manifestation of the World Tree.

"Wow!" Looking at the light wheel flying over, Dasia Filo opened her mouth and directly sprayed out the dragon's breath in human form. The light flow hit the light wheel and was cut directly by the light wheel. open.

With the broken stream of light acting as the background, Dacia Philo could see more clearly. Wherever the light wheel flew, there was a sense of fragmentation and disharmony in the space.

She let out a dragon roar in frustration, and just as she was about to make the next move, she saw Zheng Yichen's figure appearing above the nimbus, and the fishing rod in her hand shattered the nimbus with one blow.

The broken halo of light did not disappear immediately, leaving black traces on its trajectory as it flew away.

Looking at the second light wheel chasing after him, Zheng Yichen curled his lips slightly. Why did he feel that Ban Long was stronger at this time than when he fought in the big world?

In terms of environment, the big world has the advantage, but the power exerted by the opponent is very wrong.

After destroying the subsequent light wheel again, Zheng Yichen wanted to get close to Ban Long, but this boundary breaker who transformed into a giant beast did not give him a chance. As long as Zheng Yichen got close, he would quickly retreat, widen the distance and release the same weapon. attack.

Banlong's power has a strong cutting effect, and the attack caused by swinging his claws can make the space feel like it is divided up and down.

This is not just a visual residue, the fragmentation is also very lethal. The disappearance of traces is also the natural restoration of the space.

"BOSS, I have hidden the foundation for the end." The moment Lilith's voice sounded, Zheng Yichen's figure completely disappeared.

The super-speed movement in the form of distorted space broke through the blockade set by Ban Long. Ban Long's pupils shrank. Under his gaze, Zheng Yichen's face was covered with dense cuts, but these cuts disappeared when he got close to him. No trace.

The fishing rod filled with demonic thoughts struck him. This attack also contained annihilation. The power poured into his body exploded Ban Long's body again.

The several light discs thrown out by Ban Long also cut into the World Tree.

Zhong Yan saw the huge World Tree, and instantly there were several cuts in the starry abyss. The chains spreading from the fantasy formation also shook, and a series of cracking sounds were heard.

The sewn cracks in the sky cracked a second time. In some places where chains were sewn, when the cracks opened, either the chains shattered or the edges of the cracks were broken, causing the chains to lose their function.

The boundary of the handover point was further exposed. Zhong Yan's reaction was already very fast, but it was still a little late when she closed her eyes. Not even for a moment, she knew that her eyes were blind.

But those crushing sounds still didn't disappear, and not being able to see anything gave Zhong Yan a strong feeling of heart palpitations.

The sky is falling is just a description, but now the heavy pressure of the sky is falling is real on top of the head.

Obviously there is no adsorption force at the cracked junction, but Zhong Yan can still feel something flowing along the crack. The unknown things accompanying the flow make her feel a sense of being from the inside out. The intense uneasiness that blows out.

"There's no need to be so scared, right?" Dacia Philo blinked her eyes in confusion and deployed a layer of protection. In this layer of protection, the strong uneasiness in Zhong Yan's heart quickly disappeared, and his blind eyes returned to normal. .

In her perception, the talking little white dragon is no longer the image of a little girl, but a childish but more real 'world sapling'. The protection deployed by this sapling not only provides physical protection, but also Psychological 'comfort'.

Zhong Yan understood something in his heart. The reason why he felt a sense of crisis in the cracked environment was probably because some of the protection of the world itself began to fail.

Tasia Philo has the characteristics or power of the World Tree. When she unfolds it, she re-constructs a similar layer of protection. Although it is not as strong as the sense of security brought by the real world barrier, it is still very protective for the sheltered individual. So far, I can already ignore the uneasy mental pressure.

"This is too tragic." Zheng Yichen looked at the marks on the World Tree. This was to avoid the damage caused by the World Tree after it took root. The resulting cutting marks were difficult to eliminate for a while.

Ban Long's attack had some special influence. That thing should not be Ban Long's own power, but the sealing nature of this power affected the World Tree.

"BOSS, this kind of power is similar to the power you suffered from heavenly punishment in the big world."

"I was just about to say this." Zheng Yichen grinned slightly. He was deeply impressed by being slashed all the way by God's punishment. Even now, he can't forget it. What can I say about that kind of attack? The world has the origin of the world, and individuals have their own origins. .

The origin of the world is extracted, and the entire world will weaken and the environment will be degraded. If the extraction is serious, the temperature of the environment will also decrease overall. This is a side effect of the environmental degradation. It can only be gradually recovered after the environment is stabilized.

In humans, it is the cold of losing a lot of blood.

The origin of the world has been drained, and it is almost impossible to recover, unless it is plundered from other worlds. This is a "serious injury" that is difficult to recover. The same is true after the origin of an individual is affected by the same impact.

For example, Ban Long's aging, when Zheng Yichen used Nirvana to attack creatures, the effect of cutting the limit left behind can be considered the same effect. If such effects can be recovered so easily, Ban Long will not be as old as he is now. .

The damage done to Zheng Yichen by the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment was similar. Although it was not as bad as Zhan Daxian, it was difficult for him to recover naturally on his own.

Even now...well, he doesn't want to try it. Even if his physique is enhanced and he has new characteristics, he may appear different from last time and there is a possibility of recovery, but what if?

You can't look for Dusk again, recovery in this area is too expensive.

"How to restore this..." Zheng Yichen looked at the traces on the World Tree, withdrawn and reset? It was a good idea, but after it was withdrawn, the power to maintain Xiantian was no longer enough.

In the process of sewing the sky, a large amount of power is consumed every moment. These powers are still the original power of the world extracted from the junction point. There is no World Tree as a pump.

The production capacity provided by these inferior Devouring Sky Pillars will only be drained instantly, and the production capacity cannot keep up with consumption. Even the Devouring Sky Pillars created by the Fantasy Formation will disappear, and the Fantasy Formation will also be implicated.

He mobilized his whole body and the big world did not remotely interfere here. Zheng Yichen could still slow down for a while, but now there was no chance to slow down. As long as he removed all this and reset, the junction would be shattered in an instant.

All he can do is to appear through visions as much as possible to reduce the sense of existence of World Tree.

The manifestation of visions can manipulate individuals in large ways, and can also influence small ways. However, Zheng Yichen knew that this method was of little use. At most, it would reduce the possibility of being attacked.

Ban Long's purpose before taking action was too clear.

When he was sewing the sky apart, he had to look for the boundary-breaking core. As long as he could find that kind of thing and get rid of it, it would be difficult for even the big world to interfere here normally, right?

Just...can't find it!

Zheng Yichen suspected that the core of the two worlds was not within the world environment, but outside the world.

Looking at the place where the sky cracked, Zheng Yichen's eyes twitched slightly: "Up!"

If he continues to wait, he will only be dragged to death. He doesn't know how many times Ban Long can come, but he believes in the foundation of the big world. Even if he finds a way to kill Ban Long, he will be alive so that the other party cannot come here.

Then a platoon or a series of dragons may appear next.

Is it better to directly address the root cause of the problem?

His visionary manifestations and divine realm have covered this generation area, but still can't find the boundary-breaking core. Isn't that thing in the area that is not covered?

"BOSS! This is also a great risk for you to get lost. I have conducted external detection, and the detector has no concept of 'distance' in the outside world."

Lilith directly took out a large amount of detection data, streamlined the ones that Zheng Yichen wasted time on, and Zheng Yichen read the remaining main parts in an instant.

Lilith borrowed the authority granted to her by Zheng Yichen to expand the Virtual Genesis beyond the crack. As a result, the expanded Virtual Genesis was instantly torn in half.

The parts inside the crack were intact, but the outside parts were nowhere to be found, even though she simulated and constructed a large number of high-standard signal transmitters inside.

In addition, with the power invested, even if the virtual genesis is torn apart, signals can be transmitted in anyway, but in the end, no information is received.

There are no traces at all. With normal physical observation, the torn part of Virtual Genesis cannot be seen, nor can ultra-high-speed image capture.

She used all her energy to capture the scene, and when Zheng Yichen was not using space distortion, she could even capture his explosive movement.

Even without space distortion, Zheng Yichen can still teleport when his explosive energy is fully activated.

When facing an opponent with the ability to teleport, if the opponent raises his hand, there is a high chance that Zheng Yichen will hit him head-on.

It was possible to capture images at such a speed, but could not get any useful information. After many attempts, coupled with the large amount of information that originally came with the virtual world, Lilith came to this conclusion.

The information included in the Virtual World Core is still very useful.

It was a good outcome for Zheng Yichen to say he was lost. The worse outcome was that Zheng Yichen's head was gone as soon as he stuck his head out... Well, she didn't think her boss would be so stupid and try it directly with his head.

But it’s not impossible to have fewer hands.

"I know." After reading this information, Zheng Yichen said that he understood the risks involved, but it still had to be done. If he didn't do it and put it off, it would not do him any good.

Thinking of another way? At this time, what else can you think of, just reach out directly, it's not like you can't recover without one hand.

Zheng Yichen stretched his hand out of the crack and felt his palm lose temperature instantly, but it did not affect the movement of the palm. When the hand was withdrawn, it returned to normal.

It feels like when I was still weak, I reached out and touched hell, but the influence of hell can be offset by personal resistance, and outside the boundary, normal resistance is useless.

Hypothermia is a bit uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable for Zheng Yichen. This is good. He can adapt to the outside environment to a certain extent!

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