After a day and a night of traveling, the two arrived at Taixu Mountain, where they had been worshipping at nightfall.

"It's really time for my sister to come, Chang'an City is the most lively now, but there are a lot of people, you two beautiful girls should pay attention to safety."

Rejecting the driver's uncle's enthusiastic request to leave a call, Shen Fu and Fu Hua walked into Chang'an City.

Chang'an City is still the same Chang'an City, even if the years change, it begins to peel off dust and become precarious, but those traces are not recording everyone who walks by it.

The memories sealed in the long river of time, even if the people passing by no longer remember, but it will faithfully record all this, and when the tourists return, they will regain those memories.

For the two of them, the moment they stepped into it, memories of the past flooded back. The fireworks occupied a corner of the undark sky, and people came and went, and Shen Fu and Fu Hua walked together.

They were dressed similarly, with plush camel-colored coats and red scarves tied between their collars, as if a red rope connected them when they walked side by side. Like the cheeks of the Creator's most perfect creation, it attracts the eye without surprise.

Many people want to talk, but after seeing them seem to be merging, they are isolated from the world, and they are in their own small world, and the occasional conversation and smile will only be revealed by the other party, so they give up their ideas.

A wooden stage was set up not far away, someone was performing to attract the crowd to form a circle, the sky was quietly dark, the lanterns hanging on both sides of the houses were waving smoke and rain like a hazy light, Shen Fu was turned into a monk on the nearby mountain, and the girl ran very kindly to buy food for them.

The noise swept past Fu Hua like the wind, and she stopped in the crowd like a fish swimming against the current, and the immortal looked up at the plaque in a pharmacy for a long time.

Everything is familiar, but the name of "curing all diseases" has been replaced.

"Fu Hua~

" Just as the immortal fell into the memory of the past, the sound of the girl's laughter woke her up, Shen Fu ran from behind and naturally held the hand, "

It's still early, let's go see the lion dance!"

Fu Hua was stunned, as if exaggerated by the girl's smile and the surrounding hilarity, and those heavy, suffocating haze of the past were dispelled before they could be suppressed, "Okay."

She repeated softly, slowly curling the corners of her lips, "Okay." "


Taihua Mountain, a place where immortals have lived for thousands of years and have carried out countless annual worships. Before stepping onto the steps to the sky, Fu Hua raised his hand and waved it, and Ling Yu, which emitted a pale red light, appeared.

Suddenly, most of the mountain was shrouded in crimson light, and the two of them walked on the road like a group of stars, heading towards the quaint view of the clouds on the top of the mountain.

The broken Yudu dust was scattered on the steps, and Shen Fu and Fu Hua didn't need to bypass it, they went straight through it, and for them they were all reminiscing about the past.

Gradually, Yu Duchen began to surround them, following behind Shen Fu as he had done hundreds of years ago, his little tails wagging one by one, waiting for the girl to reach out and rub them.

"We're all good." Shen Fu whispered to Yu Duchen, "Don't worry, Fu Hua is getting more and more smiling when I take care of him." As

if she understood the girl's words, the feather dust dangled in her palm and gave her an itch to laugh.

Seeing this scene again, Fu Hua was no longer surprised. Maybe the first time, the immortal was still confused and questioning in his heart, but now time has proven everything, Shen Fu has grown up, but she has never changed.

Shen Fu walked behind, secretly looked at the back of the immortal and whispered, "You guys follow Fu Hua... After all, she is your master. After

receiving the order, the feather dust fragments scattered from the girl to chase the master. And Fu Hua, who had already heard this, chuckled and shook his head.

The top of the void mountain, the extreme abyss.

Standing in front of the bottomless abyss, Fu Hua silently sent the things she bought into it one by one, she never forgot what each friend liked, and at the end she drank all her wine.

The jewel-clear ice-blue eyes looked into the abyss, and more memories flooded in. Every time the memories tell Fu Hua that she can't stop, no matter what, she will come to the end of this road until she dies.

The depressed boredom fell, and often the mood of the immortal was not good at this time, because she clearly felt that everything was passing away from her fingertips, and she was alone from beginning to end.

This time was different, Fu Hua knew that it was impossible to really let go of her responsibilities, and sooner or later she would pick them up again, and that day had not long since arrived, but she didn't feel sad either.

"I'm doing well, don't worry." The immortal said to the faces in his memory, "I have done some of the things I promised you, and I will do the rest."

When Fu Hua worshipped alone, Shen Fu was sitting not far away, and when she touched the fragments of Yuduchen, the latter would shake her feathers, like a kitten that had been rubbed comfortably.

The heartbeat becomes violent, and the brain is taken over by the sound of a rapid heartbeat. At a certain moment, the deepest part of Shen Fu's heart was touched, and even the water-free and dustless heart lake could not suppress this emotion and rippled out of it.

The girl was driven by some kind of impulse to speak, "Hua..."

Shen Fu hadn't done something for a long time, after waking up from the new world, the two met until now, she didn't tell Fu Hua that she liked each other.

If you want to talk about why, you are probably really understanding each other, except for the likes caused by complex factors, and the only thing left is real likes.

This sentence suddenly became difficult to speak, because every time I said it, it was accompanied by shyness and heartbeat.

In this moment, the impulse temporarily suppresses the rest of the emotions. So the girl whispered something to the immortal.

Fu Hua frowned dissatisfiedly, not because of Shen Fu, but because of someone who appeared to disturb him at an inopportune time, so she couldn't hear what the girl said.

Letter from [Otto]: Old

friend, how was the holiday? Although I understand that my presence may cause you discomfort, after all, I represent one of your past and things that you have put aside for the time being.

However, this time the news is still very important -

Destiny has been betrayed by the chief doctor Marki, who is affiliated with the Destiny Biological Research Institute, and disappeared from the Danish border with the Gem of Tranquility, and was recently found in Singapore.

According to the information obtained by the Valkyrie, Markey has colluded with the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance. Given the strength of the enemy, I think it's best for you to reclaim the Gem of Tranquility for me.

For this, I can clear the wanted warrant for you. Happy to work with.

Fu Hua pressed the phone, every action of Otto was a plan, and the previous wanted was probably this time. If it were normal, the immortals would probably accept this task calmly, after all, they had already made an agreement.

But this time Otto interrupted at a bad time.

The immortal looked back helplessly, Shen Fuzheng looked at himself in a daze, and his beautiful cheeks seemed to be filled with a large area of bright crimson because of the light of Yu Duchen.

"Shen Fu, what did you want to tell me just now?"

The girl couldn't help but cover her face, shook her head vigorously, and said in distress: "No, nothing..."

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