In the skies over Europe, the silhouette of an island castle looms among the white clouds. The sun's rays poured down on it, and it was a no-fly zone, and in the distant flight routes, there were occasional good weather moments when visitors noticed the changing clouds of the islands, which was enough to breathe the scene.

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, a floating island.

The golden locks that shine out from the sunlight connect to the center of the island, and the pale blue balls swirl around countless round metal wheels, and the lines of numbers form a line that flashes through them.

The headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven is named after the Nine Realms in Norse mythology, with the giant's eyes towering between heaven and earth overlooking the earth day and night, and Odin's eyes, which encompass the wisdom of Runas of the entire world.

Valkyrie, the Valkyrie living quarters of the Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

The floor-to-ceiling curtain closes the room to block out all light, and the dim light slowly shimmers as if breathing, and the room is fully equipped with all kinds of facilities and no frills.

One of the eye-catchers is the huge glass cabin erected, through the transparent and thick glass, circles of bubbles are surging in the liquid, the girl's long hair is scattered in a special solution like algae, and she is wearing an oxygen mask, which seems to have been dormant for a long time.

The tiredness hidden between the eyebrows and eyes faded with time.

At one point, the girl's long eyelashes trembled, and the solution that had flooded her head began to dissipate, and the moment she opened her eyes, the glass cabin was emptied, and the door opened.

The icy blue pupils reflected the dimly lit room, revealing a hint of confusion.

Fu Hua woke up, she didn't know how long she had been asleep, this hibernation had started on the transport. She was plotted by Rita, or Otto.

Unhappiness flashed in the immortal's heart, and his reddish, danko-like feet stepped on the cold floor. What is this? Captivity?

If that's the case, I shouldn't have woken up. Besides, Fu Hua couldn't figure out Otto's purpose of imprisoning him... It's clear that everything is going smoothly according to the trajectory.

As for healing, it is even more prevaricating the words of others. After all, some people who knew understood Fu Hua's own healing ability, and this sleep had only brought her spirit back to normal at best.

I would probably have to ask Otto himself.

The immortal's gaze swept across the room, feeling no one's breath and nothing at the same time. Her gaze fell on a few sets of clothes in front of the cupboard, with a piece of paper taped to them.

"Old friend, when I saw this piece of paper, I thought it should be after you had recovered from your sleep. I'm at Valhalla, so if you have any doubts, feel free to come to me. "

Otto. Apocalis.

Fu Hua took off the note, frowned slightly after his eyes fell on the clothes.

It was a black and white maid suit, different from the real maid suit, this style has a strong modern atmosphere, the most obvious is the skirt is shorter, and the matching stockings only reach the thighs, leaving the so-called "absolute realm".

Fu Hua had known Otto for a long time, and she understood that this old friend had a special little fetish in some way, but it would never be such a tacky hobby as watching maid outfits.

The only explanation is that it was Rita who put the outfit here. Only the maid with the demagogic charm between her eyebrows could have such a hobby.

"But whoever it is, do you really think I'm going to wear it?" Fu Hua said lightly, casually taking off the blue sportswear on the side.

In the mirror, the immortal with a good figure silently took off his vest and shorts, his gray hair was as long as his waist was spread out, and a few strands of his eyes were covered by it, and the porcelain-like snow-white skin on his back revealed a hazy beauty.

She changed into sportswear and tied a low ponytail with a red beaded headdress that sat next to the table. Looking up again, Fu Hua in the mirror had returned to his former appearance.

On the way to change clothes, the immortal suddenly realized something. That is, she didn't notify anyone during the time she was asleep, even Shen Fu didn't know, if she slept for too long, she would probably be very worried now, right?

But Fu Hua searched the entire room and couldn't find any communication equipment.

The fairy pushed the door and left, and she could only go to visit the old friend she hadn't seen for a long time.


Valhalla, the independent office of the Archbishop of Destiny, second floor.

Unlike the understated and luxurious furnishings of the first floor, the second floor is used for meetings, with a pale blue earth projection in the center of the grey room.

There are a lot of projection instruments here for displaying huge amounts of data at the same time.

Those who are interested in it will probably feel that the bishop has reversed the design of the two floors, the first floor should be used for meetings, and the second floor is where he lives independently.

If asked, the man would smile and take a bottle of mellow red wine from the closet, pour it into a goblet and share it with him, explaining, "I would rather give my Valkyries a pleasant atmosphere than a depressing atmosphere." You've worked hard, haven't you? "

After drinking red wine, looking at the room with a very fireworks atmosphere, and then having a meeting, people will unconsciously relax a lot.

When Fu Hua stepped into it, she avoided the process of drinking, and she walked into the elevator to the second floor, and there was a faint light in the dimness, and the man's back fell from a long distance to her feet.

Without greetings, the immortal asked coldly, "Specially let me come back, is there something wrong?" The

man's back was blurred in the dark, and he didn't turn around because of Fu Hua, and his voice sounded with a smile, "It's not a very important thing, it's just that I suddenly feel that you've been very busy lately, old friend, and I want to take a vacation for you."

Fu Hua was slightly stunned, shook his head and said, "But as far as I know, you are not that kind of person." "

The immortal was under the impression that Otto. Apocalis, the archbishop of Destiny, is confident and aloof. At some point, he became paranoid, maybe he was a paranoid guy from the moment he met a man, and it was only because of an event that his personality was revealed.

His life was almost spent in planning and execution. It is true that he respects every Valkyrie, but secretly there are not a few Valkyries destroyed by men.

The Fourth Lawgiver who was born not long ago, Otto has a large part of the responsibility.

“...... I thought you'd understand me. The man finally turned around, the glimmer of light fell on his side face to divide the light and shadow, the knotted hands were crossed in front of him, the emerald eyes were bright, even if they were gray, they couldn't block the sunlight and divine meaning from the brilliant blonde hair, "Seriously, I just want you to take a vacation."

"And what about your plan?"

"What is meant to happen will always come true, so I don't need to rush." Otto said with a smile.

After a moment of silence, Fu Hua bowed. At this time, she did not care about Otto's thoughts and practices, and the purpose of coming here was not to ask, but to do something more important, "to give me back my things." "

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