"Bang Bang

Fu Hua opened her lips slightly and took a deep breath of cold air, and after the Holy Freya school uniform was shattered, it revealed the practice uniform that lined her body, and she was injured, and the blood beads on her wrist spilled and rolled down, evaporating in the Honkai rain.

The third round of the game ends, with a total of sixty-three spears released. In a large enough number, random selection can also cause both sides to suffer a huge shock.

Compared to the lacerations on the skin of the immortals, Wendy, the Fourth Lawr, completely lost her human form, and her body was pierced with dozens of wounds, large and small.

That's what anyone with a weak mind would scream at the sight of, like a deformed statue. Under the gaze, the blurred wound extended bloodshot outward, and it grew and healed like a crazy bud.

So far in the game, it has been seen that compared with the lawyer, Fu Hua is more powerful, but the rules of the game are not advantageous to her.

As a human Valkyrie, she will die if she is too badly injured, but as a lawyer, she can recover if her core is not damaged.

In less than a minute, the miserable white cheeks with a wanton smile appeared in Fu Hua's field of vision.

Emotions are born out of almost nothingness of human nature, as if there is a voice in the deepest part of the brain telling Wendy that this is the right thing to do. The girl's smile was crazy to the extreme, and the disdain and pride in her eyes were extremely obvious.

S-class Valkyrie? was dragged down by emotions that should have been thrown away but could not be thrown away, so that he was injured and died here. If humanity is erased, they are the biggest weapon against Honkai, but that can't be done, the weapons that can't be controlled are not allowed to exist in the Mandate of Heaven and the whole world.

Six spears appeared, and the wheel of fate began to spin again. Twenty-one spears are shot down, and no matter who bears more, the loss of the immortals will inevitably increase.

Without the Lawgiver's ability to heal quickly, she couldn't give up the lives of millions of people, so she could only continue this crazy gamble.

Wendy blinked her long eyelashes, quietly waiting for Fu Hua to say "Go on", she finally had the opportunity to step on her feet along with her dreams.

After being silent for a long time, the immortal's crimson pupils flashed a trace of dazedness, as if the ice in the depths of the tundra had cracked open for hundreds of millions of years, and the emotions that should not have appeared on her were noticed by Wendy, "Is it worth it?" "

Of course it's worth it.

The big people don't care about the destruction of a girl's life and dreams, they destroy a lot every day, Wendy is not worth mentioning at all, maybe she should be glad that she survived.

For the girl herself, everything was destroyed in her, and the sky and earth in her life collapsed and there was only a darkness with no end in sight. Not willing to end, or willing to be manipulated to death like a puppet, she seized the only chance for revenge.

Is it really worth it?

New thoughts arose in the lawyer's brain, confusion in the glowing pupils. Wendy has already given the answer, but why is she still wondering?

Tiny red fragments flew in the rainstorm, like a swarm of bright butterflies surrounding the two of them, gradually dissipating into the hazy rain curtain.

Yu Duchen. Second power rating.

As early as the first conversation, Hado's feathers were buried in Wendy's only humanity. For a long time, Fu Hua not only played games with her, but also observed the things that Wendy longed for in the deepest part of her heart when she was born as a Valkyrie.

Dig in a life that is only in ruins. The girl's fate is uncertain, and after the orphanage, St. Freya, and the kiwi are all gone, she longs for the gem to become the only thing she can rely on.

Is it worth it?

Asking the same question in a different voice, Wendy meets with Delissa, everyone in the Kiwi Squad, and the dead Chardy Green.

The outcasts chase the phantom, and when she looks back, she realizes that she has lost more on this path than she had at the beginning.

The torrential rain that can be formed by the collapse can be poured out, like a twisted world, and the girl in the gray mist seems to return to that intersection, to the left is the abyss of revenge, and to the right is broken but can still glimpse a beautiful life.

Shattered memories flashed through my mind, re-embodying them like a marquee. Wendy gets another chance to choose, and the dream of Hado's transformation will drag her deeper into the reincarnation.

A light mist spit out from the red lips, and the Honkai energy was manipulated to the extreme, so that the temperature of the immortal's body reached an alarming level, and looking at the figure standing in the rain curtain, Wendy's glowing eyes were dimming.

Fu Hua finally got a little respite.

She doesn't care about the choices Wendy made for the second time she experienced her life, after all, it was just a dream after all, and the probability of the lawmaker turning into a reversal was very low, and not everyone was a thunderbolt Mei.

And even if Raiden Mei has no tendency to become a lawyer again, she is always under the watchful eye of the Mandate of Heaven, and the bomb planted in her heart puts her life in the hands of others.

Wendy is not Mei Yi, and she will not let her fate be at the mercy of others. She had only just gotten rid of it, how could she possibly tolerate herself going back to hell?

Killing the Fourth Lawgiver will result in the other party sinking to death in an illusory dream. Fu Hua walked towards the girl, and Nuada of Broken Light spit out scorching steam at full power, and the immortals had already done this more than once.

"That's the ending you want?"

Wendy panicked by the familiar faces, as if she had just graduated from St. Freya, and Teacher Teresa personally flew each student who was sent to teams around the world.

She would say something meaningful or blessed to everyone, but it changed when it was Wendy's turn.

Teresa remembered the girl who walked out of the orphanage, and Wendy stood in front of the sacred St. Freya's school, watching every girl who walked in it, and she herself was afraid to enter for a long time.

Cowardly and confused, it seems to be out of place in this world.

When Wendy was nervous, a hand gently patted her on the shoulder. It was a little girl who was shorter than her, and she had to stand on tiptoe when she moved, but her immature face was kind and majestic.

"Don't be afraid, everyone is out of place in the world at first." That's the first thing Delisha and Wendy say, "You'll find the answer here."

So before leaving the school park,Theresa still didn't forget to ask Wendy:"Is this the result you want?" The

panic on the girl's cheeks disappeared in a moment, and she looked at the figures, her eyes rising proudly, "Yes... That's the way I want it to end. "


The impact of the Honkai energy diffusion forcibly stopped Fu Hua, who was moving forward, she frowned, and the light of the girl's pupils in her sight became dazzling again, and the streamer of power rotated to the extreme.

The next moment, the girl flapped her fictitious green wings and rose back into the air, and the Fourth Lawgiver awakened.

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