I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 108 Sorry We Don't Need Gods

After Xerath left, Ethan and Jackie Chan's sinking speed became slower and slower, and they were filled with a concrete emotion—anger.

In order to prevent himself from being affected by such emotions, the holy fire in Ethan's body kept burning, sweeping away every trace of distracting thoughts generated.

Compared with Ethan, who was unlucky all his life, Jackie Chan, who often called himself unlucky, was actually a lucky one. These emotions around him did not resonate with him quickly. Instead, Jackie Chan’s accumulated recuperation of so many years of self-cultivation made him feel good about himself. This kind of unprovoked and directed anger is very disgusting.

So although the progress of the two is slow, it is still steady.

"I seem to be at the right place, Jackie Chan." Ethan stopped suddenly, he felt the holy flame in his body constantly falling in one direction, "Please wait for me here, I will go back as soon as I go."

Jackie Chan nodded, the time he tested the sun disc made him understand a truth, that is, sometimes it is better to follow the instructions of professionals, even if they are relatively professional.

Walking along the passage, Ethan's eyes were attracted by the patterns carved on both sides of the passage. These murals seem to tell a story when they are connected.

This is a very simple story, speculated from the murals, of a respectable old man suffering from an incurable disease, whose merits seem to make the people there think he is qualified to perform a ceremony.

In the murals related to the ceremony, Ethan saw the sun disc that Casillas dreamed of. The murals were engraved with Shurima characters. Although he had never learned similar characters, Ethan knew that A few words should be read - Ascension Ceremony.

The old man suffering from an incurable disease struggled to climb the steps, and walked towards the Ascension Altar in a slow pace. His weak body made this ordinary journey extremely difficult.

Just when the old man fell in front of the altar, an old man who was also old but extremely strong pushed away the soldiers who blocked him, ran to the steps of the altar amidst countless noises, and was about to fall The old man picked him up, and walked forward step by step with firm eyes.

After climbing the last step, the old man sent the old man in his hand into the altar as if he had fulfilled his last wish, and then closed his eyes and waited for the divine punishment to come. Only one person is allowed to enter at a time in the ascension ceremony.

But maybe it was because they were brothers, or for some other reason, the old man was not wiped out. Instead, he and his brother completed the ascension under the dazzling light of the sun disc.

After the brothers ascended, they took on the shape of wild beasts. The elder brother turned into a tall, thin, dog-headed human figure, while the younger brother turned into a huge crocodile.

"This is the story of me and my brother. I think it shouldn't fade away with time. How about my mural painting skills?"

When Ethan saw the last mural, a voice came from behind him.

Ethan hurriedly turned his head and saw an Ascendant with a dog's head and a human body standing behind him. Obviously, this was the one in the mural.

After Nasus appeared, the sacred flame in Ethan's body began to shake, which made Ethan realize that he had found the right person.

But Nasus suddenly interrupted Ethan's sacrificial action, "No need to sacrifice, there is no difference between us except that I am an ascender and you are not. As for its direction, it is just because I have studied Zoroastrianism before." It's just a god."

Ethan choked suddenly, he understood what Nasus meant, and felt that the holy fire in his body came from the sect he once believed in - Zoroastrianism, and Nasus was not an important figure in the sect, he just put Zoroastrianism books The study was thorough, so thorough that even the holy fire made a misjudgment.

When Ethan was silent, Nasus kept looking at Ethan, and saw that he was just silent, and he was still in a good mood after seeing that the holy fire in his body was not affected at all. He had seen too many people who self-denied and collapsed after knowing the truth After all, Shurima was an empire built step by step after Zoroastrianism was completely wiped out by Odin. It can be said that they received the legacy of Zoroastrianism.

Therefore, many people studied the ancient books and found that the sects they believed in and the gods they believed in no longer accepted the facts, which brought countless troubles to Shurima at that time.

In terms of xinxing, Ethan has surpassed more than 90% of the mortals known to Nasus.

"What's wrong? It seems that my words seem to have ruined many of your plans?" Nasus continued to speak to Ethan.

"It's not considered sabotage. In fact, those plans couldn't be established." Ethan shook his head. "I originally wanted to resign as a priest after I came to thank you."

Ethan looked up at Nasus as he spoke, as if asking if he could deprive himself of his priesthood.

"Why do you want to do this?" Nasus was a little hard to understand. He could see that Ethan was an ordinary person before he transformed into a priest, and he was an ordinary person with a short lifespan. Strength brings longevity, isn't it good?

"Sorry, I have already planned to devote all my life to the liberation of this land. I have no way to do this as a priest of the gods. I don't want them to think that I just changed the figures on their heads. Just become a god."

Ethan said very seriously, he is very grateful to the Zoroastrianism who gave him a second life, but if he wants to become a priest and a missionary, sorry, he cannot accept this.

"Hahaha!" Nasus suddenly burst into laughter. He saw the shadows of many people in Ethan. Renekton, who was determined to protect the frontier for Shurima when he was young, was determined to lead mortals to the The prosperous and unfavored prince Azir dedicated his life to exterminating the slave Xerath of Shurima's slave class

Some of these people aspired to succeed in the end, some failed due to various reasons, and some went astray in the process of chasing their ideals. He was really curious whether Ethan could succeed in the end.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this. You are not offering sacrifices to any gods, but yourself!" Nasus said loudly to Ethan, "Zoroastrianism has already dissipated along with history, and the current holy fire is just a Your beliefs, your persistence, your own fire that your spirit ignites, try to accept it, it's just a part of you."

Under Nasus's story, Ethan experienced the holy fire deeply for the first time. Before that, he always thought that the holy fire belonged to others and had to be returned.

Looking at Ethan who entered the state for a second, Nasus sighed very much. If Shurima was still there, Ethan would definitely be listed by him as a key candidate for the ascension ceremony.

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