The moonlight fell on the eaves, and the figures of the two swept by, their clothes fluttering in the wind.


Fu swung out the Xuanyuan Sword, which flickered in the reflection of the moonlight, as if thunder and lightning fell. The enemy in front of him could not be avoided, and the cold arc of light spread out in front of his throat, and a few drops of blood splattered and dissipated into the night.

The lifeless figure fell backwards, crashing into the water with a loud noise, and then gradually sinking into the depths.

The quaint sword body was clean, Shen Fu returned it to the scabbard, and the coldness in his eyes dissipated. She jumped off the eaves, Fu Hua was already waiting not far away, and the two of them left here together.

Another entrant was killed. This is the third place encountered by the two on the way to Chang'an.

The spread of the Honkai disease was even faster than Shen Fu had imagined, it did not cause widespread destruction, but began to spread in the human body, and if it continued like this, it would sooner or later become a disaster.

The first Honkai in the game appeared in the 19th century, and before that, there was no major Honkai that should have had to do with the slow development of human civilization and the resistance of people like Fu Hua around the world.

Fu Hua is a good guardian, and the Shenzhou she protects has never been born of a great collapse.

Shen Fu couldn't help but glance at the turbulent river behind him, the waves washed the stones on the bank, and the moonlight was blood-red, "The demon entrants in this town have been emptied by us. "

She was a little helpless, and occasionally felt shocked when she erased her life. In the past few days, I have killed the demon entrants who have hurt many people, and I don't feel much guilt after I started to do it.

If a demon cultivator who had never hurt anyone stood in front of her, Shen Fu was not sure if she could be ruthless, standing in Fu Hua's position, facing her apprentice who had never hurt anyone but had been infected by the virus, what would she think?"

Fu Hua said.

"It's too much. Shen Fu sighed, "It is impossible to eradicate it at all." "

The two of them, plus the Taixu Seven Swords, are only nine people, and they can't manage it at all in the face of the countless people infected by the Honkai Disease in the huge Shenzhou.

"Do what you can. Fu Hua's voice was clear, and she lowered her eyes in contemplation, as if she had thought of something, "Or maybe you need an organization large enough to fight the Honkai."

Shen Fu was slightly stunned when she heard her words, in the future, Fu Hua would really join a huge organization to fight against the Honkai, and carry out his mission there until the end of his second life.

That organization is called, Mandate of Heaven.

Shen Fu proposed, "Why doesn't Master organize it himself?"

"They are all afraid of me. Fu Hua replied calmly.


"Except for you."

Taking advantage of the night curfew, the two blended into the brightly lit streets, and Shen Fu, a modern person, was naturally attracted by the novelties around him, pedestrians and hawkers coming and going, and the theater stalls not far away had come to an end, and the performers were collecting money from the audience.

There were even a few monks who came to Shen Fu to make a fortune, and the girl subconsciously took out a few copper coins but was rejected by the kind-faced monk who shook her head, "Asceticism doesn't ask for money, just a little food."

Shen Fu turned her head and looked at her package, which was full of precious ingredients bought for Fu Hua, she didn't want to give it, it was the cornerstone of her master's plan to raise fat.

After thinking for a moment, she broke half of the shortbread in her hand, "That's all I can give." "

The rest was bitten by her, and she was embarrassed to give it out.

The monk was shocked by her actions, and shook his head helplessly with a long smile, "Thank you, donor, we appreciate your kindness."

Seeing a few people leaving, Shen Fu only felt inexplicable, and continued to bite the shortbread, the oil stains on the lips of the cherry blossom powder moisturized like water.

She was full, and her eyes bent to caress her flat belly.

There are many more around, you can't see it, no wonder Su Mei is so looking forward to the outside world.

There were shadows in the lights, Shen Fu looked back at Fu Hua who was walking in front, the immortal was dressed in white and walked with a breeze, and there was no emotion on his delicate cheeks.

No matter who passed by her, her ice-blue eyes were always on the road in the distance.

It's like being in another world, where the hustle and bustle has nothing to do with her.

Fu Hua stopped abruptly, raised his eyes to look somewhere, and stood there for a long time.

Shen Fu followed her line of sight, it was a medicine hall, and the signboard at the door said that it would cure all diseases.

How could it be possible to cure all diseases?

Fu Hua thought the same, his eyes flashed with an undetectable loneliness, and he walked away again.

"Master, did you just want to go in?" Shen Fu walked up to her.

Fu Hua nodded in acknowledgement.

Shen Fu raised the corners of her lips, "Actually, you also care about Senior Sister and them." At

one point, Fu Hua really wanted to go in, but she suddenly realized that there was no cure for Honkai disease.

"Go back early and rest, there's still a long way to go. Fu Hua lightly changed the topic.

In the inn where there were only two people, the shopkeeper was about to close the door when he saw them returning. The sound of horses' hooves approached from afar, and a group of cavalry rushed down the street, disappearing at the end of the street in an instant.

Fu Hua and Shen Fu were both attracted to the sound.

"It's going to war, the number is too small. Shen Fu asked.

"It should be the advance team, the two guests just came and didn't know that it was the bandits' troops. The shopkeeper casually explained, "Recently, another Sea Whale Gang has risen to cause trouble, and many Demon Cultists are in it. "

Haven't been wiped out yet?" Shen Fu stroked the Xuanyuan sword on his waist, and the sword heart stopped the water without waves.

"Demon Sect, I heard that they can use the magic power of freezing people into ice! The shopkeeper shook his head, "Don't worry, two guests, Tianhan can't help here." Hearing

this, Shen Fu and Fu Hua glanced at each other, she walked forward quickly and took the door card from the shopkeeper's hand, "Shopkeeper, I still have something to do, so leave it to me when the door is closed."

"But it's almost the night fast. The shopkeeper hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'll close the door soon when I'm done. Shen Fu smiled at him, her almost flawless face smiling movingly, exuding a sense of closeness.

The shopkeeper finally agreed to Shen Fu's request, and after telling him, he went back to rest.

There were only two people left in the inn, Shen Fu stretched his waist and walked towards the backyard, "It seems that I don't have to sleep tonight." "

Why don't you take advantage of this time to rest?" Fu Hua asked as she saw her leave.

Shen Fu responded, "I'll make you something to eat, Master."

"I'm not hungry.

"But you haven't eaten for a day. Shen Fu turned his head to her seriously, "Fusion warriors are not immortals, and it will always be uncomfortable if they don't eat."

Fu Hua was no longer surprised by the girl's words. She really didn't feel hungry, and besides, the next action would consume a lot of energy, so Shen Fu didn't need to do it at all.

But she still walked to the kitchen with a smile, "Master can't go on like this, only health can protect Shenzhou." When

the other disciples heard their refusal, they would probably be obedient and stay to rest, but Shen Fu was the exception.

Fu Hua stopped saying anything about her actions, and was faintly used to it.

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