A sharp chill like a sword approached his cheeks, and Shen Fu's gaze wandered between the few people around him, and the seven long swords behind him would probably point at him in an instant if he shook his head.

She had no chance to escape at all, the coldness in Fu Hua's words made it impossible to question the authenticity, and if she refused, she would really be killed.

Shen Fu nodded dejectedly, "I'll go with you..."Fu

Hua looked at the building complex, watching them collapse in the flames. Many people have died, but this is necessary to ensure the undisturbed continuation of civilization.

Taixu Mountain, Breeze Cloud View.

Far more ethereal and huge buildings than in the game, the Taixu Seven Swords and Fu Hua were also more powerful than Shen Fu's impression, and the distance of a kilometer was only a breath.

She came here surrounded by seven people and Fu Hua.

"I don't understand why you know that, maybe you can explain it to me when you're sure you're safe. Fu Hua stood in front of the gate and whispered to Shen Fu, and then left alone.

The youngest brown-haired girl in the Seven Swords stood beside Shen Fu, and after looking curiously, she showed a faint smile, "Let's go, go to the room where you are temporarily staying."

Shen Fu nodded, and she saw the girl stretching out her hand to her, "Hello, my name is Qin Suyi." "

Shen Fu. In

the room full of quaintness, the wooden window paper blown by the autumn wind came from a low whistling sound, and only a faint candle light was lit in the room, and Shen Fu lay on the bed in a daze.

Within a few hours, she was in absolute danger and had to come to terms with reality.

Travel to the world of Honkai and be taken away by the Red Kite and the Taixu Seven Swords. Fortunately, she doesn't have the true qi that Fu Hua said, probably the Honkai Energy category, she is just an ordinary person.

[Congratulations on the completion of the trial, the new system Tartarus has been loaded]

Shen Fu's eyes began to pop up again, and she remembered that she had completed the novice trial. Looking at the system named after the Greek mythological god of Hades, she couldn't help but get nervous.

Name: Shen Fu

Gender: Female

[Difficulty: Difficulty-level Honkai Ancient Shenzhou

] [Strength: 3] No Martial Arts

[Agility: 6] [Constitution: 5] [Soul: Flawless



Evaluation: Your combat ability is a little unbearable, and it is probably difficult to even fight hand-to-hand. But it doesn't matter, you have a whole and pure soul that you may be able to exchange for the unexpected when necessary. 【Ability

: Dedicate your soul, the gods can give you anything you want. [

Goal: Defeat Honkai

Note: The ultimate goal of Honkai is to sift through civilizations, and it is also a good choice to create a new world without humans as they come. A

large amount of information poured into Shen Fu's mind with the system, and there was a pain as if it was about to explode, and she lay back on the bed in pain, still a little embarrassed when she saw the first sentence of the evaluation.

"Let me defeat Honkai? It's too difficult, isn't it?" she muttered as she looked at the lofty target.

And the final note, the destruction of human civilization is not to kill herself, which is even more impossible.

[Survive in this world full of gloom and despair, perhaps you have the power to change the fate of others.] The

system is still popping up information, Shen Fu doesn't feel any changes in her body, she doesn't want to do soul trading yet, and there is no need to exchange things now.

[Beginner Trial Reward Granted.] Suddenly

, the body became different.

The uncomfortable energy poured into his body, and Shen Fu couldn't control it, so he could only let it fill his limbs and bones. She watched as all three of her stats began to improve.

[Strength: 6

] [Agility: 10] [Constitution: 10] [Honkai Energy Resistance]

The reward of the system is Honkai Ability! Now Shen Fu's physical fitness has surpassed that of men, but it is when she least wants to have it.

If there was Honkai Energy in her body, she would be regarded as a Demon Cultist! She didn't think that she could surpass monster-level people like Taixu Qijian and Fu Hua in one ascension.

"Unlucky..."Shen Fu's whole body stiffened, and she couldn't control the Honkai energy wandering in her body at all, and before she could master the way, the system didn't make a sound.

In the middle of the night, the breath of Honkai energy abruptly permeated the Breeze Cloud Temple. The Taixu Seven Swords, who should have fallen asleep, opened their eyes without exception, and the long sword beside them was unsheathed.

The faint candlelight reflected the perfect face, Fu Hua opened her eyes, and she was stunned as she looked at the familiar scene around her, as if she had had a long dream.

As an ordinary person, a fusion warrior, and a guardian, memories are far away from her.

The girl knew her past experience, and she also said that the Seven Swords would kill the master? Fu Hua didn't believe it, she raised several people from a young age, and they only had respect and a trace of fear for themselves.

Now all she has to do is keep the Civilization Continuation Project on track.

An uncomfortable aura wafted in the air, Fu Hua's brows frowned slightly, she knew very well that there was someone in the entire Taixu Mountain who might have Honkai energy.

Is that girl really a demon sect?

Shen Fu suddenly straightened up from the bed, and the state of being unable to move was over, and the Honkai energy was still scurrying around in his body, and what was even more uncomfortable was that the sharp chill like a sword came again.

She hurriedly opened the window, and the figures of the seven swords outside the compound had already gathered. She opened her mouth but didn't know how to explain her situation, and even if she did, the group probably wouldn't believe it.

"Demon Enterer?" the young man with long gray and blond hair said coldly, "I can't control my true qi so quickly, and it seems that I am just a character who does not enter the stream."

As he spoke, he raised the crimson long sword in his hand, and the sharp edge slashed at Shen Fu in the wind, and small cracks were cut out of the wooden window.

"Yanqing, wait for Master to deal with it. Lin Chaoyu said in a deep voice, seemingly dissatisfied with the young man's self-assertion.

Ma Yanqing didn't care, and approached the room step by step, "Even if the master comes, he will only kill her, as long as I do it for me."

Shen Fu's gaze fell on everyone, even Qin Suyi, who had shown kindness to her before, was now like a great enemy.

Honkai energy is the most forbidden thing here.

She subconsciously clenched her palms, she undoubtedly couldn't win this group of people with her body strengthened by Honkai alone, she still had a hole card to use, did she have to exchange souls in the first place.

Ma Yanqing casually swung out a sword, wrapped in the wind blade of the Honkai energy, became condensed, and slashed straight towards Shen Fu, containing killing intent and unable to dodge.

Shen Fu summoned the system in her mind, if she didn't change it, she would die here!

A new figure descended between the two, the cold breath overshadowed the sharpness, she blocked Shen Fu's window and raised her hand to the invisible wind blade.


There was a slight crackling sound, and the wind blade was easily crushed by her. After seeing the figure that appeared, Ma Yanqing immediately withdrew his sword and looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

"Yanqing. Fu Hua stared at the young man, and the coldness in his eyes seemed to turn into substance.

Ma Yanqing was frightened and retreated, and in an instant he felt as if he was wrapped in a sword array transformed by the vast true qi, his strength ranked high in the rivers and lakes, but he still had a sense of powerlessness in the face of this situation, "Master, you... Don't you want to kill her?".

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