Half a year after the collapse of Taixu Mountain.

People call this scene like a natural disaster and a gods-given scene: the red kite real person punishes evil and promotes good, cultivates the positive fruit and soars, and finally ranks in the immortal class.

The emperor, who heard the news, withdrew the warrant for the immortals, and issued an edict to apologize to the immortals.

How bad can the soaring red kite really be?

It's just that the edict didn't reach the most important people, and she wouldn't pay attention to it, and the result of the matter was not worth mentioning to her.

Taixu Mountain.

The summer breeze swept through the lush green grass, and the pain that had occurred here for half a year was gradually healed, and the mountain only partially collapsed, and the rest will probably take a few more years to recover.

The scene of harmony was broken by the sudden appearance of a figure, who was walking towards the hill, leaving a straight mark on the verdant meadow.

The cold and perfect face had no expression, the plain white back looked like an immortal, she walked very slowly, and a deep tiredness came from her.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Fu Hua's eyes moved slightly, she couldn't find the traces left by the incident half a year ago, they had already been buried in the deepest part of the green grass.

It was like a dream.

The immortal was stunned, and looked up at the only remaining house on the top of the mountain in the distance, perhaps he could find something there.

Breeze clouds.

In fact, this place can no longer be called a temple, and the shaking and impact destroyed most of the buildings of the Taoist temple, and only the ninth house at the bottom of the line survived.

Fu Hua, dressed in white plain clothes, stopped in front of the courtyard gate of that house, and the heaviness of her heartbeat seemed to be constantly beaten, and there were bursts of pain as if she had been beaten, and time had not smoothed her pain, which was and still is.

After stopping for a long time, the immortal walked into the courtyard and slowly walked to the wooden door, stretched out his hand to push it open.


A glimmer of light poured into the room from her side, dust falling and dancing in the light, and the simply furnished interior room came into view.

A slight sense of loss rose in Fu Hua's heart, this was Shen Fu's room, she thought she would find traces of the girl's life here, but there was nothing here.

Dusty beds, empty wooden tables.

Fu Hua sat on the edge of the bed and hesitated for a moment to open the wardrobe. When the dust drifted away, she finally found proof of the girl's existence, and several sets of pure colors and old gorgeous clothes were lying there neatly.

The immortal tried to touch it, but the danko-like fingers were covered with dust, which was shocking.

In fact, Fu Hua should have known that the girl revolved around her every day, and when she stayed in the mountains, she didn't practice swords because she wanted to make food better.

Even when I went down the mountain, I was thinking about how to buy ingredients that could supplement my nutrition.

Always tell yourself to pay attention to the details of your life.

Her life is all about you, how can she have her own life?Fu

Hua looked around a little dazedly, she was about to leave here, her new goal was far away, and she wanted to find more memories with the girl to survive this long journey.

When he was young, the immortal silently ripped off his headdress, and his gray hair fell like a waterfall on the bed. She lowered her eyes at the clean red-beaded headdress and slowly tied her hair.

Such a move seems very redundant, obviously it has already been tied, why should it be removed?

Fu Hua didn't understand what kind of thought arose at that moment, maybe she wanted to tell the girl that she was wearing this gift well.

The sporadic memories of life came to mind, and Fu Hua felt that he was really tired and wanted to lie down and fall asleep.

Fu Hua didn't choose to do that in the end, there wasn't much time left, and she had to leave soon.

After tying his hair, the immortal slowly stood up and stepped back with his back to the door. With each step, the scene in the room became clearer, the dust cleared, and the light shone in obliquely through the window, as if she saw the girl sitting on the edge of the bed.

What was Shen Fu thinking at that

time?"This time, Master didn't eat enough, is it because the taste is not good enough?Next time, I have to continue to work hard!" "Master

has eaten all the dishes! Sure enough, the fresh ingredients are good, so let's buy vegetables according to this level in the future...

It doesn't seem to be enough money..."

"Let's have a chance to buy a new set of clothes for Master." "

Master, Master..."

You are also a disobedient disciple, and you clearly said that you want to live for yourself.

Fu Hua closed the door, pressed his palm against the wooden door and whispered, "I'm leaving here, I'll come back to see you if I have a chance." That

incident and the price paid Fu Hua completely woke up to the fact that the long time of recuperation made her feel powerless, and she couldn't find a better way.

So the immortal thought of the white-haired saintess and the blonde-haired strategist who led the army to the battle decades ago, and perhaps those two could give a better solution.

There is another reason, although the wounds in the body have healed, the wounds on Fu Hua's soul cannot be healed, Kenshin has been cut in half, and the connection between her and it has been greatly reduced.

The fact that Shenyun could no longer be used meant that this martial art had become mediocre for Fu Hua.

The divine sound, which was used to sublimate itself and interfere with emotions, was also destroyed by the impact, and it still affects Fu Hua's brain to this day.

At this moment, the immortal is very weak, and she needs enough strength to protect Shenzhou.

It was destined to be a long journey, and Fu Hua had to travel from here to Europe, which could take years or decades, for the responsibility on her shoulders, and for the sake of her desire to try to live in a different place.

As Fu Hua, he truly lives for himself.


Taixu Town is as prosperous as ever, and the immortals walk in the surging crowds, and the hidden ability seems to strip her from the world and put her into another lonely world.

At a certain moment, the fragrance of flowers wafting from nowhere swept through the skirt of the immortal's clothes, and only for a moment it disappeared.

It was the scent of gardenia with morning dewdrops.

The Proust effect is an interpretation of a special ability deep in the human brain, which is defined as the ability to smell a familiar smell and start a memory of that time.

It's like riding a time machine, so that the details of the original scene are clear, and the mood at that time will be restarted.

Suddenly, Fu Hua returned to the day she left Taixu Mountain, and she and the girl stayed on the street for a while, because Shen Fu thought the tiger head hat was very good.

But I was reluctant to wear it.

The girl was not sad, she was pulling two pompoms by herself, her steps were light, she would shake her head every few steps, and she was as delicate as a little tiger.

Occasionally, she would call out a few times to Master, so that Fu Hua looked at her helplessly.

The breeze brushed her jet-black hair, her perfect face was illuminated by the light, her smile was bright and lovely, and her clear amber eyes were like jewels, and the hidden light was dazzling.

The two of them walked across the arched bridge together, and the mottled shadows of the trees cast on the gray walls, and their shadows were stretched far away.

At that time, Fu Hua was thinking that such a time should be very long.

The memories came to an abrupt end, and the immortal tried to recall those ethereal emotions, but he couldn't catch the slightest trace. She stared blankly at the mottled shadows of the trees, and slowly walked towards the arched bridge.

In the sunlight, the tree grew luxuriantly, and the shadow of the lonely girl was hidden in the shadows of the tree.

"The acacia blossoms are blooming and really beautiful. "

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