Brahma collapsed with a bang, and after withstanding the penetration and core shattering of the sun's impact, the life of the judgment-class creature seemed to have come to an end, and all the eyes of the burned body gradually lost its luster, and it lay motionless in the vast ruins.

The Extremely Sacred Star Ring Realm shattered into a sky of light and fell.

Relying on the energy gushing out of the flying blade thruster, Shen Fu landed beside Qin Suyi, the armor made of soul steel repaired the broken place, and this set of armor was an immortal existence.

As a carrier, Shen Fu is still a human being, and he will be injured and feel pain, and the Valkyrie will also suffer a fatal blow and die like a normal person.

Intelligent detection reports Shen Fu's current situation.

[40% of the bones of the whole body are shattered, 60% of the injuries are injured, and they are severely crumbling and eroding. [

Warning, your current situation is very dangerous!Trying to ban Flare Mode - Ban failed.] [

I'm trying to open the will to leave a voice, and the opening is successful.] You can record your will at any time.

Ai-chan has tried to ban Shen Fu's permission many times, and the girl wearing this suit of armor is completely here, far more than the S-rank Valkyrie can bear.

The injury is that someone else will inevitably step into a serious injury, and even death is possible. But Shen Fu has relied on the increase brought by Yu Duchen to hold on to the present.

In the past eleven months, Shen Fu has used Yu Duchen a lot of times, and the original intact golden feather has been continuously burned, and now the light has dimmed to the extreme, and the illusory appearance seems to be dissipating at any time.


Fu didn't know that the gods had given her revival and new powers, and the same malice had been inflicted, and perhaps she would have to die again if she didn't need to walk into the Libra of the Soul Palace.

"Shen Fu, are you okay..."Qin Suyi supported Shen Fu, she checked the other party's appearance, the body covered by white-gold armor must be full of scars, and the pale cheeks without a trace of blood.

"Of course..."Shen Fu coughed up blood and squeezed out a forced smile, "Why are you back again?"

Qin Suyi didn't answer this question, she said something similar not long ago, and what Shen Fu responded to her at that time was the answer given by the girl now.

Only I can save you, so I can't go.

"Hurry up and run away, I'll deal with it!" Qin Suyi helped the girl, and both of them staggered.

The sound echoed in the dead darkness, and Brahma remained motionless, but no one could say for sure whether the monster was really dead.

All they can do is run far.

The over-carried Hel's bow flowed with a faint light, turning into two spears and sticking diagonally into Qin Suyi's waist, and his body was gradually paralyzed by the endless pain.

Like the previous relay with Himeko, she wanted to take over the battle between Shen Fu and Brahma.

Shen Fu looked back at the behemoth, and temporarily extinguished the feather dust at the end, her whole body was torn in pain, she pursed her lips and blinked her eyes slowly, she was really tired.

"Let's go..."

, every cell in the body was shouting in protest, refusing to use any of its strength. She had to rest to finish the journey.

But even if she leaves here smoothly, the girl will not be able to stay in the world for long.

She once told Fu Hua that there was no guarantee that she would not use Yu Duchen again, some things and some people would be more important than life, and it was worth paying any price.

Starting her life in Jiangnan City, Shen Fu embarked on a completely different path from the ancient Shenzhou.

At that time, her world was very small, only Fu Hua and the foodie sister, but life is often much more than that, when she sees a better situation, the outline of everyone she meets is imprinted in her heart.

Shen Fu gradually became a lot more greedy, in fact, her wish was not great, she just wanted to protect the people around her.

The malice of the gods has never been the exchange of life for power, it is the encounter between them under the trend of fate, the warmth hidden in the trivial daily life.

The greed that breeds wanting everything to end happily.


Shen Fu thought about this, she would raise her eyes to look at St. Freya's home, looking at the familiar cheeks, the sound of joy sounded in her ears, and the girl's thoughts drifted far away.

The pain of life loss fades. Of course she doesn't regret it, people live for a certain moment in their hearts, and she did it, so it's all worth it.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the dead ruins, Qin Suyi glanced at Shen Fu beside her, and saw that she was just resting with her eyes closed, and her hanging heart was let go little by little.

Shen Fu's half-closed eyes showed his gaze to meet him, and he smiled and said lightly: "Don't be afraid, I'm still here..."

The atmosphere eased in the conversation between the two girls, and there was no more Brahma and deadly threats.

Qin Suyi was stunned by this question, it was obviously a casual conversation, but it made her think seriously for a long time.

"Never thought about it. The girl shook her head.

The word hero only existed in TV dramas for most of Qin Suyi's eighteen-year-old life, maybe she had grand fantasies when she was younger, but as she grew up, she began to recognize reality.

In fact, there is nothing bad about living a dull life, she has a home, things and people she likes, Jiangnan City is not prosperous, their home is not big, it is just right for two people to live in, if you add another Fu Hua, it will probably make her and Shen Fu squeeze into a room...

You can see each other every day, and there is a place to vent the tiredness in your heart, so it is enough.

The girl has never had a grand pursuit, just like her original intention of entering the Honkai world, just for someone.

"Of course I just want to follow you. I'll go wherever you go, and that's fine. "

Even in the abyss of death, I will not hesitate to step into it.

"How can that be..."Shen Fu couldn't help laughing, the remaining strength couldn't be used at will, otherwise she really wanted to rub Qin Suyi's head, "Do you remember the phone call I made to you at that time?"


"Well, I said I would protect you, as long as I am still here, no one can hurt you." "

By the way, do you remember the night you escaped from the welfare home before?"


Suyi's thoughts drifted long along with the girl's words, it was a long time ago, when they were all children. Even with the large amount of money left by their parents, they are not old enough to spend it.

So they were put in the best welfare homes to take care of.

Shen Fu and she don't like it inside, every day is like a mechanical life, and everyone's bedroom door has a fence blocked from the outside, just like living in a prison.

One night they had the idea of running away, and the process went smoothly, the nurse needed to take care of a lot of children, and suddenly the two most well-behaved children disappeared, and no one would have thought that the other party would have such a rebellious idea of running away.

Shen Fu and Qin Suyi escaped from the welfare home, and there would be a light on the road far away from each other in the dark night, and the child always liked to imagine that there were some terrifying creatures hidden in the dark, so Shen Fu played the role of walking in front and exploring the way, so that Qin Suyi followed far behind.

Qin Suyi was very afraid that Shen Fu would suddenly disappear, and she would call the other party's name every time she left.

"Shen Fu?"

"I'm here.

"Shen Fu, you're walking so fast..."

"Don't worry, I won't leave you." "

The two children who escaped were caught back and taught a harsh lesson, which is another story.

Qin Suyi recalled in a trance, it turned out that Shen Fu had been protecting herself since so long ago.

Now it's okay, she can finally protect the other party, although this is not worth mentioning compared to the number of times Shen Fu has protected herself, but the girl firmly believes that there will be more and more in the future.

"That's enough. Shen Fu closed his eyes and chuckled, "Look, I'm fulfilling my promise, and I'll always do it to the end."

Qin Suyi was stunned for a moment, she felt very uneasy about what Shen Fu suddenly said.

The earth began to tremble after a long pause, and they were always unwilling to face it, the cruelty of reality often lies in the fact that after the darkness may not be a warm light, but also a deeper abyss.

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