I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 982 You smell so good

"This is the result of rigorous simulation testing, not to mention that after you use this thing, it is possible to improve on the original basis."

Although her face was slightly deformed by Zheng Yichen's pinch, An Ke still said seriously that she could get more precious data, and Zheng Yichen could also try to get new improvements.

Everyone gets what they want.

After all, this heavenly potion could be made so quickly. In addition to the ongoing war next door, it also used some 'extracts' from Zheng Yichen's body.

Although Zheng Yichen's blood is difficult to use, parts that can be used for genetic modification can be obtained from it.

During the process, Zheng Yichen's blood was equivalent to a unique catalyst. Without his blood, some things would be impossible to achieve.

"Then let me try." Zheng Yichen picked up a syringe and pointed it at himself, preparing to plunge it in.

"Wait." An Ke quickly stopped. After a lot of detection equipment appeared through the phantom eye, he nodded to Zheng Yichen: "Okay."

She looked at Zheng Yichen expectantly. It was a bit gorgeous, even as if it contained fluorescent liquid. After the injection, Zheng Yichen looked at the marks that appeared on his arm.

It was a trace left by erosion, but with the appearance of this trace, he felt as if his Tianling Cap had been opened.

"This is water type." He waved his hand and pulled a stream of water out of the air. The water flow was delicately shaped into various shapes in his hands.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This kind of shaping has become instinctive. In other words, what is in his mind is what the shape of the water flow is.

It hardly requires any control, just rely on imagination. Before this, although he could easily shape the water flow into various shapes, it was based on control.

Without enough control, water control means roughly washing away the enemy.

Not only that, when he looked at An Ke, he could clearly sense the protection that An Ke had. In addition to the protection of the World Tree suit, there was also the special protection of the living body.

These protections have no substantial physical effect. They mainly protect against external interfering forces and are characteristics that all living things possess.

Think of it as the rejection of living things.

This type of rejection prevents water-controlling beings from directly affecting the water content in an individual's body.

However, this layer of rejection protection is very fragile in Zheng Yichen's perception, and can be broken through with a little force.

The feeling of the Tianling cover being opened quickly disappeared, and the corrosion marks on Zheng Yichen's arms also disappeared.

"So short?" Zheng Yichen said subconsciously. He had only experienced it for a few seconds.

"It took a shorter time than expected, but it's normal for you." An Ke was not surprised. If it happened to others, they would die in less than a few seconds.

It only takes less than a minute to get the physique right. In the final analysis, this thing is a preliminary product and there are too many parts that need to be perfected.

It was an unexpected surprise to be able to really have an effect on Zheng Yichen.

As for the relevant data, she had already obtained it from Zheng Yichen's body through the connection with the phantom eye.

In those few seconds, the water power around Zheng Yichen spontaneously formed a unique realm. Although it was not a divine realm, within the realm, the dominance over water reached a level comparable to that of a divine realm.

Of course, this is the result of Zheng Yichen's use. Others who use it this way will definitely not reach this level, but the height of the theory has been given by Zheng Yichen.

This kind of heavenly medicine has great potential for development. All we need to do is find ways to reduce the side effects. The initial goal is to ensure that the user lives. As long as the user can stay alive, the rest of it will be quite simple.

The most ideal level is naturally no side effects, but the final product can only make people weak for a period of time afterwards.

As for permanently acquiring the corresponding characteristics, this kind of consumable item does not need that kind of effect.

"Try something else."

"Can't this be drunk?" Zheng Yichen picked up another syringe and turned it twice in his hand and asked.

"The speed of taking effect is too slow if you drink it. This thing is extremely poisonous to ordinary creatures. The speed of taking effect is too slow. If you drink it directly, you will die faster."

An Ke shook his head. It was a highly poisonous thing in the first place. When using it, it was natural to see whether it would take effect first or be poisoned to death first.

It takes effect first, and it can resist the highly poisonous part based on its strong power. If the person is poisoned first, then such a precious medicine will be wasted.

And many test targets are often poisoned first.

Zheng Yichen tried the remaining Tianren potions one by one, and the experiences were similar. Basically, they all had the feeling of a skylight opening in the brain. This should be regarded as a unique characteristic of the unity of heaven and man, right?

He thought for a while and asked: "After using this medicine, won't those who can't bear it have their heads exploded and die?"

"That's a better situation."

Zheng Yichen grinned and sent all the remaining data to An Ke, including some of his personal feelings.

After getting these precious data, An Ke hugged Zheng Yichen and kissed him: "I will complete this kind of thing in the shortest possible time."

Since it is useful to Zheng Yichen, it is worthy of vigorous development. Even if Zheng Yichen cannot use it in combat, it can be used on other combatants.

She also knew about the Sky Wheel. If things went well, Zheng Yichen could get the Super Sky Wheel within half a year at the earliest.

"This thing can cooperate with some of the life forms I made." Zheng Yichen thought for a while and said, this can be regarded as a way to reduce costs.

Get out a lot of weak temporary life forms, and then use this heavenly potion to strengthen those temporary life forms.

It can be created by several times or dozens of times of consumption, which is quite cost-effective.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yichen said: "How about I adjust some suitable temporary life forms?"

"It's not needed now." An Ke said quickly: "The life form created with the Life Ark is too 'perfect', but there are fewer possibilities for change."

Zheng Yichen's Ark of Life is like a precision machine tool, and the things it makes are the theoretical limits of a fixed frame.

However, this kind of limit is not a good thing. Many living beings have more possibilities and room for improvement just because they are not perfect.

The temporary life created by Zheng Yichen does not waste any resources. The biological container frame can be said to be utilized to the maximum extent without any spare space.

This is very unfriendly to researchers like her.

"Then I'll be waiting for your good news."

About to leave for another world, Zheng Yichen left the research institute and came to the place where he had an appointment.

At the night banquet bar, the bartender poured Zheng Yichen a glass of fruit wine naturally: "She is very beautiful and very attractive."

Zheng Yichen didn't say anything, but the bartender still saw that the other party was the person Zheng Yichen was waiting for. After all, Sen Luo had been acting with Zheng Yichen during this period, and the Twilight Mercenary Organization had already had such information.

"You know her?"

The bartender nodded: "There are also exchanges between the Twilight mercenary organizations, just like the world of Longcheng. If we hadn't taken the lead, there would have been several wars around here in the future."

Wherever there are people, there will be conflicts of interest, and the same is true for the Twilight mercenaries.

"Another Twilight Mercenary Organization wants to win over Mr. Sen Luo."

The bartender described Sen Luo's reputation in the twilight mercenary circle. Although he is a new twilight mercenary and not an agent, he has shown more exaggerated growth and combat effectiveness than some agents.

This is naturally the goal that many Twilight mercenary organizations want to win over.

However, Sen Luo has always ignored these attempts.

"You know a lot about her identity."

"Hahaha, after all, they are all the daughters of World Tree."

The bartender smiled and didn't show off in this regard. He was full of things, and as his name suggests, he had all the power of nature.

She can be an elemental mage, a great druid who can communicate with animals, or a 'warrior' who can mobilize the power of mountains, rivers and earth with a wave of her hand.

Almost everything in the natural environment can become her power or weapon.

"I just didn't expect that your relationship with her would actually be very good."

"This is just good luck." Zheng Yichen changed the question: "The interest dispute between you Twilight mercenaries will not affect the world of Hazy City, right?"

The bartender smiled and shook his head: "How could it be? Let's not say that we have established a foothold here. There is no point in having conflicts. There is still your agent here. How irrational are they to cause conflicts? ?”

This is the advantage of entering the market first. You have established a good enough relationship with Zheng Yichen first, and the rest of the people have to think about it if they want to cause trouble.

The most that can be done is to exchange some interests with them and borrow the channels they created.

"Your Excellency Changqing, the equipment you made is very popular. We would like to order another batch."

Seeing Sen Luo coming over, the bartender started the last topic.

The quality of the faith weapons made by Zheng Yichen is very high. This kind of thing should be related to the God-Selfing Stone he obtained before, but how to use it depends on the individual.

Zheng Yichen seems to have nothing to do with belief in God, and that kind of belief weapon has also been analyzed. It does not contain the power of belief, but the factor of belief left after the power of belief is purified.

They can also manufacture similar things here, but compared with what Zheng Yichen provided, the quality is much worse, not only in terms of the structural strength of the weapons, but also in the purity of the faith factor.

"There is no problem with this, as long as there are enough materials." Zheng Yichen nodded. It would also be beneficial to him to increase the combat power of the Twilight mercenaries.

As for the consumption of production, there is no consumption at all. The materials are not produced by him. In terms of energy, after the expansion of the divine domain, the environment can provide enough energy, and even Lilith's battery cannot be used.

The consumption of Lilith is also a consumption of performance, but this kind of production is not mass production, and Lilith has an evolution program.

Now she also needs to do a lot of practical operations to increase her 'proficiency'.

It's just that her increase in proficiency is not like human learning. If the human improvement standard is one thousand, it would be ten million for Lilith.

This is the difference between natural life forms and created life forms.

The evolutionary process has broken some of Lilith's limitations to a certain extent, but in some aspects it is still inferior to natural life forms, and there is still the problem of a thousand-year-old demon being overthrown by humans who have been practicing for decades.

Although the efficiency is not high in some aspects, Lilith can accumulate capacity and has infinite energy that humans cannot match. Humans need to rest, but Lilith does not.

Materials... Zheng Yichen suddenly thought of a way to use the fruits of the World Tree.

"No problem." Seeing Zheng Yichen agreeing, the bartender immediately said that the most important thing they don't lack here is materials.

After making an appointment, Zheng Yichen and Sen Luo left the night banquet bar, and she naturally got into Zheng Yichen's car.

Zheng Yichen, who was riding a bicycle, looked at Lilith sitting on the handlebars and said, "I want to make the fruit of the World Tree into a living body, but I have no experience in this area. Can we find a time to exchange our experiences?"

Before Sen Luo could answer, Lilith said first, "BOSS, I already have a lot of available bodies."

The bodies of those artificial celestial beings have almost been adjusted. Zheng Yichen has no need to fight now, so there is no need to use them. He can just continue to adjust.

Anyway, the higher the degree of perfection in adjustment and optimization, the greater the role it will play in the future.

Even now, as long as Zheng Yichen has an idea, he won't bring the same thing three times a day, even for a week.

"The fruits of the World Tree can be used in other places."

"If there were a lot of that kind of thing, I would definitely do that, but there is only one of that kind of thing, so naturally it has to be used in the most appropriate place." Zheng Yichen smiled and waited for Sen Luo's answer.

Lilith did not continue to speak, and Senluo said: "Let's do it tonight. Although the World Tree fruits are not seeds, they are relatively small in quantity. The World Tree is not a fruit tree."

Although the World Tree can act as a fruit tree and can produce any fruit when needed, it is just an ordinary fruit, and the real World Tree fruit is different.

Ordinary fruits only consume mana. With the resilience of the World Tree, even if it rains fruits, it will not really cause any loss to the World Tree, but the real World Tree fruits are equivalent to the upper limit of the mana bar.

Zheng Yichen speeded up the car. Since he had made an appointment, he quickly finished today's work.

At night, several pairs of eyes looked at the fruit in Zheng Yichen's hand.

Tasia Philo held her chin with one hand and looked at the fruit eagerly: "I thought you, the raiser, would just cut it into pieces and eat it separately."

Zheng Yichen reached out and flicked Dasia Filo's head: "Eating this won't do much for you."

Shifreya said: "If you eat this thing, you can directly reach the divine realm. It is indeed useless to you, but it is more novel to use it to create living creatures."

As she said this, she couldn't help but glance at Sen Luo. This girl didn't seem to have any reaction to eating the fruit of the World Tree.

"But it should taste good. I smell it and it smells good." Tasia Philo moved her nose.

With the comparison of the fruits of the World Tree, she smelled the smell and looked at Senluo. It turned out that the light fruity fragrance she exuded was the same as the fruits of the World Tree.

Sister, you smell so good.

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