In the early morning, the golden sun shone on the barren land of Yae Village, and flocks of crows swept above the village, occasionally a few folded their wings and descended, finding their prey, some dead rotting carrion.

Yae Shrine is in its usual tranquility, Yae Sakura has to go out hunting, and make sure that he gets enough food every day to keep the villagers alive, and with the two highly skilled martial arts guests who arrived last night, there will definitely be no shortage of food.

And tomorrow is the sacrificial ceremony, and the dying people will come back to life.

Yae thought so, but he didn't expect that everything would start to improve at the most difficult moment in Yae Village, and after tomorrow, the Yae family's position in Yae Village would be more stable than ever.

Now he needs to get rid of all those tiny hidden dangers.

Yesterday, Sakura left the shrine with Rin without permission, and although the two had no intention of leaving, it didn't mean that Sakura had the idea of taking her away from here after learning that her sister had been chosen as a sacrifice.

In order to prevent such a possibility, it is necessary to make it impossible for Rin to leave. For example, she lost her legs...

Lust breeds extreme madness, and the man has long since lost sight of what family affection is, and in his eyes, letting the family control Yae Village for generations is more important than anything.

Yae single-mindedly summoned two followers, all of whom were in a state of chronic hunger, and looked sick as if anyone could defeat them, this was already the strongest combat power in Yae Village, "You guys stand outside."

He wasn't going to let others see this, not because of his daughter, but because Yae felt that his cruel appearance would leave a bad impression in the hearts of the villagers.

Anyway, Yae Sakura and the two guests all left, and although Yae Isshin was weak, he still had the ability to control a little girl.

"Do more to host the bother. The two villagers gestured to him respectfully.

Yae Isshin was very useful to this title, and he couldn't help but smile on his face, and walked in front of the two of them with a proud expression, and walked into the room where Rin was on the west side.

The corridor was quiet, and the sunlight could not reach this place, only the sound of slow footsteps of men. The grayish-blue dagger was hidden in the cuff, and he was going to use it next.

The road was not long, but Yae Isshin thought about it a lot, speculating in his mind about the scene after Rin saw him, happy or scared, cautious, what reason he should use to stay, and whether his youngest daughter would resist.

Yae Rin's body is very weak, and it is the point that the wind can blow it down if it is a little stronger, so no matter what she does, Yae Ichishin can control it, swing a knife above her heel and break the hamstring, and the matter is over.

Even if Rin escapes from the room, she will still be caught by the villagers standing outside the house at her speed.

As if seeing that he had already won, Yae Isshin couldn't help but smile, and waited until he stood in front of the door to regain his majestic appearance when he regained his father's role, and then reached out and slowly opened the door.

Let's see how Rin will treat his father.


Yae shouted out his youngest daughter's name with a bang, but he was stunned when he saw the scene inside the house. Yae Sakura, who had expected to go out hunting, did not leave, but knelt down at the table and let her sister sleep peacefully on her lap.

Hearing the sound, Yae Sakura looked back at her father, and there was no surprise in her expression, as if she had already expected such a situation.

From now on, the development of events is out of everyone's control, and the fate that was originally in a straight line is forcibly pulled out of another line, taking them away to unknown places.

Yae Isshin put on a majestic posture and said in a low tone, "Sakura, you should go out hunting, or everyone will starve to death!"

"I know. Yae Sakura nodded indifferently and repeated what she had said softly. She lowered her eyes to look at her sister's quiet sleeping face, and the candlelight fell on her pale cheeks, showing patches of crimson, as if her complexion had improved.

After a long silence, the shrine maiden looked up again and looked at her father with a serious expression, "But I think there is something more important than hunting. "

What do you mean..."Yae was stunned, he suddenly realized that his eldest daughter was disobedient to his thoughts, but last night she obviously didn't say anything, and her submissive appearance made people think that she would not resist at all! Yae

Ichishin resisted the crazy thoughts bred by desire, and his tone began to be cold, "Sakura, I've told you many times, Rin's body can't get better at all, no matter how much medicine will only hurt her body, there isn't much time, it's better to let her..."

"I want to pick Rin this time. Yae Sakura opened her mouth to interrupt her father's chatter, and her father, who was originally silent, was now behaving unusually.

The shrine maiden suddenly felt how ridiculous it was to think from the other party's point of view, because her father had never thought from their point of view, and greed filled that heart, and even poured out to expose it.

"Maybe the same thing has happened countless times, and I will choose to stand by your side every time, only this time, and only this time, I want to choose Rin. "

Last night, Yae Sakura and Fu Hua's conversation was inconclusive, and the immortal left after saying that, so the shrine maiden couldn't sleep all night, and when she closed her eyes, that cold cheek appeared in her mind.

The mood is somewhere between complete determination and endless sadness, and it is clear that Fu Hua's appearance does not look very old, and he may be younger than Yae Sakura... But that emotion is really like going through a lot of things, and until now I am still in the pain of regret.

Yae Ichishin frowned, "So you gave up your duties as a shrine maiden?"

"I didn't. My mother taught me to use a knife to protect important people.

Yae Sakura noticed that his father began to take deep breaths, as if he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and his eyes turned red, and he was extremely angry.

In the fierce wind, the short knife slashed through the air in front of the shrine maiden's eyes, and only a few centimeters away from disfiguring her. Yae Sakura flinched, clasped Rin in her hands, laid her flat on the tatami floor, and reached out to pull out the sword.

"Sakura, I'm disappointed in you!" Yae Isshin let out a beastly roar.

"Father, so am I..."

Outside the Yae Shrine, the two figures approached the villagers who were standing guard, since Yae Sakura did not go out hunting, Shen Fu and Fu Hua naturally would not leave.

They were standing outside, and the sound of a fight could already be heard inside the room.

"Let someone else take care of the housework. Shen Fu swung his knife and smashed it on the villager's neck, the strength was enough to make the other party unconscious and painful for a while.

But unexpectedly, the weak villagers did not fall in the blow, but instead waved their arms in red eyes to fight back, and the wind whistled.

Unexpected emotions flashed in Shen Fu's eyes, and Fu Hua's casual attack was also unsuccessful.

They realized that after the fate line changed, Kimimaru, who was the manipulator behind the scenes, would naturally not agree, so it changed the abilities of the villagers. After all, it's just a dream, and it's the master.

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