I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 142 Cooperation Across the World

Soon, the three of Hattori Heiji completed the inspection in turn, and Vernon took the report and communicated with Fina in a low voice.

"Hattori Heiji, you are fine, please wait on the side."

When Hattori Heiji walked away, he was full of worries. If he was fine, it meant that Conan was fine, otherwise there was no need to talk about it separately.

"Kudo Shinichi, we have detected the remnants of magic energy on you, do you know where this comes from?"

Fina sized up Conan, the child's body was simply the best material for a knight, and the magic resistance was fully charged.

"Ah?" Conan was puzzled. To be honest, if someone told him about magic before today, he would 100% think that person was a liar, but now his technology has actually appeared in front of his eyes.

"I..." Conan thought for a long time and shook his head, "I don't know."

"You just need to think about it. In the last month, it is enough for you to have something very magical. It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong. We will check it." Fina continued.

magic? Magic...magic?

Conan suddenly came to his senses, "Phantom Thief Kidd! I confronted him some time ago, and many of his magic tricks are unbelievable. Maybe he is just using magic tricks to cover up his magic!"

The more Conan thought about it, the more he felt that he had caught the key to the problem. No wonder he failed to catch the other party. This was not a problem of IQ, but a problem of the other party secretly using magic in violation of regulations!

"If you think about it carefully, many of his props are not normal, completely abnormal."

Hattori Heiji silently took off his hat, covered his face, and said that other people's props were incomprehensible, and he was ashamed to say others!

I still don't understand what's going on with your skateboard, which is fully charged as long as there is sunlight.

Fina wrote Kaito Kidd in a small notebook. If the other party is really a magician, one thing to consider is whether it is local or foreign. If it is foreign, this planet is a bit too lively.

"Xiao Ai, your problem is a bit serious." Fina looked at Hui Yuan Ai and said.

Hui Yuanai clenched the corner of her clothes tightly, she was very scared now, not to mention that her sister had a turning point, but she had a problem.

"We detected brainwashing-like fluctuations in you." Fina continued.

"Brainwashing!" Conan exclaimed in surprise. With this kind of technology, the danger level of the organization in black would rise by more than one level.

Maybe many high-level executives in the world have been recruited.

"That's right." Fina nodded, "But don't be too nervous. After inspection, they have serious technical problems. Not only did the brainwashing fail, it also caused Xiao Ai to develop a targeted perception ability."

"This ability will be activated automatically when there are members of the black organization or extremely murderous characters nearby, giving Xiaoai a reminder, but correspondingly it will also cause a great burden on your spirit, prone to excessive fear, coma and other negative states .”

"Simply speaking, this is a detection radar with obvious side effects."

Hui Yuan Ai's heart suddenly returned to his chest, if this is the case, there is no big problem.

She has been used to this situation for so many years.

Seeing that Hui Yuan Ai didn't care much about the situation, Fina continued to remind her, "Don't be too nervous, but you can't ignore it."

"If this situation continues to develop, it is easy to achieve the effect of brainwashing from another line, so in the next period of time, you can't stay too far away from us."

Hui Yuanai nodded vigorously to express her understanding, she couldn't imagine what she would be like if she was successfully brainwashed.

"Okay, everyone, take a box each, and I'm going to send you back."

While talking, Vernon took out three small boxes from the hidden storage compartment next to it, which contained portable communication equipment and a self-reactive stance shield.

A few minutes later, after learning how to use the contents of the box, Hattori Heiji and Conan were teleported back to Osaka.

The two people standing on the ground were still in a daze. The experience just now was too much like a dream, but the small box in their hands meant that it was not a dream.

"Kudou..." Hattori Heiji was a little speechless for a while.

"Go back. Remember to find out some unsolved cases tomorrow. You can't pin all your hopes on others." Conan pushed his eyes, and the moonlight reflected from the lens to the ground, "Our world should have Let us guard."

At the door of Hattori Heiji's house, Morilan leaned against the wall of the door, she had been standing here for a while.

When Hattori Heiji and Conan walked back side by side, they happened to see Mori Ran standing under the streetlight.

Hattori Heiji, whose EQ has never been on the line, seems to be enlightened this time, and his sixth sense is also frantically calling the police, reminding him not to stay here.

"Oh, Conan, I suddenly remembered something, let's deal with it first."

Hattori Heiji left a word, let go of his legs and ran straight away.

Conan grabbed the air with his hand and missed, then smiled awkwardly at Mao Lilan, "Sister Xiaolan, it's so late, don't you want to sleep?"

Mao Lilan walked up to Conan, squatted down, reached out and took off the glasses, and looked at Conan with two eyes.

Conan wanted to continue to argue, but seeing Mao Lilan's appearance, he was speechless for a while.

"Conan, Shinichi will be back soon, right?" Mao Lilan looked at Conan and said word by word.

Conan opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

Mao Lilan put the glasses back on for him, stood up and turned his back to Conan, "I'm going back to rest first."

When Mao Lilan walked to the door step by step, Conan's heart was full of emotions.


Conan slowly took off his glasses, and his voice was not as tender as before.

Mao Lilan turned her head, and what she saw was Kudo Shinichi who had already faced everything squarely.

"Sorry, can you wait for me for a few more days? Kudo Shinichi will be back soon."

Conan said very seriously, even more seriously than when he was Anli Holmes.

There is only one sentence in his mind, the organization in black, I, Kudo Shinichi, the famous detective of the new era, announce that you are dead!

Mao Lilan suddenly laughed, and her smile illuminated the darkness around her.

"Yeah." Mao Lilan nodded lightly, walked briskly into the door and slammed the door shut.

Eh? Conan tilted his head, isn't this situation a bit wrong?

"Lan! No, Sister Xiaolan! I haven't entered yet!" Conan knocked on the door with two fists.

Mao Lilan inside the door is flushed, Conan is Kudo Shinichi, bathing together...sleeping together...

boom! The shy Mao Lilan almost knocked down the courtyard wall with a punch.

Conan outside the door trembled all over, and heard Mao Lilan's words, "Find a place to sleep by yourself! Don't come in!"

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