I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 99 Contagion in the End Times

Gasoline is used for cycling, and precious metals are naturally exchanged for money.

"It's no problem!" Liu Haipeng immediately agreed to Zheng Yichen's request, and even said that they would assist Zheng Yichen to complete this matter.

As for the opinions of those traversers? This 'small city' made up of a large number of scattered buildings does not belong to them, and if it is not theirs, it is very simple to express any opinions, just speak with strength.

The other people hidden in the team also came out, and after confirming the situation of this 'small city', they started to move freely.

And Liu Haipeng came to the abnormal creature. He took out his knife and scratched at the abnormal creature's skin. Still tough.

When the monster's skin was intact, it might not even be able to pierce it with a gun.

But this thing is now reduced to food. Liu Haipeng looked at the barbecue on the grill, and took the initiative to go over to taste it. After the incident, those traversers no longer had the idea of ​​touching those barbecues.

Liu Haipeng didn't worry too much. After eating two mouthfuls of barbecue, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "The meat is too old."

"Hahahaha, when this thing was demolished before, it was like demolishing foam. How could the meat be tender?" Zheng Yichen smiled and pointed not far away. The corner of Liu Haipeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch. He also saw the battle not far away There are traces, one of which is very obvious.

That place was supposed to run through the entire vision remnant area, but there were many scattered buildings on the destroyed ground, and he even saw some animal and human corpses...

When those creatures were involved, they were obviously not as lucky as the white-collar women.

"However, this meat should be very nutritious, and it can be stored for a long time if it is made into jerky." Liu Haipeng took another look at the burned body part of the anomalous creature.

This part is only about one-fifth of the visionary creature. After processing the meat, they can be extremely rich this winter, and even get tired of eating meat.

"My goal is the vision." Seeing Liu Haipeng's hesitant expression, Zheng Yichen gnawed on the well-cooked meat and said, there is no need to cover up his identity, it is not enough strength to cover up.

A flash of light flashed in Liu Haipeng's mind: "Is the vision related to the end of the world?"

"I don't know, I'm here to solve the vision."

Zheng Yichen is really not sure whether the anomalous creatures have anything to do with the end of the world. The main reason is that the moving anomaly is more special than the normal anomaly. Zheng Yichen ran a lot of places when he was fighting with the giant beast, but he couldn't find one that he could pass through. 'core'.

The distortion inside the vision can bring a lot of things. The moving vision seems to be the kind of one-way coverage, and the vision creatures don't seem to need to have anything to do with the end of the world, as long as no one knows the secret of the moving vision.

When the time came, according to what the nun said, the moving vision completely tore through the "crystal wall" of this world, and forcibly merged this world into another world.

"Then how many other visions like this are there?" Liu Haipeng asked curiously.

"Now there are five left."

"So many?? What will these visions bring to this world? Ahem, if this question involves some secrets, just pretend I didn't say anything." Realizing that his attitude was a bit abrupt, Liu Haipeng said hastily.

"There's nothing to hide. The vision isn't all bad... Well, it's a bit hard to say, so I won't say it."

Zheng Yichen stopped suddenly because he thought of a question, that is, since visions can appear in every world, there should be many end times similar to this world, right? The zombies in those worlds may not evolve, or they may be corpses full of viruses after evolution.

What would happen if something like that happened to pass through a certain vision and enter another world? Will it be contagious in the last days?

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was marked on the map that the nearest vision was more than 120 kilometers away from him, which was relatively close.

After going to that place, the nearest place for the next vision was nearly 300 kilometers away, and he reckoned that he could turn back to the Twilight Church once for the rest.

"Can this map also be used??" Liu Haipeng stared at the phone that Zheng Yichen took out, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The phone signal was completely dead more than 20 years ago.

What kind of map software can only be used offline, but the mobile phone is basically useless after so many years, but in this anomaly remnant area, they can find many new mobile phones!

"It's just a map that hasn't been updated for a long time. Do you know what's around here?" Zheng Yichen showed Liu Haipeng his phone.

When the middle-aged man took the phone, he had the urge to burst into tears: "I haven't touched a working phone for a long time, let me take a look..."

Liu Haipeng looked at the map on his mobile phone, and the names of some cities that he could see on it made his fading memory gradually clear. Those cities were only intact thirty years ago, and now they are either occupied by zombie evolutionists, or It is occupied by others.

"Probably there is a human gathering place in this place, the scale is larger than the place where I am, and we occasionally go there to conduct some transactions." Liu Haipeng pointed to a place on the map, which was far away from the vision that Zheng Yichen was going to The area is about thirty kilometers away.

"What about those zombie evolutionists you mentioned?"

Liu Haipeng pointed to a city on the map: "I only know that this place is occupied by zombie evolutionists. We learned this news when we were doing business with another gathering place, and we have not confirmed the authenticity."

They didn't have the idea to be sure, they formed a fully armed convoy before they could consider going to other places for transactions, even if they were transactions, they were in a hurry and came back in a hurry.

The main items traded are resources such as gasoline.

Zheng Yichen took note of the place Liu Haipeng was pointing at, and when he wanted to know more information, there was an exclamation from afar.

Liu Haipeng immediately grabbed the weapon and ran over. Zheng Yichen quickly gnawed off the barbecue in his hand and rubbed his stomach. He even suspected that the feedback he got from the anomalous creature was to strengthen his digestion ability.

I ate a lot and didn't feel like I could last.

"It's so fast..." Looking at the figure that easily passed by him, Liu Haipeng felt that Zheng Yichen's previous words were more credible.

As for Zheng Yichen's purpose in resolving the vision, he didn't say, but Liu Haipeng had already made up his mind a lot, thinking about future warriors, space-time warriors.

Arriving at the place where the exclamation appeared, Zheng Yichen saw the blood spilled on the ground, and beside him were two 'travelers' who were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground.

Not far away, two end-time aborigines guarded the surroundings with guns.

"What's going on?" Liu Haipeng who rushed over later asked quickly.

"Captain, it's a zombie evolutionary." A team member said.

Liu Haipeng's eyes narrowed slightly. They are both in human form. After one side regards the other as food, it means that the two sides can hardly coexist: "How much is there?"

"There are about six of them. They appeared so suddenly that we didn't see them clearly...Sorry, we were careless." The team member who spoke was a little ashamed. The rich resources here made them ignore that this is not a safe place like a gathering place. environment.

"It's not your fault, those zombie evolutionists may have been attracted by the vision." Liu Haipeng interrupted the team members to analyze.

The anomaly is so big that it can be seen clearly from a long distance. It will naturally attract some zombie evolutionists. The zombies that have evolved to the present, the worst ones have surpassed those very smart animals in terms of IQ.

"Gather everyone!" Liu Haipeng immediately gave instructions to his team members, and then under Zheng Yichen's slightly surprised gaze, he directly took out a horn and blew it.

Zheng Yichen blinked his eyes lightly, and his field of vision became a little dim. This kind of dimness did not affect his eyesight and resolution of details. In this overall dim field of vision, the heat source emitted by the living body becomes Very obvious.

The body temperature of those evolved zombies was higher. Through the weak thermal vision, he saw the creeping figures hidden in the ruins began to stir. Without any hesitation, he locked the position of those evolved zombies and rushed over.

The fishing rod in his hand became longer with the swing, piercing the wall directly, picking up the zombie evolution hidden behind the wall, and the damaged wall completely collapsed after he repaired it.

The pierced zombie evolutionary was also exposed in front of Zheng Yichen's eyes, with dirty limbs, abnormal iron-gray skin, dark red blood from the wound, and light red eyes, which were pierced. After the chest attack, the zombie evolution still maintained its tyrannical physical strength.

He tightly grasped the fishing rod on his body, and just about to do something else, he was shot through the head by a bullet.

"Hit him on the head...uh." Liu Haipeng, who shouted late, paused for a moment, and came to the side of the two traversers who were paralyzed on the ground in fright, and stared at the surroundings warily.

Zheng Yichen put away his pistol, and glanced around. After the same kind were eliminated, the remaining zombie evolutionaries became obviously anxious, and the number of them was not six, but ten—now it was nine.

He came to another place with abnormal speed, and the hidden zombie evolutionary was pierced through the head by a fishing rod before he could fight back. Zheng Yichen didn't even look at this zombie evolutionary, and after throwing it away, he chased the next target .

The remaining zombies also knew that they couldn't hide anymore, and rushed out from their hiding place, trying to get rid of Zheng Yichen first, but the first two zombies that rushed out fell to the ground under continuous gunshots, Liu Haipeng and his The team is very experienced with this creature.

Bang—an extra gunshot sounded, Liu Haipeng opened his eyes wide and looked at the palm held by Zheng Yichen. He had seen the operation of a weapon blocking bullets before, but Zheng Yichen caught the bullet by grabbing!

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