In the evening, Qin Suyi stood in front of the villa, she stretched out her hand to open the door, but suddenly hesitated. The girl withdrew her hand, then took a deep breath to calm her mind and pushed the door open and stepped inside.

Qin Suyi, who was illuminated by the incandescent lamp, suddenly lost her mind, and the sound of stir-frying oil from the kitchen attracted her attention, and the girl's figure was reflected on the ground.

Qin Suyi saw that the other party stopped moving, slowly walked to the door and poked her head out, the girl was stunned for a few seconds after seeing her face, and then smiled.

"Why did you suddenly come back today?" Shen Fu tilted his head, looking curious.

Qin Suyi naturally walked over and grabbed her hand, "Of course I miss you, haven't I been back for a long time, Shen Fu, you look surprised."

"I haven't been back for forty-five days. Shen Fu said exactly when she left.

Xia Di Green's death hit Qin Suyi hard, Shen Fu was worried that she would feel guilty and couldn't come out, they had many exchanges between them, but it seemed that it had no effect.

There was a faint sorrow hidden between the girl's eyebrows, which could not be dissipated.

Now that his friend is safe and sound, Shen Fu suddenly felt relieved.

She pointed to the dishes on the table and said, "The meal is ready, wash your hands and eat."

"Okay. Qin Suyi nodded obediently, and when she was young, she proposed, "That's right, I want to eat salad."

Shen Fu looked at the girl's slender figure, and her expression showed the worry of a deputy mother looking at her daughter, "But you seem to have lost a lot of weight, and if you are a vegetarian, you will completely change."

Qin Suyi scratched his head, "I haven't eaten it for a long time, and I suddenly want to eat it."

Seeing her sincere expression, Shen Fu chuckled and withdrew her hand, "Okay, I'll make you a little."

Seeing the figure busy in the kitchen again, Qin Suyi felt as if the soft place of her heart had been touched. After watching quietly for a long time, she went to wash her hands and sat down at the table and waited.

It didn't take long for Shen Fu to come out with a bowl of salad.

The few people left in the villa were Shen Fu and Qin Suyi, and the rest of them had their own things to do, so the two had dinner in a quiet atmosphere.

Qin Suyi gradually showed a look of enjoyment, and she couldn't help but sigh, Shen Fu's cooking was definitely the best food in the world.

A hint of melancholy swept through her heart, and she looked up at the girl sitting across from her. Sighing secretly, but there will probably be a long time before I can eat.

Qin Suyi proposed, "Let's go for a walk later."

"Okay. Shen Fu pursed her lips in response, she could see from the time she first met Qin Suyi that her friend probably came back with something on her mind.

The sun disappeared into the sky but the light had not completely dissipated, and the cool autumn wind blew through the maple forest, with a few golden leaves.

The two walked leisurely in the evening breeze.

Qin Suyi put her hands in her pockets, secretly mentally prepared, and then she said softly: "I have already applied with the head of the Delisha Academy, and I will leave St. Freya tomorrow." "

Where are you going?" Even though she vaguely guessed something, after hearing her words, Shen Fu was still stunned.

"Queenstown, I've passed the review to become a full member of the Kiwi Squad. Qin Suyi had a smile on his face, "There is just a shortage of people there." "

Is it because of Captain Chartygreen?"

"Hmm. Qin Suyi lowered her eyes, "Although you have all enlightened me, I still can't be relieved." I guess growing up means taking responsibility... I made a mistake at the time and I should make up for it.

So after coming back, Qin Suyi seemed to be a different person, actively participating in courses and training, and all those worries and inferiority complex disappeared. Becoming stronger became her goal.

Sometimes waking up from her sleep, Qin Suyi suddenly felt that the fire fairy was emitting a blazing light, she had known Xia Di Green for a short time, but that woman had changed her.

With the blessing of almost obsession, Qin Suyi successfully became a B-level Valkyrie with excellent results.

Qin Suyi used to be very worried about her future, but since the end of that mission, she has never thought about these things.

She lives with Charty Green's ideas and deserves to take on the responsibilities of the other party. Becoming a Valkyrie and fighting Honkai doesn't seem so scary.

She still remembered the conversation with Teresa in the office, when the head of the school with the information sheet looked at her in surprise, perhaps wondering why a student had changed so dramatically in such a short period of time.

Transferred to the Kiwi Squad, the application was denied at the beginning.

At B level, students also have to study in St. Freya for two to three years to become a full-fledged Valkyrie, and no one has ever left after only four months of entering the school.

Moreover, although Qin Suyi's grades were very good, she did not have a holy mark, which meant that in the state of wearing Valkyrie armor, her strength would not be much different from other Valkyries.

Delisha didn't want Qin Suyi to leave in this situation, because she might not have fully adapted to the life of a Valkyrie, and when she stepped on the battlefield, she would encounter a much higher degree of danger than others.

But Qin Suyi just asked calmly: "School Principal, for you, what does it look like for a student to really grow up?"

Talking about growth with the educator, Delisha could naturally answer this question easily, but she didn't speak, but waited for Qin Suyi to continue.

"I think it means learning to take responsibility, and the survivor has to carry the idea of the deceased to realize her dream. Qin Suyi said and took out the fire fairy with his waist, "This is Captain Chartygreen's weapon, I want to do what she once did." "

On the information sheet, Qin Suyi's gun training course is a full score.

Hearing these words, Delisa fell silent, and after a long time, she silently took out her seal and put it under the cover of the application, "Congratulations to you Qin Suyi, you are already a qualified B-level Valkyrie." "

Thank you. Treating the praise, Qin Suyi accepted it with a smile.

"But you still have to take exams once a semester until you actually graduate from St. Freya, and remember that you are still a student no matter where you go.

Delisha was very pleased that Qin Suyi could say this, when the girl first entered the school, she was also worried about whether the other party could adapt to life here, who would be willing to go from ordinary comfort to danger?


Shen Fu opened her mouth but couldn't speak, she felt that Qin Suyi seemed to have really grown up, and there was some tiredness in her eyes when she said these words.

Leaving may not be the best choice, but it is Qin Suyi's greatest wish and destination now.

Really grew up... Shen Fu felt relieved, and all the words in his heart turned into an indifferent sentence in his mouth, "Okay, I'll give it to you when I leave." "

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