I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 147 Edogawa Conan: Am I an illegitimate child? !

A few days later, Hattori Heiji, who was sleeping and reading files, was brought up by his father.

"Dad, what's the matter, I'm learning how to write dossiers." Hattori Heiji sat opposite Hattori Heizo and said with a big yawn.

"Don't pretend to be in front of me." Hattori Heizo said while pulling out a photo from the drawer and putting it on the table.

"Are you looking for him?"

The photo was a side view of Gin, Hattori Heiji rubbed his eyes, he just watched the live broadcast a few days ago, but he really wasn't looking for him, what are you looking for when he's dead?

But Hattori Heiji didn't know what his father meant, so he just looked at him quietly.

"Don't make such a fuss about checking. We have people inside. If you really want to know, when you come to my position, I will naturally tell you everything."

Hattori Heizo's tone was a bit persuasive. If this continues, he is really afraid that his son will die suddenly.

"Someone? An undercover agent!" Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Hattori Heizo nodded, "I can't tell you who it is yet."

This operation is normal. After all, the best way to protect undercover agents is to reduce the number of insiders.

But Hattori Heiji felt as if he was constipated. The aliens were clearing up the Black Organization. What if the undercover agent was not brought back and killed?

"You won't tell me that the person in this photo is an undercover agent..." Hattori Heiji squeezed out a sentence.

Snapped! Hattori Heizo picked up the paper on the table and gave it to Hattori Heiji.

"What are you learning all these days?! If it's an undercover agent, I will keep his photo?!" Hattori Heizo scolded.

Hattori Heiji glanced at the communicator. Vernon hadn't sent any news yet. He was holding back his words and wanted to say something but couldn't.

"One more thing, who is that kid following you?" Hattori Heizo stood up and asked, "I can't hide the fake household registration from my eyes."

"Dad, what do you mean?" Hattori Heiji was a little nervous, his father wouldn't have seen through Conan's disguise.

"He may be a big trouble, stay away from him." Hattori Heizang warned.

Big trouble is true, but which big trouble is it?

Hattori Heiji hesitated for a moment, and tentatively asked, "What's the big trouble?"

"He may be Yusaku Kudo's illegitimate son." Heizo Hattori sighed.

"Cough cough cough!" Hattori Heiji almost coughed out his lungs.

Has Kudo Shinichi become the illegitimate son of Kudo Yusaku? !

"I can't think of it, and I can't think of it." Hattori Heizo looked sad, "But I have seen Yusaku's photos, this child is very similar to him when he was a child, and his household registration was solved by Yusaku's friend Dr. A Li, In addition, I heard that Yusaku hurried back, probably to see his illegitimate child."

"Yusaku doesn't know when he made the mistake, eh..."

Hattori Heiji blushed, he couldn't hold it anymore, he was dying of laughter, what kind of expression would Kudo Shinichi have if he knew that he had become an illegitimate child.

"And Yusaku's eldest son Kudo Shinichi is also missing." Hattori Heizo seems to have confirmed the identity of Conan's illegitimate son, "Maybe this is a fight between wealthy families, stay away."

"I also have to find an opportunity to persuade him. I can't just ignore everything. What era is this, and let my son fight among himself?"

When Hattori Heiji was feeling uncomfortable, the communicator rang, and the confidentiality level was lowered again.

Of course, it cannot be made public yet, but people like Hattori Heiji can already have limited communication with their parents.

"Dad! Let me tell you something, don't be afraid." Hattori Heiji straightened his clothes and said.

"What scares me? You're still too young."

"Edogawa Conan is not an illegitimate child, he is Kudo Shinichi!"

"Are you serious?"

"Well, because of a drug called APTX-4869."

Hattori Heizo tapped his finger on his wrist. This news is indeed too shocking, but in his position, he still knows some special news, such as why so many countries throw undercover agents into the black organization instead of directly destroying it.

In addition to distrusting each other, the important point is that everyone is greedy for the technology in their hands.

Seeing that his father was not frightened, Hattori Heiji was a little surprised, and continued to throw out a big news, "Also, the person in your photo is dead, and went to heaven with a secret base."

Hattori Heizo stopped talking now, the news he received was that Gin was suspected to be missing.

In addition, he was also thinking about how his son knew, he couldn't be the one who did it.

The two messages failed to shock his father, Hattori Heiji sighed, "There is another news, the black organization's technology is incomplete, and it comes from an alien criminal organization..."


Hattori Heizo slammed his fist on the table, staring at Hattori Heiji, "Are you sure?!! How do you know?!"

Hattori Heiji was taken aback, "Because the aliens from the official organization that are hostile to them have already arrived, and I have seen them... Their probes are floating outside the earth, and I have even gone up there."

"Evidence! I want evidence!" Hattori Heizo blushed, not knowing whether he was nervous or excited.

Hattori Heiji took out his communicator and directly showed the live video to Hattori Heizo.

"Not enough." After watching the video, Hattori Heizo said, after all, it is not impossible to forge.

"Dad, do you have a gun?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"What do you want?" Hattori Heizo frowned.

Hattori Heiji took a few steps back, and there were about five meters between him and Hattori Heizo.

"Shoot me, just kick me," Hattori Heiji said.

Hattori Heizo didn't say anything, and fired directly, bang, the bullet was bounced off by the force field shield in front of Hattori Heiji.

Da da da, when I heard the gunshots, the police rushed over immediately. There were gunshots in the room of my immediate boss, who would neglect this.

The door was pulled open, "The police monitor..."

"Get out! Take people farther away! Enclose the third floor! No one can come in without telling me!"

Hattori Heizo shouted domineeringly.

Peng, the door was closed immediately, followed by a series of continuous footsteps.

After a few seconds, Hattori Heizo opened the door and walked around to make sure no one was around before returning to his office.

"Dad, just shoot if you say shoot!" Hattori Heiji complained, he felt like he was picked.

"If I want to hit the foot, I won't hit the leg. If this is the case, you will lie. You deserve a shot."

Hattori Heizo said as he walked to the bullet hole and buckled it with his fingers, pulling out the deformed bullet a bit.


"Tell me everything you know!"

Hattori Heizo looked at Hattori Heiji seriously and said.

Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

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