I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 190 Intelligence is ominous, and you will become stronger when you are strong.

"It can be located."

Zhou Shen looked at Hungry Monkey faintly: "Theoretically, this is true, but Brother Miao didn't give any specific information, not to mention his name and watch ID, not even his age."

"I just knew it was a man, a middle-aged man."

"There is no information beyond that."

"It's almost impossible to locate in this situation."

Just the first mission was much more difficult than what they encountered in Fengtian City. When they were in Fengtian City, Brother Miao would directly give them the home address or name of the mission target.

In addition, they completely called the archives of the Fengtian City Law Enforcement Bureau.

Mobilize thousands of people.

It's easy to find someone.

But here in Zhenba City, not to mention that the Law Enforcement Bureau has not yet fully restored order, the entire city is still in semi-chaos, and there is no home address or basic information about the target. It is almost impossible to find someone under this situation.

Chen Miao also had a headache. The middle-aged man with bleeding eyes refused to communicate with him at all. After telling his story, he sat in the last row of the bus, bowed his head and remained silent.

No matter how he talks to you.

This man just doesn't reveal any information.

And at this time——

The driver sitting in the driver's seat suddenly looked back at Chen Miao, then continued to drive, muttering: "This train is not going to be easy."

Then he returned to his original expressionless expression, as if nothing had happened.

However, there was no time for Chen Miao to think too much. The bus suddenly stopped again. It was obvious that business was very good today. Passengers got on the bus one after another without him standing at the door to shout.

He has to serve this customer.

To avoid leaving it dry for too long and triggering unnecessary plots, although he has not seen what the angry passengers look like so far, he can probably imagine what it is based on the performance of other players on the last hell bus. Condition.

It should be similar to the ghost mother and son who were killed by his shuttle.

We can only place our hope on the hungry monkeys and others outside.

"It's not like there's no information at all."

Hungry Monkey's eyes suddenly lit up: "Didn't Brother Miao say that he won 10 million? Didn't he have a chance to redeem it, and the fixed event of the world's misery came? This is an important clue. The name will definitely be announced in the news about this kind of big prize. of!"

"The federal government has long stipulated that real names must be used for lottery winning news, and the recipients cannot wear hoods."

“As long as you find the lottery winner, you’ll be able to find that person.”

Yuan Buping, who was standing aside, glanced at Hungry Monkey in slight surprise. Four words popped into his mind: brave and resourceful. For some reason, his impression of Hungry Monkey was very strange. In most cases, Hungry monkeys all look silly.

But some good ideas always pop up unexpectedly.

It's a bit like intelligence being unlucky and making you stronger when you are strong.

"good idea."

Zhou Shen's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately contacted the Law Enforcement Bureau of Zhenba City and asked them to contact the staff of the lottery station. Before coming, the mayor of Fengtian City had already fully contacted Zhenba City.

The federal government and the Zhenba City government fully understand the importance of this matter and are almost fully connected.

Any resources in Zhenba City can be used by Chen Miao and others at their disposal.

There is only one thing I want, for Meow Meow to get on the Hell Bus safely and go to where he should go. This is not just because Meow Meow is a hero of the Federation and should not turn into a wraith and attack his city after death.

It’s even more because Master Miao is one of the top extraordinary beings in the Federation.

This existence turns into a wraith.

Oh my god. It’s scary just thinking about it.

It's better not to think about it, let Ma Liu solve this matter.

Generally speaking, even if someone really has grievances and is unwilling to board the hell bus, it will not have much impact on reality. At most, it will make the enemy's light bulb flicker in the enemy's house.

Let the enemy change the light bulb a few more times.

If you are very angry, you can also make a shadow of a person appear in the mirror, scare the dog at home, and make the dog bark continuously.

This is already the limit, and it must be the kind with overwhelming resentment.

If an extraordinary person turns into a wraith, there is no need to worry. Ordinary people generally have no access to this kind of thing. Generally speaking, as long as it is detected that a transcendent person has turned into a wraith and is preparing to harm the city, the incident bureau will be the first to do so. Time to take action.

This is also the responsibility of the incident bureau.

But if a being like Meow Master turns into a resentful spirit, it is basically impossible for the local incident bureau to withstand it, and the incident bureau of Jingjiu City is also very difficult.

Unfortunately, there was no news because the middle-aged man had not claimed the prize yet, but they still found the winner's name and watch ID from the lottery workstation.

After being located through the Zhenba City Law Enforcement Bureau.

A monster corpse was found in the ruins of a building.

The corpse of this monster looks like a shark, more than three meters long. It is covered with green viscous liquid. The body surface is smooth and the mouth takes up half of the body. Even if it is dead, the terrifying fangs are heart-wrenching. Give birth to fear.

Zhou Shen and Hungry Hou looked at each other, not daring to waste a moment, and immediately started preparing for dissection.

Just when Zhou Shen was about to open the monster's stomach and find the man's body from the monster's stomach.

The hungry monkey directly rolled up his sleeves, like opening a sheep's head, and silently recited the words "Strong Hands to Split the Skull," and then split the monster's head into two halves alive. The power of adding 1 point of strength attribute every day began to show at this moment.

Soon, they found a man's body from the monster's stomach.

It's almost corroded.

In severe cases, the skin and flesh are not even visible, only the bones are left.

The middle-aged man huddled in a ball, as if in his mother's belly, burying his right hand deeply in his arms, as if protecting something very important, and they forcibly opened the man's right hand.

He held a blood-stained lottery ticket tightly in his palm.

This man was the target of the first mission.

There were no fatal injuries on the man's body. He must have been swallowed alive. He did not die immediately when he was in the monster's belly. It is not known whether he died of suffocation or how he died.


The hungry monkey looked at the miserable state of this man with a complicated expression. It could be seen that this man cared about the lottery ticket in his hand. Even if he was about to die, he still held the lottery ticket firmly in his hand and protected it tightly.

Ten million.

For him now, it is not a very large number. After hanging out with Brother Miao for a long time, ten million is just drizzle, and he has long been used to it.

But for this middle-aged man, it means the beginning of a new life, it means that his wife in the hospital bed can recover, it means that the married life in the future will be harmonious and there will no longer be quarrels over money, and it means that his children will also There will be a good life.

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