New Zealand time zone, 12 a.m.

Christchurch, a deserted cathedral on the outskirts of Christchurch. The moonlight shines through the dusty glass of the minaret's dome, which has been abandoned for many years, and the dust is scattered and fluttering in the moonlight, and it is probably difficult to breathe.

Now the church is brightly lit, and dozens of benches are full of people, all dressed in dark red robes and hoods, covering most of their faces, only their chins are exposed, or they are white or covered with stubble, delicate, and wrinkled old people.

The most striking thing in the church is the figure standing on the podium inside, also wearing a robe hood, beside him, a new and huge harp is gently caressed, a series of crisp music sounds, and the moonlight flows quietly like water.

"Tonight we gather together to welcome the newborn gods!" came the man's deep voice from under the dark red hood, and the melodious vocal music of the harp suddenly accelerated, and with his shocking few words, thunderous applause resounded throughout the church in an instant.

God. In the case of modern materialism, it is an illusory creature.

But there were always those who believed in him, and the apostles, who discovered something strange in the darkness of the world, and thought that they were gods, should shine his light on the world.

To someone on the other side of the world, there may be a god, but his presence will only make things worse. The so-called gods descended on Honkai, which was a disaster that violated the laws of nature.

The man gave a rambling speech about his own experience witnessing the birth of a "new human", a creature that would not feel any pain, and that if all people became new humans, there would be no more calamities in the world.

The church erupted in applause, silent, and everyone listened intently to the speech, hoping for a way to become a new human.

In the crowd, several faces with small snow-white chins, the corners of their lips maintained a flat curve, they did not seem to be as excited and fanatical as the others, and their eyes hidden under the hood shone sharply.

Takemi's snow-black eyes stared at the man on the podium, and Valkyrie's excellent eyesight measured the featureless face through the gloom.

The target, Harvey André. crimes, spreading information related to Honkai and organizing churches, conducting human experiments without authorization, resulting in dozens of people being eroded by Honkai and dying.

Most of the Valkyries are tasked with the goal of clearing the Honkai, but there are also times when it comes to humans, such as the madmen who wantonly preach the Honkai.

Honkai is no secret, and the highest figures in the world know about this irregular and devastating catastrophe, but Honkai must not be known to the masses, otherwise it will cause panic.

When no one knows how long they will live, as if tomorrow is the end of the world, a harmonious society will definitely become chaotic.

In order to put an end to this possibility, the Valkyries often had to clean up these madmen.

Harvey was a fish that slipped through the net of the Holy Church in the previous few months, and he was originally an inconspicuous character in the church, but fortunately he was lucky enough to avoid being caught during the purge.

Immediately after that, the man decided that he was the new god apostle and began to establish a new holy religion, and his luck seemed to have been good, and he escaped from the Valkyrie several times in succession, from the queen to Christecech.

Now, he can't escape. The Kiwi Squad had laid a net in the ruined church before tonight's speech.

Feeling that the time was ripe, Wu Jianxue turned her head to look somewhere, the girl's eyes met hers, Xia Lu received the instruction, followed by Manna.

The three of them got up in unison, and Harvey had to stop his speech and look at them suspiciously, and the eyes of nearly a hundred people in the entire church were cast at the same time.

"World Special Security and Defense Agency. Wu Jianxue took off her pocket to reveal her beautiful face, she took out her ID and said coldly, "Harvey Andre, you have been arrested. There

was a commotion in the crowd, but no one fled, as if they were all shocked by the coldness of the woman.

The harp stopped playing, and Harvey looked at the three Valkyries on the field in silence, he knew the strength of the other party very well, and when the hundreds of well-armed Holy Sects were purged, there were only three people, and it was the woman in front of him.

The church is a cage, and there is no possibility for him to escape, and he cannot outwit the other party by force.

But the man's eyes, hidden under the hood, showed no panic, and he only pulled the corners of his mouth, "They will no longer be the prey of the Gentiles, and the wild beasts of the earth will no longer devour them." but twelt in safety, and no one shall be afraid. "

It turns out that hyenas really exist. "

Stand there!" Takemiyuki roared suddenly, running like a gust of wind and pounced on the man. How can a guy who can read the following scene in the Bible just be lucky? Such a madman must have a mind far beyond ordinary people.

"It's a herd of buffalo. Harvey ignored Wu Jianxue and scanned the entire church with a cold gaze.

He didn't need to speak, all the worshippers stood up under his gaze, and the people rushed towards the church door in unison, the same robes and hoods, and now they were no longer believers with faith, but a group of fleeing prey.

People stepped on the benches and rushed to the gate like a tidal wave, and chaos descended.

Takemiyuki's pounce eventually failed, and Harvey had already blended into the crowd before she arrived, the same appearance and confusion, as if he had nearly a hundred doppelgangers.

What's worse is that in the process of fighting to escape from the church, many women and elderly people with slightly weaker constitutions were pushed to the ground in the crowd.

They didn't even have a chance to get up, and countless pairs of feet stepped heavily on them. Suddenly, wails rang out one after another, Wu Jianxue looked at the chaotic crowd, she gritted her teeth and ordered Xia Lu and Manna, who were struggling to push away the crowd, "Maintain order, no casualties!" In

her heart, except for Harvey, these organized cultists did not commit any crimes, they were just superstitions.

Ironically, they were the ones who interfered with the progress of the mission, and now they have to be saved.

But there is no way, the Valkyrie's duty is to protect humanity. Even if they hurt themselves not long ago.

Manna and Xia Lu, who received the order, were not confused, and with their huge strength, they dragged the people next to them and began to forcibly maintain order. Wu Jianxue glanced at the harp beside her, she obviously couldn't have stroked it as gently as before, but pulled it casually.

A loud cacophony resounded through the church, and the congregants had to cover their ears to avoid cracking their eardrums, but the scene finally calmed down, but many people had already fled through the gates.

The crowd fled in all directions, each of them was a red robe and hood, and only the chin could be distinguished, but in this chaotic scene, who could tell which

one was Harvey? At this time, Wu Jianxue and the others were still maintaining order, checking the disciples who were under control one by one, hoping that Harvey had not been able to escape from here, but what they didn't expect was that this man was as smooth as a loach in addition to luck and thinking.

Harvey managed to blend into the crowd and escape, his eyes hiding in the darkness flashing with disdain, and the Valkyries were often dragged down by these uncontrollable and invulnerable factors that led to the failure of their missions.

By letting him flee this time, Harvey will not stay in New Zealand, but will travel to various countries to teach his teachings.

What the man didn't expect was that in the dark night, the hidden that he would never be discovered had already been detected, the crosshairs were aimed at the position of the chest, and the sniper hundreds of meters away quietly pulled the trigger, the faint light of fire flashed, and the gunfire was silenced in the wind.

Harvey suddenly stopped running, his stiff expression lowered his eyes and stared at his chest, the dark red robe oozing real blood from within, staining it extremely vividly. A bullet the size of a chopstick hit him, and it was hard to find the wound, but the bullet did pierce the heart.

The man opened his mouth and looked around dejectedly, perhaps trying to save himself, but he could no longer make a sound.

The net designed by the Kiwi Bird Team was never a chapel like the three Takemi Snow and a cage, but a sniper who was planted outside, like death holding an invisible scythe to his neck to harvest his life.

In the darkness, the sniper picked up his gun and left where he was, and in the distance Harvey fell to the ground at the church gate, countless pairs of feet stepping over him, and no one noticed that their leader had died tragically.

The sniper pressed the headset and said calmly: "Qin Suyi, the mission target is confirmed to be dead." "

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