I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 993 This kid looks very smart

"? You didn't call me for such a good thing??" An Ke sat firmly on Zheng Yichen. After hearing about the Huangjing people, she rushed over immediately.

However, the matter of the Huangjing people has been almost taken care of. Senluo was very efficient in doing things. He sent the people there that day and arranged all the subsequent matters that day.

The Huangjing people in the past were indeed restless in the new gentle environment.

And the price of this restlessness is that some people will die.

Some people wanted to take the opportunity to run away, but they underestimated the power of World Tree, or in other words, the power of Sen Luo.

In the different world, their original power has only been weakened, not completely disappeared. Some of their power can still be used.

Facing these restless Huangjing people, what the remaining Huangjing people did was to cut at the speed of light.

There is no need to generalize between people. They are not familiar with those who seek death.

"Well... the situation was urgent, and the environment in that world would be very uncomfortable for you." Zheng Yichen looked at An Ke's excited look and said quickly.

The environment in that world looked normal, and he didn't even feel anything strange when he passed there, but just like the Huangjing people cutting, people couldn't be generalized.

Although An Ke had been forged with dragon blood, the environment of that world was still not something she could easily adapt to.

Because she missed the thing she was most interested in, the female researcher seemed a little crazy. She sat down hard on Zheng Yichen twice: "I don't care about such trivial things. There is such a special world... The corpse of the Huangjing Man is there Well?"

"Not only are there, but there are also the corpses of many other creatures, and I have collected all kinds of meteorite fragments." Zheng Yichen said with a smile: "There is even a corresponding belief god left there, and she will guide the local indigenous people to grow up , to collect more new meteorite fragments."

Dianpo, who missed the 'important' things, immediately turned into a calm and rational researcher.

An Ke breathed out softly: "You are still thoughtful. Let's go to the research institute together tomorrow and rest early."

Although I really want to go there now, those corpses can't escape, and the materials of the meteorite fragments can't be destroyed, so there's no need to be too anxious. On the contrary, I need to have a good rest tonight so that I can face the new research in the best mental state tomorrow. .

An Ke's love for her career suppressed her physical desires.

"...Wait a minute, you can't do this!" Zheng Yichen quickly stopped An Ke, who was about to take a good rest, and the scary side of this woman was revealed.

"Why can't this be like this? You go find those green dragons. I've heard about it a long time ago. They have always welcomed you." An Ke looked at the time and saw that it was already past her usual sleeping time.

"What do I want from them?" Zheng Yichen's mouth twitched slightly. An Ke, who entered this state of a scientific researcher, was able to suppress even his own desires.

In other words, the stronger desire for scientific research overcame other desires, which is quite powerful.

"Okay." An Ke thought for a while, simply put a shirt on his body, and after leaving for a short time, he came back with a glass of water: "I have prepared the medicine, which can ensure that I can sleep for six months accurately. Hours, the rest is up to you.”

"Holy shit!" Zheng Yichen was stunned for a while, then reached out and patted An Ke's butt hard, and drank the entire glass of water in one gulp: "Go to sleep."

An Ke drank something useful, but it was of no use to Zheng Yichen. At most, it was like drinking a glass of ordinary water at night.

"...You are so gentle." An Ke threw away the shirt he was wearing, lay in Zheng Yichen's arms and said softly, "It doesn't have to be like this."

"Okay, okay, don't sleep if you keep talking." Zheng Yichen said helplessly.

An Ke simply closed her eyes.

Late at night, Zheng Yichen felt a hand gently touch his cheek.

After opening his eyes, he saw a pair of red eyes.

"BOSS...I can do it."

"I gave you a new body. Is this what you did? Remember to change places next time." Zheng Yichen yawned, reached out and held down Lilith's dishonest hand, and continued to sleep.

The next day, An Ke was in high spirits and woke up Zheng Yichen early in the morning and took him to the research institute.

She frowned slightly on the way, feeling more and more that the research institute she was in was inconvenient.

The journey alone takes a lot of time, and the research institute near Zheng Yichen's home will not be established in a short time.

"Huang Jingren's corpse, and those meteorite fragments... well, what kind of protection do I need?"

"The World Tree suit can provide corresponding protection. The corpses of Huangjing people and other creatures have no radiation."

Zheng Yichen and An Ke talked about their experiences.

"That's enough." As for the protective issues of other researchers, this is simple, and the phantom eye can provide corresponding protection.

And she herself can first confirm the required level of protection, and then configure corresponding protective clothing for her assistant.

After getting the corpse of the Huangjing Man, An Ke immediately started researching it and compared it with the corpses of other creatures.

The initial results obtained are that the Huangjing people have a very high degree of evolution, and the most outstanding part is their adaptability.

They have super adaptability. When faced with the problem of genetic mutation, they will not cause distortion, but will maintain stable benign mutations. If they cannot adapt, they will die...

This is actually a good thing. It's better to die than to suffer severe deformation and then become a more terrifying monster.

"It's really great!" An Ke said sincerely. Huangjing's physique is very good at resisting distortion, which means she can research anti-distortion drugs from it.

This kind of drug does not need to be used directly on people, but can also be used in other aspects of research. For example, when making some kind of genetically modified medicine, without this kind of thing, the distortion rate will become very high.

With this kind of thing, the probability of distortion can be suppressed.

As for the corpses that were not Huangjing people, An Ke studied them and found that these corpses had stronger adaptability, but were also correspondingly unstable and lacked the unique distortion resistance of Huangjing people.

This can be considered both good and bad.

The advantage is that these non-Huangjing humans can better adapt to the environment and will not be eliminated by the environment. The disadvantage is that the instability caused by too strong adaptability makes it difficult for them to resist unexpected factors.

Lacking distortion resistance, they have indeed adapted to many changes in the environment, but they do not want to develop into a powerful civilization like the Huangjing people.

Of course, these non-Huangjing people have indeed continued to adapt to the changes in the world environment, but the Huangjing people can only huddle in the shelter and linger.

If this situation is not changed, it will be difficult for them to create a new civilization, and according to An Ke's research, the physiques of humans in different regions of that world also have different differences.

"This is so wonderful. Why haven't I encountered this kind of world before?" Looking at the results of the research in a short period of time, An Ke felt deeply regretful.

Not only her, but also the researchers who worked as assistants in this research project were also greatly inspired. Ever since their director found a man, a lot of novel research materials have always appeared here.

Those research materials are not only unique but also particularly dangerous, and they like this kind of dangerous research materials.

Although the research materials this time are not that dangerous, they are infinitely variable. A large number of useful genes can be extracted from just one corpse.

Placed in other research institutes, any corpse used for research here can be used to conduct a large number of new project research around this corpse.

But here... it's just average.

The main target of these studies is the ongoing Tianren Potion project, which is the truly powerful thing.

From these genes, we can find parts that are suitable for improving the Heavenly Medicine, as well as the aberration resistance characteristics, which can eliminate some of the side effects of the Heavenly Medicine.

"Great! Director, if you want to go somewhere else in the future, can you take me with you?" A female researcher with a ponytail looked at Anke enthusiastically.

"Okay." An Ke glanced at the researcher, who was also a bitch and lacked enough self-restraint compared to her.

Research can be crazy, ruthless and cruel, but there must be a necessary bottom line.

This bottom line is not to ensure a lower limit, but to ensure that you will not completely lose your rationality.

For example, she maintains a healthy routine, not only to ensure physical health, but also to ensure the bottom line and rationality in this regard.

Therefore, she is very good in terms of 'Cun Zhi'. She can have a strong desire for research, but how strong it is and how much energy she needs to devote is her own decision.

But this researcher cannot do this.

Judging from the other party's external state, she has not had a normal rest for at least half a month. She is in a good mental state and is only using drugs to maintain her state.

An Ke rarely interferes with what her subordinates are doing. As long as they can complete the tasks of the day normally, it will be fine whether they work overtime or imitate her.

Some researchers regard research as work, while others are really persistent and dedicated. Being too dedicated and persistent is the worst among scientific researchers.

Those who can join her core research circle basically have this problem, or have better talents.

"That's great, madam! Thank you!!" The female researcher with a ponytail looked even more excited.

An Ke frowned slightly: "After finishing the research today, I'm going to adjust my body. I don't want someone who doesn't even have the ability to self-sustain."

The research institute near Zheng Yichen's home is very important. She will go there in the future, but she will not go there alone. She must bring the right people with her. There are many geniuses, so there is no need to see just a few.

What's more, Zheng Yichen will still have the Sky Wheel in the future. After having that thing, he will need manpower even more, but manpower can be found from other worlds.

If she wants to select people in advance, she will not select those who are capable but lacking in other aspects. There are many people who meet the dual conditions.

Not to mention the Sky Wheel, even in the research institute near Zheng Yichen, if inappropriate people pass by, it will cause some unnecessary things.

An Ke knew very well what was going on at Zheng Yichen's house. There were several green dragons drying dragon eggs every day and running around. There was also a tree leading to hell in the house, and there were many other abnormal things.

A Dianlao Dianpo who lacks self-control will pass by. Isn't this a life-threatening situation?

It doesn't matter if she dies, but if she dies and leaves some trouble, it will have a great impact on her.

"I'm in good condition..."

"Huh?" An Ke raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the researcher. The latter's expression froze and he nodded immediately: "I will do this!"

"It's not just this time, it will be like this in the future." An Ke looked calm. She could tell whether the other party was doing this, and with the auxiliary effect of the phantom eye, it couldn't be hidden.

Now that she has decided to choose someone, as long as there is a problem, she will not want it.

Looking at An Ke, who looked calm, the female researcher with a single ponytail had a little bloodshot eyes because she was nervous.

An Ke had this kind of expression when she was conducting some special research. She looked calm, but in fact she was full of waves inside. Her director was not advising her, but... demanding.

If she fails to do so, she will lose the possibility of being selected forever, unless she is willing to be an experimental specimen.

But experimental specimens are disposable, and researchers have access to more possibilities. It is not impossible for her to be an experimental specimen, unless the experiment is so great that she can give everything.

However, as she came into contact with more and more novel research, her threshold requirements for being an 'experimental specimen' became higher and higher.

In the past, she would have been willing to devote herself to the current research on heavenly medicine, but she had been exposed to so many special researches along the way with An Ke, and if she was asked to choose, she would definitely not agree.

The Celestial Being Potion is just a compromise research based on the artificial Celestial Being.

There is more worthy research on top of this. Why should she die for such a degraded and compromising research?

"I will do it!!"

"You'd better do it." After the break, An Ke continued to lead people to conduct follow-up research.

As for Zheng Yichen, although he can also come here to watch and participate in some research, Zheng Yichen may lack professional knowledge, but he has Lilith's assistance.

Just think about it, he is one of the best researchers, and he also has ultra-high-precision operation capabilities that other researchers do not have. Zheng Yichen is better than some machines in terms of operation accuracy.

If there is no one else here, then Zheng Yichen can stay, but there are a lot of sluts here, so if he stays here, the attention of these sluts will be attracted to Zheng Yichen.

So when researching new materials, An Ke drove him away early.

Zheng Yichen didn't care that he was driven away. He had new things to do, so he just came, and he brought Chunxi with him.

After this ancient woman came here, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, she was full of curiosity about everything here, as for her walking son.

Although the little guy is small, he is very strong. When he follows his parents, he is still observing this new environment curiously.

Zheng Yichen was speechless when he saw it: "This kid looks very smart."

The child was just one month old, and Zheng Yichen looked like he could kill an adult with one punch.

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