On the night when Shen Fu and Qin Suyi left Taixu Mountain, no matter who left here, it was quiet, but this time it seemed to be quieter than before, as if there was no dead silence like any life.

The night obscured the gathering dark clouds, and the coming storm roared silently.


Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Lin Chaoyu subconsciously raised the pen in her hand, and her muscle memory made her hold it like a sword.

The sword soul intent was released, and any weapon was as sharp as a sword in her hand.

The faint candle flame reflected the figure leaning against the door frame, and she hugged her chest and felt the cold momentum coming from the other party and just chuckled.

Seeing the other party's appearance clearly, Lin Chaoyu pointed the tip of his pen downward, and his hostility did not decrease in the slightest, "What are you doing?"

"Senior sister, you should know." Su Mei walked into the room, "You have already seen Master's attitude, and there are no unrelated personnel in Taixu Mountain, I am here to solve this matter with you."

"It has nothing to do with me, it's like you. Lin Chaoyu coldly rejected her.

"Then what if the master wants to kill

you?" "What if the master kills them one by one, and in the end only you are left?"

Just two bland sentences made Lin Chaoyu's heart shake, and Su Mei accurately hit the weakness in her heart.

The eldest disciple of the Red Kite Zhenren, the world's first in the reputation of the rivers and lakes, and the light dust sword Lin Chaoyu. At the same time, she is also a mortal, and in the face of the fairest death, it is still inevitable that she will feel fear.

In three days, Fu Hua will kill Jiang Wanru, and then who will it be?

Each of them may become the target of the spearhead, and if they don't fight, it will be their turn sooner or later.

What made Lin Chaoyu feel even more painful was that what she had to resist was the master who had been with her for 30 years. And if he didn't care about this matter, Jiang Wanru, who was raised by himself, would be killed.

The so-called eldest sister is like a mother. Lin Chaoyu has both brother and sister feelings for the other six disciples, as well as a mother's love for her children.

Emotions turn into invisible lines that implicate them, and they cannot be separated or abandoned.

After knowing that someone was going to kill her child, the first emotion in Lin Chaoyu's heart was anger, but when she realized that the person in front of her was the master, the coldness suppressed other emotions.

Then the pain began to grow.

Lin Chaoyu couldn't remember how many times she had talked to her master, but she couldn't even get along with her like Shen Fu, a look could make her frightened, and she could only leave in a cold tone when she stopped the topic.

There is no longer a way for the two to coexist.

And what made her heart start to sway and deviate was Fu Hua's practice now, where Yu Duchen planted a mark to imprison Jiang Wanru, leaving no way to retreat to kill her.

Family affection, life and death.

As the most direct proof of mortals, it is reflected in Lin Chaoyu.

Thinking of this, Lin Chaoyu closed his eyes painfully. Fragments of memories from the past thirty years of life came to mind, and Master was such a person, who was attracted to her at first acquaintance, but the longer we got along, the more I wanted to stay away.

When exactly did they get to this point?"

The voice trembled and shredded from her throat, and now Lin Chaoyu was thinking about the solution, and what made her feel sad was that this was a dead end.

There is no way out, and naturally there is no choice, they must fight for their lives.

Su Mei, who was silent after just saying two sentences, looked at her with a smile, and didn't need to say more about herself at all, because the master did too much.

Immortals, as the guardian of Shenzhou, you have no human emotions, how ridiculous.

She stood up briskly, "Senior sister, you are the most difficult to convince of all, and you are all on my side."

Lin Chaoyu felt incredulous, "They...

"Because we are all mortals, we have our own pursuits and dreams, we have people we want to protect, and of course we are afraid of death. Su Mei had already told her how to persuade a few people.

"What about Su Yi?" Lin Chaoyu asked again, "That child is still very pure, and he has a good relationship with Shen Fu."

"I'm not going to convince her. Su Mei replied casually, "Shen Fu's departure just gave me a chance, and it would be a trouble if she didn't leave." "

You even counted her leaving in the plan..."

Lin Chaoyu looked at Su Mei's back with complicated eyes, this woman's mind is at the level of a madman.

If you have to say that Fu Hua has weaknesses, it is undoubtedly Shen Fu. The girl's departure can be regarded as erasing this weakness, and the immortal who has no worries is the most terrifying.

But Su Mei actually counted Shen Fu's departure as part of the plan, so how did she shake the invincible Red Kite Zhenren?

"In the world, how can there be immortals?"


Taixu Tea House, a mountain villa built on a hill not far from the town, has a large area of verdant land as far as the eye can see. The servants are scattered all over the place to take care of the tea trees, while the master simply stays in the pavilion and watches.

Qin Suyi faced the table full of food in front of him, picked up a chopstick to taste, and frowned slightly.

It's not tasty. The taste is very different from what my sister made before.

Looking at those foods, Qin Suyi suddenly lost his appetite. Looking at Shen Fu, who was sitting opposite with her chin propped up in a daze, she thought that the other party should have something on her mind.

I rarely saw her smile for two days, she was always silent, and her emotions were very restrained, but the loss that was inadvertently revealed was also discovered.

Qin Suyi didn't know how to comfort her, and always said that the master and the senior brother and sister had a sense of sadness, and now they have it along with the junior sister, and she is the only one who doesn't understand anything.

After calculating the time in her heart, Qin Suyi gently put down her chopsticks, "Senior sister, I should go back."

Shen Fu suddenly looked up and came back to his senses, "So fast, isn't it good to accompany me more, you haven't finished eating so much."

"I don't have much appetite. Qin Suyi shook her head, she leaned on the table with her chin, "I think I should go back." "

Do you want to go back?" said Shen Fu in surprise.

She reached out and touched Qin Suyi's broken hair and smoothed them out, "Senior sister, stay here obediently, it's okay."

"But you're in a bad mood, and I can't comfort you. Qin Suyi pouted and said honestly.

She doesn't like this kind of junior sister, confidence and happiness are what the other party should be. The other party was reluctant to talk to herself, but at least she had to make her sister sober.

"If you want to do it, you can do it, what's the point of just being in a daze here? Senior sister, you shouldn't be like this... At least in my mind, you won't hesitate.

Just like when we go shopping, if you worry too much, by the time you go back to buy it, there will be nothing left.

Qin Suyi stood up, this time it was her turn to rub Shen Fu's head, with the gentlest and softest strength, the stretched willow eyebrows were with comforting affection, "Look, even Senior Sister and I understand the truth, why don't you understand?"

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