"Senior Sister Seven, what are you doing?"

"Practice the sword, otherwise." "

Liar, you're obviously peeking.

"Senior sister, come closer and listen to whether I'm reciting the Sword Heart Decision.

Shen Fu looked up at Qin Suyi who was lying on the edge of the wall, and was speechless by the other party's serious appearance. It was Fu Hua's courtyard, this guy was obviously peeking at Master!

Time flew by suddenly, and it had been three months since Shen Fu came to Honkai Ancient Shenzhou, and she thought back as if it had happened yesterday.

stayed on the mountain to cultivate Taixu Sword Qi, and became a cook for eight people. The sword moves are familiar with the heart, but the heart has not yet entered the first stage.

Probably thinking that it was unrealistic for him to deceive, Qin Suyi turned around and beckoned to Shen Fu, signaling the other party to come to his side.

Shen Fu hesitated for a moment, jumped to her side in two or three steps, and his vision suddenly became wide, taking in the situation in the courtyard. At the same time, she also heard Qin Suyi reciting syllables, and she was really reciting the sword heart decision.

"What's there to see?" Shen Fu glanced at the courtyard.

In the bluestone slab-paved courtyard, a stout locust tree grows in the center, and its lush branches and buds almost cover the roof. Heavy snow solar terms, Shen Fu calculated that it should be the time of early December.

The leaves on the branches and buds withered and withered, and the only remaining leaves fell with a gust of cold wind, and the fairy stood at the bottom of the tree and reached out to catch a leaf, she turned her back to the two of them, and couldn't see clearly, and stood there quietly for a long time.

Qin Suyi retracted her gaze, "It's a little sad, isn't it, I heard that the master has lived for a long time, and those friends of hers have probably become dry bones a long time ago."

"yes. Shen Fu nodded, the expression on her face was hesitant, "Actually, senior brothers and sisters are also like this, what are they thinking in their hearts?"

She was still carrying out her plan to save Fu Hua, and with the identity of her junior sister, Shen Fu naturally approached everyone a lot, so she found that everyone had common characteristics.

They will always show sadness and confusion when they are alone. Cultivating Kenshin makes people fierce, so even if you live together, it's like people separated by a world.

"If you want to live and think about your goals, why don't you approach them and ask them if you're so curious?" Qin Suyi scratched Shen Fu's face with his fingers, and couldn't help pinching that soft face.

Shen Fu said helplessly: "Who said no?"

In order to change her, she tried to approach a few people, but the cold response forced her back. can only take one step at a time, Shen Fu knows that there is a great possibility of killing the teacher if it goes on like this, so becoming stronger is also in her goal, at least at the last moment, who can win and turn the tide of the battle.

"What about you, senior sister, don't be sad about spring and autumn. Shen Fu pinched Qin Suyi's face in return.

The faces of the two girls were white and soft, as if they could pinch out water.

Qin Suyi hesitated for a few seconds, "I... I don't need to worry about life, and I don't have a goal. In short, it's good to stay in Taixu Mountain and Master them. "

She's an exception, the only one of the Seven Swords who doesn't show sadness. During this period of time together, Shen Fu found that this Seventh Senior Sister had a very good personality except for being a little unassertive, and it was hard to believe that what happened to such a person would come to that point.

Qin Suyi withdrew her hand and cast her gaze, as if she was asking Shen Fu rhetorically.

"Save Master. Shen Fu did not shy away from saying it.

"What kind of weird statement is this?" Qin Suyi couldn't understand, many times it was difficult for people to understand the meaning of what her junior sister said, it was like talking nonsense.

Shen Fu jumped down from the wall and walked leisurely in the direction of the kitchen, it was almost time for her to cook. He replied casually, "You'll understand when you're my age." "

Oh..." Qin Suyi nodded thoughtfully, and soon she reacted. How could she grow up to Shen Fu's age, she was younger than herself, "Shen Fu, you fool me!" The

girl had already slipped away, but Shen Fu didn't fool her.

The sound of joy made Taixu Mountain a little less deserted, and several people practicing swords in the courtyard couldn't help but stop their movements and look at the door. Fu Hua, who was standing under the locust tree, also gradually came back to her senses, the dead leaves in her palm were blown away by the wind, and she cast her eyes in the direction of the falling leaves.

Shen Fu, she said that she appeared to save herself?The

third courtyard of Fuyunguan, arranged according to the ranking, is Su Mei's room.

The autumn wind was rolling, and the woman with bright red hair sat on a stone chair in the courtyard, with two cups of hot tea on the stone table beside her, she looked at the gray sky, and her eyes showed expectation, "It will snow in a few days, and it will definitely look good in the capital." There

was no response, Lin Chaoyu, who was sitting next to him, took a sip of tea, saw Su Mei casting a gaze at him, frowned, and said, "If you want to go down the mountain, go and tell the master, see what I do?"

"I want more than just going down the mountain." Su Mei smiled.

Fu Hua has an order that he is allowed to leave Taixu Mountain, but the time cannot exceed two months at most. How could such a short period of time be enough for Su Mei to see the world all over

?" "Still thinking about your plan?"

Lin Chaoyu asked, "Don't think about it anymore, it can't be successful."

"People have to have hope in life, don't they?"

In fact, Lin Chaoyu was very tempted by Su Mei's plan, but the probability of success was too low and could only be regarded as a fantasy.

"There's always the possibility of change. Su Mei continued, she held the cup and tapped it with her fingers, and Lin Chaoyu, who heard the sound, was very uneasy, "Now there is an uncertain factor that is reducing our possibility. "

You mean Shen Fu?" Lin Chaoyu stood up instantly, his brows furrowed, "Su Mei sober up, that's your junior sister!"

"I didn't say anything." Su Mei always kept a smile, "Of course I know it's a junior sister, but we get along for a short time."

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"No, it's almost time for her to go out and practice."

Lin Chaoyu looked at Su Mei with an unkind gaze. Among the seven swords, Su Mei has the most thoughts, she dares to think of any thought, and even implements it, she only loves herself, and those plans are rebellious actions for others.

Su Mei drank tea indifferently, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly.

Not long after the two were deadlocked, Lin Chaoyu flicked his sleeves and strode away.

At night, after dinner, Shen Fu knew the news that she had to go down the mountain to practice, and after cultivating the Taixu Sword Qi for three months, it was time for her to use the sword.

In the courtyard, Shen Fu listened to Lin Chaoyu talk about the rules of going down the mountain.

You can't use the name of the real disciple of the Red Kite to coerce others, you can't be too public, you can't kill innocents indiscriminately, and the most important person who enters the demon will not be forgiven.

"Your cultivation time is too short, so you can't go far away, this time it's just near the foot of Taixu Mountain, and the Seventh Senior Sister will accompany you. Lin Chaoyu's tone was gentle, and he did his duty as an eldest sister, "By the way, do you have a weapon?"

Shen Fu shook her head, she had been using Fu Hua's wooden sword for several months. Taixu Sword Qi cultivation is profound, even if she is a grass and a tree, she can make a sword and kill, obviously she has not reached that point yet.

"You wait for me.

Lin Chaoyu turned to leave, and it didn't take long for her to walk with a golden ancient sword in her arms. The moment she saw it, Shen Fu's eyes brightened.

It's actually the Xuanyuan Sword in the Key of God!

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