The sunlight turned into a trace of white light through the pure white curtain and fell on the desk, the sound of the sea breeze gently knocked on the glass, and the figure on the bed with a soft pillow almost sunk in seemed to be woken up, tossing and turning his body sluggishly, and his cheeks, which were as thin as a cloud, were facing the window, and his ice blue eyes were focused.

Immortals with tens of thousands of years of lifespan are also like ordinary maidens at a given moment.

The alarm clock set for six o'clock went off punctually, and a well-proportioned arm stretched out to press it, and the skin was as smooth and white as porcelain. Fu Hua woke up, and the next thing was to practice boxing and washing.

The daily life of the immortal is like a piece of paper full of plans, and everything will be done according to the set time, not a minute or a second.

Today, though, the time to practice boxing is going to be shortened. If there was a sense of nostalgia, Fu Hua couldn't change clothes and fold the quilt within the prescribed minute, she just pulled up the quilt to cover the snow-white swan neck, leaving only a cold and beautiful cheek looking at the sky through the gap.

The clouds are unevenly scattered all over the sky, and the bright sun shines without temperature, and the weather is great, and many people choose to go for a walk in the shopping streets and scenic spots.

Moving his gaze farther away, the immortal's eyes caught a subtle gray cloud drifting in, and it would soon turn cloudy and then rain, and the girls' excitement for shopping would be extinguished.

Thinking of these, Fu Hua was stunned for a long time, it always seemed that she would capture the unpleasant parts of this world, as if they were all aimed at herself.

In fact, it is impossible for the rain to stop anyone, everything is just her imagination.


Under the maple tree planted outside the villa, Fu Hua was silently practicing boxing, and the whistling sound stirred the golden maple leaves with the sound of punching.

Turning around and accumulating punches, without using Honkai energy, she can still play a strong wind flow, the so-called strength. There was a crisp popping sound, and the whole maple tree was shaking, and those maple leaves were crumbling as if they were about to fall.

Gradually, the immortal frowned, his fist spread out and turned into five fingers to retract. After pondering for a moment, he sighed silently.

Fu Hua admitted the fact that he was weakening, and from the moment the sword heart was broken, the traces of wear and tear that tens of thousands of years had been added to his body appeared. Even if it is a vast ocean, after a long time, the water level will be lowered.

This point began to be realized when she faced off with Scarlet Prison Pill and was forced to burn the Hado dust buried deep in her brain.

Unable to become stronger, Fu Hua can only prevent himself from becoming weaker through daily training.

Let's practice boxing one more time, remembering the time spent in bed this morning, Fu Hua thought. And just as she was about to get into the groove, a soft voice sounded out of place.

"Gui'an, Lord Fu Hua.

Fu Hua clenched her fist and let go helplessly, and behind her was a real maid embroidered with a large rose on the hem of her skirt, seemingly cultivated by ancient European nobles.

She looked back at Rita's charming cheeks, "So you're still here, I remember that the task Otto gave you should have been completed a long time ago." "

Won't Lord Fu Hua welcome me to stay in St. Freya?" Rita's friendly smile vanished, her eyelashes drooping, looking like she had been wronged after being hurt.

For those who are new to Rita, they will think that this beautiful woman is a pure lotus, but in fact, she is a rose.

The bright and dazzling exterior hides a large area of thorny thorns.

"Surprised, you're coming to me. Fu Hua looked away and replied lightly. She doesn't care about Rita's grievances, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive people, as far as she knows, Rita can complete no less than a hundred tasks just by her appearance.

The enemy of Destiny is not only Honkai, but also the human side. The creation of the assassination type Valkyrie was aimed at this type of people.

"You should find the school principal, she will be happy to accompany you for tea.

Seeing that she couldn't impress Fu Hua, Rita quietly put away her aggrieved expression, secretly frowned at that cold face, and then admired the other party's beautiful side face, "Lord Delisa is very distressed now, and my invitation to her for tea was refused... She was thinking about how to tell the bishop about the lack of funds. "

Because of that?" Fu Hua asked casually.

"Yes, Miss Shen Fu has almost eaten up the funds of the Far Eastern Branch twice in a row. Rita smiled and bowed.

For the first time, Shen Fu used up several tons of inhibitors during the Stigmata operation, although inhibitors are very basic in the technology of Destiny, but the problem is that the amount used is too large.

It was also this incident that caused the Far East branch to fall into financial constraints, which led Rita to come to St. Freya to warn Delisa. Fortunately, as an elder, Otto still dotes on his granddaughter very much, and deliberately allocates funds to fill the vacancy.

The second time was a recent occurrence, Shen Fu's death and gentrification. The consumption of tons of inhibitors has doubled the funding of the Far East branch, and no matter how much he indulges his granddaughter, Otto also needs a perfect explanation from Delisa.

The nun has been agonizing for a long time.

"If you can get people back, come back a few more times, and the choice of the school principal is the same.

"Indeed, Master Teresa loves every student equally. Rita nodded in agreement to Fu Hua's words, and after a short silence, the maid whispered, "What about Lord Fu Hua?"

Fu Hua looked at Rita in confusion, not understanding the meaning at all. She's not an educator, she's a monitor and a spy at the end of the day, so she can't say that she loves every student equally.

But she is kind to every girl in St. Freya, so she is at the top of the most popular list all year round.

"I mean... Miss Shen Fu. Rita said leisurely.

The group is narrowed down to individuals, and the target is clear, but what comes out of the maid's mouth is like something that is unintentionally spoken during a family routine.

"You're not a gossip person. Fu Hua stared into the other party's eyes, his ice blue eyes were as smooth as ice, "You have delayed my boxing practice time for three minutes." Not

recognizable in the embarrassment after being rejected for communication, Rita kept smiling, "You should take a look at this."

Fu Hua looked back, Rita was holding her phone, and on the screen was St. Freya's School Forum. And the title of the most popular post with a spark logo at the top is as follows:

[This month's first double tweet is shocking!Big and small demon king living together

photo!] [New revelation, the big devil and the little devil are walking by the sea, she actually made this kind of action?]

[The latest release, the little devil was given a gift, suspected of confession? The big devil should feel the crisis!].

The popular list of the St. Freya forum has been blown up by Shen Fu and Fu Hua, and when you click on those posts, all the girls are cheering for the happy dog food.

In fact, Shen Fu didn't just live with Fu Hua, everyone lived together in Jizi's teacher's villa. And the matter of walking has been popular for a few months, and it stands to reason that students should not be surprised if someone posts again.

As for the gift-giving after the anti-entropy attack, Shen Fu and Fu Hua became dazzling stars on the battlefield that night, and it was normal to conquer the hearts of some girls.

There is no doubt that someone has expanded ordinary news and deliberately tied them together to make it a hot spot today. But what's the point of doing this?,Does it satisfy the girls?

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