“The prerequisites have been deleted, so what’s the point of the post-rewards no matter how generous they are.”

Perhaps it was the failure that he had not experienced for a long time that made Hungry Monkey a little uncomfortable, and he complained and complained a lot more.

Chen Miao's face narrowed slightly in a strange way.

He has always been able to complete this task.

But what I have always considered is a cost-effective issue, that is, is it worth spending 100,000 star coins to buy such an E-level secret realm with a perfect clearance evaluation?

Originally it was not worth it.

But now the rewards are doubled, the experience value is doubled 10 times, and two C-level career-specific props are also given.

Then this reward is somewhat worth it.

100,000 star coins is just 2 million credits.

You can't buy two C-level props with 2 million credits, let alone two, and you can't buy even one.

The exchange ratio between credits and star coins is 20:1.

This is true in theory.

But the biggest problem is——

Star coins are not made by the Federation, but are produced in the secret realm. There are indeed a large number of people selling star coins on the market, and an exchange ratio is formed that everyone recognizes.

But the number of star coins is limited after all. No matter how many credit points you have, you can exchange them for star coins if you want to.

There are many issues involved here.

But these problems have nothing to do with Chen Miao at this time. He only needs to know that his 100,000 star coins can be used to their maximum value at this moment!

“A good deal!”

Chen Miao nodded with satisfaction, and then without any hesitation, he took out the zombie generator from his arms and activated it on the spot.

Now that it is confirmed that this transaction can be done, the next action must be done quickly, lest the mission fails due to lack of time, and not only the star coins are wasted, but also no rewards are obtained.

The next second——

I saw the colorful portal suspended in mid-air again.

Accompanied by prop activation.

A piece of kraft paper vaguely appeared in the air. It looked like something like a contract. Lines of text were being automatically generated on it. The text he didn't recognize looked a bit like a variant of Chinese characters.

Each character is as square as a Chinese character.

But I just can’t understand the consciousness.

He only saw the number 100,000, and before he had time to react, he saw his signature of Chen Miao suddenly appeared at the end of the piece of kraft paper, and then the piece of kraft paper flew straight into the colorful teleportation inside the door.

What followed was a silent silence.

Chen Miao looked at everything in front of him in confusion, not knowing what was going on. This was completely different from his previous experience of using props. This time it was more like those believers who made deals with Satan in the Middle Ages. What was it like? Mysterious sacrificial rituals.

And at this moment——

The colorful portal in the room suddenly began to rotate at a faster speed, then flew straight out along the window and landed in an abandoned construction site not far outside the hotel.

They stood by the window overlooking the abandoned construction site.

It is worth mentioning that this abandoned construction site has basically the same structure as the abandoned construction site they passed before. This also shows that not only the NPCs in this secret map are manufactured using batch templates, but even the buildings are also selected. Batch template building.

This is also the biggest loophole that is different from reality.

To be realistic, at least it is difficult for you to meet someone with the same voice, face, and tone as you, let alone someone who is still engaged in the same profession.

Then they watched helplessly as the colorful portal landed on a flat ground on an abandoned construction site, and then began to rotate at high speed deep into the ground like a rotating machine. A deep pit soon appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards——

After a few breaths, the first zombie spurted out of the pit like a fountain.

And this zombie seemed to be the key to a prosperous age.

After the zombie erupted from the pit and landed on the ground with a loud roar, more zombies erupted from the pit, roaring ferociously, and then dispersed in all directions, roaring and attacking everyone. Creatures that catch the eye.

An army of millions of zombies is about to destroy all living things.

"It should be stable."

Chen Miao stood beside the hotel bed, looking down at the scene outside the window. With the existence of this zombie generator, it could generate up to 10 million zombies, which should be enough to destroy this template-built city.

I just don’t know if there’s enough time.

There are still more than two and a half days before the task deadline.

Hopefully the city won't be too big.

Although 10 million zombies did not appear at the same time, it should not be a big problem for a mortal city without extraordinary beings.


He didn't speak anymore, but looked thoughtfully at the bottle of "X-Virus Potion" in his hand.

Some things in the secret realm can be taken out, and some things cannot be taken out. For example, props, materials, etc. can be taken out in the secret realm. In addition to these, there are also some useless items in the secret realm. Can be taken out.

For example, a certain stone, a certain chair, a certain bottle of wine, etc.

You hold these things in your hands. If it shows that they can be taken out of the secret realm, it proves that this thing can be taken out of the secret realm. Under certain circumstances, these things are exceptionally advanced.

For example, the "Danger of Oro", a B-level secret realm that is extremely famous in the Federation.

This is an extremely difficult secret realm.

The background of the secret realm is in the cold winter and extremely cold environment. This secret realm has been successfully cleared for a long time. It has been cleared by countless expedition teams over the years. The main reason why so many people have gone there is .

In this secret realm, there is a fixed scene where a businessman will bring several carts of fine wine to this extremely cold place called "Ilo", and these carts of fine wine can be brought out of the secret realm.

Everyone who has tasted it speaks highly of it.

It is fine wine.

In addition, only this secret realm can produce this kind of wine, and the level of this secret realm is extremely high and extremely difficult. The average exploration team cannot come out alive, let alone come out with the wine.

This results in the extremely high price of this fine wine.

Almost every year, countless expedition teams die in this secret realm that has appeared many times.

It is said that the higher the level of the secret realm, the more things can be taken out. The things that can be taken out mean that this thing really exists, whether in the secret realm or in reality, it can truly exist.

And things that cannot be taken out, that is, fiction, can only survive in dreams and cannot exist in reality.

This is reasonable and easy to understand.

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