The disciples who were trapped in the illusion realm could easily take their lives for Fu Hua, and now they are probably still repeating the scene of killing themselves in the dream that Yu Duchen constructed.

Vent that hatred and desire to survive.

Fu Hua casually summoned it and stood in the corner of the martial arts training ground, the wooden sword that had been complained about by Shen Fu and was ugly. The girl's original intention was to leave [Jiang Xue] for her self-defense, or to buy a large number of weapons.

The proposal was rejected by Fu Hua, and for her, the sword no longer had to be rigid in form.

The voice repeated over and over again in my head, like the whisper of the devil, and for 50,000 years, all methods of resistance had lost their effect.

Fu Hua's eyes disappeared with emotion, and he looked at several people indifferently.

Who should start first? or kill them all with a single sword.

No, something is wrong....

After obeying the voice's instructions, the immortal was given a chance to think. It was only in an instant that she realized that the situation was wrong, even if she was trapped in the illusion, the disciples' Honkai energy was not chaotic, but was smoothly controlled in her body.

According to the illusion created by Yu Duchen, several people will see Fu Hua who is infinitely resurrected, and they will quickly realize that they have actually been checkmated by their master.

Can you still be calm at this point? That's impossible.

Sensing the strange immortal's thoughts, he stretched out two fingers of his free hand and stabbed towards the air beside him.

The sword soul, Honkai can be enveloped, and the attack is as sharp as a sword.


The next moment the blood bloomed, and the two voices sounded at the same time, and the blood instantly dyed the cotton and white coat of the red fairy, she frowned slightly, and her fingers turned into fists and smashed into the air.

With a muffled sound, the air was blown out by Fu Hua. Her fist smashed the space, and the martial arts training ground quickly distorted in her eyes, and then took on its original appearance.

The originally sluggish disciples all remained awake, looking at themselves with burning eyes, and Jiang seemed to be nowhere to be seen. The invisible sword body was stained blood-red, and she slipped and fell to the ground as it slammed into the wall.

"It's worthy of Master. Su Mei said calmly and pulled out the black sub-sword, "I found the problem in that short time and made the most correct response."

"Did you break free?" Fu Hua's brows tightened. The problem was worse than she thought.

She hadn't paid attention to her disciples for too long, and she didn't even know that Su Mei had hidden the ability of the Peerless Sword from her.

Fu Hua suddenly recalled a worship many years ago, when the girl was lying on the wall of Chang'an City overlooking the prosperity, her eyes full of yearning for freedom.

That's when her meaning came to be.

At the same time that she inflicted Yu Duchen on several people, Su Mei's illusion also enveloped her. Jiang Wanru stabbed himself with an invisible fall in this situation, and the two reached a perfect cooperation.

"I woke up on the second repetition. Su Mei explained, "Thanks to Master's teaching, the Taixu Sword Qi. The

rest of the people all broke free in a few days, and the Taixu Sword Qi taught by Fu Hua just restrained Yu Duchen. A firm enough heart will allow them to maintain their true heart in the illusion, so that they can quickly break free.

Now the threats that Fu Hua faces are all taught by her own hands.

Lin Chaoyu looked at Su Mei with complicated eyes, and there was some jealousy in his eyes. This woman's mind is far beyond the level of intelligence, and she has become a madman.

recalled the conversation between the two that night, "In the world, how can there be an immortal?"

Even if there is an invincible red kite real person in front of him, Su Mei wants to shake it.

Jiang Wanru's attack damaged the acupuncture points on Fu Hua's shoulder, and mobilizing the Honkai energy needed to make it travel all over his body, and the damage in one place meant that the true qi could not be mobilized.

Although they knew that it was impossible to make Fu Hua ineffective in this way, at least they could slow down the Immortals' offensive.

Su Mei's method of truly shaking the immortals first started with Kenshin.

A golden scroll was dropped to the ground by her, rolling down at Fu Hua's feet.

"Master, do you really think that what you have been doing all this time is the right thing to do?

The wind slowly pushed the scroll open, revealing the words on it in front of Fu Hua's eyes.

It was an edict from the emperor.

Its content is about the real person of the red kite, to put it simply, the real person of the red kite has walked the rivers and lakes for decades, and has killed many demons and people related to them.

There are many officials, generals, and even children of the royal family. From the beginning of the demon entrant to kill without mercy, to the later contaminated with demonic energy will die, the brutality of the Red Kite Zhenren's approach has made the emperor angry.

The edict instructed the whole country to arrest the Red Kite Zhenren and all the people of the Taixu Sword Sect under his disciples.

His gaze fell on the jade seal mark at the end of the golden edict, and the immortal's eyes gradually dimmed and lost their luster, that thing couldn't be faked.

There was once an emperor who wanted to give her the jade seal as a gift, but now no one will approve of her approach.

Did she do something wrong?

Fu Hua had never thought about it, she just wanted to reduce the Honkai within the Divine Prefecture, and she did achieve her goal.

There were more rifts in the Heartlake World, and the next moment a gray mist suddenly appeared and enveloped those shattered places to make up for it.

The voice affected her for a long time, not only a change in her mind, but also a multiple-fold combat power that could make the immortal burst out under any circumstances.

[Destroy Honkai]

wavering thoughts were erased, and the immortal raised her eyes to look at a few people, her gaze made Su Mei feel terrified. Absolutely cold and invincible, it is impossible to interfere with the immortals so easily.

The wooden sword slashed, and the wind blade tore through the ground in an instant, and the entire martial arts training ground was shaking. The rich Honkai energy converged and turned the sword qi into an entity, with the potential to destroy the heavens and the earth, and the dark clouds above the heavenly dome were cut through the ravines by her.

The moonlight shone straight through, and the silver light turned into a stairway to heaven, or a road to hell!

The five of them dispersed, leaving Cheng Lingshuang to stay where they were. With the Void Realm and Divine Essence, she is the closest person to Fu Hua, but this is not enough, she must be assisted by the rest of the people to attack.

Cheng Lingshuang's

expression was solemn and she used her sword move, and Honkai could be pulled by her to fill her body. The sword qi impacted, and she clenched the Xuanyuan sword to resist as if building an invisible high wall, and the attack of the immortals destroyed most of the martial arts training ground in an instant.

Only the ground under Cheng Lingshuang's feet remained intact, and the surrounding area was sunken into a deep crater as if it had been swept by a hurricane.

The counterattack came as scheduled, and the six of them looked for a blind spot attack that Fu Hua couldn't take care of. Kenshin never wavered, and they had already made up their minds that they had to accomplish this.

The immortal leaned over and pressed against the ground, and the Honkai energy could open up the six people like a magma eruption. The voice echoed in her head, sending her head with explosive pain, and her heart grew stronger and stronger, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

While defusing everyone's attacks, he leaped towards Cheng Lingshuang in one step, and the wooden sword swung to cut the opponent's shoulder, and blood bloomed in front of his eyes.

The latter resisted with a sword guard but was difficult to get out of, the severe pain made her face pale, and seeing Fu Hua's killing posture, Cheng Lingshuang began to mobilize the Honkai energy.

Master once said that she was a sword, and her heart was only to defeat the enemy in front of her. The stronger the killing intent, the more stable and powerful her sword intent became.

The void world of the Heart Lake was filled with countless twisted gray streamers, and the violent tremors seemed to shatter it.

Shen Yun!

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