It's like throwing stones into a calm lake, and a thick curtain of clouds that obscure the sun pushes away the ripples. It's an unnatural weather phenomenon that requires two winds strong enough to blow clouds and mist in the same spot, and only meteorological-grade weapons can do this.

But who would use strategic things to create strange landscapes?

In fact, there are no weapons here, only two collisions and separate figures. The imaginary turquoise wings flapped like butterfly wings, hovering in mid-air with the girl, and the Honkai could flow wantonly to form terrifying waves of qi to push the clouds.

The green light in those eyes flowed to the extreme, and the power was released. As the girl slowly clenched her hands, the ground was crumbling, and the ceiling of the restaurant not far away had been blown away by the impact at some point, and the storm swept here.

Tai Chi Hua Jin

In the case of no one attacking in front of her, Fu Hua made a posture of pushing backwards, as if a fist was coming head-on and was defused by her, her hand grasped the spear formed by the invisible Honkai energy, and the attack that was enough to penetrate the body of the Emperor Honkai Beast was easily crushed by her.

"Haven't you gotten out of the cocoon yet? Fu Hua indifferently looked at the girl who spread her wings to cover the sky, in the previous hundreds of collisions, she had the upper hand as the ending, such a situation, maybe she didn't need to wait for the arrival of other S-ranks, she could solve it alone.

The emotionless words seemed to touch Wendy's inner wound, and the girl snorted coldly, and the wings flapped to set off a storm, and thousands of spears fell.

The Sky Gondola, and indeed the entire mountaintop, trembled under oppression, and the Lawgiver's casual attack was enough to flatten half of the mountain. But before they could fall completely, the streamer that distorted the black and white world wiped out all the spears in midair.

Circles of crashing air shattered the walls of the restaurant. In the blink of an eye, the Sky Gondola building ceased to exist, and Wendy looked up at the steady figure that was flying from her sleeves in the storm.

On the cold and unworldly face, the ice blue faded from the pupils of those eyes at some point, and turned into a faint red, dazzling as if it could hit the soul directly.

【Thousand Stars】Unlimited release.

In the noisy wind, a crisp bell swaying was particularly clear, and the red beaded headdress tied with a strand of gray hair transformed into a magnificent red feather.

Hado dust released.

If everyone uses Honkai energy with color, then at this moment, you can see that in the ruins, two Honkai energy can spread out the color that covers the sky, and each half of the sky occupies half of the sky and collides with each other.


The calm in Wendy's eyes faded, and her gaze was as fierce as a beast facing a mortal enemy. The lawgiver who is almost inhumane gives birth to extreme emotions, longing for a new round of oppression of gems to give them greater power and power.

As Fu Hua said, the birth of a lawyer will have a cocoon breaking period, long or short, and she cannot fully grasp the full power of the lawyer during this time.

Wendy wasn't supposed to be so vulnerable, and before Fu Hua arrived, she unleashed most of her power to make something...

The enemies she faces are the Butchers of Destiny, and the enemies of the Valkyries are not so fond of them, such as Hyaenidae (hyenidae) Rita Lothweser and Tyrant (tyrant) Bianca Eulandel Atagina.

The ugly name has a murderous aura full of blood and cold at the same time, and everyone should stay away from it the moment they hear the pronoun.

The butcher is stronger than the hyena, and no one knows who is stronger, she or the tyrant, but there is no doubt that these two must be the beings who stand at the top of the pyramid of the human world.

Unwilling, unwilling! The lawgiver who almost annihilated humanity became more and more angry.

She is no longer unwilling to accept the fact that the person who should be in that position is herself. She deserves a better future, everything is from that operation... It starts with the man who chooses himself.

She had nothing left.

The rippled clouds suddenly began to converge, the whistling wind stopped in an instant, as if losing hearing, and the immortal stepped through the ruins and rushed towards Wendy, the whole world roaring in silence in sight.

Gradually, the clouds poked out of the monstrous head of the beast, its jagged spikes covered with its sharp, twisted face, and it opened its fanged mouth and roared at the small figure on the ground.

Honkai Derivative, a dragon full of Western colors!

The clouds and mist frame its slender neck, and it is a shocking scene, and anything can be bitten open by it hundreds of meters of its body.

Compared to the dragon, Wendy is too small with her wings outstretched, while Fu Hua is more like dust particles in the shimmering light. The Sky Cable Car is left with nothing but barren land, and the traces of sinuous cracks spread.

The dust particles seemed to be blown up by the wind and met the dragon's drooping head. In a world where the wind is still and dead silent, everything seems unusually calm.

The particles slammed into the ground in midair, pitch-black iron boots emerged from her ankles, and fiery red streamers from the thrusters stained her like a meteor.

The monstrous dragon's head was torn apart in an instant, without any sound, showing the scene of the stars falling in the gray world, and the attack was like a blast of sound, blasting away the light and heat, and finally piercing the world.

Fu Hua fell to the ground, his indifferent cheeks, scarlet pupils, and murderous intent permeated like a substance, and his clothes hunted in the re-raised wind, like an immortal who had left an independent world.

The black iron boots were restored to the white sneakers, and there was not the slightest scar on the immortal's body, if there must have been, it was probably the cuff that was cut by the wind blade when she smashed the dragon...

Wendy looked at Fu Hua in a daze, and she felt the gap between the two of them like a moat. No matter what she becomes, in the deepest part she will always be that weak and inferior girl, unable to match the S-class Valkyrie.

Fu Hua walked towards the girl, and nothing could stop them, "That's it."

She raised her well-proportioned arm, the streamlined gauntlets clinging, purple light flashing. [Constellation of the Gods] Nuada of Broken Light is named after the leader of the Danu gods in Kettel mythology, just like the master who uses it, the god of war of destiny.

It's all over, and before the Lawgiver gets through the shell breaking period, Fu Hua will kill Wendy here. With the tragic war of fifteen years ago as a precedent, no matter how the other side resists, the winner will be decided.

Wendy didn't run away, and there was no fear of being scared on her cheeks. She looked at Fu Hua very calmly, as if she expected the situation to come to this point.

In the roaring wind, the distance between the two sides continued to close, waiting for the other party to make a new move.

Wendy gently exhaled a faint syllable, and a new wound appeared in the shattered clouds of the sky, which was an arc dozens of meters long.

A pale green spear hundreds of meters long rang out and smashed between the two of them, and the top of the mountain trembled violently, and it was completely impossible for the Sky Cable Car to be rebuilt.

The battle has caused landslides to occur.

"Now for the second round. A smile appeared on Wendy's face, "Have you ever played Russian roulette?"

- thank you Lu Qing and Ban Duck for the gift!

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