[New photo, big and small demon king training ground duel.] Just

in the evening, a new post appeared on the St. Freya forum. As the title suggests, clicking into it brings up several profile photos of two girls with diametrically opposed temperaments swinging fists in the background of a wide metal room.

The real fight is not a show, simple luck swings punches, with the least amount of attrition to injure, or even kill the enemy, this is the right way.

So the two didn't pose for any beauty, but it seems that the cameraman's skills are too superb, and they will be trained to shoot a very ornamental beauty.

This approach was naturally well received by the students, and the number of likes on the post soared to the tenth place on the popular list within a few minutes, and the top nine were all related information about Shen Fu and Fu Hua without exception.

"How did the landlord do it

?" "Did the landlord set his eyes on the Gao Leng group?"

"Thank you, today's cp has arrived. The landlord remembers to pay attention to safety, if such a fanfare is caught, the consequences are very serious. "


If you look more carefully, you can find that the posting account is a new account with a low level, and its first post was half a month ago, and it was also after the arrival of a dazzling S-class Valkyrie.

In the late autumn season, the bright colors of the golden maple leaves gradually fade after the cool cold wind blows, and the leaves collide with each other, and the sound of "whooshing" is like a surging wave, and the light shines on the path through the forest.

Shen Fu lowered her eyes and looked at the phone, her fingertips slid lightly, the screen moved down quickly in her eyes, and after reading all the information, she turned off the mobile phone, and her soft cheeks showed a funny and helpless look.

She still underestimated the essence of the saint Freya Valkyrie girls, but she didn't expect them to be so interested in knocking CP. For example, Mei Yi x Kiana x Bronya, Deresa and Himeko, these are all popular combinations in the comment area.

And, of course, the latest herself, Fu Hua.

If you just see the picture, forget it, now the poster almost has eyes on them, observing all the time, which is uncomfortable.

Shen Fu subconsciously looked back behind him, the residual red afterglow pulled the backs of the two of them for a long time, and the light falling from the forest was like a thin mist, and no one could be seen.

Looking at the girl's sudden move, Fu Hua said lightly: "Are we going back?"

When you go back, you will spread Yudu dust outside the villa, once a stranger steps in, Fu Hua will instantly notice and catch the other party. And then she will teach that person a lesson....

"Wait a minute. Shen Fu turned around, "The equipment department said that they would give me a gift when it got dark." Hearing

this, Fu Hua asked suspiciously, "When did you get in touch with the equipment department?" "

Just a few days ago, they invited me to do the experiment, and after it was over, they said that they would give me a gift today. "

Returning to normal from severe death, coupled with the healing ability and explosive ability beyond ordinary people, Shen Fu has completely become a sparkling gem in Afra's eyes, so that she and the entire equipment department can't help but want to analyze the ingredients.

Although she had been warned by Teresa, Afra still invited Shen Fu to conduct an experiment, but she still restrained herself and only collected the girl's body values.

After the research and development of the god-killing spear could not find an experimental product and had to stop the progress, the equipment department started research in a new direction non-stop, and the general-purpose fourth-generation Valkyrie armor was used.

The fourth generation is also known as the god-killing level, even if the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters only has a few sets in reserve, a large amount of material consumption is bound to be unable to do mass production, and if you want to achieve the degree of universal use, the difficulties faced by the equipment department can be imagined.

Therefore, they are ready to create the first set of fourth-generation armor with Shen Fu as the main body.

It is worth mentioning that except for the physical values, the equipment department has not made any progress so far, and the materials, drawings and research directions are all blank.

"When using equipment items, don't use them if there are any special options. Fu Hua told uneasily, even she was almost killed by that group of people.

The figure reflected in the afterglow swayed slightly, and the two chatted and left the maple grove. It was quiet for a long time before a new figure came out from behind the tree, and she took a pen and paper with her, looking at the blurred figure from a distance to think, and lowered her eyes to write something.

As far as observation and analysis are concerned, Master Fu Hua's feelings for Shen Fu are extremely subtle, between friends and friends, but they have not yet reached the level of lovers. I think it's the tedious tasks that prevent this barrier from being breached.


After the recording was completed, Rita picked up the camera to record a photo of the back, in which the shadows of the two seemed to melt together, and the blurred figure of the setting sun depicted a magnificent silhouette.

Apparently, the post that dominated the St. Freya forum came from Rita. Recently, the maid's object of observation was Fu Hua, and as she said, Otto was worried about the recent situation of the immortals.

Men's plans are always laid out from a long time ago, carefully planned for many years, like a puzzle that is about to be completed, and suddenly find that one of the pieces of the pattern does not match anywhere, and the consequence of that will inevitably be to disassemble and reassemble.

A price that Otto could not afford.

Although the secret observation made Fu Hua and Shen Fu uncomfortable, there was always someone to do something bad, and compared to killing, Rita was very calm about this matter.

After all, Valkyrie's duty is to follow orders, and she also needs a report sheet to successfully complete her mission.

The faint Honkai could blur the dividing line between her and the world from the thin maid outfit embroidered with large roses and the evenly long legs wrapped in black stockings.

Inadvertently, it will only feel like there is no one. Even if you look closely, the maid's delicate body seems to melt into the surrounding scenery and light.

To be able to take so many photos without being discovered, of course, only Rita, who has been trained in camouflage skills.

Judging from recent observations, I don't think Shen Fu has the potential to interfere with the development of events. Through the analysis of what Master Fu Hua said, as well as the analysis, the relationship between them is more like a kind of protection and compensation for indebtedness.

Master Fu Hua's daily life is very regular, maybe she really has a schedule full of plans, and she will do things according to it, and it will not be a minute or a second. For her, the future has also been planned.

Everything is set a long time in advance, and what needs to be done is done at the specified time.

Shen Fu's resume before the age of eighteen was quite bland, and it was impossible for her to appear in Master Fu Hua's schedule. Although she suddenly broke in now, I don't think her future will have much to do with Master Fu Hua.

They will be together for a long time in this way, and they may come together, but the future will be different. That is, Shen Fu was protected by Fu Hua to avoid suffering more disasters and suffering.

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