Nine thousand meters below the sea, the blue ocean completely faded from the soft wind and waves, leaving only darkness and extreme pressure, even the largest overlord of the land could not survive, and circles of foam surged out of the infinite darkness, reflecting the scene of dead silence.

A large number of unknown creatures live here, and their appearance is unimaginably terrifying.

Standing in the depths of the abyss, the faint light emanating from the circular barrier of the legendary Atlantean city was not enough to illuminate the darkness, but occasionally reflected the figure of a behemoth.

"Alert! Haiyuan City, the air pressure in Xicheng District is unstable, the barrier is broken, Xicheng is falling, please withdraw immediately!"

A cold mechanical female voice came out of the radio, and the metal paved earth shook violently, impacting the hearts of everyone who was as small as ants in it, and a large number of people dressed in white scientific research rushed out of the canopy-like building.

They still had a large amount of information in their arms, and as they ran, the paper was blown away, and some people turned their heads in distraction and began to look for them, as if they were reluctant, and they seemed to be reluctant to let these crystallizations that cost them a lot of effort.

"There is a large number of Honkai energy reactions in Xicheng, please pay attention to the impact of the Honkai Beast!" The cold female voice would push the situation to a worse point every time it sounded.

Haiyuan City is an ancient ruin, whether it is the original owner of the anti-entropy, or the current mandate of heaven, there has never been a way to arm it, this big tree that grows in the deepest part of the seabed cannot be equipped with powerful artillery equipment at all.

And the simple gun-type firepower, under the shield-like pincers of the crab-shaped Honkai Beast, can't even break through the defense.

There is a Honkai beast in the western city, so you can only give up there. Before that, three districts had fallen, and the only ones left were the central district and the eastern entrance.

The researchers were still looking for the literature on the ground, and the long-term oppressive environment and the erosion of the collapse caused some mental problems in their mouths, and they kept muttering, "This is very important... That's too, you can't leave it behind..."

A strong hand grabbed the other party's shoulder, pulled it up and dragged it back, "Don't look for it, there is still hope to live, and if you die, there will be nothing!"

Himeko frowned, and after casually throwing the weak scientific researcher to Mei Yi, she stared at the wave of hundreds of Honkai beasts in the distance, and the bullets poured down with a roar, and then they were bounced away, making a disturbing screeching sound like rain falling to the ground.

She knew very well that whoever remained here would be death.

Fortunately, the Valkyries of the three squads had already brought all the personnel to safety as quickly as possible, and the woman retracted her gaze, and the fusion outfit that outlined her slender figure glowed with burning light, and she swung the big sword behind her to send out a slash that cut through the ground.


Honkaimon's progress was hindered for a moment, and Himeko retreated to a magnificent metal gate, pulling the switch hard, and the gate slowly fell.

Before the gate closed completely, a dark black bullet flew past Himeko's side, burning up all the oxygen in its reach, as if opening the realm of death, and blasting open the impact line of the Honkai Beast in the blink of an eye.

Even if it is an emperor level, it will not be able to break through the gate of Haiyuan City, but this also means that Xicheng has fallen, and there may still be people staying inside, and there are still a large number of experimental equipment and data, and the loss is immeasurable.

Himeko didn't have time to think about this, she patted Qin Suyi who was holding a gun beside her, after the girl launched the Styx, her body was gasping uncontrollably, "Save some strength, it's impossible for them to break in again."

Qin Suyi nodded reluctantly, the girl turned her head, her gaze froze behind the crowd, "What should we do now..."The

three teams plus the surviving scientific researchers of Haiyuan City, a total of nearly a hundred people, the oxygen circulation system of Haiyuan City has been destroyed, even if the Central District and Xicheng District will not fall, they have little time left.

No one knows when the new rescue force will arrive, and if she does, it is unknown whether she will be able to deal with the monster in the abyss.

Himeko lowered her eyes and muttered, and then she spoke: "There are four submersibles at the entrance, send them out of here." "

Do you hear that?Team Santa Freya, stay and clean up the Honkai

!" "Roger!"

Kiana, Bronya, and Mei from the same team responded.

Takemixue glanced at Manna and Xia Lu, and confessed that she really wanted to let the two children who had just passed the assessment leave, but that didn't work, the Valkyrie's teaching didn't allow them to escape.

The woman bit her lip, "The Kiwi Squad acts as a decoy team." "

So the last Rangers were naturally the safest of the troops.

The four submersibles can accommodate 85 people, which means that no one in the three teams will be able to leave until the next rescue, and the relative safety is still extremely high.

But no one objected, and the Valkyries carried out their orders with the fastest and most precise action.

The crowd began to move forward in order, during which Kiana and the three had already set off to find the fish that had slipped through the net in the central area, and before leaving, Himiko looked at the kiwi team that followed the team, and she couldn't help but hesitate, maybe she should have her own team to take on the most difficult task.

Aware of her gaze, Qin Suyi looked back, and after seeing the sorrow on Jizi's face, she comforted: "Teacher Jizi, you can go with them, just leave the bait task to me."

"This kind of thing should be done by us adults. Himeko frowned.

"It's not a matter of size. Qin Suyi shook her head, "The long-range Valkyrie is obviously

more suitable for this task, and I am also more fast and aggressive than Bronya. The

girl gestured to the bow of Hel, which was placed on her waist, and although she was not yet able to fully control [the Constellation of the Gods], she was not as easily distracted as before.

There wasn't much time left for everyone, and Qin Suyi didn't look back to keep up with the team after finishing speaking, "Don't worry, we'll see you in the submersible." "

The most dangerous role in the bait team's mission, Qin Suyi did not hesitate to take it. Time has passed, and they who were originally regarded as children by adults have grown up.

"Stay safe. Himeko finally told me that Kiana and the others had gone far away, and she had to chase after them.

The St. Freya team disappeared from everyone's sight, Qin Suyi took her gaze back, she didn't know where to start carrying out these life-threatening tasks, she didn't feel fear, but there was a sense of longing from the depths of her heart.

The subconscious of her brain was telling her that she must not die here, and that there were still people waiting for her to go back.

The girl thought, maybe this is the path that Shen Fu has walked.

The sudden tremor caused a riot again, and Wu Jianxue had no choice but to shout loudly to calm people down. Qin Suyi's thoughts were pulled back, and she felt that the entire central area fell into unprecedented darkness as if the power had been cut off.

In a split second, the light returned. The huge black shadow flapped its fins like a blue whale, moving at incredible speed in the abyss of the ocean, and everyone looked up in unison, and then their pupils shrank sharply.

Circles of light spread out from its body, and countless tiny particles like stars surrounded the main sequence star, and under the divine glow, it looked terrifying, a creature that existed in the deepest part of the nightmare.

Unknown Rank Honkaimon.

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