I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 988 How miserable

Searching for the right person near the Land of Dusk... Needless to say, I actually found a new clue.

In an underground cave, the place is filled with the remnants of despair, and there are still wandering souls in the environment.

Zheng Yichen picked up a skull on the ground and looked at it. Two dim lights lit up inside, and a dazed wandering soul emerged. After looking at Zheng Yichen, he went back in again.

Nodding, they returned the skull to its original position. They continued to move forward and found a sealed crystal door.

The door that is more than ten meters high is not made of translucent crystal, but is made of amber. There is a complex code on the door. When you reach out and press it, a weak stream of light will light up.

"BOSS, let me analyze it." Lilith took the initiative to step forward and pressed her hand on the amber crystal door.

After having an actual body, it was of great help to her. This was not a calculation help, but a normal reaction of the body. There were some subtle differences between the biological reaction and the biological reaction she simulated.

For example, the emotion of accelerated heartbeat is a little different from the simulated projection.

If it is a soul body that is powerful enough to ignore the influence of the body, it will behave the same whether it has a body or not. But she does not have a normal soul, so she lacks the feelings that a normal natural life body should have.

And this body made from the fruit of the World Tree makes up for the shortcomings in this area. Not only that, when she comes into direct contact with the analysis, she is also equivalent to gaining an additional new interface.

The lines of light on the amber door were chaotic at first, but not long after, the lines became orderly and soon became a complete group.

Then the pattern separated to the left and right, and the closed amber door slowly opened.

There was no overflowing aura of despair on the other side of the door.

After putting away his fishing rod, Zheng Yichen walked in first and looked at the environment inside.

The space behind the door is very huge, and the things inside are not like what a primitive society should have. Not only that, there are also many equipment such as dormant chambers.

Through the light yellow crystal cover, you can see the well-preserved or poorly preserved humans inside.

The intact parts were full of flesh and blood, as if they were asleep, the bad parts became skeletons, and the better ones were mummies with skin on them.

Zheng Yichen checked the dormant warehouses. They were all well preserved and there were no leaks.

So the differences among people with internal dormancy should be due to personal reasons.

Instead of rushing to open these dormant chambers, Zheng Yichen went to look elsewhere first. Dasia Filo, who was flying in mid-air, pointed in one direction: "Foster, there is a pool over there, it can still be used."

"Go and have a look." We came to the place pointed by Xiao Bailong. This was a pool the size of two football fields. The liquid inside was in a boiling state, but this thing was not normal water, but a more viscous water. Thick liquid.

There is still more than half of the liquid in the pool, and this boiling performance is equivalent to the process of releasing energy.

"Is this the energy center here?" Zheng Yichen looked around and found that there was no substantial protection here.

However, when he got closer, he felt a repulsive pressure. It seemed that when the liquid in the pool released energy, it formed a natural pressure, which could prevent outside things from approaching.

"Is it another new type of element?" Zheng Yichen waved his hand forward and continued to move forward despite the pressure. However, as he got closer, some kind of balance problem seemed to be triggered, and the viscous liquid in the pool boiled further. .

The huge bubbles that emerged made an extremely loud sound.

Seeing this, Zheng Yichen stopped moving forward.

The repulsive pressure appeared ten meters from the edge of the pool. When it advanced two meters, the repulsive pressure increased nearly twenty times.

The further you go, the more obvious the pressure becomes.

Zheng Yichen estimated that under normal circumstances, he really wouldn't be able to break in normally.

As for aeration, he gave up after thinking about it. Then he would definitely be able to go in, but what about after going in? Destroy a certain balance in the pool and cause a chain collapse?

"It's a very good 'natural' protection. You can figure out what this liquid is." Zheng Yichen said to Lilith: "Have you found the operating table?"

"Found it." Lilith looked in one direction, and the console was over there.

This place is a refuge left by the Aboriginal people.

When she cracked the door, she gained some authority over the shelter.

It would not be so fast for her to crack it by herself, but with the assistance of the core of the virtual world, she can just carry out hard cracking.

No matter how excellent the protection mechanism of this door is, can it still compete with a core that can simulate the entire world?

Even when cracking it, Lilith learned the cipher text used by this civilization through the information contained in the door.

Through the console, she quickly gained control of this shelter and even connected it to other nearby shelters.

The amber screen displayed a map with six areas marked on it. Including this place, there were seven in total, each surrounding the Land of Dusk.

Obviously, this destroyed civilization knew the special nature of the Twilight Land, otherwise it would not have built a shelter around it.

But there's no point in surrounding the Twilight Land either.

Changes in the world's environment and resources have caused the survivors of this civilization to gradually 'die'.

To put it bluntly, there is a shortage of resources. They cannot adapt to changing those survival resources. If they don't choose to hibernate, all the people here will starve to death.

The impact of those meteorites on the world is not only effective on animals and humans, plants and even microorganisms will be affected.

These changes continue to squeeze the living space of the Huangjing people. Even if they rely on the Land of Twilight, they cannot survive normally.

The Land of Dusk is only such a large area, and even if many original species are preserved, it won't give them much room for survival.

When they were most powerless, they chose to hibernate collectively.

And while sleeping, the last resources were integrated, waiting for future generations to solve the problem.

Maybe in the future, a new civilization will solve the environmental and ecological problems, allowing them to come back again. Even if this comeback is in the form of rare animals, it is still better than the annihilation of the entire race.

Looking at the records of the Huangjing people, Zheng Yichen felt a little emotional. This world is really too arrogant. Natural selection?

This was not natural selection at all. From the records retrieved by Lilith, he looked left and right, and all he saw were the struggles of the Huangjing people.

When they were on the verge of extinction, they had actually solved many problems and survived many difficulties.

But every time a difficulty is solved, a more difficult dilemma will be encountered again due to the appearance of new meteorites.

After overcoming those problems again and again, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Difficulties are like homework. If they are not solved, they will not disappear. They will only accumulate quickly. Small difficulties will turn into big difficulties. Difficulties that were originally unsolvable will become a disaster that destroys civilization.

The Huangjing people were completely helpless, so they still tried to escape through the Land of Twilight, but their luck was not good.

None of the Huangjing people are suitable to be Twilight mercenaries, and they have not waited for other Twilight mercenaries to arrive in this world.

It has to be said that the technology of the Huangjing people is quite good. After they went into collective hibernation, the shelter was still operating normally. It has been operating here for more than 20,000 years.

That huge pool is their energy center. It has natural protection. Judging from the storage inside, it can still operate here for at least another 20,000 years.

As long as there is enough energy, time will leave no substantial traces in this shelter.

"It's a very inspiring civilization, but it's a pity that I couldn't stick to it."

Zheng Yichen said with regret, not only could he not persevere, but the subsequent civilized generations were even inferior to the previous ones.

After all, the Huangjing people have developed sufficiently excellent technology and a way to use power.

Even the passages to the outside world are engraved with their knowledge, and even the password to open the door is on it.

If you really can't find the password to open the door, it's not impossible to force the door open. The self-destruct system in the shelter has long been dismantled.

When forcibly outputting the door, if the intensity of the attack reaches a certain height, there is no need for a password. The door will open automatically before it is destroyed.

Of course, if you don't have the password and don't have enough power to destroy the door, then don't even think about opening the door.

In short, the gate is equivalent to a harmless trial.

If you fail, you can try countless times. If you succeed, the door will open.

And if the door cannot be opened after countless failures, it means that the person who opened the door has completely lost his ability in terms of the height of civilization and the use of power.

Although Huangjing people have hope for future generations, they also have dignity.

The conditions for opening the door have been reduced to that level, and even violent breakthroughs are within the allowable range. If the door cannot be opened like this, what else can they expect from the creatures outside the door?

If you can't open the door, let them die here.

Zheng Yichen took a look at the dormant area and saw, well... some Huangjing people were indeed dead.

After looking at the test information of those dormant zones, it seems that the Huangjing people's life-support technology is not bad. After more than 20,000 years, the survival rate of people in the dormant zones is actually 41%.

This survival rate is not very high, but he said it is good because these Huangjing people are all sick.

The rapid changes in the environment have caused Huangjing people to be infected with some 'genetic diseases'. This is an inevitable situation. No matter how we protect ourselves from the ubiquitous environment, it is difficult to eradicate these problems.

No matter how small the accumulation of symptoms is, they will continue to amplify over more than 20,000 years.

Without the restriction of that genetic disease, the survival rate of Huangjing people in the dormant warehouse is estimated to be over 90%.

Just look at the mortality analysis chart and you will know that the number of deaths was very high at the beginning, but as time went by, the number of deaths slowly decreased.

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