I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 144 The Sisters Meet

When Hattori Heiji and Conan buried their heads in the file, Fina found time to take Haibara Ai to the place.

This is a small warehouse. Because people died in the gun battle, the warehouse, which was already half empty, was completely abandoned.

The warehouse owners next to it also felt that the Feng Shui of this place was not good, so they put up the sign of resale, so this place was rarely visited by people.

In the middle of this warehouse, a milky white soul floats in the middle of a magic circle.

Hui Yuanai quickly ran to the front of the magic circle, and then he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

"Don't worry, let me do it." Fina tapped her finger in front of her face as she spoke.

The water-like lines in the air swayed around in circles.

With the vibration of the ripples, the circular soul unfolded little by little, and slowly turned into a human shape.

"Sister..." Hui Yuanai's voice was very low, and when he spoke, he kept his hands in front of his mouth, fearing that his sister would be blown away in one breath.

"Shiho, you're so young~" Miyano Akemi whispered to Haibara Ai after waking up, looking at her, she probably didn't realize that she had survived in another form.

"Come on, let my sister hug me." Miyano Akemi stretched out her hands, floated forward, and directly hit a transparent barrier.

This collision made her understand instead, she lowered her head and glanced at her transparent figure, and then at Fina who was standing aside, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Ahem, you sisters are chatting, don't chat for too long, don't exceed half an hour, her spiritual body is still unstable, and needs more time to rest."

Fina said something, and walked out happily with her hands behind her back. It is very gratifying to be able to save a tragedy and turn a tragedy into a comedy.

"Sister, don't bump into it." Haibara Ai watched Miyano Akemi hit the barrier with her spirit body from all angles, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

"What's going on with Shiho?! You're not being threatened, are you?" Miyano Akemi was a little nervous, why did she seem to be a hostage for the other party to control her sister?

"No, listen to me tell you slowly..."

Haibara Ai excluded what had happened recently, and told Miyano Akemi everything else.

"Why are you so stupid, what if the medicine doesn't work for you? Even if you really don't want to stay any longer, you can find other ways!" Miyano Akemi said repeatedly.

"You still say me, sister, why do you believe in Gin's nonsense? And your ex-boyfriend, who ran away alone and left you behind, is simply a scumbag!" Hui Yuanai complained with a pout.

Then the two sisters looked at each other and suddenly smiled. Being able to complain about each other together is really a beauty that they hadn't noticed before.

"Shiho, no, it should be called Xiaoai now~" Miyano Akemi laughed teasingly, Miyano Shiho used to be very cold, so he treated her sister better, but he was always cold and lacking in vitality, and now he has become smaller It's much better.

Hui Yuan Ai felt a little embarrassed, "Sister~"

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, Xiao Ai, what are you going to do next? Or find a chance to join them?" Miyano Akemi whispered an idea.

She just wanted to find a backer for her younger sister. No matter what, Fei Na and the others could turn a dead person like this, they must have the strength.

"I haven't considered this matter yet." Hui Yuanai was a little worried that her sister would oppose her decision, "I want to continue the research on APTX-4869 now."

Hui Yuanai's thinking is also relatively simple. Since people who take APTX-4869 will become the anchor of the stable world, then she will continue to study this drug and reduce the death rate to an acceptable level. Even if Fina and the others fail Or suddenly left, there is another way to resist.

Miyano Akemi looked at her sister, although Huibara did not tell her about some of these things, but she believed in her sister's judgment.

"I will support you in whatever you do, but I can only support you verbally. After all, I am like this." Miyano Akemi said with a laugh.

With her sister's unconditional support, Hui Yuanai became much happier, and started doing some household chores with her sister.

Half an hour seems like a lot, but in front of the two sisters, it seems like a minute, fleeting.

Half an hour later, although he was reluctant to give up, Hui Yuan Ai did not stay, and Miyano Akemi did not make other requests, and fell into a deep sleep under Fina's control.

"Thank you." Hui Yuanai walked out of the warehouse, glanced at the sun that had not yet risen to the center, and turned to Fina and said.

"You're welcome." Fina put her hands behind her back, "Let's go, I have to go somewhere."

At the same time, in Ekoda High School, Kaito Kuroba was lying on the table, spinning his pen in boredom.

There has been no news about gems recently, since he last played against Conan, he has not moved for a long time.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough." Koizumi Koko, who was sitting behind Kuroba Kaito, suddenly coughed, and the cough was very intense.

In an instant, everyone in the class focused their eyes on her.

As the heartthrob in the class, except for Kaito Kuroba, she is the dream goddess of every boy. As for Kaito Kuroba, he simply has a better relationship with her.

"Kaito, take me home." Koizumi Hongzi stood up shaking.

"Ah? Good." Kaito put down his pen, and walked out together with Hongzi Koizumi under countless envious eyes.

What? The teacher in the class?

What kind of teacher can control a student who hides his identity as Kaito Kidgar and hides his identity as a witch?

"Are you okay, do you want to go to the hospital?" Kaito Kuroba asked softly.

"No, I'm just a little... a little uncomfortable, just take a rest." Koizumi Hongzi's face was pale and her tone was weak.

"You can't do this." Kaito Kuroba supported Koizumi Hongko to sit on the public seat, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "I'll call Aoko, she is at home on leave today, and her home is relatively close to here. "

"No need..." Koizumi Hongzi panted heavily, her injury could not be treated by the hospital.

Since yesterday, she has felt that something is not right. The magic power in her body is continuously draining outwards, and she can't find any reason. Just now, the speed of this loss suddenly increased, which directly caused her body to become weak.

"No need to call, young man, step aside." A voice came from the side.

Kaito Kuroba turned his head and saw a foreign woman walking over with a very cute little girl.

Koizumi Koiko couldn't help but patted Kuroba Kaito's hand, telling him to leave quickly. She felt a terrifying magic power that she had never seen before from Fina. Compared with the other party, she was like a giant like children.

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