At the same time as the riots, another transport ship left the Sky Harbor without triggering any alarms. Half an hour later, the Sky Eye system was officially activated, but even a very short search of the entire Mandate of Heaven Headquarters could not find any trace of the two protagonists.

A glimmer of morning light shone into the clouds like waves from afar, and in the deep night, the stars in the sky had not yet dispersed, and the kinetic energy of the transport ship began to decrease, like a whale cruising slowly forward in the deep sea.

"Okay, I've bypassed Dr. Changguang's supervision to determine the destination, and after landing, I just need to leave quietly so that no one will find out." In the control room of the transport ship, the purple-haired girl clapped her hands and said happily to the two.

Hearing this, Fu Hua bowed slightly, "Thank you." "

You're welcome ~ always let the headquarters see the cohesion of St. Freya."

It can be said that the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters in this game is not as large as imagined, and Shen Fu and Fu Hua are not absolutely weak, the reason why seventy percent of the Valkyries are looking for them and not all of them is because the few remaining people have various reasons to choose not to help.

It's either a vacation, or a mission. Some of the Valkyries in the headquarters came from all over the world, and many of them were students from St. Freya, and it was this group of people who became Shen Fu and Fu Hua's helpers.

While using Wraith to attract attention, they were able to leave the Destiny Headquarters without alarming anyone, using the hand of another Valkyrie.

The transport ship is adjusted to automatic sailing mode and will arrive in Shenzhou in a few hours. Akechi Yuno watched all this with satisfaction, and hung up the contact number dialed by the headquarters by the way, "Fu Hua, you can rest assured, I promise that when you wake up, you will have arrived at your destination smoothly."

"I can be with you, I don't need to rest." Fu Hua sat down beside her. A day-long and all-night chase was still not worth mentioning to the immortals, perhaps it was the girl's firm request that stimulated her, but now she felt refreshed.

After arriving in China, everything is unknown and a new beginning. Temporarily abandoning responsibility is just living as an ordinary person, and if you really have to think about it, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the choice made by the immortals.

After all, the huge Mandate of Heaven Headquarters is not only supported by her, but she is not the only S-class Valkyrie in the world, and someone can take her place at any time.

It was herself who didn't let go of Fu Hua, the heart that was beating all the time because of the heavy responsibility, but now she wanted to let go, just like Shen Fu said, run away temporarily.

Go where no one can find them, and one day they knock on the door again, dragging her and Shen Fu back in time, before they have created enough memories to endure the purgatory life ahead.

After all, didn't she rely on that brief memory to cross thousands of mountains and rivers?

Seeing that Fu Hua had no intention of leaving, Wise Yu Nai looked back at the control room, and she prompted: "But the little demon king always needs someone to take care of him, right?"

The fairy followed her line of sight, and outside the control room was the rest area, and Shen Fu was lying on the sofa under Yuno's gaze, her guitar bag becoming her pillow, and she was sleeping deeply in the sometimes bumpy voyage.

Yuno pressed the urge to take pictures from the bottom of his heart, and chuckled: "Maybe I'll fall... Right? Unlike

Fu Hua, the fatigue of the long chase made the girl have the urge to sleep, and now that she finally came to the safety zone, she naturally no longer suppressed her desires.

If there is no one around, or if you don't have time to take care of it, you fall asleep.

The immortal was entangled in his heart for a moment, and then stood up with relief, "I'll take care of her."

Behind her, Akechi Yuno quietly took out her mobile phone to take a camera, looked at the two figures in the photo, and the girl showed a pleased smile.

Facing the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the transport ship, Shen Fu lay quietly on the sofa and fell asleep, the glimmer of the morning sun falling on her cheeks.

The girl is indeed tired, and it seems that she has made a firm choice, and it takes a lot of courage to say it.

She had the courage to run away with Fu Hua and take on everything in the future, but fortunately, in the end, the immortals did not live up to this expectation.

Fu Hua sat down beside her, stared at the girl's guitar bag used as a pillow and said softly, "It's not good for the cervical spine to sleep like this."

It seemed that he was still in a state of vigilance, Shen Fu was awakened by this understatement, rubbing his eyes sleepily, raising his head leisurely, half-squinting his eyes as if he wanted to see the face beside him clearly.

After a few seconds, the girl saw the cheeks that were soft by the morning light, and showed a weak smile.

Fu Hua was amused by her appearance and felt helpless, raised his hand to smooth out a few strands of dull hair on his head, and let the girl pill on his thigh, "I know it's very troublesome to do this, but you still choose to do it." Although

things are going well, as Fu Hua said, it will not be easy to escape from the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, the girl almost racked her brains to come up with the best solution, and it is still under the suspicion that the other party has taken the initiative to let them.

Shen Fu yawned like a cat and blinked, "But we're all happy to do this." The

immortal opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into a helpless chuckle, "Then have a sweet dream and think about a new life after waking up." I

have to say that after knowing that the situation has happened to the point that she can't control it, she can't help but look forward to what her new life will be like.

At least with Shen Fu by his side, it will always be beautiful, right?


Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Valhalla. After the Celestial Eye System was officially activated and the search on the magnificent floating island was fruitless, the confrontation between the Mandate of Heaven Bishop and the two Valkyries ended with the defeat of the former.

However, the Bishop did not show the slightest discouragement or reflect after the defeat, but hid in his office to study "Karen Fantasy" again, a game developed by him, and with all the plot and easter eggs known, Otto never had the mood to "get bored".

He is a paranoid person to the end, as can be seen from the many details of his daily life.

Or perhaps it is this kind of person who is more likely to achieve achievements in some aspects that ordinary people cannot achieve after having a thinking that is far beyond ordinary people.

The high heels landed on the floor with a crisp sound, from far and near, and when the maid broke away from the shadows, she lifted her skirt and bowed slightly, "Lord Bishop, according to the latest news from the information base, the last traces of Miss Shen Fu and Lord Fu Hua appeared on a transport ship bound for Shenzhou. The

man's tall figure had his back to her, illuminated by the blue light, which landed on the tips of Rita's high heels.

The movement of the knobred hand control handle was slightly paused, and he let out a happy smile, "Did the prince finally run away with the lettuce girl?"

"Just like in a fairy tale." Rita bowed her head, and it was not until the plan was completely completed that the maid gradually grasped the meaning of what the bishop had said to them from the beginning, that the man really wanted to create a fairy tale plot.

For a moment, a trace of dazed emotion rose in the maid's burgundy eyes.

"But I really don't understand the meaning of your doing, Master Fu Hua is not a poor lettuce girl after all, if you really want them to leave, why bother so much?"

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